
Conflict Quotes

There are 23011 quotes

"The enemy is also the victim; you're at war with yourself. The source of the problem is also the only solution."
"I drove my Rolls Royce to Ukraine, I bought hundreds of coats and shoes for women and children fleeing the conflict."
"They will not stop until you're dead, Dan. They will not stop until you've lost everything."
"Across the border, Ukraine's President Zelenskyy visited the front lines and called for more weapons to stop Russia's advance in eastern Ukraine."
"The goal is to humanize each side of the Divide because it's the dehumanization that leads to violence."
"Don't weaponize the other person's insecurities."
"The hordes of people with pitchforks are usually the bad guys."
"Contempt is the killer of them all. In the contempt, there is a real degradation of the other."
"Ukraine is now targeting Russian oil refineries, causing significant damage and impacting Russia's oil production."
"Ukraine's tactical shift to targeting Russian infrastructure marks a new phase in the conflict, with direct implications for Russia's economic stability and political landscape."
"After a fierce battle, Rasra falls to the ground, crying over her loss to Ry once again, highlighting the depth of her defeat and the emotional turmoil behind their conflict."
"You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor. Take her away."
"I'm upset with you, but I'm still proud of you."
"Having a grievance is like drinking poison and hoping it'll kill your enemy."
"The default is that an occupied people have a right to defend themselves; the occupier is obligated to those they occupy."
"Vladimir Putin said moments ago that Russia will increase its airstrikes on Ukraine in the coming days, weeks, and months."
"There are two factions of non-humans on Earth: one is on the path of service to others, here to help humanity spiritually liberate itself; the other is on the path of service to self, here to enslave humanity for their own selfish needs."
"I don't like seeing the loss of innocent life in any conflict."
"It does appear that it was a very successful drone attack."
"With the current strife and the great rift bisecting the galaxy, this ancient technology is incredibly valuable to all parties."
"The traveler's internal resonance with the elements of Teyvat may have become entangled with conflicting ambition."
"The conflict has actually boosted US influence rather than undermined it."
"This violence is hideous; it has gone on now for a century. A just settlement has to be achieved; it will be endorsed by all sides."
"It is an honor for a man to cease from strife, but every fool will be meddling."
"Sometimes you have to take sides. Sometimes stuff happens where it's just like, you know what, enough is enough."
"Our power, the American superpower, is our democracy, is the fact that we live in conflict all the time."
"A duel of assassins is basically a war but it's a war where you're using hitmen and secret assassins to kill one another rather than open all-out war."
"I wish to be more than friends and less than enemies."
"Islam is not our enemy; Hamas does not just harm Jews, they harm Palestinians."
"When a thousand plus Palestinian babies die, you don't feel the same as when I tell you one of your own has died, but these are our own."
"When you take the time to know what the shouting is about, it makes it that much sweeter."
"We're in danger of possibly a World War III."
"We have tried so desperately to find peace, to find understanding, but we have found nothing but hate."
"More people have died over religious belief wars than any other type."
"You have chosen to defy peace; you have chosen war with a God."
"Sudan faces the genuine risk of further balkanization and separatism."
"Sudan has been locked in a devastating Civil War ever since April of 2023."
"I've declared war on the destiny subreddit because I don't like the way it is run. It's turned into a hate subreddit against me at times."
"War is the rule, and peace is the exception."
"The Human Experience was mostly characterized by strife, uncertainty, and conflict."
"The commercial imperative is incompatible with the news."
"Conflict and inequality are the engines of growth and innovation, which mostly benefit the least advantaged in the long run."
"Victory is not always about winning the battle but about finding peace in the war."
"Keep fighting against those people. Our family knows who will win this fight."
"You've been pranking me this whole time. Die, you killed Melanie, you killed Melan!"
"Give peace a chance. Too many people have already died."
"A full-scale conflict in a country of 44 million people will bring immense suffering."
"The assistance... was important for the Ukrainians fighting the Russians."
"Every day they get another email about what's going on between us and our psychotic neighbors."
"The defeat of the Russian army is the main cause of many of the present conflicts within the Kremlin."
"Gabby started this series in March unprovoked. There was no provoking her."
"Knowing how to fight is the number one skill that keeps a relationship together."
"You must have no qualms with taking them. This puts you in a difficult position. You seem to be in pain. You are noble in spirit as well as blood."
"Climate change is clearly a factor which has exacerbated the conflict in Somalia and contributes to food insecurity."
"We turned what could have been an ally into an enemy."
