
Mountaineering Quotes

There are 513 quotes

"The deepest pleasure, once you've learned to walk up mountains, is to see the positive effect that observing that has on other people."
"More people have been to outer space than summit K2."
"Sandy wanted to be the first American woman to accomplish the goal of climbing the Seven Summits."
"A person cannot legitimately claim to have conquered Mount Everest if other climbers had to carry them down the mountain."
"Many climbers have reported seeing ghosts while climbing Mount Everest."
"The people just want to get to the top, they don't give a damn for anybody else who may be in distress." - Sir Edmund Hillary
"I think conquering mountains is a very ironic word. We are not conquering mountains up there. We can't conquer nature because we are part of it."
"He’s so close to the summit of Mount Everest that he can taste it, he just needs to triumph over this last difficult section and he will have fulfilled his lifetime dream of standing at the top of the world."
"Messner did not view mountaineering as being about conquest, he viewed it as seeking what he called the heart of adventure."
"He transformed mountaineering as we know it."
"Every corpse on Mount Everest was once an extremely motivated person."
"Nobody's deemed a section difficult; they've all died trying to get up here."
"At the top of the mountain, you realize that getting to the summit is no achievement. The true achievement lies in embarking on a journey in which you better yourself."
"Mount Kilimanjaro climb: Still one of my biggest life achievements."
"When it comes to the conditions of Mount Whitney, you have to understand Mount Whitney's a beast of its own right."
"Some of the people climbing Everest aren't doing it out of a passion for mountaineering but just because they want to say they climbed Everest."
"The area above 26,000 feet has only 30 percent of the oxygen that there is at sea level it is called the Death Zone."
"It's a horrendous clip of climbing, it makes no sense."
"Is it worth it to brave the dangers to have the chance to stand on the roof of the world?"
"I was very fortunate to stand on the summit of Everest."
"Now I like to climb in small teams just with some of my friends we're much more agile and dynamic I think it's a much safer way to climb."
"What they don't know in this photograph is that I am quite literally sobbing because the drop on either side of that Ridge was so severe."
"So at last on my third big mountain expedition I got to experience that pure joy of 99% hard work and then this this pure joy of looking around seeing this amazing scenery and thinking well it's all paid off."
"His greatest achievement was not reaching the summit but getting down alive."
"Mountaineering could be a powerful form of self-expression and exploration."
"When Yvon realized repeatedly hammering in and removing pitons were destroying pristine mountains, he decided to stop selling them."
"Ice fall doctors: risking their lives to make sure adrenaline junkie tourists are safe and sound."
"Summit fever is the obsessive desire and stubborn determination to reach the peak of a mountain at all costs, ignoring logical decisions."
"As long as mountains exist, humans strive to climb them."
"Climbers have called the feeling of standing on Mount Everest ‘indescribable’."
"Since the first historic ascent of New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary and Nepalese Tenzing Norgay in 1953, more than 5,000 people have successfully climbed Mount Everest."
"Man has always strived to conquer the mountain, yet often it’s Mount Everest that does the conquering."
"Nature does not yield easily, and every inch gained is a hard-fought victory over the Mountain's stoic resistance."
"Climb not because it is easy, but because it is hard. Face the dangers head-on, embrace the struggle, and let the mountain teach you lessons that transcend the limits of the physical world."
"At the summit against all odds, you'll realize the heights to which human potential can soar."
"Adventure awaits you, risking your life to scale the summit."
"When you climb Mount Everest, you put the flag on the top and just feel like you've done it."
"Craig and Millie have climbed over 20 mountains together."
"Getting to the top is optional but getting back down is compulsory."
"Many of Everest's victims die on the way down."
"I got close enough to clearly see the summit and just decided it simply wasn't worth that last push to the top..."
"Is it ethical to climb Everest? That's the question."
"I spent all day getting to the top of Mount Everest, and finally, I can say we have done it!"
"Of all the cliff faces on the planet, the one that's generally regarded as being the absolute best is the Amphitheater which is in northern Drakensberg in South Africa."
"After all, there’s no room for error on Mount Everest."
"K2 is the true king of the 8,000-meter peaks."
"Despite being almost a thousand feet lower than Mount Everest, K2 is unanimously known for being a far greater challenge."
"So once again, they turned back and returned to the safety of Camp 9."
"K2 is the second highest mountain on Earth after Mount Everest, regarded by Mountaineers as more challenging than Everest and statistically the second most dangerous mountain in the world."
