
Sleep Habits Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Regularity is king. Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time, no matter whether it's the weekday or the weekend."
"Eating too close to sleep will disrupt that fasting-related sleep."
"If you have trouble waking up in the morning, the solution is to not sleep in but actually try to wake up earlier."
"It's generally good to wake up at the same time each day, but you don't really need to be overly pedantic about it."
"Bright light exposure in the morning and avoiding blue light at night are key to regulating circadian rhythm."
"One of the best things that you can do is just take screens out of your bedroom and go to bed at the same time every single day."
"Instead of shelling out hundreds of dollars a month on supplements that theoretically impact the aging process, why not just say I have a full stop; I go to bed at 9:00 PM or 9:30."
"One of the easiest ways to become insulin resistant is to have irregular sleep-wake cycles."
"Last night when I was going to sleep, my usual 'Oh my God, let's think of everything' started to rev up."
"Ronaldo's sleep schedule: sleeping up to five times a day for two hours a piece."
"I've finally fixed my life, I have a healthy sleep schedule now."
"Having a regular wake-up time seems to correlate pretty highly with the ability to fall asleep consistently."
"I play my audiobooks before sleeping... your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference."
"Let's learn how to maybe drink less alcohol get proper sleep."
"Sleep is for the people that sleep. I don't. I love sleeping, but yeah, it's sometimes like, especially there's a couple nights in a row where Star Hopper was going until like 3:00 or 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. or something. I don't even remember."
"You don't get to decide it's not your choice. You know, this notion of these go-getter type A's who say everyone has to be awake at five in the morning."
"Train yourself to go to bed at the same time every day."
"I can out light sleep any of you I sleep like a baby I wake up every 20 minutes and cry."
"Sleeping on your left side will literally save your life."
"This sleeping wedge... training myself to sleep on my back has been one of the best things that I've done for my wrinkles."
"He likes to sleep with the light on at night... poor kid, that's so traumatizing."
"Giving yourself a bedtime is important. It really provides you a framework for getting enough sleep."
"You can now link a focus mode to a lock screen. If you're going to sleep, you know, if you have a focus mode on for sleep, maybe you want your lock screen to just show like your alarm clock and the time."
"Protect your hair at night; sleep on a satin pillowcase to avoid damage."
"He sleeps early, wakes up early. Great life." - Alia Bhatt
"If you're not getting any exercise, if your sleep schedule is arbitrary or all over the place, then I would fix that first."
"Sleeping on your back can make a huge difference in the amount of wrinkles."
"Pretty much just trying to get like seven to eight hours of sleep per night."
"I just started feeling calmer, ready to unwind, and ready to go to bed about three to four hours before I usually sleep."
"The body craves routine and performs its best when you can stick to a consistent sleep schedule."
"When is the best time to go to bed? Ideally between 10 and 11 o'clock p.m."
"If you can train your mind to understand that 10PM is the time for sleep, and your bed is the place for sleep and only sleep, it will do the work for you."
"Start off the night before and go to sleep at the same time every evening."
"I went to bed at like 8 a.m last night. Literally like 8:00 a.m."
"None of us are used to any sort of normal sleep schedule."
"Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Go to bed only when you're sleepy."
"Mario talks in his sleep and it is adorable."
"Some have speculated that rickard whether intentionally or not exaggerated how little sleep he got."
"I'm like three hours, three hours everyday I get about two or three hours of sleep."
"Guarding my sleep and going to sleep at a decent hour so that I can wake up and actually do my morning routine and set positive intentions for the day."
"Good morning! It is 8:54, and I don't know how I'm functioning at this time given the time I went to bed, but once I'm up, I'm always happy I'm up at an early time."
"Subconscious mind tapes are one of the most effective tools in manifesting. Listen to them at night for best results."
"Go to sleep early and wake up early for a more productive day."
"He doesn't have to go have a meltdown to be able to go to sleep."
"Stop sleeping on those bad sleep habits."
"I grew up kind of being a morning person I would say but then like in college I would press snooze and wake up the last second."
"So try to do like sleep until 8:00 on the weekends, and it'll make your 6:00 a.m. easier on the weekdays."
"Your newborn needs to feed at night... but this actually is helping set the stage for future sleep."
"Normal people are in bed but you're not normal people."
"...sleeping in too late makes you lethargic then maybe just give yourself an extra hour or even two in the morning."
"Textbook sleep habits... you'll notice that your sleep improves significantly."
"Sleeping with what outside the duvet increases likelihood of monster by 75 percent."
"You drool when you sleep," Annabeth said.
"Stick to a sleep schedule as much as possible."
"Good habits of sleep are still important; bright light exposure in the morning will help retire soon."
"Going to bed early helps increase the duration of deep sleep."
"Instead of hitting the snooze bar, the best thing is to sleep as late as you possibly can."
"Staying up all night as a kid was a badge of honor; now, going to bed after the sunrise means that I've worked too much."
"Wearing socks when you sleep is perfectly normal, perfectly fine."
"The cool thing about watching Khan Academy while falling asleep was it actually kind of helped me develop a really good sleep schedule."
"You only go to bed when you're sleepy."
"I still cannot sleep with my back to an open room; I always have to be facing the room, always."
"You sleep too much, you wake up still tired."
"Going to bed early so I can get up early is just life-changing, and I don't do it enough."
"I need noise like I need something; I can't imagine not hearing my own thoughts when I'm trying to sleep."
"Once I switched to going to bed at 9 PM and waking up at 6 or 7 AM, my day has become a lot more productive."
"I really want to try to get to bed earlier because the past few nights I've been going to bed at like between 11:00 and like 12:30, and I'm tired."
"I sleep between three to four hours per night and I no longer have to take naps during the day."
"Everybody's way of sleeping is different."
"Sleeping in on every weekend won't compensate for your sleep deprivation during the week."
"We're a generation who loves sleeping but can never sleep on time."
"I have to sleep with a white noise machine on."
"These behavioral modifications or environmental modifications are known as sleep hygiene."
"I literally couldn't stop hitting my snooze button."
"I don't try to sleep if I'm not tired."
"The trick for me is going to bed before I'm exhausted."
"I'm really good at falling asleep in loud places, really bad at falling asleep in quiet places."
"One of the things I think that people miss about getting up early is that if you're going to get up earlier, you actually have to go to bed earlier."
"Going to bed at the same time of night and waking up at the same time during the morning every day will give your body the best chance to develop and maintain its natural circadian rhythm."