
Accident Prevention Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"The advent of ABS technology dropped accident rates by 20 to 25 percent, which was deemed a revolution. Here is the simple fact of getting enough sleep that will drop accident rates by 70 percent."
"If you think safety is expensive, try an accident."
"Complacency kills you guys, accidents are caused by not paying attention."
"Teslas are super safe, keeping you from getting into an accident in the first place."
"Gas nozzles have breakaway devices to prevent hazards if accidentally driven off with the nozzle still in the tank."
"Slipping is going to happen no matter what stud pattern you have on your feet."
"That's a blessing because with that vehicle and that individual being under the influence of something, if he was driving around these Corners at 60-70, you know, somebody could get hurt or killed."
"I feel like addressing these sort of things, the fatal accidents at least, I think is a net positive."
"I think I looked out too because the way I contracted I curled my head up so when I fell backwards my head my skull didn't make contact."
"An evasive steering assist automatically swerves you away from impending accidents, if necessary."
"When we sign on to be accident investigators we do it with the idea that we're going to keep the next one from happening."
"It would be very hard to have an accident because it's got so many safety features."
"As time went by, I learned more and more about what actually happened and realized that it was not an accident as we would call an accident. It was totally avoidable."
"The blowout and massive fire at the prior trust well was completely preventable."
"Woman texting while walking saved from being hit by car."
"Try to get these safety habits into a habit so you're constantly doing them to hopefully never ever have to experience getting shocked or, of course, worse, even worse, getting electrocuted."
"For the turn of a switch, this pedestrian could still be alive."
"No wrecks or serious injuries, fingers crossed."
"Accidental falls are the most common cause of death in the outdoors."
"I'm not sure that we can prevent subtle incapacitation, but we should at least try to eliminate all the possibilities that are the human factor because human factors are still the majority of most of the accidents."
"Our system knew that, it started to break, and that little breaking event was enough to avoid the collision."
"If you're going to be in an accident, you want to be driving a Tesla."
"This psychological approach took air accident prevention to a new level."
"It's the other debris on the ground you can twist twist your ankle break your leg if you step on something wrong see all the debris on the ground look at the Rocks one wrong move you're twisting your ankle and you're gonna break something."
"Autopilot basically saved this guy from an accident."
"The fastest way to have an accident is to pay attention to what's happening in another lane of the road you're on."
"Nothing serious happened? Your child nearly burnt your sister's house to the ground!"
"This type of accident underscores the importance of stringent safety measures and engineering standards."
"If you're working with dull tools, that's when accidents happen. Use sharp tools, you're fine."
"The Cybertruck is an unusual car for sure, but its ability to reach 60 miles per hour in as little as three seconds is definitely enough to keep the torque heads engaged."
"Simply put, there was no reason for a live bullet to be placed in that 45 Colt revolver."
"Please do not drink and drive. A lot of senseless accidents and needless pain is caused because of it."
"Nobody had the sense to actually stop and say, 'Yo, you can't be hitting people on a bike.'"
"A near miss at one of the country's busiest airports, the second separating dozens of passengers, and what could've been the worst aviation disaster in U.S. history."
"Yeah, the miracle somebody else wasn't injured or killed."
"Seat belts aftermarket four-point harness these probably saved me today from snapping my neck."
"Tesla vehicle software reacts faster than human driver and avoids a fatal accident."
"But at the end, we actually came out with safety recommendations that I believe are going to prevent an accident like this one from happening again."
"Blowouts cause more fatalities in the RVing travel industry than anything else."
"If your vehicle starts to skid in winter due to icy road conditions, turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid."
"Rolling off the throttle is what really saved his life on this one."
"I do not recommend getting a fish hook in your finger, anyway, at least it's out."
"This accident that happened here back in February should have never happened... you're sacrificing safety over profit..."
"A very scary close call happened when a woman was saved by a light post from a car that lost control heading towards her luckily no one suffered any injuries."
"Tesla saved this driver from getting into an accident and possibly killing himself and others."
"Wear a seat belt. It's far more likely to save your life in a car crash."
"It's a testament to the driver's skill that there aren't more incidents."
"This is why as a smart rider we acquire and use personal protective equipment, just in case something like this happens."
"We have stop signs, stop lights, and seat belt laws that are designed to reduce the amount of deaths due to car accidents."
"Wear a helmet. It's the number one way to prevent life-altering injuries or death in the event of an accident."
"The car will automatically brake itself to reduce the severity of any potential resulting accident."
"The accident was entirely avoidable."
"So there's almost no possible way that you can actually shoot yourself accidentally if you do this."
"Don't ignore your brakes nothing ruins your day quicker than rear-ending someone because you couldn't stop."
"In that split second, the individual was frequently able to actually completely avert the accident."