"They want to move past conflict. Your person wants resolution."
"Bill Burns, as head of this objective, agenda-free analysis agency, said, 'It was unprovoked, completely unprovoked, what Putin did in going into Ukraine.'"
"The last 24 hours have been, in my opinion, some of the most momentous and important in the conflict in Ukraine."
"What Israel seeks by operating in Gaza is not to destroy a people, but to protect a people, its people, who are under attack on multiple fronts."
"Our emotions are impulsive, our minds are reflective, and they clash very often."
"How do you fight a monster without becoming one yourself? You don't. You become a monster by fighting with a monster."
"Whether you like it or not, you've got parts of yourself that are going to fight you, and if you want to beat them, you can't. You have to understand them and integrate them."
"The first thing we found was that most conflicts in a marriage, in fact 69% of them, are never solved."
"Nuclear war erases all progress down to zero. Everyone loses. There are no winners in nuclear war."
"If you're in a relationship, certainly if it's a husband and wife, and your goal is to win, what does that mean? That means that your partner is now a loser."
"The War Dead Catacombs... it starts off really strong with millennial soldiers versus Radahn soldiers in a never-ending war."
"Hamas is making sure that the civilians do not evacuate... to conduct the operations and the fighting against the IDF from highly populated areas filled with civilians... Palestinian civilians that are being used throughout this conflict as human shields."
"Fifth generation warfare is a war of information and perception."
"Love keeps no record of wrong... The whole definition of love shows you that there is conflict."
"Conflict is not inherently immoral. Conflict leads to breakthrough. Conflict leads to resolution."
"You can live your whole life trying to be Mr. Nice Guy, Mr. Milquetoast, avoid discussing religion and politics, avoid standing up for anything, try to fly under the radar, but conflict at some point will find you."
"Don't avoid conflict because it's uncomfortable."
"His drive to develop new technologies put him at odds with the more conservative members of the Brotherhood."
"With a dam under occupation, Elijah could do little else besides set up operation with his secondary objective, a power station known as Helios One."
"This really is a diplomatic crisis between these two neighbors who basically didn't have any beef more than 48 hours ago."
"It's not just differences of opinion. It's outright fraud."
"Do your best to view conflict as collaboration and be genuinely curious about the other person's perspective."
"Our penchant for trying to destroy one another has led to a modern-day marvel."
"The military-industrial empire prefers perpetual conflict over diplomacy and peace."
"Conflict is how we get to the next level. It's important. We need it. It's an important part of our social evolution."
"Pseudo speciation--they are so different they hardly even count as humans. It doesn't count as much when you kill them."
"The most terrible things have been done in this world simply because of limited identity."
"There are further updates to bring you in relation to this ongoing battle that football faces with these greedy owners."
"China-U.S. confrontation would definitely spell disaster for not only the two countries but also humanity as a whole."
"I can understand why, especially if you're Ukraine and if you've repelled an invasion from one of the world's largest armies, why you might feel like, well fuck it, let's fight for a few months, let's fight for a year, let's see what happens."
"Every day is a war between being my true and authentic self, unabashedly unashamedly for the world to see...versus the mortifying ordeal of being known."
"I feel conflicted; my feelings for you are growing."
"Why fight for men who would never fight for you?"
"Luffy is beginning or has begun the war of all wars."
"The will to fight is the main key variable in the outcome of a conflict."
"I'm so conflicted about it. Help me, help all of us."
"A bigger battle is still to be won. A battle against the forces that seek to divide us."
"Conflict is drama, and drama is entertainment."
"The best Spider-Man stories revolved around conflict between the life of Peter Parker and his alter ego."
"Well, Terry, you just admitted that you talked to her, and I had the whole chat here. You know, I know everything."
"Trapped in a realm of souls, I became a pawn in a twisted game."
"If farmers don't win this battle, then soon... you will create a civil war in Europe."
"Seth expresses the desire to destroy all Nemesis."
"It's a fight, and I don't know, a lot of people are lovers, not fighters. I'm both."
"The Aldmeri Dominion may have defeated the Empire, but it has not defeated Skyrim."
"President Biden...said that Russia had strategically already been defeated in the war."
"NATO membership for Ukraine is unacceptable; the Russians will continue the conflict, the war, until that is conclusively and once and for all ruled out."
"The environmental damage inflicted on Ukraine by the Russian invasion will likely prove irreparable."
"Freedom is never peacefully obtained. Anyone who is depriving you of freedom isn't deserving of a peaceful approach by the ones who are being deprived of their freedom."
