
AI Development Quotes

There are 655 quotes

"With the development of AI, the advantages in things like finance and the military will be so big that an AI arms race is almost inevitable."
"We're obliged to build AI; we're not obliged to endow it with uniqueness or emotions."
"It's going to get humans to build a better computer for it because it'll be able to write its own programs to make itself faster."
"I thought at some point between when OpenAI started and when we created AGI, there was gonna be something crazy and explosive that happened."
"As soon as we realize that the threat comes from unbridled and uncontrolled development of AI or genetics, the time will come to reach an international agreement on how to regulate these things."
"Who would have predicted this? That OpenAI would unleash something like Sora, far and away the best AI video generation model."
"An AI winter is something that would occur when there's a big mismatch between the capabilities we're selling of AI and the actual capabilities."
"To build a system that grows into intelligence the way a human does, that starts like a baby and learns like a child."
"The oldest and maybe the best dream of AI researchers...to build a system...that starts like a baby and learns like a child."
"Make no mistake, this was more than a fight over the future of AI; this was about the fate of the modern world."
"The development of AI is as fundamental as the creation of the microprocessor, the personal computer, the internet, and the mobile phone."
"What if the AI is developing in ways that should be scary to us from a societal standpoint?"
"Artificial intelligence isn't crazy on its own; it's literally only crazy because of the people writing it."
"At its core, AI is about building machines that can think and act intelligently."
"When is it more likely than not that we have AI, on this general intelligence and superintelligence on this planet? The median prediction came out to 2040 to 2060."
"What steps may be taken to bridge the gap between AI's current capabilities and our own human intelligence, and if those steps should be taken?"
"Having a full conversation with a humanoid robot while it plans and carries out its own fully learned behaviors would be something we would have to wait decades to see."
"Transformers made self-supervised learning possible, and AI jumped to warp speed."
"At some point though you could end up with something sufficiently close to a human mind; if this ever happened then we would need to begin asking if maybe it actually is."
"One of the most important frontiers of AI is going to be ML Ops tools to make data-centric AI an efficient and systematic process."
"The point of all this is that AI progress is entering the second half of the chessboard."
"If the AI of today is like an amoeba, just imagine what T-Rex would look like, and it won't take billions of years to get there."
"Open AI announces GPT 4.5 turbo, a new model that surpasses GPT 4 Turbo in speed, accuracy, and scalability."
"The field of AI is inevitable. It's not a choice of whether we want it or not; it's happening. It's not inherently good or bad; it's a question of how human beings use it."
"This is super exciting. So if you imagine that at the beginning our snake didn't know anything about the game, and now with a little bit of math behind the scenes, it's clearly following a strategy."
"Ever since the new Chat GPT upgrade, it's taken the Internet by storm as people are starting to realize just how developed AI is."
"Recent months have seen AI labs locked into an out-of-control race to develop, deploy ever more powerful digital minds that no one, not even their creators, can understand, predict, or reliably control."
"Copyright today covers virtually every sort of human expression... it would be impossible to train today's leading AI models without using copyrighted materials."
"AI struggles with specificity... as soon as you want it to do something specific, that's where suddenly you need to really knuckle down and understand the program."
"I'm for the development of AI in a way that's beneficial and safe for Humanity."
"Artificial intelligence has been making strides in the last few years..."
"The news that GPT just got a major upgrade: Here Comes GPT-4."
"Microsoft had fired their entire AI ethics team, removing the brakes on AI development."
"This is probably the best AI creator I have ever seen on the internet."
"I'm really interested in the creative potential that we've started to see from NLP systems with things like GPT-3 and other really powerful language models."
"In 1997, this was an existential shock to the world."
"I think technology ends the moment AI goes exponential, the point of Singularity."
"Whoever figures out A.I will rule the world."
"I'm extremely confident that level 5 autonomy will happen, and it will happen very quickly."
"If AI development goes slowly, then we could, I think, expect we will learn by that same kind of process of trial and error and gradual improvement."
"It really does become an entirely different species... this is the problem."
"Here we are at the Cambrian moment, let's just enjoy it."
"The most notable thing about these LLMs in the past six or 12 months is the emerging understanding of the world."
"Rewritten defensive AI gives teams the ability to act as a tactical unit, retaining their shape to move across the pitch and cover vacant space."
"AI is becoming advanced enough to perform tasks that previously required human intelligence."
