
Personal Behavior Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"Notorious risk-takers both in their personal and professional lives, they often seem aloof and alienated from the nitty-gritty and needs of the people."
"Trump is undermining his own lawyers; this is why Trump has trouble finding counsel."
"Even though it might feel uncomfortable in the moment, I know that my behavior will pay off in the future."
"I've always been overly cautious with consent...and I think that's just the way I am and just the way it should be."
"If you could have controlled it, you likely would have controlled it, and the fact that you can't just reflects that you're going to find it easier to just avoid it altogether."
"The best of you are the best with their family, and I am the best among you with my family."
"Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screw-up."
"I'm what one would call addicted to the internet, based on most clinical definitions."
"The actions of a person out in the world is a reflection of what they have going on with self."
"There is a world of difference between having substance abuse problems and being a physical abuser."
"This entire time, [Trump] did nothing against any of these people... Trump is constantly getting himself into trouble, constantly stepping into these bear traps."
"If you want the absolute best performance out of your PC, there's really no better upgrade you can make."
"If you want respect, you have to act in a respectable manner."
"He is the chief narcissist, everything is about him."
"You've got to recognize how your own behaviors are harmful to your well-being."
"He's known to bully all his staff. Prince Andrew was a bully."
"I really thought that I was incapable of this kind of behavior. I was dismayed to find out that I could act in a manner so absolutely unaccustomed to anything I would even dream of doing."
"It's time for you to figure out, why do you cheat? Why can't you be honest?"
"Just because someone acts nice doesn't mean they are nice."
"There's not a good person and a bad person. There's good actions and bad actions."
"I would just like to point out that Gus has, in the past, shown some malicious attitudes towards those that have called him on his booger picking ways."
"I love how you do not care at all what, like, no one is watching when you're with Flynn."
"Being angry for the sake of it isn't going to change anything."
"I genuinely do hope that Gabby does take accountability."
"His downfall will come from his inability to shut up."
"He never hit her, did anything that could qualify as assault, but he did destroy her phone."
"It's not a campaign that they're putting on. It's just them being them, and that's always going to win in the end."
"Your habitual all-night parties are the real reason for your supposed exhaustion."
"Repression is good. We all have inclinations and things that are a little weird about us that we ought to repress. Every single one of us does." - Michael Nolis
"He's dropping the weights anyway, you know, because he's above the rules."
"It's very important that as a person and as a manager that you are consistent in your behavior."
"Eventually the person, the liar and the cheater, eventually they get a taste of their own medicine."
"I think Showtime is in the place where he wants to be."
"She's begging for total global humiliation. She's gonna get it."
"Kind of takes it past the point of being endearing."
"This person will cause drama just to prove that they're right."
"I think principles are important because they give us a guide to see how a person will act in the future."
"A man who is kind to you and rude to a waiter is not a kind man."
"This is the first time with a lot of people who are like too horny for their own good."
"Your personal reputation is important as well. No team wants a player who's known as clubhouse poison."
"Your conduct often times is going to predict what happens to you in your life."
"Your actions speak far more loudly than your words."
"Everything this man does is characterized by an inadequate sociopath."
"Being overly compliant can sometimes work against you."
"Just because you're a great guy, man, don't mean you didn't mess up."
"I think this is a great example of letting yourself sink to somebody else's level when really the right move would be to just walk away from the situation."
"I don't apologize. I was at the bar tonight and uh, I approached this guy."
"It's like going to the bathroom and not closing the door."
"If you're coming from a place of love, if you're coming from the heart space, that wouldn't be happening right now."
"There was something that was so painfully real about this very drunk woman who's trying to act sober."
"A Reliance on attorneys doesn't work because he's never relied on his attorneys."
"Masculinity actually manifests itself in a strategic logical approach to life."
"I just gotta like, no, just don't, you shouldn't do that."
"That's a moral obligation. If you're capable of understanding the world, you have a moral obligation to become rational. I don't see how you become rational hoarding gold. Even if it works, you're a jerk."
"My rages last for about three to five minutes, I mean."
"I don't understand how people get that far in life without realizing that they're being a complete [] and that nobody likes that []."
"This message you're going to receive is really going to expose people for who they are... masks are falling off people are showing their ass left and right."
"I try to conduct myself in a way that people have a positive uh interaction."
"Being nice is good. Being overly nice is bad."
"People do things to you based on their own triggers."
"When Ben likes a girl, he lets her know. He asks her out."
"When a guy knows that his wife is his girlfriend or whoever significant other if he knows that she doesn't put up with anything gives a little crack and oh I can get away with this."
"His words wound people. That's how he hurts people."
