
Spiritual Nourishment Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"People need more than bread for their life; they must feed on the Word of God."
"The guidance of the Quran is compared to water itself. You and I can't say, 'Alhamdulillah, two years ago I had a glass of water; ever since I'm good.'"
"I pray that we would want Your word to feed our souls because it's reliable plus it's so fascinating the more we study it."
"Whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst."
"Our invitation would be that when you open this book, that the main focus, the main attention isn't drawn to its geography or its politics or its languages or its archaeology or anthropology, but rather that you open this book to drink from the living water that it offers."
"The Bible is our nourishing, sustaining daily food from God; it's what nourishes us."
"Come unto me and ye shall partake of the fruit of the tree of life; yea, ye shall eat and drink of the bread and the waters of life freely."
"The Bible is a root of wisdom, inspiration, and spiritual nourishment."
"Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants."
"Let this prayer play in your heart, nurturing your faith with every word and every pause."
"It is wise to nourish the soul; otherwise, you will breed dragons and devils in your heart."
"So if all you're doing is buying your woman Chanel bags and Rollies but you're not even pouring to her spirits, remember last time you pray for your woman um, what the hell you prayed Witcher woman that's how you worship God in front of your woman."
"Unconditional love and love is the greatest superfood that exists question has the ability to heart to to melt the hearts and and heal even the deepest wounds."
"The words of God are life to those that find them and health to all their flesh."
"Desire the pure spiritual milk that by it you may grow up into salvation."
"Thank you for being a vessel of God. You bless my sister and me so much. We're hungry for God."
"I've got the words of God written down in this book that will bring faith and life and healing and blessing into my life if I'll just spend time in the Word of God."
"So Joseph, the vision of Egypt, having gone through this sort of dying and rising, and now the one who feeds the world. Well, we recognize that, that's Christ, the risen Christ who feeds the world with his body and blood."
"Thy words were found and I did eat them. Thy word was unto me the joy and the rejoicing of my heart."
"Soul food: feed your soul and release anyone or anything hindering you from becoming one with your destiny."
"I see that maybe you need to put a bit of energy back into yourself to really nourish yourself. I feel like you're in need of a little bit of nourishment right now, spiritual nourishment."
"Immersing ourselves in the Bible provides the spiritual nourishment we need, shaping our thoughts, actions, and attitudes."
"Thy words were found and I did eat them, and thy words were to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart."
"I turn to the Bible when I feel hungry for wisdom."
"If you eat the bread of life, drink from spiritual rivers of living water, and taste and see, you will know that God is in control."
"When you no longer feel the Holy Spirit, feed yourself with the Holy Scriptures."
"You are about to feed your human spirit. You are about to transform into a spiritual beast."
"There's something powerful about that spirit of hospitality, physical food or spiritual food, a lot can get accomplished over a meal."
"Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life."
"The Word of God is food for the Soul that dwells with God and it cannot be satisfied with anything else."
"Love will feed your hungry soul, nothing less shall suffice."
"Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, 'Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.'"
"With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation."
"Your hunger for God has to be greater than your hunger for food."
"Amidst discouragement, the Latin Mass offered solace and a renewed sense of spiritual nourishment."
"We need the word of God, we need to eat the word of God, we can't live by bread alone."
"The children of Christ understand the importance of feasting regularly on sacred records that testify of Jesus."
"The more you give of yourself, the more you'll nourish your soul."
"The Living Water Jesus offers quenches our eternal thirst, satisfying like nothing else."
"If you're running on empty you're probably not filling up with God's Word if we know that that's the main source that gives us the strength that we need then we have to make sure that we're spending time with that."
"We can always reach into generational wells and draw up living hope."
"It has what you need, it's authentic, and it has the food for your soul."
"Steep yourself in the epistles as Paul and the other writers of the New Testament write to the local churches. Be encouraged, be nourished, and be satisfied in that."
"The church constantly finds her nourishment and her strength through sacred scripture."
"You guys are literally able to eat out of a garden that never runs dry."
"A banquet that He prepares for us in the kingdom of heaven is something that we could realize in that ache."
"He satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles."
"Jesus who is loved knows that we are hungry for love and he makes himself our food."
"People need biblical truth, they need more than milk, they need meat."
"That one, it's slow tempos and fast, and you know, it's amazing when I get a student's mind that are 14, 15 in the school bands and they're saying 'wow I got to play samba'."
"Immersing ourselves in God's word provides spiritual nourishment, shaping our thoughts, actions, and attitudes."
"Nothing else matters, and it's the most, it's feeding my soul the most."
"One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God."
"But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst, but the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
"The Lord shall guide thee continually and satisfy thy soul in drought."
"Your words were found, and I ate them. Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart."
"Jesus provides living water, not something that will run dry."
"Feeding on the Bible means allowing it to spiritually nourish you."
"The Blessed Virgin is like a tree in the soul, bearing abundant fruit, and what is this fruit? Jesus, Jesus, Jesus."
"I am the bread of life," says the Lord, "whoever comes to me will not hunger and whoever believes in me will not thirst."
