
Financial Support Quotes

There are 781 quotes

"The really big problem will be how to retrain people. It demands a lot of financial and psychological support."
"What if your calling isn't a career? What if you're supposed to make a bunch of money at your job or your business and use that money towards your calling?"
"We've committed to small businesses; we should top up that program now."
"We want to make sure that hardworking Americans have liquidity while we wait to reopen the government."
"Hey Mom, hi son, can I get some money? Why and how much? I need to buy some school books. I need $10 for that."
"These ARP investments enabled 93 percent of colleges to provide direct financial support to students at risk of dropping out."
"God is sending you the money that you need to make these changes."
"This could curb child poverty by up to 50 percent in the United States by making additional money available for families who have children and don't make an exorbitant amount."
"People can expect to start seeing direct deposits hit their bank accounts as early as this weekend."
"I gave you $10,000 and I gave you twelve thousand dollars to pay your mortgage and I paid your credit card debt off, but I love you, I want it, I don't wanna cry."
"If I could have ordinary, everyday families... know that hey, Grant Cardone's going to send me money this month."
"Having that financial fallback goes a long way in allowing them to focus on making the game rather than being distracted by going into survival mode."
"A major cash infusion from Epic can go a long way in allowing such indie developers to worry less about surviving and more about making and bolstering their game."
"I would get all my best friends and loved ones out of debt for sure."
"We are not going to judge you if it's your particular financial situation; you need to support your loved ones."
"The single most important factor that determines whether young adults fail or succeed is the amount of financial support and guidance they get from parents."
"If they need financial help, they should ask for it instead of heartlessly sending asylum seekers on their way with one-way tickets."
"I would never want to give them so much money that they would never have to work but I want to give them enough to basically allow them to pursue what they want and be comfortable."
"If you've been getting the CERB and you still can't work because you're unable to find a job or it's just not possible, you will keep getting that $2,000 a month." - Prime Minister Trudeau
"The government will send direct payments to taxpayers. Lawmakers have agreed to provide $1,200 in direct payments to taxpayers with incomes up to $75,000 per year."
"Family comes first, and there are actually scenarios where kids help parents out financially all the time."
"Everyone a thousand dollars. If your husband and wife, you would get two thousand dollars."
"The child tax credit was fantastic. You go back to our videos, you'll see we give a ton of credit for that."
"Like every parent, I just want my kids to be happy and wealthy enough to take care of my broke ass when I'm old."
"100% support federal assistance, and in the next round of federal legislation, I hope we can see this: that assistance to the banks, our taxpayer money given to the banks, should then go towards potentially allowing folks to have that not only rent deferred but potentially taken care of."
"Thank you to the lender for having faith in me to give me that opportunity. Even though I failed, I'm thankful and grateful that it happened at a young enough age that I can rebound and repair it."
"Could you imagine if you could just go to college full-time and be told by your parents, 'As long as you make good grades, I'll pay for your education'?"
"When the $1,400 checks came out, it was a wider group of people, and dependents would also get the full $1,400."
"I run alongside a charity that provides mental health care and helps support financially people who can't afford it."
"Under the new CARES Act, there's something called pandemic unemployment compensation. This is the additional $600 a week that can be applied on top of your state unemployment benefits."
"It's not a loan, and you don't have to pay it back."
"This package is a pivotal step to doing that, and it has assistance for the American people to make that bridge financially."
"A huge thank you to channel members who directly support the channel financially; that is absolutely amazing."
"No expense will be spared to support Ontarians in need."
"I messaged the guys like 'Did you send me 50,000?' 'Well, that's what you needed, isn't it?'"
"That's what it's all about it's all about helping each other secure the bag."
"Because I gotta help you guys secure the bag."
"We need to get involved politically, not just with our wallets." - Michael Knowles
"These loans are up to 100 percent forgivable as long as employers keep paying their workers. Gotta take care of your workers."
"Remittances are vital to millions of Cubans... facilitating their use is essential."
"We need to get this money quickly into your hands."
"Next year's going to be fantastic because of the stimulus."
"Putting money into people's hands actually helps markets function better, it helps businesses start, it's actually good for the market economy."
"Don't come ask for votes and you don't show up with the money."
"This is not going to be a bailout of shareholders but this is going to be supporting the national security issue."
"In 2023 the federal maximum SSI benefit rate is $914 for an individual."
"We need some money to get in the hands of the American workers during this recovery."