"I never did anything vindictive for nobody. I do know that I have petty in my life."
"Being an adult actually means having responsibility, not doing whatever you want."
"Trust is important for society to function, but trust should still be earned; Jeremy exploited a number of weaknesses related to how people decide who to trust."
"We take a lot of pride in how we act and how we carry ourselves."
"Being a gentleman doesn't mean he forgave her."
"That kind of narcissism is like the exact opposite of Christ-like behavior."
"I prophesy nobody is going to fight at your Thanksgiving meal because you're going to keep your mouth shut when they say stuff that makes you mad."
"Those guys didn't talk about fighting and those guys didn't like that word."
"He's not thinking about you he's thinking only about himself he's running to Simply avoid accountability for the crimes he committed."
"I'm not saying I've never made like a snarky comment before or said like anything mean, we all have. But the toxicity on this app has gone to extremes lately."
"Your physical actions affect your internal states and your internal state affect your physical actions."
"Behave yourself wherever you go." - Richard Sampson
"You don't poop on vacation, um, my theory is that her home is very close by, so it's not a long journey for her."
"He actively has to stop himself from talking."
"Man, she's making [] sign NDAs and she's [] them. I mean, like, she only [] with, like, high-class um, she thinks she with the [] from snowfall or not, but yeah."
"How much of 'I was too much of an intellectual for Black girls' is also really code for 'I was a creepy gatekeepy dude'?"
"You know, anytime when you hear that sort of, uh, 'Oh, is that the person we know?' Okay, John Gruden's not going to walk up to some black player and call me the N-word, right?"
"Wow, early today I did say he will end up being late like always."
"Focus on unethical behavior, not personal attacks."
"I personally think that if you want me to address you in a certain way, just let me know in a nice manner and I'll make sure to do my best."
"Blair was indeed the aggressor. She always has been."
"That's what makes you a good human man because we all know people that don't and at what cost."
"We continue to drag down Russia's War Machine, hold Putin accountable, and make it harder for him to inflict pain on the Ukrainian people." - British foreign secretary James Cleverly
"He's infectious and him being a troublemaker is very inaccurate as well because in all his time at Dortmund he wasn't the troublemaker it was only towards the end when obviously he wanted to get that move and stuff like that."
"Does go to show that Jerry really was not learning his lesson."
"Begging and pleading are the kinds of behaviours that DESTROY attraction and confirm for your ex that breaking up was the right decision."
"Ghosting is ineffective communication. It is a sign of weakness and cowardice."
"Money makes you more of what you already are. It magnifies the good and exposes the bad, brightly."
"I'm glad I'm not Russell because it's behavior that he was doing when he wasn't well."
"That's really how these things should go but I don't want to see anyone's life get ruined over this whole incident."
"I am the one always living, the one messing in every relationship before it starts."
"It seemed like she just had this obsession with like young men."
"The reason anybody likes you is because of the way you act."
"Megan has never displayed any of those words in any of her actions."
"He seems to toss any competitiveness that he has aside."
"You become what you do. If you cheat, you become a cheater. If you lie, you become a liar."
"I've actually broken that rule like three, four times over the last several months."
"The only person you're really hurting is yourself."
"We're all humans and if you're a dick you're a dick."
"When you treat yourself with respect, you do respectable things."
"Being harsh is hard on your soul. Being gentle is good for your soul."
"Just because you don't cheat doesn't make you a good man, you ain't toxic."
"Most profound is his introspection into why he is the way he is."
"I really don't think lately I've been starting sh*t. I think that I've been completing it."
"There is a disconnect between what you preach to others and what you do internally. Simply put: Walk The Talk."
"You're selfish... you can't just flee all your responsibilities."
"Many people behave as if being vocally not racist, sexist, and transphobic makes you morally flawless. It doesn't. You can still be insufferable, destructive, and ignorant without being prejudiced."
"Eventually, if you're a shitty enough person for long enough, it comes to bite you."
"We can all be toxic in ways that we're totally unaware of, and it all comes down to perspective."
"I'm always the first one to say we can't and shouldn't judge someone based on the way they behave when they lose someone close to them."
"I remember being disturbed by his movements, like a squirrel or something, twitchy and grabbing at the foliage."
"Donald Trump absolutely lost it in the E. Jean Carroll trial."
"You don't get defiled by what comes into you but what goes out of you."
"Mental health issues are not an excuse for being a [jerk] of a person."
"Your 'be yourself' take is a position of privilege. Hey bro, maybe, yeah, the privilege of being a good person so if I be myself it's really not all that bad."
"Some people are going to be like, 'I'm 35 and I still don't say the F word in front of my parents.'"