"He was lucky he only froze his toes. If there had been more wind, his ears and face would have froze. His friends found him along the season Roux early in the morning. The three of them managed to get down to base camp at 10 pm."
"If you want to be a mountaineer and stand on top of the summit, it's not about enjoying standing on the summit, it's about enjoying the climb."
"The first two people to reach the summit of Mount Everest were New Zealand's Edmund Hillary and Nepali Indian Sherpa Tenzing Norgay."
"Standing on the summit is an incredible experience, the physical and psychological relief and elation at that point of finally standing there and looking out in all directions is something very special."
"It is the mountain, not the mountaineer, that decides if it's your day of reckoning."
"Everest today stands as the highest place on planet Earth."
"Yeah, K2, I mean it's ultimately a sad story, but came from also a really beautiful place."
"I had really raised my hand and said like, 'Can I climb Everest? Do you think we can do this? Do you think I can do it?'"
"The 14 8,000 meter peaks are the 14 tallest mountains in the world, and 8,000 meters is roughly 26,000 feet and that is sort of what's known as the death zone."
"K2 is widely considered the most dangerous mountain in the world in the best of circumstances."
"I had the best day of climbing in my entire life, just purely flow state tapped in, just feeling it."
"I wanna get to camp three, get inside my tent, melt some water, put on dry socks."
"Just in an instant, the both the triumph of K2 and the unrelenting danger of K2 boom in sharp focus."
"Bodies of climbers often become waypoints for others, a grim reminder of the mountain's dangers."
"How more people die coming down the mountain than going up."
"The tragedy on Lenin Peak became one of the most harrowing incidents in the history of mountaineering."
"These mountains are considered the pinnacle of mountaineering accomplishments."
"Nanga Parbat: The next best choice after Everest."
"We're about to take off with North Col. Sherpas have volunteered to take our sleeping bags because they are amazing."
"The sherpas were the true heroes of Everest."
"Climbing Mount Everest requires a high level of physical fitness, mental toughness, and technical expertise."
"The feeling of climbing up Mount Kaden was kind of undescribable in a way."
"I want to believe that nowadays the situation has changed and women mountaineers are seen as fully flesh climbing team members."
"Mountaineering expeditions: where mountains are not the place for arguments in displaying one's ego."
"In mountaineering there are Peaks that are considered safe climbing them rarely ends in disaster."
"These early attempts to conquer Everest stand as some of the most astonishing feats in human history."
"From the intricate mapping to the organization of people and supplies, to the actual climbing itself - these attempts were groundbreaking on every level."
"Not only do modern climbers rely on oxygen to assist them during their ascents, they're also equipped with better clothing, gear, expert guides, and established routes."
"For every six successful summits on Everest, one person will die."
"'On top of acting as guides along the heinous hike, Sherpas are often employed to carry mountaineers' food, tents, and oxygen canisters, risking their own lives so explorers can summit the mountain...'"
"'Sadly, in the last century, almost 100 Sherpa have perished while helping mountaineers trek Everest...'"
"Climbing this peak without proper training and huge experience is pretty much equal to committing suicide."
"We figure there’s at least one man, Steve Taylor, at the high camp. He was having problems with the altitude, so he finally decided to stay behind, when the other six went for the summit."
"Climbing Denali successfully is an accomplishment as impressive as it is memorable it's on every climber's bucket list."
"He made some of the most incredible ascents in the history of mountaineering."
"K2 is the mountain of mountains, the climber's summit."
"It became clear with the infamous K2 disaster of 2008 when 11 people died over a 24-hour period."
"I wanted to do something a bit more exciting so I decided to organize a proper mountaineering expedition to the Nepal Himalayas."
"Erhard lorington became the third climber in the world to conquer all 8000ers."
"All they want to do is climb Mount Everest."
"Elite mountaineers value the process of the climb."
"I made it to the top of Mount Everest."
"Fewer than 200 climbers have made it up the world's second tallest mountain."
"Once you have been in front of K2, it will never let you go."
"K2's extreme slopes pose a technical challenge to the most skilled climbers."
"But it's second to none in difficulty and danger."
"This is a situation which will be well understood by most of the mountaineers. You are very close to the top and you say now or never."
"It was the last time Pete Boardman and Joe Tasker were ever seen."
"More people have died than reached the summit."
"'I knew there was a chance of him dying on any of these big mountains.'"
"Why are all these corpses left up there, you might ask? The trip is dangerous as it is, so in most cases it simply isn't worth risking another fatality to retrieve the bodies."
