
Coping Strategy Quotes

There are 276 quotes

"Talking about things can be a great way to improve your mental health."
"When events happen, the most powerful part of acceptance happens if you accept it as it's happening."
"Just ask yourself that question: How can I be grateful for this situation?"
"Choose to focus on them not forever, but for the moment if you're struggling with anxiety."
"The best way to resolve your emotional flashbacks is to regularly acknowledge that you are indeed in an emotional flashback."
"I'm okay with rejection. It's not my desired result, but at least my mind isn't in tension."
"In any pressured situation, you have to bring it down into one meter square, just focus on your immediate environment."
"By saying 'I'm excited,' you change the context of your nervous responses, from fear to excitement and readiness."
"Humor is often a really good way to cope with the seriousness of an illness like schizophrenia."
"You can only take it one day at a time, just keep going."
"It wasn't to replace anybody; it was probably one of the best decisions we made because it helped us keep moving forward."
"You can't avoid the battle of life, but you can pray."
"Sometimes when I go out and feel like an anxiety attack is bubbling up, I usually head towards the nearest bathroom."
"Prayer against retaliation can be very helpful... not to suffer retaliation or if you are suffering from it to be protected."
"This is so fitting... just gonna let God handle it... have faith."
"That's my coping strategy most times is like just thinking back to all the times previous to this that I have gotten through it and I have done it I felt so good afterwards."
"Things are easier to get through when you just keep the peace."
"The best that we can do now is just not pay attention."
"Whatever the story is when it comes to you just be grateful for whatever comes and then you'll be fine."
"I know it's there but I don't take any notice of it because it's, I can't, I can't, I can't get rid of it and that's just the way the world. I don't let it bother me or dictate my day or anything like that."
"Comforting especially during difficult times."
"Your anxiety in a lot of ways is like this ferocious pet that's out of control and rather than fear it and run from it get to know it because it will be your protector."
"I think gratitude is a great way to get out of your down moments."
"You gotta lay on the floor, kick, scream, and roll around until you get over it, in other words, you need to go cold turkey."
"Simply stay busy. When you are busy, your body just, you can't realize you're hungry."
"Gray rocking is like driving on a spare tire; it's not meant for a long-term drive."
"We just need to stand together, ignore it. Just ignore it all right."
"You genuinely don't know what's gonna happen next, right? So you literally have to take it day by day."
"Sometimes you just have to laugh at the darkness in life."
"As long as we're talking about the Gardeners, think of life like a big scrapbook. The challenge is to incorporate both positive and negative elements." - John
"Create a scrapbook that encompasses everything, including the dark moments of life." - John
"Reminding yourself like this will be over in a couple minutes the pain will go away."
"It just feels like I'm romanticizing my life, which is what I need right now."
"I'm just gonna take my lumps guys, and I'm just gonna react to this."
"Celebrate your difficulties, celebrate your challenges."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I was at rock bottom."
"Acceptance is the key when you are going through a dreadful disease."
"You try to find the silver lining. You try to stay positive."
"If you treat your emotions and thoughts as if you're a passive observer, you're more likely to be able to live with them."
"Hope everyone's staying healthy and safe, we're going a little stir-crazy."
"Sometimes we may go through a lot of turbulence in life, and things can get really chaotic and dark, but the best thing to do is just to ride the wave."
"Life is overwhelming sometimes, but with a little bit of love and care, everything's a miracle in nature."
"I think his whole thing is like, just mentally push through it and eventually it'll all go away."
"Oh my gosh, that's better than the first one, so good."
"When in doubt, zoom out and you realize things aren't so bad."
"You're not gonna get better from it if you run from it. The only way to get better from an injury is to lean into the pain."
"Take the L like a man. I just went and ran a mile for no reason to prove no one right, really."
"When you want to whine or something... 'you know, you have to play the hand you're dealt.'"
"The only way to get out of it is to be optimistic a little bit with yourself."
"Take a cold shower on tough days to boost dopamine levels and energy."
"Tragic optimism: Embrace the good with the bad."
"If you don't feed them energy by arguing or give them resistance then they can't take your power and they don't feel powerful."
"The craving won't last forever. You just have to procrastinate."
"There's nothing you can do... Just lay back and enjoy it."
"Make a decision that you're going to laugh them away."
"The key to mental health is giving thanks in everything."
"That's what leaves me without feeling crazy all the time."
"For most people, the healthiest and best response is to just ignore it."
"Expect the worst, then you can only be pleasantly surprised."
"Playing dead when someone gets on him or gets near him."
"You just gotta stay positive and that's all I wanna get by."
"I think the biggest thing is to say I'm not too proud to ask for help, and honestly in some form I do it every day, and I think that's what's helped me keep going."
"Keep calm, continue to do what you need to do."
