
Psychological Support Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The really big problem will be how to retrain people. It demands a lot of financial and psychological support."
"We should be helping them to live with the pain, to carry on in spite of their grief and with their grief."
"It's incredibly beneficial for those who have been through similar circumstances to feel seen and have someone to relate to."
"Don't be ashamed to have a psychological disorder. Talk openly about it and get help because if you don't, you will continue living in your shell."
"If you are going to be future psychologist psychiatrist please doctor a person away with this disorder just because you may not understand it doesn't mean it's not real it's real to that."
"The trajectory of their health would have been significantly different had they had more support... Psychological."
"Sometimes hope is all we have but sometimes hope is enough."
"We're like all these little astronauts, the only thing that keeps us going is that human connection."
"Trans youth deserve to grow up without being psychologically tortured for their own good. They deserve real support and care."
"I think people underestimate how important the doctor is in football clubs. It's almost like they're their psychologist as well."
"Perhaps the boost Martin's self-esteem by trying to appeal to any possible French nationalism then pride that he might still have in his country."
"What actually helps people in therapy sessions is the relationship with that therapist."
"This is literally the whole reason that talk therapy exists."
"Just meant to try to make you feel a little bit more in control or empowered when it comes to your own kind of choices."
"Mental health is my thing, and that's what I want to help and leave behind."
"The skeptic questions themselves, often lack confidence in themselves, and you need to provide that confidence."
"It's amazing what little things help you psychologically in very big ways when you're lost."
"My emotions are valid, my feelings are valid, my fears are valid."
"She specializes in women with BFRBs, ADHD, and OCD."
"We can never tell somebody that their inner self is wrong in any way."
"Lexi's kind of imperative to the player because she is basically the physician and the psychologist of the crew."
"All of your feelings are valid, I validate all of this."
"Attachment requires consistency, responsiveness, attention, validation, encouragement, and support."
"Standard evidence-based psychological treatment should be used to support the management of gender incongruence and co-occurring conditions."
"So the challenges of a lot of people who are experiencing narcissistic abuse will turn to therapy..."
"I'm kind of in that game where I'm like a little extra help, why not?"
"Let's do a sanity check because I know this is intense. This can be nerve-wracking."
"Get down on the floor, not opposite them, not near them, right next to them and touch them. It's called co-regulation."
"No one's immune from mental health challenges."
"These channels have helped people in a way that science couldn't."
"Seriously consider looking into professional help because nothing helped me until I actually looked into psychologists and psychiatrists." - Fruit
"Being a therapist is really just being curious and non-judgmental as people slowly open up to you."
"She needs to be in some kind of therapy or something if she's not already."
"He is a guy that needs kind of his is someone just to stop his head dropping a little bit I think, in the confidence a lot of footballers are."
"The single most powerful antidote to the impacts of trauma... is nurturing caring relationships."
"You are way ahead of the curve because in five years, everybody is going to be doing psychological support before gender affirmation."
"So for Loki, I would recommend both individual therapy and family therapy."
"That's very powerful, that's one of the things I know that a lot of people love about the DBT tool, they're these tests that they have."
"The children have undergone medical care and have been subjected to psychological assessments and ongoing mental health treatment."
"The children will require long-term professional care moving forward, likely for many years."
"Psychological first aid is a means of providing psychosocial support to individuals and families immediately after a disaster."
"It was rewarding to see the look of relief on patients' faces as I was able to provide an avenue to reduce the psychological effects of their battle against cancer."
"It's about going further than compassion and actually providing people help for grievous psychological harm."
"I wanted to talk to someone and work out my problems in a rational, intelligent way."
"It's more about helping people cope better with the environment they find themselves in than about turning off the tap."
"Have someone to keep you accountable or maybe even have someone to help you trade in terms of just a psychological perspective."
"Right, this is called psychological first aid. We don't really teach much of this, but I've done it so many times."
"Religion forms a really important psychological function; it helps people to deal with emotional stress."
"Police officers require training, psychological evaluations, and other support systems in place."