"You've always been an exquisite advisor, Jerry. I'm sorry I tried to kill you so many times."
"True friendship... is why I go to war with you because I know what you're capable of."
"I'm not going to kill you. He said you bring up a good point. You did nothing wrong, and you don't deserve to die."
"What does this world come to? Fighting, war, violence to prove what? You're the best civilization?"
"This world has been sundered by a tide of arcane energy."
"Modern relationships are a series of pyrrhic victories. You win the battle, but you lose the war."
"The existence of Edgar Friendly and the Scraps is in fact so egregious to Dr. Cocteau's vision that Cocteau himself must devise a final solution to exterminate this revolutionary terrorist threat."
"It's time for the robots to strike back. Humanity doesn't stand a chance."
"Women, you're the one that men go to war over, you're the one that men literally will kill for."
"In the quiet before the storm, one hears reports of huge forces gathering, indicating a tense anticipation."
"Estrangement can be characterized by a variety of patterns: a termination of contact from family members, distancing, loss of affection, and loss of warmth."
"We have no vision for victory that's laid out, that's realistic in any real sense, and we also have no vision for what might constitute peace."
"The barbaric venture of Vladimir Putin must end in failing."
"There's been no end of the conflict; both sides do not agree with the other side's conclusion."
"The victor is not victorious if the vanquished does not consider himself so."
"Through conflict and confrontation is how you actually grow. It's actually how you develop as a person."
"Even in the best fight where you win, you still get hit."
"Two taboos in polite conversation have traditionally been talking about religion and talking about politics. People get immediately heated, and it often isn't conducive to a pleasant, conflict-free encounter."
"Winter is coming. Great War is finally here."
"The next war will be over water because if we cannot make food to sustain ourselves, we're going to start fighting for survival."
"I got into an argument with three dudes in the steam room because they were talking too loud, and it was my place of peace."
"Story arises from conflict, and these guys are conflict incarnate."
"The presence of an operating nuclear power plant under Russian control has given the conflict a terrifying new dimension."
"We're all so tired of being whipped into a frenzy and tearing each other apart at the seams."
"Each foiled onslaught demonstrated the soldiers' solidarity and resolve against a powerful foe."
"Fascism can perpetuate itself best in conflict because conflict seems to justify a lot of the more extreme things the state asks of you in a fascist system."
"It takes each nearly killing the other for them to reach an understanding, but anyone that sees this fight can understand how great it is."
"If you're in a conflict, it means God knows you're equipped to win."
"We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places."
"This shows the ramifications of what's happening in Ukraine; it's not just isolated to Eastern Europe or Europe. This is Africa and the Middle East that's being affected."
"Tyrion isn't bumbling around making grave errors until Tywin saves the day. Tyrion is the true hero despite Tywin taking all the glory."
"Just as it appears we're closing the chapter of our history entitled COVID, we seem to be opening the next chapter entitled World War Three."
"The real clash is not between the characters, but between the author and the world."
"If I get in a fight against someone twice my size and nobody wins, I won."
"Nobody looks good in war, in litigation, or in Hollywood."
"Someone may owe you, or you may owe someone, but the moment you start a war, you're both evil."
"We can't live like this forever. No, listen to me, you made a big mistake."
"You can lose everything that you have, you can lose your money, your influence, your power, but if you know the Art of War, you will prevail in every conflict."
"More innocent civilian deaths worsen the already dire humanitarian crisis."
"The Ukrainian Air Force, employing special unmanned aerial vehicles to target a vital Russian munitions store, seriously damaged its ammunition reserves."
"Our eternal destiny individually depends on our relationship with the ultimate victor in that conflict."
"Free speech... might be right on the subject of Russia Ukraine, might be right on the subject of Israel Gaza, so we better let everybody talk."
"Under certain circumstances, a tiny misunderstanding can snowball into a full-blown catastrophe."
"The poverty, fear, suffering, and humanitarian distress haunting the victims of conflict are the outcomes of sustained violation of the most essential principles."
"I think the Middle East is about to blow up again because the Iranian regime clearly has an incentive to get into a war."
"Economic interdependence does not preclude conflict."
"People do bad things for good reasons, and sometimes the most powerful enemy is not the one who wields power over a throne, but an abandoned soldier who has nothing left to lose."
"The enemy desires to kill, to steal, and to destroy, but God has given us the authority to declare and establish that life comes forth where there is darkness."