"Doing the tough thing during covid could qualify you for up to twenty six thousand dollars per employee at covetaxrelief.org."
"The nations that have from February 24th kept up a constant supply of financial assistance and weapons that have allowed the Ukrainians to continue fighting."
"Grateful for Patreon support, it buffers against such drama."
"Let's reach our goal of five thousand dollars by the end of this stream."
"Thank you so much for the $50.00 bomb, I lost my job so this is the rest of my money, but I just want to judge how thankful for you I am."
"For the average family of four, that'll be three thousand four hundred dollars in direct financial support."
"This is one of the best ways to monetarily support the show."
"For the average family of four, that'll be $3,400 in direct financial support."
"Chris paid us well when he didn't have money."
"Monthly advanced child tax credit payments would aid in smoothing families' incomes during this difficult time."
"A thousand dollars a month would actually be a difference maker for you... to take that creative job or do something a little bit off the beaten path."
"You can't replace a father in the home with a check."
"I want every kid in this country who has the ability to be able to go to a public college or university tuition free."
"This new merger would allow them to help the 62% of consumers who were living paycheck to paycheck."
"We need money, we need investment, we need support, and not only without interest also if countries can donate us, being based on our priority and our necessity."
"God always provides, financially and spiritually."
"We will finish the job of getting a total of $2,000 in cash relief to people who need it the most."
"For any of those need-blind schools or need-aware schools, if your annual salary or family's salary is less than $65,000 for Howard and MIT, they would even maybe cover your flight ticket or maybe your housing."
"Donate money and actually help them. Put your money where your mouth is."
"You don't have to be a freeloader your whole life. The good news is that you can support this show and the fight by buying some really cool clothes."
"I want to do away with University loans for stem subjects. I would like to put science technology engineering and maths on a grant basis."
"It's a mistake to not give people the resources they need. A $2000 one-time payment isn't enough."
"NFTs are literally saving artists financially."
"Do you want to see that money go directly into the pocket of a multi-billion dollar television station multi-billion dollar company the money can go to them or it can go to an individual to pay off their mortgage feed their family."
"I'm night so in addition to the $10,000 cash we've already deposited."
"Stimulus is still very much needed for further stimulus checks."
"Republican Senator Mitt Romney has now come out with his version of monthly cash payments for families."
"Monthly stimulus checks for children and the parent who claims them as a dependent are already happening."
"Chicken thank you very much for the fifty dollar super chat."
"Congratulations to Maria, who got six months of rent by watching this channel."
"The likelihood of us receiving a second stimulus check is very high at this point in time."
"The best way we can empower our people is by putting some money in their pocket and the information that go along with how to do so."
"Thank you so much for my patience... thank you for helping me pay my bills... I adore you so much."
"Please support it according to your circumstances."
"It's time for recurring survival checks, two thousand dollars per month every month until this crisis is over."
"Your abundance is going to support your dreams."
"Guys, donate to the fundraiser. It's in the pinned comment. Don't donate to me, I don't need money."
"Thank you for the donations, I appreciate that."
"Literally just like a dollar a month is huge and I massively appreciate it."
"I mean, those child tax credits, my hope is that they will because, again, I think this is transformative."
"Imagine a situation you go and start a fund... Let me give you some amount of money."
"Putting $1,000 a month into every American adults hands immediately would be the most transformative move in a progressive direction that we've undertaken in generations." - Andrew Yang
"We need to send bigger checks to the people most devastated by COVID-19 and its economic effects."
"I can see why anyone would give Quentin Tarantino enough money to do whatever titles he wanted after this being his first feature film."
"Thank you for not only showing up but for paying out right away I appreciate it a great deal you possibly saved what could have been a lost run is not a win yet but it could be."
"XRP joins the NFT boom with a $250 million creator fund."
"The paradox about Joni's life is she wanted to keep her boys safe so she gave them money and things that they wanted but in truth, nobody was saved, people's lives were destroyed."
"So, thanks again for listening. Please consider giving up a cup of Starbucks or that pack of energy drinks and help this old storyteller with his dream."
"I don't think we're bailing out bad businesses when we give them a bridge during the pandemic."
"If the Democratic Party is going to talk about empowering women, I'm going to suggest that there's nothing better we could do than put $1,000 a month into everyone's hands because that would help millions of American women improve their situations."
"Advertisers pay the bills. Pay the bills in the content business."
"Support comedy hype... if you really want to put your money where black people are."
