
Risk Reduction Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"The biggest reduction in risk bar none is always going from nothing to doing something."
"Identifying vulnerabilities and bugs before deploying results in an exponential reduction in risk and operational costs."
"Physical exercise is associated with a 38 percent reduced risk of cognitive decline."
"The decentralized nature of blockchain allows companies to reduce their risks of data loss, corruption, data fraud."
"Eliminating the risk is as simple as consistently getting a good night's rest."
"The difference between self-education and formal education is that self-education lowers your risk."
"The probability of collision for a customer using a safety score versus not is 30 percent lower."
"Reducing settlement time reduces risk in the system."
"An absolute risk reduction of actually over 50 percent."
"Dollar-cost averaging flattens out volatility and reduces risk."
"Discord stuff was a perfect example of reducing the risk. We knew how many people were active in our Discord, giving us confidence in our launch."
"For many people, lifestyle modifications alone may not be enough to substantially reduce one's risk."
"It's amazingly healing and that's one of the reasons I think why it's been associated with such dramatic risk reductions."
"Eight to twelve uncorrelated investments can reduce your risk by 80% and increase your upside."
"Understanding the stock story reduces investment risk."
"Exercise can reduce the odds of developing those underlying health conditions that also claim lives."
"That difference is a 36% reduction in the risk of a heart attack."
"Removing mines is dangerous and expensive, but that's about to change."
"Using the right procedures, using the right equipment can really limit your own risk."
"The pills cut death risk by nearly 90 percent."
"Mitigation saves time, money, and reduces risk."
"Exercise literally slashes the relative risk in half."
"You definitely want to get two pairs... you've minimized the chance that your car is going to actually fall over or tip over."
"Once explosive and detonators been separated, the risk for the explosive ordnance disposal team is significantly reduced. An accidental explosion is practically no longer possible."
"Some risk is unavoidable, but I think you should try and do everything you can to minimize avoidable risk." - Retired U.S. Navy submarine Captain David Markey
"Get out of the credit markets or at least reduce your risk."
"We could reduce the risk by using the computer to figure out all the possible situations long before we went to the wet lab, long before we killed animals and god forbid long before we killed humans."
"After every plane crash, after every train derailment, there is an investigation, and crucially, measures are taken to reduce the risk of recurrence. That has not happened in this case."
"Our advice to people is to raise cash raise cash reduce equity get your stocks down to something palatable that you can sit through no matter what happens."
"The more you research potential stocks, cryptos, real estate funds, etc., the more you know, the less risk because you have more knowledge about that topic."
"If you had less than four percent omega-3 in your cell membranes... that would lead to a 42% risk reduction in having a heart attack."
"Decriminalizing it would at least take a ton of the risk out of if you are somebody who needs it."
"We want to make sure that we're guiding things to a technological positive future and reduce the probability of a negative one."
"The wonders of achieving stabilization. Once they have a healthy HDL and a healthy blood pressure, you're ultra low risk."
"And the degree which they become at lesser risk is the degree in which we enforce mandates for vaccination."
"I'm fully beeped. That's actually kind of nice to say, like I have this status now, I'm fully beeped. Obviously, you can still... but if it works like it's supposed to, it'll bring down my risk of death. That's how it matters to me."
"You're always in full control, you're trading, you're spreading it out over four months, you're kind of eliminating a lot of that fear of missing out or taking bad trades because you know you have time."
"A low-carb diet will help to decrease your risk."
"If you have that segregation there, then that will allow you to reduce the target on your back."
"The quicker you get your project done, the less risk you actually have on that deal."
"Roll the entire strategy to maintain the position and continue reducing risk."
"I see off-main-thread as a means to reduce risk, make your app more robust in the face of adverse runtime conditions."
"Canary testing is a way to reduce risk and validate new software by releasing it to a small percentage of users."
"We want to consistently and effectively implement change in a way that reduces risk to the organization."
"...if you make a real change to your lifestyle you can really dramatically reduce your chance of having a heart attack. That's amazing, it's a three or fourfold drop in risk of heart disease..."
"Defense in depth is a layered approach to vulnerability management that reduces risks."
"You can drop your risk in 2 days by a better lifestyle. That's pretty good two days I'll take."
"You need to be strategic about your exercise or your movement. This is one of the steps that make the biggest impact in lowering your risk of a cancer recurrence."
"You cut your risk in half by going outside."
"Reduced risk - using CI/CD, we can push smaller changes and more frequent updates which are less likely to cause major problems or bring production down."
"If you have hypertension, diabetes, and smoking and you actually are treated, you clearly reduce your risk of stroke. There's no question about it."
"The best hope is to try to not get it, to prevent. And there are things that can modulate that risk."
"Rates of sexual behavior are going down, stabilizing and going down. Certainly, rates of risky sexual behavior have also gone down."
"From zero to 3 hours per week of exercise, the comparison between zero and 3 hours per week was a relative risk reduction of 27%."
"Wearing a seat belt in a car can reduce the risk of death or serious injury by up to 50%."