"Respect isn't gained by wearing a uniform; respect is earned by day-to-day living."
"I've never been malicious towards anybody, and if I do it, it's for good reason."
"It's just despicable and it's an act of a dog."
"Procrastination is disobedience in slow motion."
"I think you could be an [asshole] and be nice."
"You need to avoid... avoid doing things in relationships in the dating phase that make me stupid."
"You can make a mistake and be a good person, but you are not."
"He's a bully to start with, everyone knows that. But beyond that, his policies actually have not been that good."
"It's not just the way that you dress; it's also the way that you act. Are you showing all parts of yourself?"
"Spencer doesn't usually start a fight but he will finish it."
"Trump is like that gorilla getting riled up on what he's doing in the mirror."
"When you do a bunch of shitty things people stop liking you."
"Try not to make the world worse on your path to making it better."
"So Mother's Day is in two months. Oh Karen, this was not a good look. You drank, you drove. Karen, you know I go up for you but, like girl, get it together, connect the dots."
"You can always tell someone of quality because they treat the king and the janitor the same way."
"Silence is louder than words because your actions speak louder than your words."
"No man sleeping around with a whole lot of women, a whole lot of baby daddies, unless he got a whole problem."
"You're doing the exact thing that you say you hate right now... most people just feel like a normal person."
"You just have to let your body naturally react."
"Karma really hit them because these are probably two very superficial people, you know so karma knows where to where to hit you where it hurts you know what i'm saying."
"Good men mean well. We just don’t always end up doing well."
"How could you be that grown and so childish?"
"A person doesn't treat you the way they treat you because of who you are, they treat you the way they treat you because of who they are."
"It's not just about sexual harassment. It was about him just being a [ __ ] up person and lying to everyone close around him, manipulating everyone close around him."
"All of your actions, feelings, behaviors, even your abilities are always consistent with your self-image."
"Not everyone gets the same version of me. One person might tell you I'm an amazing, beautiful soul. Another person will say I'm a cold-hearted [__]. Believe them both. I act accordingly."
"We can only control our own behaviors, we can't control other people."
"We're married so it's okay for me to do that."
"Hypocrisy is the practice of engaging in the same activity for which one criticizes another."
"The clothes that we wear has a big impact on how we conduct ourselves."
"Lazy or entitled people always shoot themselves in the foot eventually."
"How does he consistently make the worst decisions possible?"
"Every time I say I'm gonna do something tomorrow, I just stay up to an ungodly hour and do it the same night anyway."
"I'd be scared to wear something so expensive, I'm really rough on my watches."
"Insecurities make us do and say some crazy shit."
"If I were him, I would probably stop with the Sniper Wolf stuff... he's flying kind of close to the sun right now."
"Faith is more than words, it is indeed how you behave."
"Confidently walk up to you, look you in the eye, shake your hand."
"I run away from that, I don't run towards it."
"Selfishness is a serious problem within the context of marriage."
"Tory Lanez is a disrespectful narcissistic little bitty [expletive] of a man that cannot take his ego being bruised and it is extremely obvious to see by anybody that has two [expletive] eyes and two ears they can see in here, child."
"I don't think everything done by anyone has ever 100% right."
"Creating an environment of chaos... is just self-sabotage." - Hani Rambod
"You're not evil, but what you're doing is evil."
"If you're a terrible person, your friends won't always be your friends forever."
"I'm kind of tempted from him to just... love a cleaning frenzy."
"Your natural inclination never exempts you from obedience."
"Stop making reactions based off of how you feel."
"Your body will reward you depending on what behaviors you decide."
"He operates... as if so detached from reality."
"If you want to twerk and dance while you eat, do that [expletive] at home."
"Your self-esteem is largely determined by how consistent your self-image, which shapes your personal behavior, is with your self-ideal or your vision of the very best person you can possibly be."
"Our personal behavior ultimately determines how well our portfolios weather these inevitable market storms."
"The only thing that I was left with is just looking at my own self on my own behavior."
"I do the wrong and first begin to brawl."
"Your actions, feelings, behaviors, even your abilities are always consistent with the self-image."
"The main determiner of whether a behavior is just a personal preference or a disorder usually has to do with whether or not and how much that behavior has begun to negatively impact daily functioning."
"She's behaved as if she were destined for greater things."
"You're getting into that place of recognizing what's toxic for you, especially when it comes to your own ways, your own behavior."
"Your boundaries are the lines in the sand for your own behavior."
"If you're the type of person where every time you drink you get wildly drunk and you do dumb stuff, yeah, you should probably never drink."
"When you open up a Bible... you're trying to understand how to behave as a person and how to be a good person."