"Pick up the phone and call today; I know you can call City Hall, Sea House Authority, County Hall, County House Authority, State Hall, State House Authority, and get that big money."
"We need a monthly stimulus check, we need it for several months."
"If you're in need of financial help and someone offers it to you, you should take it... You should never feel ashamed about accepting help where you need it."
"From now until the conclusion of the war effort, I will be reimbursing all war effort material purchases with five percent interest."
"Getting capital to the entrepreneurs with the best ideas, and financing millions of families who want to buy a home or send their kids to college."
"If you keep giving the drug addict more money, then you will destroy that drug addict."
"If you really love the club, you will pay what it takes."
"This is more of the same... stepping in to get that government funding or when the government won't come in, stepping in to get this GoFundMe funding."
"At the end of when Cotton comes marching home, he even accepts Hank's financial help for Gh's sake."
"They view you as very attractive and very hot."
"Now you're a wrestler, and now you have less subscribers, you still have tonnes of Patrons though so cheddar, cheese, is coming in, and all the better for moving forward without the chaff, so congratulations."
"The financial assistance I received from the Actors Fund carries over to how I help others out in the future."
"Rhode Island families who qualify find for a child tax rebate this year will receive 250 dollars for each child."
"I think Roman's going to guarantee that the person who owns the club next is going to do what he has to do to keep Chelsea funded."
"We call upon your dear viewers to support us in our financial costs to help bring the holy land of Karbala beaming into your homes."
"You're gonna learn how to get $5,000 per year in direct award academic scholarships."
"Grants typically don't require repayment. Yes you heard that right, this is free money, money you do not have to pay back."
"For us, it makes sense to ask you guys to watch the ads and let big companies pay for it."
"We will substantially reduce our childhood poverty rate by expanding the child tax credits so that families continue to receive monthly direct payments of up to three hundred dollars per child."
"How many of you watching right now, let me know in the chat, live, tell me right now, again, how would $2,000 help you and your family?"
"We shouldn't have to set up GoFundMe accounts to help people."
"For a lot of people who need the stimulus check money, it's mainly to pay past bills, overdue bills, past rent, utility or just to get food on the table."
"Neil Kashkari: 'He's been calling for two thousand dollar checks until the end of this pandemic.'"
"Having a few thousand dollars may not seem like much to a lot of people, but to a very small business, that can really help them get through the next two or three weeks."
"You need a stimulus check to help you live in a life of dignity."
"If we'd all had money behind us I mean help we had money behind us now we could take them down uh pretty quickly I think and certainly with with the damage that Dominion has done to them."
"Thank you so much for the $50 donation coming in from Baka, that is insane my friend! Huge shout out going to Baka!"
"That's a lot of money so I mean can he just turn around and give that type of blessing to somebody?"
"Remember guys, you enjoy the stream, donate with super chat. It helps us out loads."
"Money is vitally important for a lot of charities who are working to combat climate change."
"Thirty thousand dollars. If you deny me this, you're denying the charities out there who can definitely use it even if you can't."
"LegalZoom has teamed up... to grant ten thousand dollars to small business owners."
"Chicago is offering $500 cash payments to eligible City residents under a new assistance program."
"Not only that, Secret Santa has five thousand dollars in gift cards."
"We are literally just giving away out of our own pockets and hopefully you could be someone that we actually give money to."
"But financially wise like say we go broke I don't want you to leave me and and just dip out."
"The reason why we did KFC and Subway before is because we know with the money that we got from you guys, we were able to buy a lot."
"The only channels that'll make it in the future will have some sort of financial backing."
"Creators need to make a living, hashtag join Patreon."
"Oh my god someone donated two hundred dollars! What? Two hundred dollars guys, I need a bank account."
"These three stats are the reasons why they think that a fourth stimulus check should happen."
"Pay the man. Support you, Dustin. Do what you gotta do. We got your back."
"Money in parents' hands helps kids learn better."
"Please consider donating if you have the means."
"They really do be feeling entitled to a dude's money though after the breakup or during or whatever like you should be taking care of me this is how I came into relationship this how it should be."
"Poland is committed to putting its money where its mouth is when it comes to defense."
"Direct payments are crucial for supporting struggling families."
"Shout out to everybody who sent me Cash Apps, you know I appreciate y'all."
"She financially supported them...until it became her downfall."
"We're still making money on Patreon, you guys have saved us."
"I have a multi tens of billions of dollar fund to both protect your community and help make it more resilient."
