
Universal Desire Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Every one of us is human, every one of us wants to be happy."
"We all seek happiness, we all hope to obtain it."
"Every single thing in the universe is screaming out for goodness and happiness and light."
"We just want peace. Why doesn't everyone want peace?"
"Every single human being wants one thing, and that is happiness."
"Who wants to be a millionaire? The answer is everyone. Everyone has this desire."
"Our shared core hunger is for value. We desperately want to matter and to feel a sense of worthiness."
"Everybody wanting to be in a euphoria and, you know, a pleasant experience."
"Sometimes everyone just needs that happy ending."
"The desire for freedom is universal, the desire for freedom adheres in human mind and it is part of the human soul."
"Love is important, everybody wants to be loved."
"What you want for yourself, you must want for everybody."
"Everyone wants hope, everyone is searching for hope."
"Children are desiring this. This is what we're all desiring."
"We're all for ending racism, there's virtually nobody that doesn't want to end racism."
"The desire to feel better and live longer is universal."
"People crave freedom and that's as true of children as it is of people at any age."
"I think everyone deserves to find their person."
"Everyone wants to be financially free, period."
"People everywhere just want to be free it stands for governments as well."
"The only thing the universe wants is you to become successful and well. The author's biggest wish will come through and good things are coming."
"What I want for myself, I want for everybody in the world."
"Actually in order to shine I need to do something for the group and then I shine within the group. This is something that has always happened in my life."
"Everybody is looking for love when most people are looking for love."
"We all just really want the same thing: freedom."
"One thing we all have in common is that we want to be successful."
"And...in the end, isn't that what we all want?"
"All Humans everywhere want a higher standard of living."
"Everyone in the world wants happiness."
"Everybody in life wants to be happy."
"Everybody just wants to be loved and accepted."
"Everyone needs love and romance. We're all looking for love and romance."
"Most people around the world want to be happy."
"Everybody at the end of the day wants love. Like these [ __ ] are still you know want somebody to come visit them."
"People are coming from totally different cultures and nations, but in their hearts, there is only one thing they're seeking: the truth."
"She is the incarnation of desire but desire of all kinds."
"Are we not all seeking the same thing really deep down, which is peace of mind inside?"
"Humans desire peace but they're not the only ones."
"Everybody wants to have a long lifespan, everybody wants to be healthy."
"Peace is something that we all yearn for."
"Everyone confusedly apprehends a good in which the mind may be at rest and desires it."
"Everybody, all seven billion of us, want one thing alone: to be free of suffering."
"Everyone wants to be loved and respected."
"Everybody just wants love, you know."
"Everyone just wants to have a safe place to call home."
"No, I just want peace and happiness, and everybody should want the same thing."
"Everyone wants happiness, nobody wants suffering."
"Everybody is really seeking the same thing, they just don't realize it."
"I think everybody's looking for some sort of peace."
"Everybody really, what are you looking for in life? Everybody would say the same: 'I'm looking for happiness.'"
"Everybody is kind of after the same thing: a nice, safe, pretty home to live in."
"Who among us does not want free health care?"
"Authentic love is what every woman, child, and man wants at the bottom of their heart."
"All beings want to be happy, all beings don't want suffering."
"All sentient beings that are existent want only one thing: happiness."
"Everyone on earth is fighting for their freedom; everybody on earth wants their freedom."
"Everybody wants to be happy, everybody wants to have freedom."
"Everyone wants to be appreciated, everyone wants to be valued."
"We all want the same thing; we want our life to move forward."
"We can all empathize with wanting freedom."
"...all wish for this happy life, all wish for this life which is the only happy one: joy in the truth."
"We all want to know the truth, at least at some deep level."
"I'm addicted to romance, isn't everybody?"
"That's what we all want, that's what we all look for."
"We all want to be happy, every single one of us."