"Dyatlov pass in the northern region of Russia's Ural Mountains is the site of one of mountaineering's greatest mysteries."
"Eight climbers died that day, including Rob Hall, Doug Hansen, and Scott Fischer."
"Many climbers don't mind dying in the mountains. Of course, they would like to live longer, but it is an honor for them to die doing what they loved most."
"Some describe mountaineering as a drug that you get hooked on the first time and can never give up."
"She climbed Everest twice, conquered Elbrus 12 times, and the 13th ascent was fatal for her."
"The fact remains that, for all their heroism and courage, several young men threw away their lives on the Eiger’s fated slopes…"
"Intoxicated by their success so far, the four comrades paused to gaze up at the Eiger’s summit, waiting above them."
"Despite all of the Eiger’s dangers, climbers have made constant attempts to conquer her, ever since the first ascent in 1858."
"Mount Eiger is far from being the world’s highest or most difficult mountain to climb. You’ve probably never even heard about it before now. But, in the climbing community, the Eiger is a well-known cult favourite."
"All of them died. A total of eight climbers died on the Eiger before the north face route was finally conquered."
"Michael Matthews became the hundred and sixty-second person to die on Everest. To some, he was another inexperienced climber caught out of his depth in a bad storm."
"On May 22nd, 2019, this photograph revealed the reality of climbing the mountain, waiting for hours in a queue."
"Being a mountaineering Sherpa was one of the most dangerous jobs in the world."
"The 25th of April 2015 is the deadliest day in Mount Everest's history."
"Most climbers only summit during weather windows."
"I think the overcrowding has made Mount Everest actually more dangerous than it was before."
"Mountaineering is constantly evolving, climbers are always developing better gear, new techniques, and creative approaches."
"A day on the summit seems so far away now Rodrigo's tent at fifteen seven what's left of it can barely describe what it was like to sit through such a storm surely his group had it worse than us hitting solid ice while trying to dig a snow cave."
"I mean not to mention 309 people have died. I mean four people died on Everest last year. Two of them from exhaustion, you know? It's like, it's you're putting yourself in a situation where no one can rescue you."
"Taking these skills into consideration and practicing them before embarking on a mountaineering Excursion will almost guarantee avoiding an outdoor disaster."
"Seven summits, one of which is Mount Everest."
"The most treacherous part of Mount Everest actually happens on the lower part of the mountain, which is from base camp to camp one."
"He developed his love for mountaineering."
"The world's highest mountains are notorious for claiming the lives of Mountaineers, many of them having remained frozen in time for decades."
"Would you risk it all to uncover the secrets of the greatest mystery in mountaineering?"
"David Lama managed to truly capture the experience of mountaineering in his videos."
"Together these technologies will reinvent elite mountaineering, allowing athletes to push harder and become more fluid in their exports."
"Days later, a group of mountaineers reached the summit of Everest and spotted a hairless figure crouched in the snow, weeping softly."
"He knew that it was when the cold faded away, turned to paradoxical feelings of warmth and sleepiness, that a mountaineer was truly in trouble."
"Many Mountaineers consider K2 the world's most challenging mountain to climb."
"Elizabeth became the first woman to conquer Nanga Parbat in Winter."
"He never climbed higher than 6,000m and suddenly he aimed not just for an 8000er but Nanga Parbat in Winter."
"No matter how advanced your mountaineering skills might be, everyone is equally helpless in the face of dangerous elements."
"Eventually he reached the world's tallest summit."
"Climbers who go to the Himalayas and especially to Everest know the risks they take."
"Unbelievable climb into this place above 25,000 feet in the death zone."
"Other teams are on the mountain but none offer oxygen."
"It's one of these seared mountaineering decisions, looking after Matt and me really good on it. I'll get down in an hour and a half."
"David Brashears has reached the summit of Mount Everest for the fourth time."
"It's a grueling five-hour Trek at the end of it will be nearly 500 meters higher and ready to make our final push to The Summit."
"To go from that to 'I'm going to summit Everest' twice... it's phenomenal."
"but the payoff is there's really nothing more fulfilling than being able to move through the mountains do big things in the mountains and again that takes really strong teamwork"
"This is the land where Mountaineers come to train for Everest and where Antarctic Expeditions begin."
"Right here, wow. I am at the top of the mountain."
"The new route gives you a great thrill, it gives you the thrill of being the first to pass somewhere, of leaving a little signature in the history of mountaineering."