"Stimulus money going out... very good news for you guys."
"Every dollar basically replaces the lost revenue from three YouTube subscribers."
"Impeachment has failed, Donald Trump raised 117 million dollars during impeachment."
"You could get an SBA loan for anywhere from 10 to 50% of the purchase price."
"Two thousand dollars would not only give people enough money to provide for themselves today but they also have a little bit left over."
"Entertainment millionaires need your money. They need you to donate and fund their projects."
"If you love a game, buy it at effing full price. Don't complain if a game doesn't get a sequel if it wasn't supported at launch."
"I'm announcing the United States is prepared to commit more than one billion dollars in humanitarian assistance to help get relief to millions of Ukrainians affected by the war."
"There's a big push to add $1400 to $2000 stimulus checks in the next stimulus package."
"If you're self-employed, use the PPP. You can now use gross income and get your PPP."
"Expect to be subsidized by the other parent, even if proven not to be the biological parent."
"The t-shirt that you're buying from a band is actually helping them stay on the road a lot more than you used to realize."
"Rejoice knowing that people who make things you love are getting paid."
"We want to hit $100,000. Y'all, money makes this possible."
"Nigerian immigrants are compelled to send home part of their earnings in the form of either cash or goods to support their families back home."
"The number one way to make a difference... is to give your money to an organization that you care about."
"I blame y'all 'cause y'all did not donate enough on honey fun."
"I applaud Nicole Kidman for... putting her money where her mouth is."
"I think conservatives are getting the message, but there's the next step where maybe the big benefactors have to say I'm going to write a big check to Breitbart or to you know the Daily Caller and get them in the movie business as well."
"Thank you so much for the super chat and Estrellita, thank you so much for the super chat, I appreciate it."
"Ethos can bring money from your parents or family of origin. Legacy wealth. This is one of those windows where money is coming to you."
"Baltimore: offering $10,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance."
"I am here to bring healing and restoration to your body and provide for your financial needs."
"So here I am donating everything I can, holding onto what I am to help Doctors Without Borders. Man, do I want to be a cheapskate, so have some money. Also, kill the animals."
"Get your unemployment benefits it could be up to eleven hundred dollars a week."
"I appreciate all your super chats, they're extremely helpful."
"We raised a quarter of a million dollars in the first four days after we launched."
"I'm once again asking for your financial support."
"The greatest way to have consistent winning in a franchise is to have supportive ownership that's going to be there, and going to be spending money, and going to really provide that culture that you're looking for as an athlete."
"Your dollars going into the GoFundMe really do still help immensely."
"There's still another stimulus check potentially coming, which could be very, very interesting."
"Move away from reimbursement, move towards micro grants."
"Leave the TV on if you want... Don't worry about it. I just put like a thousand dollars into your account."
"If Travis Scott wanted to pay for people's therapy, he could have just announced that anyone who attended the concert could send their medical and therapy bills to his team, or something."
"Money's right up there with air, it's nice, but there are times in your life you may be able to help somebody to change their life."
"Joe Biden will use that money to invest in education, so for example for folks who want to go to a two-year community college it will be free."
"The system died in 2008, and QE was putting the system on life-support until they could reset it."
"Save your money, work hard, let that motivate you, and if you need to do a GoFundMe as well, there's a very supportive community."
"Someone said, 'Y'all slaying the house down. Bussy queen XOXO.' Thanks for the 10 pounds, Amy."
"Ron DeSantis is a very attractive choice for Republicans with money to get behind in 2024."
"Universal basic income gets the boot off of people's throats."
"$1,000 a month is even enough money for most people to pay for their rent."
"A little bit of money really goes a long ways to helping a lot of people out there in need."
"PPP is a bridge, it will help restaurants reopen our doors."
"You're gonna be taken care of and you're gonna get a financial blessing very soon."
"Your money makes this possible. Check some money orders go to PO Box 57196 Washington DC 2003-0196. The Cash App is dollar sign RMUnfiltered. PayPal is [email protected]. Venmo is RMUnfiltered. Sale is Roland at RolandSMartin.com."
"You raised almost $8 million in less than two weeks."
"It was all done through basically like particularly the first round in particular was done by like if you have a good relationship with a bank then you're going to get the loan if you don't."
"Our unique situation with work... when you're 18 and your parents have money saved for you to go to school..."
"Kenyans living abroad sent more money home during the Covid-19 pandemic than any other year."