
Study Quotes

There are 2432 quotes

"History is not really the study of the past... it's the study of change."
"What's fascinating, this is going to go down in history I believe as a behavioral study...an investment behavioral study to beat all investment behavioral studies."
"I forget a study, but basically, they had some participants meditate for like 15 minutes a day for a few months, and they compared brain scans of pre-meditation and after that period of practicing meditation. Their brain had literally changed."
"The Word of God says, 'Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.'"
"Actual deep knowledge about subjects requires focus on long periods of thoughts and study."
"Gain wisdom through the study of the unknown."
"The more I study the word, the more I fall in love with Jesus."
"Allow your spiritual gifts to open through study, prayer, and meditation."
"Positive psychology is most often defined as the study of what makes life worth living."
"We need to begin to study, we need to open our hearts to receive the word of God."
"If you are so lucky as to find someone to spend your every day, that's in itself a journey, a lifetime of endless study."
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
"Study to show thyself a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
"The Bible says 'Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.' This will open up everything about Bible interpretation than you ever saw before."
"You overcome that tidal wave of information by studying the polar opposite."
"Diabetes remission was observed in over 57% of participants at 6 months in a study, demonstrating that it's possible to reverse type two diabetes by changing dietary habits."
"What's a good and reliable method of learning languages? Studying them."
"Imagine having that level of concentration when studying or lack of fear when in the heat of a fight."
"The study of behavioral economics is very crucial."
"This is one of the great unstudied areas at the moment in terms of the kind of political revolution we're going through, the cultural revolution."
"Juice will also study Jupiter's complex weather, chemistry, and climate in detail."
"Bill S-233 calls for the government to establish a framework for studying the possibility of a universal basic income program in Canada. So not doing something, not planning to do something, just establishing a framework to study the possibility of maybe doing something, someday in Canada."
"The Quran is a miracle that you can pick up, study, and experience anywhere, anytime."
"The study of history is a fascinating endeavor that allows us to better understand the world in which we live."
"The one that is in the UK appears to have a greater degree of transmissibility, about twice as much as what we call the wild-type original virus."
"I discovered a system to study how a human being works, and I loved it."
"Anyone who has studied history in depth knows all too well that it is a long and painful process."
"You're not supposed to believe in science; you're supposed to study it and question it."
"This year, we want to call this the Year of Jesus. We are so excited about this... just that's what we're going to dive into this year is studying who Jesus is and what does a personal relationship with him actually look like."
"What will that study do? To reduce greenhouse gases."
"You're completely obsessed with studying to the point where you're not even eating... You were hungrier for knowledge than for food despite and you had been starved of both."
"A pre-pandemic study done by Georgetown University estimated that 35 percent of all job openings would require a bachelor's degree by 2020."
"Life is strange and there's a lot to know that we do not know, and it's important to study the margins, to study the things that we don't understand yet."
"Why haven't we found any aliens yet? In fact, a new study that we're about to go through surveyed over 10 million different star systems..."
"In general, that's usually good advice for studying technical material."
"Study the Word of God to maintain an intimate relationship with Him."
"The edge is knowledge and that you actually study more than other people."
"One weakness psychopaths have is that once one studies them and begins to understand them, they become predictable."
"If you study narcissism, you will find what's wrong, you find what's wrong you'll find the cure."
"A recent study claims that the moon has a tail and every month it wraps around our planet like a scarf."
"Through diligent study and spiritual discernment, we may glean deeper insights into the unfolding of God's plan for Humanity."
"Recently a study was published that showed that 88% of Americans are in poor metabolic health."
"I took the Bible and the Bible alone... I just went to the Bible itself."
"The biggest advice is to study it. You have to realize that comedy is a science. It's like a baby. You do a certain face in front of a baby, they start to laugh. It's like you figured out that science to make the baby laugh."
"History A-level could be like five A-levels all in one."
"Psychology is the study of acting man, of human thinking and behaving."
"In a published study, the 94 Zimbabwe UFO incident was mentioned as a case where mass hysteria couldn't be definitively proven."
"There's no shortcut around serious theological study."