"Right now, we got tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers dying on a battlefield in a fight that doesn't need to be fought."
"Ukraine's president vladimir zelinski again vowed the resistance against Russia's aggression would go on. 'Wherever they go, they will be destroyed. They will not have come here. They will not have food. They will not have one quiet moment.'"
"The most fascinating characters take these elements of want versus needs and pit them against each other."
"It's very clear that I wasn't looking to hurt Gia. Of course, I would never ever do that."
"Making that the norm and it always being the expectation of the confrontational person to do that, it completely disregards our needs."
"You've become the very thing you swore to fight against."
"I wanted to hurt him so bad my whole body was an ocean of pressure begging release."
"Having a person to hate or fight against is an unimaginably powerful unifier."
"Beth and Space Beth finally have their inevitable Clash of egos."
"The thing about being an ally is that you are required to declare war once the people you're allied with are attacked."
"The villain often represents a particular type of struggle or challenge for the hero to overcome."
"A lot of moving pieces in the war in Ukraine at this hour."
"We've been warning you to stop attacking civilians... and you haven't listened."
"The world was peaceful when conservatives had control, circa 2000? Are you forgetting that we started two multi-decade Middle Eastern conflicts under Bush?"
"The essential conflict in a story is the conflict between what a character wants and what they need."
"The great story by conflict you don't have to have an antagonist for conflict."
"If two people tell stories that are at odds with each other...those two accounts cannot be right."
"I support Ukraine because the people of Ukraine don't want to be invaded by Russia."
"Hold on now, though, I'm a pacifist at heart; those [] are on my [] list."
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
"Growing up, my parents were always really arguing, and it was really difficult to be around."
"The Second Congo War is technically still happening and horrifyingly, it's the bloodiest war since World War II."
"I said I was going to do a story time. I tell my side of the story because the amount of hate that I'm getting is scary, and I really want to explain myself."
"Conflict is ways people grow. Conflict is ways people get places in life. Confrontation is actually not a bad thing."
"See why voting for Hamas and claiming that we need to destroy Israel might actually be not only a reasonable response to the policies that Israel has engaged in but also morally just."
"The entire fucking world except for America hates Israel... a lot of them hate them because Israel is an aggressive warring nation that is relentlessly fascist, engaging in a war of genocide against the Palestinians."
"I hate that it sounds like I'm making up a [] last name, his last name was Looney and he was []."
"Russia has been at war in Ukraine for almost a decade now."
"We don't want to find out [if Putin is bluffing] because then it's too late, then we all die."
"All you care about now is your appearance," Sarah gets angry and says, "It's only because I've grown up, unlike you."
"I tried to buy him stuff yesterday, and we got in this shoving match at the cash register."
"The powder keg is there: the chemical mixture of an angry and outraged right wing and an angry and outraged left wing is sitting right before us."
"Hell's Island... announces the Dentist as our nemesis."
"I have nothing left but my breath, a lifeless body walking on this Earth, seeing life in shades of gray, devoid of passion and energy. This is what Israel and its supporter have done to us."
"Conflict is in one way what gives people purpose."
"Living in good times and living in peace is an exception to the rule. The role of history is conflict, it's fighting, it's democide."
"The amount of damage that's being done in Ukraine is absolutely huge."
"The Russian invasion is indefensible, and the mass slaughter of civilians is not something history will look kindly on."
"This is a movie about conflict, about the hatred and desperation that feeds it, and the fear that lies beneath it all."
"Roosevelt addressed the nation by radio on navy day, saying, 'We have wished to avoid shooting. But the shooting has started. And history has recorded who fired the first shot. In the long run, however, all that will matter is who fired the last shot.'"
"Both sides had dehumanized one another and failed to understand the roots of animosities and grievances."
"Anything that's really important, there's a fight over it."
"I personally think his return to the presidency is going to be civil war in this country because he's going to be desensitized to bringing anybody together."
"This is an example if history doesn't just repeat, it rhymes. This is a Habsburg Dynasty pissing contest over a strip of land most people can't find, don't care about, has no strategic value to anybody."
"He felt guilty for the loss of life in the Estabul Kingdom and the Roland Kingdom."
"The general consensus is that if society returns to a state of nature, which is to say a world with no ordered government whatsoever, it's a perpetual and permanent war of all against all."
"Then Sion invites Ryner to take revenge, destroy the kingdom, and end this war era."
"Do you want a victory where you're surrounded by the corpses of your defeated enemies, or do you want a victory that constitutes peace?"