
Family Time Quotes

There are 1167 quotes

"There'll be nothing more enjoyable that you do in your whole life than spend time with your little kids because they really want to like you more than anything else."
"It was just quality time with family during normal family activities."
"Every summer you need to take a break and you need to give specific time to your wife, your kids, to me, the Holy Spirit."
"In your 40s, creating memories with your family is invaluable, as those years will pass quickly."
"I don't want to compromise my balance, so I don't compromise the time with my wife or family."
"A 5th generation war is easier to fight than one might think, more complex to be sure, but at the end of the day, fighting a 5th gen war could be as simple as turning off the TV, putting down the smartphone, and going outside to play in the yard with your kid."
"Most people don't have careers, they have jobs... and they quite like spending time with their kids as well."
"We really just went hard on making sure that we saw friends, making sure that we spent lots of time with family, and it was great."
"I thought it was pretty normal for a child to want to spend time with their parents."
"It means that I get to spend more time with my family, it means that I get to spend more time with my team helping them, making sure that the content is as good as it can be."
"Just having that one day where you're not doing the same things, allowing your body to reset, maybe it's that day where you go with your family out into nature for two or three hours."
"Hey, check this out, you guys. We're going to make s'mores."
"The only regret he had was not that he'd been a better preacher, not that he got more engagements, not that he'd been a better speaker, not that he had more money, not that he had more recognition, not that he had more headlines, not that he been in more articles, but that he spent more time laying on the floor playing horsey with four kids."
"I hope that you guys had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas with your families, your loved ones, your animals, yourself, whoever."
"Spend time with the family. It's a novel idea."
"The whole goal of being productive... is to be intentional... and what that does for me is give me more time with my family because at the end of the day, I don't feel guilty if I didn't finish the laundry... I feel guilty if I didn't spend time with my children."
"Disconnect to reconnect. Have tech-free family time every night, maybe the dinner table, there's no devices."
"Spending time with our family, having a little free time for ourselves, being able to go outdoors and do recreational things, that's important to us."
"On the seventh day, He rested. What the Jews followed and still observe was to consider the Sabbath as holy. On Saturday, you rest one day of the week. That's the least out of gratitude to worship God, to spend time with the family, to play, to do all these things. We are not machines."
"We're going to take each of the kids on a separate date so we get that one-on-one time with our kids."
"Enjoy the day and enjoy the time with them while they're able to be a part of it."
"As the pandemic started winding down, people all across the world have been thinking about what they're going to do as the world opens up. Spend more time with family, find a better work-life balance."
"Thank God for Shabbat, for a variety of reasons, including the fact that I spend an enormous amount of time both with my kids and reading on Shabbat."
"There's a time and a place for that, but now I find myself more often thinking, like, how can I...have more time that I could just hang out with my kid?"
"I'm enjoying spending more time with my husband and my family."
"You value vacations very much. It's just literally the best family time."
"Let's hit the hay. In the morning, we're making waffles."
"Spend time with your children and your family. That's what it's all about."
"Your time with your family is limited... What kind of daughter or son do you want to be?"
"I hope you're staying positive and enjoying time with loved ones."
"Having a wonderful time with the whole family was the most important job of all."
"Merry Christmas to everyone, hope you enjoyed your time with loved ones, hope you got everything you wanted."
"Family time, love that. I just love playing board games and stuff."
"Winter can be a beautiful time... you can freeze to death or you can ski and snowboard and have a great time with your family and build something."
"Spend as much time as you possibly can with people that you love. That way when you're older you can look back on your life with no regret." - Jinxy
"Family time meets DIY: learning together, growing together, and creating memories one project at a time."
"Time is precious, so whenever I could spend time with my kids, I would want it."
"Toyota's Woven City: an attempt to automate caregiving so that families have extra time for what really matters."
"It's not just about the game, it's about spending time with family."
"Children need their parents to spend time with them. They need to be nourished and talked to and taught about the world."
"After a lovely day playing with the boys...we're having a very lazy dinner tonight."
"Take the family to a nice lunch today. You'll be getting that money on Cash App."
"Happy New Year! Thank you for your patience. Rob and I took some time off to be with our children over the Christmas holiday and it was wonderful."
