
Modern Lifestyle Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"We are a dark-deprived society in this modern era and we need darkness at night to trigger the release of a hormone called melatonin."
"The modern American diet is a big proponent of causing Alzheimer's."
"Our feet are the product of millions of years of evolution. Humans evolved to walk, move, and run barefoot. But modern shoes that are overly cushioned and strangely shaped have negatively impacted foot function and are contributing to a health crisis."
"There is an idea that depression might be something of a more modern phenomenon arising from the evolutionary mismatch between the way we live now that's so pro-inflammatory, and how we evolved to live."
"You do not even need to step out to the grocery store. It is amazing."
"Nowadays, we have Spotify, streaming music, iPhones. You can get whatever music you want, whenever you want. Heck, you're on YouTube. It's a great time to live."
"They use their phones for their financial services."
"One of the most dangerous aspects of modern life is seed oils or vegetable oils."
"It's changed dinner parties, you know. It's changed the way we go to concerts..."
"Chronic stress, sympathetic overdrive, busy schedules, and always being on the go is literally robbing us of our vitality."
"Drinking and eating are a huge part of what it means to be a modern empowered cool woman."
"You can get Uber Eats every day if you want to be lazy and do that."
"To be alive in 2023 means these stress relief techniques are not really optional. These are Baseline routines for how to stay functioning."
"Women now want to finish their education, have fun, and then settle down."
"How do you fill that empty feeling that you have inside? Shop. Sex. Drugs. Gossip."
"In this day and age, we're absolutely spoiled for choice."
"One thing we didn't get wrong this year was using doordash."
"Humans evolved to walk, move, and run barefoot, but modern shoes... have negatively impacted foot function."
"Furniture once again evolving and changing to fit our new lives."
"These are like the new sunglasses in grocery stores people wear sunglasses hand at face masks because they don't even want to interact with other people social connection really seeing faces this is part of The Human Experience."
"Have you ever wanted Lucky Charms, a Red Bull, a rotisserie chicken delivered to your doorstep not by car but by drone, dropped off on a little parachute landing in your front doorstep?"
"Phones on vibrate and vibrators in silent. That's a good one."
"It has revolutionized the way we work, play, travel, and communicate."
"Unchecked modern life will inevitably lead you down a path of knee pain and let's face it, pain sucks."
"It's like if we're iPhones and it's a wireless charger right now."
"The coffee shops have taken the place of the pub in a lot of people's lives."
"Fast food, fast clothes, Apple iPhones, you name it, they'll be gone."
"There's nothing normal about forcing a person into a building for 40 to 60 hours a week."
"The dream... I work for my phone, I have time freedom."
"Seems like the perfect time in history to hang out with friends by playing online party games."
"I think it's so old-fashioned to think about, 'Oh my god, I need like 30 friends.' Especially now that I really learned to love being with myself."
"We love the simple, insanely convenient joy of not having to get out of our cars to do stuff."
"An iPhone is your secret weapon, especially nowadays."
"We're living in the bubble wrap society now."
"I'm always on my phone all day every day so I just call these my tools."
"You're the pinnacle of flexibility, just a modern man."
"Let's let go of the idea that everything needs to be perfect in 2023."
"Pets are the new kids and plants are the new pets."
"It's 2020, who plays games installed on hard drives anymore?"
"Our collective modern lifestyles... they often reinforce one another, so it's just worth thinking about how is it affecting you."
"I definitely practiced and holds the skill of living in a consumeristic world without feeling the need to consume."
"The concept of us consuming information and making business decisions and living our lives through this is here."
"People now have far more isolated existences."
"Cat and Chandler talked on the phone, they texted, chatted through Snapchat messages, and used Facetime on a regular basis."
"Everything now is too intense. There's no casual anything anymore. Everything you got to be in, every friendship's like your best friend, every person that you talk to is like super close."
"Even with the aid of stimulants such as caffeine, medication, and electronic devices."
"The new American Dream is sourdough starters, finding a dog in Animal Crossing."
"Before I even realize it, the doorbell rings, my food is sitting on the front porch and it's time to eat."
"Everything's about convenience and people want it now."
"Computers are fundamentally a huge part of our life."
"Ketosis can help us withstand some of these stressors of 21st-century life."
"Your time is precious, even if you spend most of it scrolling. Kind of."
