
Help Quotes

There are 2619 quotes

"The greatest gift we can give to other people is to accept their help."
"If we stay in a constant state of receiving help, that is the secret to growing spiritually."
"Ask for support if you need it...it's okay to ask for help."
"I'm doing this for the right reasons, because people need help."
"Asking for help is a sign of strength, as is accepting it as it is offered to you."
"I lift up my eyes to the hills—from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth."
"I'm sorry, I think that I might have missed what you were hoping for, what do you need from me?"
"People enjoy helping people. Don't be ashamed to accept help or generosity."
"If you really want to help somebody and if you really want to see them improve, there is a way to do that."
"The people who are the ones who require the most help are the people who actually can't even recognize that they have the problem in the first place."
"There's always light on the other side, as long as you're willing to seek help and you're willing to do the work."
"There's no reason to feel ashamed when you need help."
"I genuinely wanted to make an impact and help people with addiction in general."
"Open up and allow yourself to receive help from those around you."
"There's a lot of help and professional support around you."
"The most courageous thing you've ever said is 'help.'"
"Asking for help takes an incredible amount of strength and courage."
"The prison failed him. I feel like he needed help, he needed a lot of help before he even committed any murder."
"There's some pride that you feel knowing you can help the people around you."
"Never be afraid to ask for help if you don't know something."
"Trust your intuition and when to also ask for help."
"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone."
"The fastest way to become a millionaire is to help a lot of people."
"Can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. Plain and simple."
"I'm convinced that Jesus Christ wants to help us. That's what He promised."
"You will find Him to be a Savior and a marvelous source of help."
"This person who's coming towards you is going to help you."
"The willingness to ask for help and, perhaps even more powerfully, the willingness to accept help."
"There's no point in this content if it doesn't actually help people because that is like the goal in the end, right?"
"We want to help people... there has to be a better way."
"If this video just helped one person, then that's amazing."
"I don't think you need to have a degree or be like a licensed professional to help another human being."
"If you feel like you can't let go, that's when you need outside help."
"If we can help somebody else out and be a blessing to them, that is a huge gift."
"You cannot help somebody that does not wish to be helped."
"Asking for help is never a sign of weakness. It's a sign of wisdom."
"One to pull yourself up and the other one to pull the next guy up with you."
"Some animals come to ask for help from people without knowing them at all."
"Please, anything, no matter how tiny, just please, just come forward with it please."
"I need someone to show me my place in all this. Reach out, what could you give me?"
"You're helping people move to a better place."
"Being humble, you never know when it might be your turn looking for help."
"My help is free, you don't have to deserve any of it."
"I hope that I've helped to some degree to alleviate your holiday boredom."
"The whole purpose is how can you further help them."
"I want to help people really honestly create their rich life."
"Hope this training guide will help you and your friends out."
"Always remember however little it may help, it's something."
"No one should be able to avoid a catastrophe if anyone helped him break through both the one who helped and the one who helped breakthrough would suffer from Calamity there was not even a single Alma you could do it."
"Whenever you're in trouble just Yelp for help."
"I'd be selfish brats help you now I think you're genuine this time that's it."
"I hope that someone out there is helped by this."
"You are the answer to someone else's problem."
"There is no shame, none in the world, in accepting that help."
"Shout out to Stack Overflow, they are the MVP."
"I've always thought of myself as very independent. I don't like to receive help for things; I'm uncomfortable with getting help."
"Thanks for helping out... it really does mean a lot."
"They always want to help you. Don't ever feel like you shouldn't or like you're not good enough to do so."
"Be open to receive help from others, something good can come to you from them."
"You can't help someone who does not want to be helped."
"Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver you and you shall glorify me."
"Stevie Ray accidentally invokes the evil white bull and winds up being helped by the black bull."
"You're a mess and you need someone who's not you to save you from you."
"Scary Terry decides to show his appreciation by helping Rick and Morty."
"He didn't come to condemn the world but to help us."
"You have to know what people are struggling with and I make videos that help people get out the struggle."
"I hope I helped you out with this comparison."
"I hope that this experience and me sharing this experience with you guys can just help someone else."
"In that peaceful solitude, Wanda heard the voices of her two children asking for help."
"This person is going to help in a lot of ways, I think this person is going to offer a lot of support."
"From the age of nine years old all I wanted to do was help animals."