"It's basically going through those 200-300 pages of material where you actually find the truth."
"Decisive moments in the military campaign we're going to be studying that for decades."
"Personal study, it's my favorite time of the day."
"The next time someone tells you that Okinawans eat a plant-based diet show them this study because they are speaking incorrect things they're not speaking the truth."
"If you want to be one of the greats, truly one of the greats, you gotta study the greats."
"Studying the masters for real... you have to be there." - Lucio Parrillo
"The best way to enhance your skills, to learn new techniques, to understand new flavor profiles and different combinations of ingredients, is to really go deep and study different cuisines."
"Perhaps the most effective way to learn more about courage is to study it."
"This person is going to take their time to study the environment that you're in and they're going to want to know more about you, which is great."
"Most people spend very little time studying and mastering themselves."
"Non-duality is an entire field. It's a very rich and beautiful field to study."
"We have been able to study the universe in unprecedented detail."
"The more you study the anatomy, the longer you can hold off making that call."
"Kobe Bryant was addicted to studying film, experimenting with tweaking and adopting new moves, loved basketball as much as nearly anything else in his life."
"Gohan realizes that he must sacrifice his studies and dreams of being a scholar to focus more on getting stronger for the sake of his family."
"But these are the kinds of things that if you really, really study the perk system, I think it's going to give you some good options."
"You don't pass the exam on the day you take it, you pass it in your preparation leading up to it."
"We are the culture, the military studies us, the food industry studies us, the music industry studies us, the advertising industry studies us."
"Active recall significantly outperformed other groups."
"The study followed 900 people from five universities before after the lockdowns who were instructed to initiate communication with a friend in one of seven types of conversation: catching up, meaningful talk, joking around."
"The life of the vampire is a lot of studying."
"Should it be studied? Of course it should be studied."
"The more problems that you do, the greater bang you'll have for your buck when it comes to exam time."
"Philosophy and metaphysics in Gita are not just for leisure activities."
"Believe in the word of God, read the word of God, study the word of God, meditate on the word of God."
"Phenomenology is the study of experience without all the metaphysical bells and whistles."
"Studying with friends is great, and I'd really recommend you give it a try."
"Category theory studies the relationship between very different entities."
"You know this this is a study of God through the scriptures but you're seeing it Illustrated through 70 people from all over the globe."
"Money Management is a fascinating subject to me."
"The lack of history is a huge problem in innovation too; people don't have time to go back and study how people arrived at the various ideas that are popular."
"The study into these strange subjects offers a window into the undiscovered ancient world."
"Acoustics is the branch of physics that deals with the study of mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids."
"Astrology should be for everyone if there's a sincere desire to study so we try to make the programs affordable."
"Mysticism is the study of the experiences of the sacred."
"I chose to study the subject because it bridged the gap between God and science."
"Highlight the keywords... you do not want to make the mistake of highlighting the whole page."
"Math is kind of the study of quantity, the study of space, of structure, and of change."
"Instead of writing notes, I write questions for each single slide as I'm reading through the lecture."
"Using the right resources can really shorten your time that you spend doing useless studying."
"Learn how you learn and then pair that with active recall and the right resources."
"Study: Eating ice cream for breakfast may improve mental performance."
"This one, the Study of Quran, is basically a translation and commentary on the Quran."
"It becomes a real fascination, something you really want to dive into and study and understand."
"These scriptures... ought to be read, studied, prayed over, honored, and obeyed as the very words of the Living God."
"Active recall is a way of studying by recalling information in an active way."
"If we want to correctly know God, the laws of God, and the way to heaven, we must study the Bible."
"If you study what makes movies great, that process is not intimidating."
"Archeology is the study of past cultures and the way people live based on things they left behind, their artifacts."
"Study shows getting naked in front of strangers lowers social anxiety."
"Read out loud for five minutes on the morning of the test."
"When we aren't studying Scripture the same way, we can't possibly follow what they were trying to tell us."
"Numerology is the study of numbers and their energy and how that impacts our lives."
"People who study to classical music. People who study to lofi music. People who study to metal music."