"So football's nearly finished Liverpool or winning I'm not very hungry the boys aren't either really but I'm just gonna cut some watermelons refreshing beautiful hydration to end the day."
"Your home is where you value yourself and spend time with loved ones."
"Even working moms today spend more time with their kids than previous generations of stay-at-home moms ever used to."
"Good luck in retirement, Kimi, and enjoy your time with the family."
"We just had the best Christmas day, it has been fun!"
"I wanted us to be able to travel I wanted us to be able to go to the park on a Wednesday morning if we wanted to and I wanted one of us to be able to stay home with our kids."
"The big stuff is great, you know, going to Disney maybe this weekend and then being able to actually enjoy it."
"Maybe book in that walk with your family or by yourself with your dog, get in that step count, get in that fresh air as well."
"A lot of my best memories from childhood involve sitting with my brother listening to my mom or my dad read books to us."
"With the last few days of your parents' vacations winding down, let's go to our Cosmo copter for a special report."
"Value life, be happy, spend time with your family, fix some relationships."
"Sometimes I go picking with my boyfriend, sometimes it's my best friend Sue, and sometimes it's my kids."
"If all this did was give you more time with your family, would it be worth it to you?"
"We need to get back to being with our families, getting off social media, getting off the video games for the kids, and having family dinners."
"Spend time with real people. It's not touch grass, touch family, not like in a creepy way obviously."
"I hope that in all of this that's been going on, that you find the small joys like a date night at home with your family or with your loved ones."
"There are parts of that that I think are really bad and that I think we'll really miss."
"Get that quality time with your family, especially when the kids are young."
"Spend time with those that you love every single day."
"Sometimes you just want a drama-free family day."
"I took time for myself and I went home to see my family and I spent time with my family."
"Creating memories, having a great time together."
"If I didn't get fired by the WWE, I wouldn't have the last five months of my grandmother's life with her."
"I think it's so important and I am thoroughly committed to taking 10 minutes in the morning every day with my child to meditate."
"2021 has been an interesting year but we are all looking forward to spending some time with our friends and family once again this holiday."
"Don't miss it... time with your child is not repeatable."
"It just feels good to be around family, kicking back, listening to music, just chilling in pajamas. No plans, nowhere to go, just having fun enjoying one another." - Al Reynolds
"I'm a lot more chill on the weekend, I'm not going to make them [help], they don't have to do their chore charts on the weekend."
"We've never spent more quality time together."
"I wake up, the kids come to the bed, we watch cartoons, I excuse myself, I make a brown, and then before I can [ __ ] think about it, I put on the workout clothes."
"You now have a comfortable place to hang out and watch the games, make some music, and enjoy the family."
"I am in love with this lifestyle of just living and enjoying every moment with my family and creating memories and living life to the fullest."
"I would say spending time with friends and family is a hobby."
"Always spend time with your mom because one day you'll miss her when she's gone."
"We're all going to take some time off to be with our families for the holidays... just not think about Diablo 4 for a little bit."
"Schedule one-on-one time with your children."
"My biggest fear now is really just not spending enough time with the people that I love."
"Just enjoy the time you have with your kids because once they're gone they're gone."
"Experience gifts are the best because do you know how kids spell love? T-I-M-E, time with you, time together."
"I love being at home. I love time with family."
"They've got space back to enjoy their time with granddaughter Jasmine and that little bit of cash."
"How about we put our phones down and we can make 10 seconds of unobstructed family eye contact?"
"Happy Easter Christ King to everybody, hope you had a wonderful Sunday and spent time with family."
"I unfortunately don't have time to torture our children with history anymore. They have a history curriculum."
"I've thoroughly enjoyed being here, working on the house, spending time with my parents."
"Do you really think that drinking tea all day while goofing around with my son is better than being the Fire Lord?"
"Spending quality time with my friends and family, offline."
"What is more important to your children: toys or your time? Our time."
"Spending time with your kids is not a favor to them, it's a favor to yourself."
"And the final scene shows Scott, Hope, and Cassie watching a movie at a drive-in screen."
"I'll take the 400, and I'm sure I'll have a good little trip with my grandson."
"Safety first, kids. Can't drive, so we're gonna spend 24 hours in a car."
"Christmas is all about seeing your family and just spending time together."
"I love it it's changed our life it has really allowed us to you know be together more and you know well you know not have to be gone all day long."