"What is something that people always come to you and ask for help with?"
"To whomever is reading this now, I only ask one favor: to get through the door, you turn the radio back on."
"I hope you continue to talk and share because I might not need it again but somebody else will."
"You take solace in the fact that you're helping people prevent"
"He has a talent, a skill, and he's using that part that thing that makes him special and unique to help other people."
"The most important thing to me is just helping others and making the world a better place."
"They don't believe that someone comes and rescues you."
"It's not about being paid back, it's about helping people because I can and they need it."
"I want to make sure I'm helping people, not hurting them."
"If you're drowning, actually reaching out for help is the most reasonable thing you can do."
"After the word of doom was uttered, the Solar logos sent out a call and help was evoked."
"You can quite literally be saving their life."
"If I'm doing everything I can think of to do and there are things I'm not thinking of then I need a hand."
"There is hope. There is also help. All will not always be lost."
"We believe that's going to help so many people find freedom."
"If there's a helping hand that's being offered, you take that helping hand and say thanks, I'm glad you're here for me."
"I am here only to be truly helpful... there's a purification that's going on that takes us higher and higher."
"There's so many positive, constructive aspects to it and it can genuinely really help people out."
"I'm you from the future, and I'm here to help you defeat Reverse Flash."
"I'm happy to kind of let people know what the resources are."
"The thing that sets me on fire today is helping you."
"Use that energy to help, to lift, and to expand your ideas."
"My goal with all this is not only just to help Gene... but if my story can help even one person, that's why I'm doing this."
"Anything that you can do to help positively impact people."
"I just want to help people like the people who helped me."
"The signal was designed to communicate violence at home, 'I need help, domestic violence.' It involves putting your hand up with your palm out, tucking your thumb into your open palm, then folding your fingers down over the thumb."
"What I want to be remembered for is how I helped people and maybe helped them get out of or avoid addiction."
"Deep inside you, there’s a drive, a drive to help others and save them from the cruelness and horrors of the situations they find themselves in."
"There's somebody out there who knows what happened to my son, and I'm on my knees hoping, praying there's someone out there who can help us understand."
"They really feel like they have some input that could help you, they really feel like they could save you."
"Hey, you're the mother of that girl with all the dolls. Thank you so much for helping my daughter and I. I can't because I want to say thank you again."
"Spread love, spread positivity, help people, because you never know when you will need help."
"Melissa is literally helping people to this day, you know, 19 years after she's been gone."
"As guys, sometimes we need a little bit of help."
"Are you ready to grow up? Are you ready to level up and stop having this be a problem? What do you want to kind of do? Like, are you finally ready to face yourself and finally ask for help to kind of move beyond something that's going on?"
"Maybe this guy will be our white knight and, you know, come in, swoop and save us if we need saving."
"You can't help someone that doesn't want to be helped."
"Your reward will be knowing that you have helped others."
"Helping your parents is one of the most rewarding things I've ever experienced."
"I can tell that the zombie was happy that I helped because of it something happened and I grew into a full-size Dragon."
"Feel free to drop a like if you enjoyed the video, share it with anyone that might need help leveling."
"Nothing hurts more than when people assume I need help."
"I guess I never should assume anyone with a disability needs any help."
"Before you can help others, you must first help yourself."
"Never be afraid to ask for help, that's what collaboration is about."
"Sharing the information that I take in if that helps even one person that is completely worth it to me."
"There's no need to worry, I'm here to help you."
"Keep it coming right if you got more stuff that's going to help the people at all email us at [email protected]."
"Sometimes you have to be okay with being confused as loud annoying obnoxious attention seeking to get somebody's attention that may really need your help."
"Accept help from others, but not all allies are loyal."
"Even just an extra pair of hands to help haul things... would save us so so much time."
"It is only a proud man that rejects the help of God."
"If you rescue people, you have to keep rescuing them. If you empower people, you only got to rescue them once."
"How can the natives trust the white man to come in and help them after all the times that we promise to do so and then turned our backs on them?"
"My spiritual journey is to help people. To bring the change individually as well as on a group level."
"I want to help as many people as I can that are desperate, that are hopeless, that are helpless."
"It's so incredible seeing how many people it's helped."
"Guys, thanks for helping me out, it means a lot."
"I think it's a good joke because it works religiously and not yeah like to accept the help from people who offer it yeah it's never gonna be exactly what you expect you know I mean yeah help and opportunities they come along you got to take it."
