
Reality Perception Quotes

There are 992 quotes

"Much of what we take to be real is fictions... we control the planet... because we can cooperate much better than any other animal."
"Being is all that there actually is. Meanings are illusions; meanings are something we construct."
"It seems so obvious like how could humans be so stupid as to genuinely believe that the perspective that they have of reality is actually some sort of absolute truth?"
"Oh, how wonderful. I am awareness itself, no less. The world is a magic show, but in me, there is nothing to embrace and nothing to turn away."
"Brahma Satyam Jagat Mithya. Brahman is real, the world is an appearance."
"You are this vast ocean of consciousness in which appears a world, not one world, three worlds: the waking world, dream world, and deep sleep."
"Advaita Vedanta is not about wiping out the experiences of life... You just have to realize, oh, it's a movie after all."
"Ideological subversion is the slow process to change the perception of reality to such an extent that despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions."
"We affirm that we are the original, true Foundation. We represent mainline reality, the original, unaltered timeline."
"We shouldn't want to believe something that might not be true... you shouldn't have to make believe, just show me what's real."
"Your personality creates your personal reality."
"If you evolve to match reality in some sense, and the manner in which you evolve predisposes you to view the world as if it's a narrative of sorts, then possibly the world is a narrative of sorts, at least as far as it concerns you."
"What's really real is me in my individual freedom."
"93.8% said their experience was definitely real and over and over as part of that they were saying it was more real than anything they'd known in their Earthly life."
"Nobody on the set of Knight Rider told David Hasselhoff that this show wasn't real."
"It's much more difficult to see the difference between fiction and reality when it reaches the level of believing in the nation or the corporation or the dollar."
"Living inside The Matrix is not stating that with irony or as a joke. The Matrix is real."
"Our world is pixelated and only assumes definite form when observed."
"Can you separate truth from fantasy? To do so, you must break through the web of your experience and open your mind to things beyond belief."
"We appear to be driving ourselves crazy, actually crazy, as in incapable of coming into contact with reality, unable to distinguish fact from fiction."
"Reality is complex, sometimes reality is nuanced. Reality isn't black and white, it's gray. Just tell the truth."
"You're going to reach this new level of reality where you realize that you can create anything you want right now."
"Reality is very different than the way we've been led to believe it to be."
"What you can see and what you can feel and what you can touch is not all there is to what exists."
"Energy is so constant, and technically the reality that you wish to exist in is already existing as we speak, we just have to raise our vibration to reach it."
"Get out of Plato's cave and come to much higher levels of reality."
"Anyone who is taking his or her cues from President Trump at this point is dangerously out of contact with reality."
"If we know we have the power to supersede anything they can throw at us in this illusionary reality, then that is how we step up in the authority of the power we have from the universe."
"You need to wake up from the delusional reality and let go of the toxic reality."
"Embarrassment is part of the matrix; it's not real."
"Your beliefs are creating your reality and when you change your beliefs, you change your reality."
"Reality is like a mirror that reflects your relationship to it. If your attitude to reality is 'My reality is great, everything unfolds quite well for me, life is always taking care of me,' then the mirror of reality will just reflect more fortunate circumstances."
"The ontological status of reality is identical to that of a dream."
"Our unconscious mind creates sincere beliefs and images of what's going on in the world, and we believe them as being real, but they're not necessarily based purely on data."
"Your reality is not fixed, your destiny is not hard-coded and set. It can be changed, it can be altered."
"You need to start unsubscribing from their reality."
"Everything exists all at once, you know, time is an illusion, and there are different versions of Earth that exist right now."
"We've got to a point where people are fearful of a Twitter backlash. Well, turn your phone off. It's not real."
"They are choosing to distrust in a way that causes them to disconnect with even just the most basic fundamental reality around them."
"Once we recognize that the matrix is not real, and that we are not our bodies, the process of leaving has already begun."
"Your outer reality is a reflection of your inner reality."
"Your outer reality is literally just your perception of your experience."
"You control your reality. You can either become a victim of your reality, or you can take over the reality."