"With the advent of laser, you're able to reduce the risk of severe vision loss... from 60% to 2%."
"Reduced risk: One of the key elements of a successful business is automation as many businesses use automation often errors and other problems are reduced and directly increases the efficiency of the business."
"Follow some of these same principles and apply it to your personal retail investing, and you will reduce your risk."
"Anything that we can do to get better control of seizures helps to reduce the risk of this dreaded phenomenon."
"You can roll your call up, pulling money off the table and lowering your risk level."
"People who consumed one fish meal a week had a 60% reduction in the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease."
"The less complicated the training is, the less that can go wrong."
"Improve your metabolic Health lower your inflammatory risk."
"Legume consumption is associated with a lower risk."
"Autonomous allows us to innovate while at the same time reducing risks."
"Treatment with tight blood pressure control resulted in a 34% reduction in the risk of worsening of retinopathy."
"Nuts matter: Eating them once or more a week effectively halves your risk."
"Six Sigma can help produce a roadmap or a path through which you can easily find and reduce any sort of organizational risk and reduce the operational costs."
"You pay off the debt because when you pay off the debt you reduce your risk, you increase the cash flow."
"... mrd negativity is associated with a reduced risk of progression or death."
"The wonderful thing about using this strategy is it reduces the risk of selling and the money call option because both positions you hold in the market are covered."
"Understanding triglycerides is essential for cardiovascular health. Lifestyle changes can significantly reduce your risk."
"If more people do that, I guarantee the reduction of crashes and fatalities for motorcycle riders out in the twisties would drop significantly. I guarantee it."
"Hormone users who develop breast cancer have a reduced risk of dying of breast cancer."
"Low carb ketogenic diets reduce cardiometabolic risk by addressing the metabolic syndrome."
"Breathing your baby out instead of forced pushing reduces the risk of tearing."
"Frameworks are there to wrap around what you're already doing to reduce risk."
"Reducing scope within your business where PCI DSS applies helps minimize costs and risk exposure."
"There are many signs, thousands. Yes, you can reduce or negate the genetic risk."
"A one-point increase in this 2015 score was associated with a 19 percent reduction in risk of prostate cancer death."
"Better than nothing, massive risk reductions in cardiovascular disease."
"It's all about removing that risk so that people feel comfortable to buy."
"Everything we do in cyber security, it's all about reducing the risk."
"Quitting smoking reduces inflammation in blood vessels, lowering the risk of cholesterol buildup."
"Limit alcohol consumption to reduce the risk of high cholesterol."
"Estrogen on its own is safe and reduces breast cancer risk and mortality."
"Following safe work practices and using personal protective equipment can substantially reduce the risk of exposure."
"A low-fat diet, fruit and vegetable intake, and physical activity are good ways to lower your risk."
"Reduce the risk as much as possible."
"The real-time feedback loop actually changed the game in terms of reducing risk."
"If we can perhaps address things that are known to cause brain tissue damage, we can hopefully reduce the risk of exacerbating dementia."
"California has made the largest financial commitment to earthquake risk reduction in the country."
"Value investing reduces risk while simultaneously enhancing your rate of return."
"These practices reduce your risk of ever getting cancer."
"This reflects the benefit of diversification."
"We need to look at ways of removing or reducing the risk."
"The greatest risk reduction was for vegan men by far much greater risk reduction than anyone else."
"Stakeholders want to reduce the risk associated with decision making before they give an approval."
"If you replace saturated fat with particularly polyunsaturated fat sources... it does lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and can improve a number of cardiometabolic risk factors."
"It doesn't have to be all or nothing... even just making some small changes, you can see some important risk reductions."
"Covered calls are great strategies for those with long stock investments because the strategy reduces risk on stock investments."
"Living a healthy lifestyle can reduce your cardiovascular risk in the long run."
"The cardiovascular risk associated with exercise lessens as an individual becomes more physically active or fit."
"People on plant-based diet had a lower risk of moderate to severe coid by 73%."
"If you control the blood pressure, you're going to reduce your stroke risk by up to 40%."
"If we can identify a particular hazard and therefore remove part of the triangle, we have reduced the chance of the fire, reduce the risk."
"Exercise results in about a 20% reduction in risk for future cognitive impairment."
"For classrooms equipped with mechanical ventilation systems, the relative risk of infection of students decreased at least by 74 percent compared with a classroom with only natural ventilation."
"Instead of focusing on how much you can gain, I constantly try to focus on reducing risk."
"People who follow a vegan diet have their diabetes risk cut in half compared with those who don't."
"This helps you reduce the risk of selling expired items or make sales decisions like discounting items about to expire."
"We are trying to increase the network credibility, reducing risk, and enable faster service delivery."
"Good glycemic control can decrease your risk."
"Exercise isn't a magic bullet, but it lowers your risk quite substantially."
"Intensive control reduces the risk of development of diabetic retinopathy by 76%."
"For every one millimole per liter that you lower LDL cholesterol, there's a 20% risk reduction in cardiovascular events."
"Fewer than three percent of the US population is meeting the core four basic characteristics that predict low risk."