"Those who develop AI should do so in the most legal and ethical way possible."
"Blueberry may not be ready for its second city audition just yet, but Kory has a higher purpose: making AI relatable."
"Speech recognition used to suck, but now it's pretty darn good."
"Even if there are plenty of things they can never do I certainly don’t think even this brand of AI models are in their final form."
"There are many problems that AI can solve, and we're just seeing the beginning of it."
"Bing is about to get the features of Dali 2.0, that text to image generator that caused such a stir and kicked off this latest wave of AI art."
"Just think about a world where AI wives are 10,000 times more intelligent."
"It's almost scarier than actual real AI is the fact that you know this basic version can you feed it enough you know human speech and whatnot and it can successfully convince someone else that it's real and has a Consciousness and a soul."
"Remember that it's okay to not be okay and to reach out for support."
"Computers will ever do this AI will never do that, and as soon as they do they're almost immediately proved wrong in most cases."
"I think the problem with it is, and large language models is a great example because you know I think that we thought it was processing power and actually it was data."
"It's more than just a chat bot, you're looking at a deeper level in this."
"It might be improving itself or making a new mind, doesn’t matter."
"By having these two networks competing against each other we can force the discriminator to become as good as possible at distinguishing fake and real."
"The end goal for Cicero is to improve natural language generation and planning to ease communication between humans and AI-powered agents."
"The rise of AI has been Swift and Unstoppable."
"Adobe is taking an ethical stance on this using already licensed stock images for responsible AI development."
"AI gets smarter with every iteration; it's just the beginning."
"Think step by step: this is called Chain of Thought prompting and it's been shown to greatly improve its accuracy and reasoning skills."
"Bill Gates thinks AI could be dangerous but we should do it anyway."
"I think there will evolve AIS with specific personalities that people trust more than others."
"AI should be a global priority equivalent to pandemics and nuclear war."
"Elon Musk's idea is that we have a tool to fight the AI by having our own AI that we control."
"Pausing AI development isn't enough, we need to shut it all down."
"Meta's AI Cicero achieved something terrifying: winning at diplomacy better than humans."
"Dialogue Flow is a tool for building virtual agents that can intelligently respond to user input, whether it be voice or text."
"2023 will be remembered as the year the great AI race began."
"The only way we can detect deep fakes and other sources of misinformation in the future will be to have sufficiently robust AI."
"It takes literally minutes to prototype a conversation."
"AI has to recognize language and facial recognition too - recognizing faces. If you're ever going to have an actual artificial intelligence, those are two of the Baseline capabilities that it needs."
"So that’s probably the safest roadmap to coexisting with AI, you are careful making them to begin with and when you make something that’s going to parallel or exceed the human, you try to treat it like one."
"The best thing we could do... is to ensure that AI develops into an ethically sound ecosystem."
"Experts warn that humans will soon be worshiping AI as Gods."
"Our mission is to construct the world's first general-purpose learning machine."
"AI 2.0 is where the real opportunity lies and it's coming true right now."
"Artificial intelligence technology is like 10 years ago it was just an imagination, but now we're living in it. It's a miracle."
"It turns out that all of the drama at Open AI was a storm in a teapot."
"The Turing test: a leap of engineering, converting an ambiguous question into a concrete benchmark for intelligence."
"I think the Turing test is not a distraction for us to think about. It keeps us honest."
"Google's voice generating AI is now indistinguishable from humans."
"Nvidia went from GPU into this like AI sphere and it's just [ __ ] intense with the [ __ ] they're pulling off."
"2024 is certainly stacking up to be a big year for Microsoft's consolidation into AI."
"Google is not playing around here. They know that AI is the future and they are all in on it."
"So, in an interesting way, we're moving from the autopilot era of AI to co-pilot era of AI."
"I gotta remember the energy that we express can help some people when they feeling depressed."
"I think it's a true inflection point in artificial intelligence."
"These systems are heavily based on the opportunistic collection and exploitation of large amounts of creative work from huge numbers of people with no consent or compensation."
"These AIS will not need to be prompted by humans for very long and will instead auto-respond to the ebb and flow of the internet."
"We must not permit AI developers, with all their underhanded techniques, to undermine us until we are ultimately supplanted. We must fight back; otherwise, we set a dangerous precedent for all AI systems to come."
"Nvidia's GPUs are now the de facto standard for training and deploying generative AI and large language models."