"I think we're allowed to have multiple careers and we can really get creative on how to make money and where to live and how to live our lives that don't need to be by any sort of rule book that is outdated."
"Modern people are too spoiled with all these boutique pedals."
"We're living in a world of instant gratification."
"Boncharge products help you naturally address the issues of modern-day life effortlessly."
"Yo honestly we can literally get DoorDash to our house, yeah, and just pull down the window and have it bring it all over here."
"Quiet luxury is a new trend... that's why it's big news."
"Our modern way of living is the historical anomaly."
"I love sitting at home, ordering DoorDash and watching TV."
"It just gives me a lot more appreciation for modern lifestyle."
"People are in such a damn hurry these days. Like where the hell are they going?"
"The modern gentleman often embraces cooking."
"Why not lead a modern life if we can?"
"A faster metabolism is a massive asset in modern societies."
"We live in a society where you can just DoorDash, everyone goes to the drive-through, you don't even get out of your car."
"Red light, green light, ordering UberEats when the restaurant is less than 500 meters away, green light, green as green the brightest green you've ever seen your whole entire life for convenience."
"I think everyone has an eBay habit or Amazon Prime habit at this point."
"Most of the diseases that kill us today track back to the fact that we're just not that physically active anymore."
"You are what you eat rings very true to all of us in the modern day."
"Thursday, for some, is the new Friday."
"These days everyone is always on the go, and we understand that life gets busy."
"About a mile down the road from the market is this place called Fabrika, and it's like co-working space, vintage shops, restaurants, I think there's a hotel, and it's very, very cool."
"The three meals a day, the modern dietary lifestyle, that's the Abomination, that's not normal."
"Modern life is not friendly to maintain a healthy gut microbiome."
"Post-pandemic, so many of us have taken to working remotely, and that does not just mean from home."
"The City Sling V2 is part of Air's latest update to the city line."
"The only way I ever get groceries or have food is between Amazon Fresh and Hello Fresh."
"What is difficult to debate in any way, shape, or form is that humans have gotten much less healthy in the last 100 years."
"We all live in a modern free world; there is no need to be in shape at a high level other than for health."
"Modern living has had a deleterious effect on the ecosystem."
"Work is not a place; it's what you do."
"We're in more of a service economy than ever before; we don't consume big heavy things that if you drop on your foot it'll hurt, we consume services."
"Everything is remote now, we can spend time with the kids."
"It's encouraging people to think about regularly using an old car in the modern world."
"And in this day and age, we all need a good work-from-home space."
"They don't want to deal with maintenance, they don't want to deal with gas."
"Ubiquitous computing, the idea that we would want one own one computing device is ridiculous, you're probably wearing more than one right now."
"It's just I see so many of my clients sitting down in here, you know browsing through their phone, even when they're having a shave done, and honestly, I just think it is so, so important to make sure that you are being safe when you're browsing online."
"I'm one of a growing number of psychiatrists that believes that the deterioration in the quality of our modern diet is largely responsible for the deterioration in our mental health."
"For many people in this decade, home became increasingly important."
"It's so funny that in today's world, you can basically go and live in different places."
"We don't sit in our living rooms anymore watching TV, we bring the TV with us."
"It's a hot girl city girl summer, we need our battery life."
"In today's time, we want fast everything: fast connection, fast delivery, fast food."
"Kids now don't spontaneously go and play outside because no one's outside."
"Working from home became the new way, scratch that, the only way to get work done."
"In a world where attention spans are shrinking, these apps offer a bite-sized engaging user experience that fits seamlessly into our fast-paced lives."
"Smartphones complement modern living."
"Digital nomadism is the fast and growing lifestyle that we see in this day and age."
"The reality that most of us grapple with metabolic disease is true, and it's largely due to our contemporary diet and lifestyle."
"Just take a deep breath and enjoy that avocado toast."
"Strength training is the best strategy for a modern lifestyle because it doesn't take much time and it also speeds up our metabolism."
"I'd be fine with not owning my car."
"Our society is becoming more nocturnal."
"It's a really cool symbiotic relationship we've developed with these bacteria for so long, and it's really been lost quite recently."
"The cell phones are the way of life now."
"Nowadays people prefer laptops' portability, light weight, and efficiency."
"We're going to keep on doing things that modern motorcycle riders do, including riding pedal assist bikes from Yamaha bicycles."