"How can I help people feel that love that the Savior has for them?"
"It's time for you to help those who truly need you."
"If we ever turn this around we're going to help other people."
"You can help people sometimes by challenging them."
"I make these videos for you and I make them for you to help you make an informed decision."
"We love doing it, you know? It gives us that gratification that we're able to help somebody."
"All these bridges as it were are open to get the person across the river."
"Helping is doing something for someone that they can't do for themselves, and enabling is doing something for somebody that they should be doing for themselves."
"Everyone is responsible for all other human beings and if you see a human being struggling um you must always help them it's just a part of our natural system of order."
"Now what I want you to do for me right now today is take a look at things that are bothering in your life... am I okay? Do I need help with this?"
"It's kind of like I said I'll leave this in the description for you guys."
"If you're not looking out to help the people who need your help... then what are you doing?"
"I swear she mouthed 'help me' and then as I was leaving, I swear she also said 'call the police.'"
"I'm going to make a video and I'm going to help people because this information is not readily available."
"He literally gave a new meaning to 'need a hand.'"
"Your content will help somebody. The more good content you put out, the more people you're helping."
"You made a difference in my life, made a difference in the people that I help."
"Offering to help is never rude but trying to help when it's unwanted definitely can be."
"And if you ever want us to make your cave untidy again, Gaston, don't be afraid to ask. Yes, that's what friends are for."
"Why are spare parts even important? Dude, we've met so many people that are stuck."
"It's one of the most harrowing sounds I think I've ever heard someone screaming for their life and needing help."
"Look for the signs because a lot of the times they can't say they need help until it's too late."
"There's always someone out there willing to help."
"Helping people become a better version of themselves."
"Accept support from others, let your friends help you."
"It was clear that Garland's cry for help was an urgent one."
"Sometimes the hardships can help save someone else."
"You have the power to help and heal others."
"If you find yourself thinking suicidal thoughts, you need to get help immediately."
"Mutual respect and mutual help are the true path to success."
"The best exercise for the heart is to reach down and help someone up."
"I will shelter you, I will protect you, and I will try to help you."
"If you see someone in crisis, ring the number, help them out. Like, it's not their fault."
"Getting help for mental health is attainable for literally anyone."
"If I cannot save the world directly, I will at least help those around me."
"It's not your fault this happens; you tried to help them, but they turn their backs."
"We also need to be willing to accept help and to accept the assistance coming from others."
"The more you can open yourself up as a resource and a place for people to be safe and get help, the better things will be."
"It was so touching that she wanted to help me under her circumstances."
"The wolves help us," someone says weakly.
"I just want to help people; I don't want all this ridiculous nonsense."
"Piccolo died trying to help me, so I think I should do everything I can to help him."
"Thank you so much for coming out and helping us today; it has been an absolute blessing."
"You do not know me yet your generosity will help me so much."
"I'm the albatross that swept in at the rescue."
"If you're in trouble, don't hold it in and ask for help."
"It takes a lot of courage to even be like, 'I need someone to save me.'"
"The internet can be a dark place... but this isn't always the case."
"Help can come from the strangest of places."
"What can I do today that will help somebody?"
"There's nothing wrong with asking for help."
"Don't let anyone ever tell you it's too late to get help."
"It's never too late to get help, don't let strangers try and make you feel any different."
"The eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous, and His ears listen to their cry for help."
"You help people out with generosity."
"It's about helping people solve a problem."
"Thank you so much for your help. I'm very grateful to you, and I'm sure you were simply slandered."
"Hey man, are you okay? Do you need any help?"
"One day you're going to have to open up and understand that some people really do want to help you."
"You seem like a decent guy, and I think we need to get you the right help."
"We lift up our eyes to the hills where does our help come from? Our help comes from the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth."
"By learning to ask for help, they were both able to be heroes."
"I just want to help somebody out."
"There's nothing wrong with asking for help when you actually need it."
"Are you willing to get help?" "I am."
"Don't be ashamed to get help; after all, later you will understand that it is not for nothing that you did not give it up," Noah replied.
"You are creating because you want to help, to serve, to help others."
"There's no shame in asking for help when you need it."
"He wants to help you tonight. He knows exactly what you've gone through."
"He could now proudly tell his grandmother that he had succeeded in helping others within his capabilities."