"Eat well, sleep well, and drink enough water. This means that you'll be able to study for longer periods or good and you also just have a better mood overall."
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, rightly dividing the word of truth."
"Once you've said something a few times in real conversation, having studied it before or read it before, you're much more likely to then remember it for the long term."
"Every nation, kindred, tongue, and people coming together to study the word of God."
"You do not have to study 12 hours a day to be successful."
"The more you can think about the whole class in like a one to two page outline, the more you can kind of see it all at once."
"Following their study session, they spend time chatting in the garden."
"Economics is the study of causation."
"Study hard what interests you the most."
"The dedication to detail is astounding; some even study his mannerisms and speech patterns."
"I'll handle the financial issue myself, and you'd better focus on your studies."
"Whenever I get in a little bit of an art funk... the best course of action is to go back and study."
"Be interdisciplinary, study a wide range of topics."
"When you start studying for your CCNA whatever is whether you know be INE stuff hopefully uh or you know the official certification guide books or whatever my personal recommendation is use a broad range of training things."
"The Romans rushed to secure the vessel to haul it away and study its Secrets."
"We can't possibly hope to know everything there is to know about an artifact just by looking at it, but we can usually fill in the blanks with a little study and applied knowledge."
"The great story of anthropology is therefore the involution of man."
"What am I gonna do? Uh, study like a normal person?"
"Be prepared. Study wealth. Study wealthy people. Wealth will stay around you when you say you're wealthy."
"The Vietnam War, its origins, its conduct, its ending, and its legacy is still a subject of study and scrutiny and controversy."
"There's nothing that's supernatural; the moment something exists, it can be studied systematically."
"For the first time in science, Consciousness has become the square center focus of scientific study."
"Cryptozoology is, of course, the study of unknown animals, of which there are said to be many."
"Language is sufficiently interesting that, unlike most other things I'll talk about in this class, there is an entire field devoted to its study."
"The way you really apprehend the scripture and it begins to interpret itself is by repeatedly reading it."
"Paleography is the study of old handwriting and the manuscripts that that handwriting is written on."
"The Bible is far and away the most studied book in world literature."
"...if you are weak train and if you are not able to defeat the enemy then study it."
"Success is as predictable as the sun rising in the East and setting in the West. If you want to be successful, you study success. You become an expert on success."
"...my practice exams book for those of you that have not seen this before is a set of exams I wrote because I was really tired of seeing bad questions on the internet."
"Heroes don't just sit around and study."
"It is so crucial to take some time away from studying or else you'll actually lose your mind. But it's good to make those breaks productive."
"He began studying the scientist in Egypt back in the 60s under Nas, but he was always an Islamic activist."
"So this set the stage for the introduction to the 12 houses."
"By devoting ourselves to study, we come to discover that our interior life expands to embrace a wider reality."
"Prayer and study are not to be compartmentalized or divided from each other. So I think a similar discipline as informs prayer ought to inform study."
"You will not understand what is happening in class if you haven't done the reading."
"If you're really staying consistent with your flashcards um you'll memorize huge amounts of information in a really simple way."
"It's all about cramming, staying up all night, exhausting yourself, showing up for the test, doing the dump and then crashing for a couple days, which is completely antithetical to maximizing your performance."
"For Maths, do as many questions as you possibly can."
"A recent study from Harvard found that those who use chat GBT versus those that don't complete a task 25% faster with a 40% increase in quality."
"I strongly recommend that if you want to be a cybersecurity pro, not necessarily a hacker, that you study hacking."
"If you want to be guaranteed a good grade, you have to revise English language."
"If you want to become wealthy study wealthy people."
"Being able to create space to nurture both your own study as well as the other people."
"History is doomed to repeat itself if we don't study it."
"Flashcards are essential for memorizing little facts."
"Take Easter your Easter holidays that's 2 weeks like quite seriously CU that will probably help and give you like somewhere to start."
"Sit down and force yourself to do like 10 minutes and then take 5 minutes break 10 minutes Take 5 minutes break."
"Active revision is always the best way."