"Some things are not worthy of confrontation. Some things are just worthy of laughing and moving on."
"You gotta go gray rock... and let's weather through this until we realize how bad things are gonna be."
"Counter-attack any negative thought with three positive ones."
"If fear lives in tomorrow, let god live in tomorrow."
"You're putting yourself through it twice when you really need to only put yourself through it once."
"Don't let bullies get to you, write poems instead."
"Seeing the beauty in something rather than seeing the fear in a situation."
"Whenever you have problems in life, run the fuck away from them."
"I know it makes a pain in the ass, but I think it's better than her going sicko mode."
"The mind can invent terrible things to avoid painful realities, and Pyramid Head is a similar type of delusion."
"Don't let your fear overwhelm you, you're going to receive a lot of information, but trust that it will work."
"Sometimes you just gotta laugh at it 'cause what else are you gonna do."
"Highlighting the worst of humanity for no better reason than to farm hate clicks is genuinely sickening."
"A little space for a little while really helps a lot."
"The best comeback you can tell someone when they're being negative to you is to say, 'Are you okay?'"
"But I am here to tell you not to get distracted by 'Undaunted' seasoning of sadness"
"My ultimate wish in life is to be able to turn off my [__] brain for as long as I want."
"If life gives you lemons, just start juicing them in front of a live studio audience."
"And if you have to take it one day at a time or one hour or one minute at a time, that's okay, but just keep going."
"Every single thing they do is a defense mechanism against that voice."
"Accepting those things that we can't change."
"There's always somebody out there that has it worse than you. If you could remember that, you're really gonna be alright."
"The only real way to completely eliminate a narcissist's manipulation, gaslighting, and abuse is to go completely no contact."
"It's really hard to get yourself out of harassment campaigns, don't respond to them maybe that's the only way."
"Again, please remember that no feeling is final."
"You can't control what happened, but you can control your reaction."
"Keep troubles and torments at a distance where they may be easily forgotten."
"Whenever I'm sad I listen to super depressive music that makes me like the hardest music I can listen to and then I feel better."
"I'm just trying to keep it positive because, you know, what else you gonna do?"
"Visualize a corridor, take out one of the things that you're thinking about, put it in the door, close the door."
"I feel like she'd want to do something like, 'I gotta stop for like a milkshake and fries.' You understand? That is my medicine."
"Let's make some lemonade out of lemons, like let's make the best out of a bad situation."
"Fear is looking at the future with a negative mind. Whatever happens, I'm sure you can deal with it. That's Karma."
"You've got to take it one day at a time. Don't take it personal."
"I think it's important to acknowledge that it hurts like hell."
"When I can laugh at it, I mean I got control of that situation."
"When I'm having a hard time, I think of the future."
"I know it's not something that's a very enticing way to look at things, but sometimes you just have to wait it out."
"How do you deal with it when people are saying terrible things about you? Embrace it, love it, and amplify it."
"I'm gonna treat this like everything else I've ever been through in my life."
"Routine was one of the strongest things that helped him escape his depression."
"It's the price of conflict; we get on with it."
"Not everything goes perfect all the time, but it's how you bounce back that matters."
"Life's a journey, and sometimes you gotta laugh at the bumps along the way."
"It's just so much easier to just go focus on something else."
"Finding the positive in things is the way that I'm gonna be able to get through all this."
"Every feeling is temporary you might be having a crappy day it's just a crappy day not a crappy life."
"Preparing yourself to deal with uncertainty."
"Brace: Breathe, Remember, Ask, Call, Escape."
"You can either laugh or cry, and I choose to laugh."
"I'm not running from my problems, it's a mental health break."
"I think it's kind of like the everywhere's version of going to the Winchester, right?"
"I love that illustration too, when you're in a storm or a trial, is that not the best posture you can take, is one of bowing before the Lord, humbling yourself before the Lord."
"All you can do is cuddle and cry. You feel guilty."
"I have to be intentional about when I'm down, being really, really down."
"If you're mainly inside and you're struggling, find the casual magic habit."
"Interruptions are going to happen, but the most important thing is to just keep going."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do on your worst day is take a nap."
"If you just keep telling yourself it'll be fine, it'll be fine."
"Hope of release is something to cling on to."
"The only response to absurdity is to have a bit of a laugh."
"Persevere through the adversity and use humor as your tool."
"You're allowed to have a bad day, give yourself some Grace."
"Life is like a plate: when it's filled with various things, even the bad stuff becomes just a small portion."
"Gratitude anchors us in God's promises, reminding us that he is in control and that we can trust him with our day, our worries, and our dreams."
"Worrying cannot add anything positive to you, but prayer and thanksgiving will."
"Be anxious for nothing; deal with your anxiety."
"Look for the silver lining in every situation to build resilience."
"Keep smiling and you'll be alright, that's how you'll get through the world."