"We have all stepped off the platform, you guys, and got on a different train and people don't realize we're not even in the same reality."
"You want to constantly look at your mind to see what world you're living in."
"As human beings, we need to upgrade our operating system in order to fully understand what reality is all about."
"Human species bias is basically taking the human perspective of reality as though it were Universal and the only one."
"How do you wake up from the Matrix when you don't know you're in the Matrix?" - Tristan Harris
"Facts don't care about your feelings, but feelings don't care about your facts."
"Seeing the world as it is and not as you want it to be helps a lot."
"I can't imagine really what it would be like to say all of that is an illusion, like the oar being bent in water, and there's no reason to think it is."
"I've always said that conspiracy theories are just fan fiction for reality."
"Reality is much more nuanced and complex than most people realize."
"My mom had the saying in our bathroom, 'Marilyn, grow up, you are what you think, you become what you think, what you think becomes reality.'"
"There's no escape once you've gotten the knowledge. There's no coming back. The black pill is just the truth."
"If you knew the inner environment could become as real as the outer environment, truly, and you are able to, instead of being a victim, all of a sudden be a creator."
"Don't take this shit too seriously. It's all a fucking game."
"Evolution by natural selection tells us that space-time is doomed; it's just a headset, an adaptive fiction that lets you play the game of life without knowing what it is that we're really doing."
"Reality to work is based on how you believe reality to work, which is a net result of what you have learned from others and your own thinking, otherwise known as the creative imagination."
"People suffering from schizophrenia lose contact with reality. Their interpretation of reality differs from the norm; it changes the way they see the world and the way they feel, think, and act."
"Once we let go of the expectation that the future will be better than now and we realize that right now is the only thing that really exists, the only moment that we have is right now... the future doesn't exist and it probably won't happen the way you want it to, and the past doesn't exist anymore."
"The simulation argument... basically says that if you think it's possible in the future that we'll be so good at making simulations, the likelihood that you are currently living in base reality is one out of trillions."
"Your personality creates your personal reality. So your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel."
"Escaping every hour in a pill, tinctures and potions; they could only face reality. But how can one face reality when they know it not?"
"It turns out instead that you're actually living inside a giant reality TV show."
"Doesn't it feel like we live in a simulation?"
"This isn't a dream, this is no hallucination, this is real."
"Simulation theory proposes that our perceived world might be a computer-generated simulation."
"I've often heard it argued that reality is not an absolute, but each individual has his or her own perception of reality."
"We are living in a computer-program reality, and the only clue we have to it is when some variable is changed and some alteration in our reality occurs, creating a deja vu."
"These days, it's getting harder and harder to tell what's real and what's fake."
"Don't fight the existing reality when you build that new model, the old model is just gonna fall away."
"Your reality is a reflection of your convictions."
"How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain."
"People honestly don't realize what it is; they've lost touch with reality."
"Reality is not going to submit to your logical reasoning. It won't. Certain parts of reality will but not the whole of reality."
"What's so amazing about these different stages, remember like you're sort of each stage is its own reality but the higher stages are a higher reality that incorporates the lower reality."
"A distinction is starting to be drawn between beliefs and reality."
"If survival itself is dependent on the utilization of a scheme of pragmatic projections, in what sense can we say that reality is something other than that?"
"If your mental health hits zero, those hallucinations come true."
"Even harsh truths are disguised to be empowering."
"It's never as great as it looks, it's never as good it feels, it's never as terrible as it feels."
"In the third dimension, everything is about Consciousness."
"Reality then is a projection. When you study matter, it's not matter that's emitting a field, it's actually those complex patterns that are creating matter."
"What this is really about is, do you believe in reality or not?"
"That looks pretty much more than an illusion to me. That looks real."
"You're constructing that illusion on the fly."
"The past, present, and future maybe are all equally real."
"Life is very rarely black and white. Reality is often more in Shades of Gray."
"Guys, if you guys see this, then you probably think that we're being really, really dumb right now, a genius."