"It's a really effective way to make sure that all your trophies can be saved in case you have a bad accident."
"Go slowly around turns to reduce the risk of a rollover."
"An accident is an incident that shouldn't have happened."
"Yes, if we use defensive riding techniques we can prevent the most common accident scenarios, but not all of them."
"The much more effective approach in my opinion is defensive riding, when you know the common possible road accident scenarios, you constantly looking for possible dangerous situation on the road and you react on it to prevent the accident from happening altogether."
"Had we failed to uncover this pan, it could have boiled over, seriously scalding someone's wrist or put out the pilot light, creating a nasty gas smell."
"Under the shelter you and your family may live in peace, free from the fear of nuclear accidents."
"The emphasis in the safety plan is to ensure no accidents."
"Incidents go unreported and incidents are the key to preventing accidents."
"You've got to stop, drop, cover, and roll if your clothes catch fire."
"It's not about who's at fault, it's about you being the safest driver you can and trying to avoid those situations."
"Baby girl was fine, the pillows erupted and softened her fall."
"Staying up to date on maintenance can not only save you from a serious accident but also save you from having to be on the side of a road outside of your vehicle trying to fix this problem."
"The Pre-Safe system initiates preventative measures for protecting passengers in the event of an accident."
"Safety is very important not only when you get in an accident and how protected they're gonna be but also avoiding any accidents."
"Safety features are really important; Ford emergency braking will apply the brakes to bring you to a dead stop if it needs to."
"Subaru models fitted with Eyesight were 61 percent less likely to have an accident than those without it."
"You don't ever want to go over that because it could jeopardize the integrity of your axle, the actual platform itself, and it could cause an accident."
"Few accidents happen with safe drivers. Are you one of them?"
"Disney recognized how serious this was and that people could have seriously gotten hurt."
"Active Blind Spot Assist is an assistance system for helping to prevent accidents."
"Make sure you have help by your side at all times, you never really know when you're gonna run into an accident."
"Teslas are safe cars, and I'm happy that nobody was hurt in this accident."
"We are committed to changing and to making sure that accidents like these never happen again."
"We're going to make sure that the changes we're making to the MAX today will prevent accidents like this from ever happening again."
"Having ABS brakes preventing those lockups really helps keep you safe."
"82 percent of current traffic accidents can be prevented by using connected vehicles."
"Accidents will happen; however, the diagram also illustrates something hopeful: when we drive down the number of hazards in the workplace, the other numbers go down too."
"It doesn't have to be you that's going to make an accident; it's other people not paying attention."
"A JSA will assist in completing comprehensive accident investigations."
"My goal is to prevent the kind of accidents that are depicted in some of these photographs that we're inserting."
"The most effective way to address these kind of accidents was really changing the way business is done."
"I've been doing chemistry for years, and I have had many accidents, but because I took basic safety measures, none of them have been serious."
"Anything that stops people having an accident can only help everybody else on the road."
"I knew I had to make a decision for my health because I was an accident waiting to happen."
"They're much safer drivers than humans with only 14 minor accidents since the project started six years ago, and none of them were the car's fault."
"Your DeVille is equipped with some of the world's most sophisticated accident avoidance systems."
"If we can find a way to nearly entirely eliminate preventable accidents, which this technology can do, that can improve the quality of the driving job."
"The greatest danger arises when two or more human factors combine in a danger zone to trigger a chain of events that causes an accident."
"Wear your seatbelt; it's the law, and it will keep you safer if there's an accident."
"A nice bike helmet... might actually help you from an accident."
"It's easy to see just how much worse this could have been if more people had been in that pool at the time."
"With a G sensor, if you get into an accident, this dash cam will sense the impact to the vehicle and lock the current video clip so it will not be overwritten."
"These integrated systems work collaboratively to prevent accidents and mitigate the severity of unavoidable collisions."
"Crash avoidance control, which is a huge deal."
"The safety protocols are in place to mitigate accidents."
"Well thank God I had my seatbelt on, I might have ended up in the steering wheel."
"... using all the friction in between the tire and the road to avoid ultimately any accident that the car would be physically capable of avoiding ..."
"The aim of this policy shall be to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, or occurring in, the course of work."
"It may save your hide, you may be going around a turn, beyond the gas too much, and once you lose that rear-end, unless you're an expert rider and can save it, it may save you."
"The safety protocols are in place to mitigate accidents and they're there for a reason."
"During the time of construction, 19 men fell from the bridge but they were caught by the net."
"It has a G-force sensor built in, so if you get into a wreck, it automatically locks into recording."
"It can reduce the damage if you're in a crash."
"If anybody's about to get into an accident and you slam on your brakes, hit your horn, it's automatically going to save that dash cam footage so it's never rewritten."