"It's about perseverance and it's like this: if that's what you do, you know, like it's not... it's a situation."
"Life is complicated, but you have to crack on."
"When you repeat your complaints out to yourself, you start to laugh at them or you start to recognize them with perspective."
"Acceptance takes the initial burden off your shoulder."
"Life just happens... all we can do is stay calm."
"Wearing sunglasses to avoid eye contact with people."
"Praise is gonna be the thing that's gonna help you to get through it."
"Hard situations become more manageable when you joke."
"Just stare, just ignore bullies, that's the best way I think to deal with bullies."
"Back down until you don't feel overwhelmed and see the results."
"When worry shows up, it's a cue to start talking to God."
"Suffer in private. Don't give them the emotional payout they crave."
"Radical acceptance says yes to reality in any given moment so that what's needed can come next."
"There's no balancing the shit; we take turns feeling sorry for each other."
"It's just like a passing thought, acknowledge it and move on."
"Sometimes faith changes the situation; sometimes faith changes the way you see the situation."
"This team's from n a and so nobody on the Discord is allowed to disagree that n a is better than EU for a week."
"Surround yourself with people who love you and distract yourself."
"Sometimes it's better to just fall and get it over and done with, don't look."
"Do always practice radical acceptance. Accept the situation you're in."
"Help them buy time. Those thoughts won't last forever."
"She's like I'm strong and I'm learning and then another way she's like but I have I deserve to do drugs."
"You're taking the loss as a blessing in disguise."
"This system can give you a way out if your life is salty."
"Just don't think about it, just don't... they're trolls, they don't know you, whatever, but it's such a dark rabbit hole to fall down, you know?"
"I always want to look on the bright side of situations."
"Just shake it off, take a deep breath one day at a time."
"A good support system is so helpful... somebody you can be honest with."
"Breathwork: a powerful tool for navigating intense energies."
"When you are having a panic attack the only person who can help you is you."
"Sometimes you just gotta tighten up your belt strap and keep going."
"I don't know who needs to hear this but if you're having a bad day, go and listen to Waffle House by the Jonas Brothers."
"My normal disposition is gratitude, joy even in the midst of difficulties."
"Laughter is honestly the best medicine for serious situations."
"Enjoy what you do, so the nonsense makes sense."
"Everything kind of becomes like a breeze rather than a rock, rather than I'm upset and I'm stuck with it and it's... and I'm gripped by it."
"Put your two index fingers in your ears and close your eyes and live your life that way."
"When bad things happen, I like to leave. That's my strategy."
"I'm still very much on a one day at a time mindset."
"Dwelling on pain and discomfort only wastes valuable energy."
"I am so tired of being sad, I'm just gonna smile."
"I say when something bad happens to me, I say 'I don't know how but this is gonna work out for me.'"
"Running helps depression, why do you think I'm always climbing up a hill?"
"It's okay to have a couple wins, it's okay to have a couple setbacks."
"Just surrender... that is what is going to help you the most."
"I mean oh my God was kind of it was kind of a mishmash kind of a cluster [__] but you know made it barely."
"Staying calm, distracting yourself and YouTube as much as you possibly can."
"Gratitude is the greatest strategy to fight back against anxiety."
"Eat your way out of the recession is what I say."
"That's actually a fantastic way of dealing with Karens."
"When you don't think about every single thing, it's almost easier."
"Try and smile, it helps. Breathing definitely helps."
"...I just tell myself it's only been x number of days and it will probably get better as time goes on."
"Anytime these intrusive, negative thoughts...anytime you hear those, you want a strategy for saying, 'Not helpful now, Not true, I got this far because I put together a good package.'"
"Avoidance behaviors are actually an effective and very necessary part of overcoming your pain."
"It's like actually uh then good for that practice is to deal with Interruption and distraction in a positive way because it's like dude meditation's no good if you're just if you're only in that space in the 20 minutes and then as soon as you're done you're like."
"But, I mean, hey, like a lot of people tell me, 'Fake it till you make it,' but I ain't going to lie, that only apply to me when it come to school."
"Why not just go out and be funny and avoid something more often?"
"Give your mind a name, so you can gain psychological distance from the noise in your head."
"Write those angry thoughts down, you're basically transferring that energy from your mind onto a sheet of paper."
"But they realize the importance of having fun and laughter in life as a great coping mechanism and pressure released from stress."
"How do you deal with a family member of your wife's that you don't like? Oh, I like them all. Let me think. Fake it."
"One of the tricks, when you're suffering, never look like you're suffering. Just have the same face, a blank stare."
"One day at a time is what we've got."
"Instead of saying rejection, let's say redirection."
"The best way for me to fight back effectively against it is just perpetual motion, constant action."
"When you catch the nervousness, just look at it and let it go."