"You have provided nourishment for generations to come and food for all of our souls." - Anonymous attendee
"When you come to me, you will find sustenance that satisfies the deepest hunger within your soul."
"Be faithful to me, I'll give you the hidden manna, I'll fill your life with my presence."
"When hearts are open and receiving, and ears are hearing, and people are hungry, it's the best thing."
"Feed your soul with God during fasting. Read the Bible, listen to sermons, and spend quality time in prayer."
"So I am enough, God said he wanted to fill you with fresh oil today and feed you with fresh bread from heaven."
"That's even to be intense, literature, because we are light. So feed yourself light during that time so that your veil is thin enough where you can manifest on a quote-unquote quicker level."
"A pure river flowing from God's throne... uncontaminated, for us to drink from."
"The Eucharist: the body and blood of Christ."
"Jesus paid a price so that you and I could feed straight from him, that we can eat living bread every day."
"I found your word and I did eat it, and it was a joy and a rejoicing to me."
"We need to learn to not thirst because we properly nourish our souls."
"...a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season."
"Refreshment comes from the word of God being preached."
"It's ironic. You were not allowed to give Stephen food for his body, but thank God you were there when he needed food for his soul."
"The soul must unite itself to Christ each day and for that, there is nothing better than Holy Communion, the food of the soul for life."
"Are you thirsty? God has a meal for you today."
"Our soul needs that as much as the body needs to breathe."
"God will Minister life to you and bless you."
"The purpose of hearing is to fertilize your spirit with the power of God."
"Anyone who eats the bread from heaven will never die he will live forever."
"I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever."
"Is it any wonder that the Church of Jesus Christ is so anemic today because we are not being nourished by the Word of God?"
"A man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
"May you tonight, even as you go back to your room, may you pick up that Bible and read your Bible and soak your soul in the truth of the Word of God."
"You are what you eat, and when you eat the word of God, it helps you to progress, succeed, and prosper."
"Christ refers to himself as living water."
"The Word of God come to us in friendships and small groups, that's essential."
"Whoever comes to me will never go hungry. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."
"Like oil, the Holy Spirit nourishes, protects, and guides, illuminating the path of righteousness."
"In order for you to be Salt and Light, in order for you to have an impact, in order for you to be an instrument in advancing the kingdom, here's what you must do. In the first place, you must be nourished constantly on the words of Faith."
"Remember the Torah is a tree of life to those who take hold of it."
"For all of the disdain for too much preaching, Andrews was by all accounts one of the finest preachers of his time."
"He had a gift for finding rich layers of spiritual nourishment in traditional practice."
"God loved you so much that when writing the scriptures through holy men of old, he included content for brand newborn babies in Christ."
"...if you're new in the faith, we could equally and accurately call this time together 'seven things that every baby needs in the physical life.'"
"Keep the voice of preaching active in your ears."
"This Shepherd that feeds the flock feeds them with truth, with that word of God that is eternal."
"God satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with goodness."
"Drink of my cup and you'll never be thirsty again."
"Worthy receivers... really and indeed feed upon Christ crucified."
"We need to trust and draw our strength and everything out of our salvation with the Lord."
"Films have to be nourishing at the spiritual level and they have to look good and they have to sound good."
"Whenever you study the word of God, since it's a living word, you can always get new water from the same well."
"I pray this bread blesses you in more ways than you could imagine."
"When the rains of the spirit are falling, fill every vessel, for he who drinks is filled will thirst no more."
"Once they are in, we give them the bread of life."
"We view ourselves as trying to fulfill the role of caring for the spiritual food."
"The word of God is the bread that spiritually feeds you."
"The Word builds us up and brings us into our inheritance in Christ. It’s our light in a dark place. It’s food for our spirit."
"The principle that God's people be fed is more important than the identity of those who feed."
"I want to feed on the living bread today, I want to walk in the light of his presence."
"If anyone is thirsty, he should come to me and drink."
"Let our lights shine so that others will be enlightened by the flavor of the spiritual food which we have to offer."
"You cannot survive more than one storm with just milk and not the meat of the word."
"If you're hungry, if you're thirsty for righteousness, then eat. Open up the book. It's been given to you."
"I am the bread which came down from heaven, and if you eat of this bread, you will never die."
"If we will come unto Him, we will eat the bread of life and we will drink the living water."
"Rivers of living water will flow." (John 7:38-39)
"The Lord says, 'I'm going to fill your mouth with goodness, I'm going to bring forth an amazing glorious move.'"
"With joy will you draw water from the wells of Salvation."
"If we partake of it, we will attain to everlasting life."
"Jesus said to her, 'Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never be thirsty again.'"
"God is about to fill up your dry ditches."
"The most important thing anybody can possibly do is feed your spirit on the Word of God and build and strengthen your faith."
"I love to tell the story, for those who know it best seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest."
"The fruit nourishes, and we should be encouraging and helping others come closer to Christ."
"I haven't seen anything that feeds the mind and also feeds the soul... more than constantly looking in the book of Allah."
"You want to feed your spiritual body as well and not starve it."
"I get tremendous inner satisfaction that I've been able to be a voice for the animals; it feeds my soul."