"The best way to study maths is just to do questions over and over and over again until you know exactly how to use those Concepts in the exam."
"...let's study up here today let's jump into the case study of avtx."
"Exercise will help pump your blood all around your body but specifically get more blood to your brain and therefore help you to be more alert, help you to concentrate more which will allow you to study better."
HA: "We write the book as the book that we wanted to have had when we were studying."
"The more you study as an artist, the better you're going to be as an artist."
"Now is the right time for us to look back, study the geometric principles."
"You're only cheating yourselves, but if they put the test in the desk in front of you, you already didn't study."
"Study the word of God because it never fails to show you something new."
"Get to know the scriptures. Get to really know the scriptures."
"I hope this also changed your perspective on how to study for cyber security interviews."
"Particle physics is the study... of the smallest building blocks of the universe and the forces that operate between them."
"In the study of the teachings of God's word, it should not surprise us if we often find our hearts spontaneously breaking forth in expressions of praise and delight."
"Systematic theology involves collecting and understanding all the relevant passages in the bible on various topics and then summarizing their teachings clearly so that we know what to believe about each topic."
"If it does not do this, we are not studying it in the way God intends."
"The overall picture is actually quite complicated when you start studying it and you have to get all the pieces to come together and that's what trying to do here and this is really one of the best examples in the world of that happening."
"The plant-based diet was three times more effective at blood sugar control compared to the best current diet."
"We are going through Revelation together."
"You can study aspects of morality scientifically, but you can't find the right morality by doing science."
"Identifying plant families makes it possible to study that plant family for your particular area."
"I need to look at the first century Church... I bought the worst Protestant textbook I think I'd ever read."
"Eclipses are a really cool time for scientists to be able to study the sun."
"It's actually really hard to completely cover the disc of the Sun in order to study the sun's atmosphere especially that inner part of the atmosphere."
"You would go research it, you would go study it, you would go like figure out how to make that successful."
"You really do not need to study for long stretches of time. It is tiring, it's boring, and it's ineffective."
"Short intense study sessions are the key."
"To become a professional in the world of amateur, we need to study three important subjects: our company and the industry in which it operates, our job and perhaps the next step upward in our career, and we need to study people."
"It's important that we focus on Jung's words."
"'I Ran So Far Away' remains a study in that monumental time."
"I wake up at night with a new idea about what I want to study."
"And these shield generator towers, oh you have been studying well."
"We saw our first native and tried to capture it for study."
"And in this book, I spent 10 years studying this ancient tradition of astrology from 2,000 years ago, going back and trying to reconstruct what the origins of Western astrology were."
"The idea that you're going to study for eight hours is ridiculous."
"There are crucial differences between human capital and other forms of capital, such as physical or financial capital, justifying the need for specialized study."
"Muslims, including myself, consider the Quran to be the verbatim word of God but for historians, it presents an opportunity to study the rather mysterious origins of Islam."
"Well, we studied the history of tonight in history…"
"I think what we can think about Ebola is that it's a kind of case study Mother Nature has given us."
"You need to study psychology and explain it to people like me."
"As you go through our lessons on the pathway, you'll likely come across words and phrases you want to remember."
"I study human muscle. I would say a lot of times whenever somebody sees a muscle physiologist walk into the room they try to run away because that means we're going to be chasing a piece of muscle."
"Anecdotally, people have told us they've thanked us for being in the study. They feel like they understand themselves more."
"To study purely the origin of life, not life itself, I think that's still fascinating."
"People that have wisdom, people always think, 'Oh, that guy's so wise.' No, he studied wisdom. That's how he became wise."
"Experts in neurological surgery and cortical implant technologies would study the Primarch’s affliction of the Butcher’s Nails."
"Last year they studied the 70s at school, and he's become obsessed. Yeah, he was reading the Kissinger biography. Hyper fixation much?"
"...according to a study out of D huzi medical school on average gluten-free products were 242 more expensive than reg you'll be okay you'll be okay"
"The proper study of mankind is man."
"You find a way that works for you. Whatever it takes for you to pass the exam, do it that way. That's the important part."