"So he's able to articulate what reality is by way of him planting the memory him manifesting it and then him actually creating it in real time."
"Indeed it is amazing how many problems you can solve once you're no longer tethered to reality."
"What's happening in your head is your dream right now. People's problem is not that life is not happening the way they want it, even their dream is not happening the way they want it."
"Change your beliefs, you get a different reality."
"Our reality is a little bit different than what common sense conventional wisdom tells us."
"Things don't get worse before they get better. Things were already worse, you were just too blinded to see it."
"The idea that the real world is limited to what is physically present nearby will seem increasingly bizarre."
"What's the bigger threat to America: a bunch of pro wrestlers dressed as snakes or a billionaire who thinks he's the hero forcing us to see reality through his virtual lens?"
"As you expose yourself to more diverse perspectives, you're exposing yourself to more diverse aspects of reality."
"I genuinely think there's no greater tell of the simulation than Deja Vu."
"Shifting is a natural byproduct of the way reality works."
"Such things are not concrete. They are merely interpretations."
"What happens in real life and what is actually going on are a completely separate entity from how you feel at any given point in time."
"Learn to distinguish reality from illusion. Care about suffering."
"I did not let him twist reality and make me doubt the plain truth."
"This is about how far from reality we really are, how the world that we live in is almost nothing like what they have told us that it is."
"The real story, what's really going on out there, is so much bigger than we think."
"We don't always know what's best for us. It can be hard to see reality clearly when our emotions get in the way."
"There's nothing to be scared of in this reality... they have no control."
"Things that would have once been seen fanciful are now facts."
"All of these things can be true and it can look like the biggest scam imaginable and it can actually not be a scam."
"Do you want to enforce your version of reality on the world, or do you actually want to win?"
"Most people can't conceptualize a reality where that is worse than being uncomfortable or inconveniencing yourself or even death."
"It's framing, alright? This is Tim Pool coming to grips with the meme reality."
"Even in death, it couldn't tell the difference between reality and fantasy."
"Evidence is meaningless, you choose reality, it's your choice."
"The human brain doesn't know the difference between something you vividly imagine and something that's real."
"Rise from your seats and from your graves for our number one necromancer: Gravelord Nito."
"How do you know what's real and what's not? That's the future we're moving towards right now."
"You are an immaculate and perfect creator of our shared reality."
"Real is simply electrical signals interpreted by the brain."
"You are in control of your reality in every now moment."
"Create your own reality. Even if you're within a simulation, you still have the power to create your own reality."
"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."
"Two different realities and it's impossible to convince people what's true."
"We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented. It's as simple as that."
"Trapped in their questionable reality, is it a mockery of humanity?"
"Let's have a more interesting reality. This world can be whatever we want."
"Truth and delusion existing together at the same time."
"Changing the inner conversations changed how I experienced the outer world realities."
"They're conditioning us to be okay with a fake reality."
"The real is just this void to which you add all your justifications, reasons, and meanings, but ultimately, it's only blocking up a lack, a hole in the whole layout of reality."
"AI is making it harder to determine what's reality." - Katie Pavlich
"Parallel to you is an invisible realm that is feeding your realm."
"Reality often contains layers of mystery far beyond what meets our eyes."
"Video games aren't real life," defended Kyle Rittenhouse during cross-examination.
"What do you even say to someone who believes the opposite of reality?" - (Unnamed speaker)
"It's bloody impossible to actually know what has occurred."
"We have far more influence over this reality than we've been told."
"We're living in a matrix. All matter is made of light, slowed down to a specific frequency to give you the illusion of solidity."
"Question everything: realize the world is bendable, and you can influence and build your own reality."
"We're living in a matrix written on mathematics."
"Perspective... truth is not as common as you think... we live in gradients."
"But in order to accept that, you would have to first abandon everything you thought you knew about reality, about biology, about everything. Everything out the window."
"Real life is not what you see on Twitter or mainstream media."
"Emergence invites us to approach our reality with a childlike attitude of innocence and wonderment and to watch and celebrate the beauty that unfolds from that place."