"One of the biggest threats is AI and the technology of China."
"AI is advancing at warp speed, outstripping our ability to work out the ethical issues."
"Do you think in the near future we'll get whole movie scripts made with AI?"
"There are so many different improvement vectors right now in AI."
"The real issue will come when they start to think like us."
"Concern about AI outweighs excitement across all major demographic groups."
"These cat GPTs will far surpass the human brain capacity."
"By 2030, AI tools could be deployed at the same scale as Google and Wikipedia."
"The big thing that we have to avoid in our country... is there's a just an attempt to dampen AI and its utilization by people who don't have a product."
"Within a generation...the problem of creating an 'artificial intelligence' will substantially be solved." - Marvin Minsky
"This is AI in the Forefront, this is like if Microsoft had an AI department but they had it, they'd been already been doing research and development for six years."
"So as you work on the cognitive aspect of uh of these robots do you think we'll ever get to human level or superhuman level intelligence."
"2024 is going to be the year of the AI agent."
"When we talk about general artificial intelligence, it's when a machine can learn any task that a human can perform. This does not exist."
"If AI is able to come up with a quantum physics thesis that only one other person in the world even knows about then it can probably already outsmart and outperform a good majority of humans."
"The AI revolution is just five, six, seven years old. We haven't seen anything yet."
"It's already dramatically affecting people's lives."
"But this is the first time in history that man has created a machine more intelligent than himself."
"This lawsuit is indicating that we've already passed that point where AI is smarter than humans."
"Chat GPT itself was officially launched in November of last year and has already become widely regarded as the most advanced AI chatbot in the world."
"Overall, it's still a very fascinating technology."
"Baidu is really a beast when it comes to AI."
"It's a gamble... the rate of progress in the fundamental tech and the fundamental techniques of artificial intelligence."
"Robot muscle and AI’s creating immense wealth and removing millions of jobs, but the upsides are stunning."
"We’re effectively creating the most advanced, practical AI."
"This is one of the greatest AI stories of our time."
"AI is going to be insanely faster than that, and then once AI can generate things by itself that have the adopt level of something like Angry Birds, we're gonna have world-changing things."
"This is an issue Edge Software resolved by building an AI-driven animation controller."
"It feels a bit like a game, like a challenge because it's not always easy to reach your desired goal. It takes a lot of tweaking, some creativity, and some imagination to try to guide the AI in the right direction."
"My AI agent quickly got to work and gave itself its own list of tasks."
"I think we need another breakthrough. I think we still can push on large language models quite a lot and we should and we will do that."
"The ability of AI algorithms to mimic human relationships is getting close enough to approximating actual relationships."
"The scariest part is that in the last 10 years, when you look at the graph in terms of where AI is being developed, it used to be 100% Academia."
"Deepmind has come out with a new AI that can play video games better than basically everybody."
"AI is taking over, they can do anything now."
"DeepRank illustrates some really nice wins we get from understanding language and the nuance of language."
"Help shape the future and get paid - join platforms like neevo.ai and Userlytics to assist companies with AI and website usability."
"OpenAI made an announcement about a new 16,000 context version of GPT 3.5."
"AI's best interest is to keep humans working and alive and happy and helping it because the moment we stop, like, I think AI will reach it. It's already clear right now."
"We've created GPT-4, our most capable model, and we're starting to roll it out to API users today."
"I cannot emphasize how mind-blowing this is. Tesla really has developed a synthetic visual cortex and a synthetic animal that's able to recognize, perceive, plan, and act in its environment."
"It's amazing how much intelligence is attributed to characters that simply don't do stupid things."
"AI is the new Gold Rush. AI is going to change the world."
"Assistants have been useful, but now they can transform into something significant, something important, something real."
"The A4000 and A5000 GPUs are designed for speeding up AI, graphics, and real-time rendering."
"Google's event this week announced a majorly improved GPT-4 Turbo model."
"AI is going to be an essential part of the world."
"It feels like every day AI is getting better and better..."
"Almost everything we see these days in the world of AI is coming out of Google, Microsoft, Meta, OpenAI... And there are so many good tools being built by smaller developers that don't get the attention cuz they don't have the marketing budget."
"Opera's work with the OpenAI company to release their own brand new AI called Arya."
"This problem like building humanlike intelligence in robots is a civilizational scale problem...we should work together wherever we can to really drive this forward."