"Reduced volatility doesn't mean simply using bonds in retirement."
"If we could reduce risk in this population, it would have a massive effect on overall prevalence of Alzheimer's disease."
"Managing zero day vulnerabilities requires a proactive and multi-faceted approach to reduce the risks and impact of attacks."
"A drug that on average reduces the risk of death by 50%... is very different than a drug that... in some cases increases the risk of death by 20%."
"We need to mitigate it so that the risk is down to an acceptable level."
"The parachute has an absolute risk reduction on all-cause mortality of 99.999999% in a very short time window."
"Absolute risk reduction is the difference in the probability of an adverse outcome between the control and the intervention arms."
"Disease prevention refers to actions taken to prevent the occurrence of diseases such as risk factor reduction."
"If you have Cisco umbrella security solution, cloud email, and amp for endpoints within your environment, the likelihood of you suffering a major breach is significantly reduced."
"Lowering risk of heart attack, improving cholesterol levels, sleep, reducing pain, blood pressure, levels of anxiety, depression, stress."
"No flame means less fire and burn risk."
"Diet, lifestyle, and smoking habits are all controllable factors that can be adjusted to reduce the risk of ED."
"There was a 20% reduction in the risk of the primary endpoint in the LCZ group compared with the enalapril group."
"When it comes down to the end of the day, functional safety is really about reducing personal risk, risk to the environment, and financial risk."
"We can risk reduce... the relative risk reduction in that trial was substantial, like sixty-six percent reduction in the rate of injuries."
"Both militaries are working together at risk reduction to ensure that highly contentious issues do not result in miscalculation."
"If you decrease the albuminuria, you decrease your risk of having a heart attack, having a stroke, and having heart failure."
"Flexibility plays a very important role in reducing the impact of risks and uncertainties that are associated with global supply chains."
"If you're genetically at high risk but yet you don't smoke, you maintain ideal body weight, you can indeed lower your risk."
"Screening will decrease the risk of colon cancer."
"Assurance services provide an independent and professional opinion that reduces information risk."
"The main goal of this is reducing risk to the organization."
"The lower our saturated fat, the lower our heart disease risk, the lower our Alzheimer's risk."
"We don't get very many free lunches in investing, but if you can reduce your downside while at the same time increasing the upside, that's what you get to the margin of safety."
"Absolute risk reduction... subtract the event rate with the control rate."
"The best way to reduce the risk of injury from falls is to try to prevent falls from happening."
"The objective of this functional safety lifecycle is to reduce risk to a tolerable level."
"Your lung function will increase and your risk of heart attack begins to reduce."
"Safety integrity level is related to how much risk reduction you're looking for in a safety system."
"The best breakthroughs take away risk or resistance from the other side, so it's easier for them to say yes than no."
"The goal of any treatment is to reduce the risk of the cancer ever coming back."
"The higher the LP little a level, the lower the risk of bleeding."
"Quit smoking and avoid exposure to secondhand smoke to reduce the risk of arterial damage."
"Evidence-based practice is going through and using all the appropriate data and using material that has been proven to reduce risk."
"Having working smoke detectors reduces the risk of dying in a fire by half."
"Depict to stakeholders as to how agile can increase the quality and decrease the risk."
"Improved customer satisfaction since accuracy is maintained and operational risk is minimal."
"Diversification can reduce firm-specific risk which affects only a single company."
"Investment trusts and unit trusts... allow individual investors to spread their money over many investments which reduces risk."
"Trading from designated areas such as high of day, low of day, high of session, low of session reduces your risks."
"A higher intake is significantly associated with a lower cancer risk."
"A 10% reduction in your weight lowers your risk of disease between 30% and 50%."
"You can prequalify your site, you can get exactly what you're looking for in a lot less time, with a lot less risk to you."
"Transforming to a new way of working and frankly reducing their risk from the information that they're storing."
"As the age of our credit line goes up, our probability of defaulting goes down."
"The big advantage here is that you're working on the expertise of this person in that foreign country and you have less risk."
"Tokenization transforms the fraud risk surface area by removing vulnerable account data from being stored and transmitted."
"The satisfaction guarantee... it's basically a way to address objections and reduce the risk someone runs by making this purchase decision."
"They'll be reducing their long-term risk of heart disease and cancer."
"This cash credit reduces the cost bases of the stock and reduces the overall risk of the trade."
"The more flavonoids you have, the less your risk of coronary heart disease."
"Using XRP liquidity reduces systemic risk to a country."
"There's nothing you can do to take away that risk, but you can learn to minimize it."
"If you can change your diet to have lower LDL, you have lower risk of atherosclerosis."
"Reducing saturated fat in your diet reduces risk by 30%."
"Educate yourself, mitigate your risk."
"Among the Californian Adventists vegetarians, vegans have the lowest risk of heart disease, diabetes, overall cancers."
"The objective of this entity is to help ensure that we protect investors, ensure fairness, efficiency, transparency, and reduce overall systematic risk in the capital markets."
"The healthier you are, the less at risk you seem to be."