"Existential uncertainty, contemplating the possibility that external reality is a construct of the mind, can lead to a sense of uncertainty about the feeling of reality and the validity of human experiences."
"You create your own reality according to the nature of your beliefs."
"Reality is a little more messy, a little more dynamic than this."
"This is crazy. It's all crazy. Everything is crazy."
"By removing it from the laws of our reality, we take away its definitive meanings."
"That's like there's a makeup team and like that's not real, no you guys don't have that in SF."
"Why do humans have the tendency to rationalize or even ignore obvious objective reality?"
"This isn't conspiracy it is a system reality."
"A delusion, a happy delusion is better than a sad reality."
"Reality is an illusion, but it doesn't mean that we aren't here to experience things."
"The big question here is gentlemen, is it unreal or not? Yes, I'm gonna say yes, okay, we're all on that page."
"Wake up and look at things as they actually are."
"Reality is fundamentally on our side, forward into the light."
"Philip K. Dick: Proposing that we are living within a computer-simulated world."
"We live in a paradoxical world of integrated multiple truths."
"If you can see it, touch it, taste it, smell it, conceptualize it, imagine it, think about it, or perceive it, it's not real. What is real is the invisible."
"You can fool another person but you can't fool reality."
"You exist within a Quantum field and as the Observer, you directly affect the way this field behaves."
"The secret is thinking from. When you enter into a state and think from it, you give it all the tones of reality."
"Knowledge is to perceive something as it really is, as best you can."
"Paganism in the sense of adopting chaos and not just entirely an orderly nature is actually closer to reality."
"Everything you ever thought was true in your life is a freaking lie."
"Long-distance relationships put all the pressure to talk on the phone, and when it's all on the phone, it's not real. And when it's not real, we don't treat it as real."
"You can't confront the fact that it's so real because it doesn't feel real."
"Social media isn't real; it's a highlight reel."
"Language is unbelievably important. Reality is made of language."
"But the truth of the matter is is that 60% of the people are-are occupying what I would consider a more reality-based, uh, universe, and those are the... those are the constituents we're speaking to."
"You control your reality, not these other people."
"We reevaluate reality as a society... every few decades or so." - Dr. Simeon Hein
"We make those judgments but in doing that we seem to be broadcasting our preferences onto a reality that is intrinsically value-free."
"People literally are in different realities, and a lot of us can make the choice to step into another reality for a hot minute."
"The truth doesn't work for everybody - sobering realization."
"If you're truly a liberal, you must believe in the fact that you can escape reality itself."
"We're essentially creating alternative reality which has the intention to be more fact and reality-based."
"It's a bit of a sleeper path to say that we create reality, because there is one reality."
"Reality is being actively distorted, and it's very important to counteract that."
"Challenge the reality that was given to you and make a reality of your own."
"You're losing the reality that you built, that false reality, that's what you're breaking up with."
"In order to change your reality, you need to take control of the way you're thinking and perceiving things."
"We may be in a virtual reality that appears to be real, but we are in fact Eternal Spiritual Beings living temporary human experiences."
"The world is like a dream, it's unreal. What is real is within you."
"Have you ever felt like your life was a TV show?"
"I think the brain is so powerful that we literally manifest those realities to take place."
"Feelings don't alter reality, they don't create facts."
"Solving the maze means discovering who you are, what reality is, and your purpose within it."
"What you believe becomes your own reality, no matter how ridiculous it is."
"Civilization is ultimately a fiction, a veneer far thinner than we would like to admit."
"When you can't believe that something you see is real, it's a real big problem not just for businesses and for politicians but for individuals."
"Don't ever believe a magician. No magicians are um, yeah, it's just a trick. It's not real."
"Be aware of what is being shown to us in plain sight."
"You have much more ability to influence your reality than you think."
"The world around us is nothing more nothing less than a mirror of what we accept is our reality."
"This fake world is temporary my pain is true... this relationship of ours is a delusion like a mirage."
"Maybe there's some truth to just because you think and talk about it enough it becomes real."