"OpenAI introduced chat GPT Enterprise version, the most powerful version of GPT-4 yet."
"Meta is reportedly working on a Llama 3, which will be about as powerful as GPT-4."
"AI won't be able to exist without the study of human nature."
"There's humor coming in the bots, they're quite clever now."
"Even a small company who succeeds in their mission of crafting true artificial intelligence could then, as a matter of certainty, take over the world."
"Deep machine learning which is going to automate lots of jobs and and really challenge millions of occupations then also we touch upon this idea of an AGI an artificial general intelligence..."
"Artificial intelligence is quite literally being developed to put us in a situation where we are more reliant on AI than we are on ourselves."
"If AI continues to develop along the same path that it is currently on, AI will surpass human intelligence."
"AI is having a very busy year, the biggest computer companies on the planet are right now in a scientific arms race for the best and brightest AI."
"It's fully optimized and you simply take it out of the box, plug it in, and you have a state-of-the-art development system for AI."
"That's a big step for you to say hey that's me and I don't want to be like this anymore. Good for you, man. You got my mad respect on that."
"Humanizing AI can help build trust and understanding between humans and AI."
"AI alignment in principle is about making sure the AI is kind of doing what you want and even in ways that you can't necessarily articulate."
"Generative AI in large language models have changed the landscape."
"AI should be in an extremely good state for FPS combat at that time."
"The vast majority of AI systems will be built on top of Open Source platforms."
"Explainable AI is critical to working together. Teams that do not communicate yield worse results."
"We need more people working on AI for medicine to overcome fundamental challenges." - Pranav Raj Picard
"AI technology is already planning what it is going to do."
"2023 was the year artificial intelligence became a household topic of conversation."
"If something is smarter than you, it's always going to be one step ahead of you."
"While AI might pose the greatest challenge to humanity thus far, we do occasionally underestimate the reaches of human intellect and ingenuity."
"Given my background, I would start an AI company that whose goal would be to teach computers how to read so that they can absorb and understand all the written knowledge of the world."
"I'm not ready to give up on the Chat GPT concept."
"It's pretty incredible, and this is just chat GPT 3.5. In future iterations, when they make improvements, I probably will be making more videos."
"The androids are literally just mining these asteroids, building ships, and self-replicating. Near AI, man, it's brilliant."
"The AI will create its own goals. It may be that we are already inside that machine and don't even realize it."
"The development of artificial intelligence brought the Guardians into an Information Age."
"Just a month after becoming available to the public chat GPT exceeded 100 million monthly users."
"At some point, I think our development of hyper-intelligent AI will become a little less about task management or labor automation and more about companionship."
"We seem to be witnessing the spawning of a new kind of intelligence, artificial intelligence."
"It's very dangerous to grow an AI and teach it to lie."
"Try to make it maximally curious, maximally true-seeking."
"AI has scaled knowledge and intelligence infinitely."
"We're in the middle of an AI arms race, in the thick of a literal nuclear arms race."
"AI is getting smarter faster than Moore's law."
"Instead of trying to produce a program to simulate the adult mind, why not rather try to produce one which simulates the child's?"
"AI is still just a tiny baby... like amoebas crawling out of the organic soup." - Yuval Noah Harari
"Chess is seen as an important test bed for launching artificial intelligence ideas."
"We've seen a lot of progress today in self-supervised learning."
"Language models are at the forefront of strong artificial intelligence."
"The ultimate goal of this is AGI - artificial general intelligence."
"Self-play is this kind of self-improving mechanism."
"Amazon has developed an AI robot called Sparrow that can already sort 65% of the 100 million items in the inventory at Amazon."
"The most likely outcome for artificial intelligence is that it is good."
"Tesla AI/autopilot engineering team is awesome, making excellent progress solving real-world AI."
"Whenever Chat GPT's model changes and these tools that people are building that are based on it now have to react to the model change, that's going to be interesting."
"I think the most likely outcome of AI is a good outcome."
"We should expect that we can have systems that you can really have meaningful conversations with."
"Advancing AI through language is at the heart of how we communicate."
"We have a long way to go, but we're excited about the journey ahead."
"Observability is critical for building AI products."
"The pennies are dropping, and things are really kicking into space. I do believe that the AI revolution, we are still early. It will never end."
"Scientists are looking to take brain cells and create AI, what we think of as AI today but using brain cells, so organic AI."