"We are like children sitting before a banquet table full of incredible food and we are content to eat mud pies."
"He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water."
"I have eaten your words, and they were in me the joy and rejoicing of my heart."
"The old well of Bethlehem, the house of bread, you have made My word your feasting table."
"He who overcomes, I will give to eat of the hidden manna."
"How highly honored and richly blessed are we to know that God speaks with us and feeds us with His Word."
"Reading the Bible is like eating food; you're not always going to remember everything you do, but over time, God will work in your heart."
"God don't cook a meal for people that's full, he cooks a meal for people that's hungry."
"Every single cell in your body loves to marinate in those words: God loves me."
"You are eating then of the Tree of Life, as you formerly ate of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil."
"I don't want anyone on my watch fainting because they don't know the Word of God and they don't know the words of life."
"If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink, for out of his innermost being shall gush forth rivers of living water."
"Your words were found, and I ate them, and they were the joy and rejoicing of my heart."
"I do enjoy the Lord preparing that table right in their presence."
"The light from the trees is not just brightness; this is nourishing, this is holy, this is enriching light."
"Prayer should be as natural as breathing and as enjoyable as eating."
"Give them living water, give them the bread of life."
"When the Lord talks about feasts and fullness, he's talking about spiritually being filled as much as physically being filled."
"More individuals are being reached with the good news, we're blessed with a variety of new spiritual food."
"The word of the Lord was found, and I did eat it, and it became the rejoicing of my soul."
"God split the hollow place that is in Lehi, and water came out, and he drank, and his spirit returned, and he revived."
"Words of gold, words of garden, golden page, words of life that never age."
"We must ourselves be drinking the water of life."
"May the nectar stream of the blessings of the Lotus Holder always enter our hearts and nourish them with strength."
"I believe many of us are overnourished on entertainment junk food and undernourished on the bread of life."
"If you ever taste this and get hold of the truths and the things that are said in here, I believe it'll make you want to get the rest of it."
"This is what I know is my future, I know that it also nourishes my spirit, feeds my soul."
"Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
"I will feed you spiritual food that will exhilarate your life, it will liberate you, it will satisfy you."
"Bread alone will not satisfy, but true life is found in every word which constantly goes forth from God's mouth."
"Evangelism is one beggar telling another beggar where the food is."
"Stay close to the water of life, Jesus Christ."
"We're giving people inspiration and we're feeding their souls."
"The word of God must dwell in you richly."
"The thing that nourishes me, the thing that strengthens me, the thing that fortifies me, my meat is to do His will and to finish His work."
"The kingdom is unmoved, God is watering seeds."
"The sermon was really good and all of that."
"We've been feasting on the word of the Lord all week."
"Are you eating the word? Are you reading and studying and eating the word of God?"
"Your Living Word, your living River, will flow into their bodies, every part of their bodies, Lord."
"The work of prayer is a great labor, it is the proof of the life of spirit as well as its food."
"The voice of God must be like life to you; it's the nourishment of the prophet."
"Are we feeding ourselves spiritually? Are we feeding others spiritually?"
"I am the living bread that came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever."
"Feed your mind with Scripture, for the Word of God is full of positive life."
"He's so human that he gets hungry, yet so divine that he claims, and he truly is, the bread of life."
"Oh father God, rain down from heaven, water the dry and thirsty hearts."
"Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are the ones who are going to be filled by the Lord."
"We have to fill ourselves with the word of Christ if we want that to shine out to others."
"Taking care of the body nourishes the spirit."
"The problem is [still] how to feed the soul."
"There is no substitute for the Word of God."
"Trust in Jesus Christ is the most important decision to feed on Him, to allow Him to get into the depths of your soul, the depths of your being as the bread of life."
"It's time to start feeding their hearts and their souls with the wisdom of Guru Granth Sahib ji."
"The degree to which we have enough fuel to be able to offer to others will be the degree to which we are actually fueling up ourselves in personal fellowship with God."
"We live of His own substance, according to this saying that His flesh is our meat and His blood our drink."
"God, I thank you for the food, thank you for the hands that prepared it, nurture our body, in Jesus' name, amen."
"You are the bread of heaven, you are the life."
"Every single day, if you find yourself parched and thirsty, all you've got to do is take a deep drink of the word that came from the rock, and it will transform your life."
"In my Master's house, there is a secret place in the confining limitations of his stable where he feeds me by his own hand."
"You don't live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out the mouth of God."
"These truths are the water of life that nourishes us."
"The Lord will help us access that Living Water until it's a well within us, springing up unto everlasting life."
"We need your word to pour into us, especially today as we reflect on your son's sacrifice."
"Man does not live by bread alone... you need spiritual food not bread alone to get through the tribulation."
"Nothing can compare with the purity of the message of Christ; that is the diet for the believer."
"Feed us with fresh bread from Heaven's Bakery, revive, reform, save, and may we be a saving influence to those around us."
"What you value is nourishing other people through spirituality and philosophy."
"It's not enough for us to eat the grain of this world, to eat the bread of the natural world, but we need spiritual bread as well."
"Fill my mind, fill my heart with the Word of God."