"Now I am running out the door to go watch a Christmas movie with my kids, I love you and I'll see you in my next video, bye guys."
"Stay off the news and enjoy your family. The holidays are here."
"I think it's such a special time of year, and it's all just about having time with your loved ones. It's not about what you spend."
"I like to be outside... go on hikes... spend time with my family." - Tinashe
"Date your daughter. It wasn't about your kids, right? 'Cause now I have one-on-one time with my boys, we'll do that."
"It's nice to actually spend a bit of quality time with the family."
"You should take some time off to focus on yourself and your family."
"I'm so incredibly grateful for everything. I told my parents even I was like we don't even have to open the presents we could just sit here in our pajamas and watch movies and I would be perfectly happy."
"I really do value spending time with my family, going outside, connecting with friends."
"I hope everyone this year had a wonderful holiday season, got to spend time with those that they love, and got everything on their list that they wanted. I know I did."
"This is really special family time and we are gonna come out of it."
"And now she does and she's enjoying it and that's really what it's all about."
"Spend some time with your family, get outside, get away from the cities. That's what life's all about."
"We wanted to spend more time together as a family, go on adventures. And now our kids learn from doing and seeing, rather than just reading textbooks."
"People get to be home from work and they're spending time together, which is kind of sad that you have to rely on holiday to do that, but that's just how it is."
"Time with loved ones is worth investing in... it is so worth it."
"Thanks guys for watching, have a great weekend, stay inside, play some video games, spend some time with the family."
"Bobby looked like he was spending a lot more time with his family and looking happier and healthier."
"I want to be 40 years old and at Disney World with my eight-year-old."
"It's kind of fun to be, I'll be over at Bill's house just chillin watch little NBA, the kids are running in and out, we're giving the kids high fives, that's fun, it's fun."
"Take some time, be with your kid. If your dog is bothering you, go take him for a walk. This is an important moment to heal."
"It does not get better than this: Lake Tahoe with the family out on some jet skis. Now that's how you bring them, baby."
"We're home. We're in our living room. We feel fantastic."
"He's happy, he's not spending time with Daddy."
"Any day I can go out in the open in the mountains with my son is a good day."
"So Elizabeth, on her thumb, and her family, thank you so much for spending this afternoon with us."
"Just being around my wife and family and just friends and having that time has been a real blessing for me as well."
"I appreciate so much the effort that my parents put on being involved in our lives and not just resorting to movies and video games to be a babysitter."
"We love you, thank you for hanging out with us today."
"If I'm doing any work whatsoever that is time that I'm not rolling on the floor with my daughter or my son playing."
"This is the first vacation that like Ryland and Liam are just relaxed and they're just having fun."
"Have a great weekend with the ones you love."
"Beautiful energies for you... having a good time with your family."
"I gotta go play fetch with my daughter. She's been really patient, she hasn't barked at me too much."
"All the money that I've been making doesn't buy me time with my kids, my family, my good friends."
"I'm just taking a week off to spend time with family."
"I want to be more social and hang out with my family."
"Life is good, dog. I've had a chance to just really sit back in my career and just really relax with my family."
"I'm trying my best not to miss out on all the family time just so we can have a perfectly clean house more often."
"Absolutely amazing...spend some time with your loved ones very soon."
"I just want to relax, I just wanna travel, raise my kids, have a good time, laugh, or do no drama."
"Staycations are better... making time to spend together."
"This is the season of loving, the season of giving, the season of enjoying time with family and friends."
"I truly truly love nothing more than spending time with my wife and kids... just being with my wife and my children."
"What better time and place than to be with my loved ones and on YouTube."
"Christmas is about celebrating Jesus' birthday and spending time with family."
"Now that he's made a success of his life, he can finally watch the Itchy & Scratchy movie with his dad."
"I hope you guys have a merry Christmas... enjoy time with your friends and family."
"But, anyway, we're having a lovely holiday. I'm gonna go back to the pool right now, and there will be some holiday vlogs coming up very soon."
"I'll see you guys. I'm gonna go play with my baby boy Jude. Love you guys. Thank you for the donations. Bye bye."
"Never underestimate the power of relaxing and recharging with people you love and trust. Take time for you and the family to just be 100%."
"Take time to have clean fun with your family, creating lasting memories."