"I think in the end it really doesn't matter whether Mallory got to the top or not. The remarkable thing is they got as high as they did."
"They went up that vista, that Conrad was talking about, beyond the Rongbuk Glacier."
"They're every bit as competent and responsible for success on Everest as any visiting European or North American climber."
"As I looked out there with a spectral moon... all I could think is that somewhere up on that mountain were two still forms, yesterday alive in pursuit of their dreams."
"You need to have some sort of base level of fitness to come up into mountains, otherwise, you'll get found out."
"Right, hope you're under, that's where I'm going, into clouds."
"Now, you need to have some sort of base level of fitness to come up into mountains, otherwise, you'll get found out. Right, so hope you're under, that's where I'm going, into clouds."
"Guinness World Records organizations published a retrospective on the first mother daughter Duo to climb Mount Everest."
"They still embark on special adventures and in 2018 the mother daughter duo climbed the tallest volcano in Antarctica, Mount Sidle."
"We just made it to Stella Point. Stella Point is basically the false summit."
"Do not try mountaineering this mountain unless you've got the experience and equipment."
"It takes a certain type of person to want to climb Everest."
"Good luck on your packing, good luck on your climb, it's an amazing experience."
"Getting properly acclimated to the altitude is the most important thing on Kilimanjaro."
"It's just before 7:00 p.m. and Tim and I are heading ready for bed to attempt the Throng La high pass tomorrow."
"No finer example of a clinical scalping of these majestic mountains."
"Mount Everest is this place of human struggle."
"Everest for me was this place where finally I failed and I failed completely because of myself."
"I completed the seven summits, and then after climbing Everest, I decided I was gonna start swimming."
"I've almost died on Mount Everest, and I'm the guy that almost died and kept going."
"Always save a dry, clean pair for summit day."
"The most important thing is to come home alive."
"Gerard is remembered by the mountaineering community as a brave hero who gave his life trying to save others."
"Sometimes not reaching the summit is even a better experience than reaching it."
"Come either it's to climb Mont Blanc or some other peaks, you will never regret it."
"If you're on Denali for 20 days and you've horrendously misjudged the food situation, it is a big deal."
"It is a trying mountain and the weather has a big say in it."
"The weather is the weather, it can be bad and it can be good anytime."
"This is your best friend in Denali, this is an airplane with skis on it."
"These people are leaving base camp and I just want to point out how happy they look."
"Climbing the highest mountain requires a strong team."
"No one has carried more of that risk than the Sherpa people."
"32 years of human struggle to reach the highest point on earth is finally over."
"New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay return from the summit of Everest triumphant."
"Inspired by their father's tales of mountaineering adventures, they dreamed of conquering the world's highest peaks together."
"The two climbers' physical and mental fortitude had been put to the test during the multi-day descent."
"She was overjoyed to be the first female to reach the summit of K2."
"Known for her resilience and indomitable spirit, aimed to become the first woman to reach the summit of Kangchenjunga."
"Wanda will always remain in our memories and her name will always be remembered as a high-spirited, strong, and incredible mountaineer."
"Benoit's passion led him to become one of the most accomplished and respected mountaineers of his time."
"The air is so thin at 8,000 meters, known as the death zone, that even the smallest movement requires an entire effort."
"The excitement and the feeling of being on Mount Everest and climbing it successfully were something beyond explanation."
"The black clouds had started gathering below, and it seemed a bit difficult to take the next move."
"May 15, 2006, will forever remain etched in the memory of the mountaineering community."
"David Sharp was no ordinary mountaineer; he had dedicated his life to climbing some of the most challenging peaks in the world."
"There's something so gripping about it, and so fascinating; it's one of the great mysteries and moments on Everest."
"Ultimately, Wanda became the first woman to summit K2 without any artificial oxygen."
"This is the story of the K2 disaster of 2013."
"The deadly K2 mountain is considered to be one of the most difficult mountains to summit."
"The whole Camp 3 site had been wiped out by a large avalanche."
"We have achieved what we set out to achieve, which was to climb WT Blanc."
"One day I vowed I would stand on top of Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Western Europe."
"Shamoni is said to be the birthplace of mountaineering in the Alps and is one of the oldest ski resorts in France."
"It's not getting summit fever; it's not pushing past a certain point because you feel peer pressure or you've got an ego on your head; it's letting go of all of that, it's surrendering to the journey."
"It's never about conquering the mountain, but about learning from the journey."