"Oh my gosh, Santa came! Yeah, we were on the nice list this year."
"You'll have more time with your friends and family down the road."
"You have to sort of be able to still spend time with the family. You can't just sit there and lay in bed and recover for the next session." - Discipline is about balance.
"I hope everyone enjoys their holiday season, whether you're spending time with your family or avoiding spending time with your family, no judgment here, just remember to be safe, have fun, and drink milk."
"Have one evening a week without electronics."
"I'm gonna keep up the tree until he gets home."
"What's been bringing me joy is spending time with my family and reconnecting with some really good friends."
"My favorite thing was probably just being with everyone and spending time together."
"I can't wait to catch up with my friends and family when I go home for vacation."
"At the end of the day, it's your experience as a parent, and you're never going to get this time back with your kids."
"Quality time with kids is the most important."
"What are you looking forward to doing, seeing movies, doing with family whatever this Christmas?"
"Christmas isn't about presents. Christmas is about cuddling your family, playing board games, laughing, joking, eating amazing food."
"Maybe what you need to do is spend some more quality time with your kid."
"Thanks for your voice, David. Go spend time with your kid, man. That's all I needed."
"Now we're having a vacation with our family that we saved. We're grilling some hot dogs. Let's go."
"I'm out in the park with them, I just hug them, I just... I don't know."
"Being around my friends, being around my family, cooking good food..."
"What a better way to celebrate him than through a book, to encourage kids to spend time with their families and fall in love with the outdoors just like we did."
"Hope Christmas is going well for y'all watch all the movies spend time with family cozing up with some hot chocolate with hot milk which is what I'm gonna do tonight with my kids it's gonna be great."
"Listen, only real dads know how to dawn the Apple Vision Pro and watch all three Lord of the Rings movies at the same time."
"It's just like a cool way to spend time with your family, laughing."
"Generational wealth, it's not having land and stuff, it's having time with the ones you love, and those are the things that we can pass down. The memories is actually what we can take."
"The one thing that I will remember this past year is... seeing my kids every day."
"Time is of the essence. Don't forget to enjoy that time with your family. These may be looked back at as the good old days."
"I just like being with my kids and doing stuff and knowing that they're around."
"During this quarantine, I have filled all of my time with my wonderful son, with my work, and a lot of my time is spent cooking."
"The point of our picnic was to show us that we can do family things at the coffee park and it doesn't have to be all about stress and discipline, that we can still have a good time there."
"It's time with the family coming up... It's just another excuse for people not to go to work and spend time with their family."
"I've been spending so much time with my family after everything this past month, so I feel like I'm gone for like two, three days at a time and every time I come back, there's just some sort of [___] that's going on."
"This is one of our favorite family meals, it's so fun to do with a group of people."
"Have a cozy space where you read with your child."
"What's the rush? Plus, there's going to be holidays, it's going to be Christmas time, you know the kids are going to be on break anyway, so there's no real hurry here."
"Every day is a gift, don't waste it on trivial things with family."
"I love getting up with my girls, it's always a good time."
"Maybe just try to spend a little extra time with your family and friends over the holidays. They might need it and you might need it too."
"Let's stay an extra couple of days so I can kick it with a little baby."
"I cherish this hour every day, laying with them, holding hands."
"Merry Christmas everybody! I hope your Christmas shopping is doing really well and that you're gonna have some wonderful time with your family."
"Literally what we've done is sledge, make breakfast, watch Christmas movies, sledge, make breakfast, make lunch, watch Christmas movies, sledge, sledge, sled..."
"Enjoy your children, enjoy your sons and daughters, and spend as much time as you can with them before it's too late."
"More time at home, more time with family, more time with yourself."
"You never been kicking with your family at the crib? That one wants to dance whatever."
"It's just been so lovely with Alfie adventuring around, with Deb, with Lyd's Mom. It's just been... it's been so good."
"Don't worry, I will be there at least on Christmas Day, December 25th, or a couple of days earlier."
"It's kind of like they get together on Sundays and they make bread together."
"Just enjoying the day and relaxing together as a family."
"Time is precious, and quality family time is something I cherish now."
"Another beautiful day and a beautiful day with awesome work spending with my wife with my kid."
"Put the briefcase down, turn off the laptop, and hug your children. It's time to nurture."