
Regularity Quotes

There are 528 quotes

"Regularity is king. Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time, no matter whether it's the weekday or the weekend."
"Regularity is king--go to bed at the same time, wake up at the same time."
"Every time we see something that's creepily, strangely regular, it's good that we have a corner of our brain that says, 'What if somebody meant that to happen?'"
"Father's Day is a regular event and is always held on the third Sunday in June."
"Don't forget to come back and join us again tomorrow."
"That's all for today, and I'll see you guys next time."
"Thank you very much for watching, and I'll be back tomorrow with more. You all take care. I'll see you soon. Goodbye."
"I'm hoping to come back regularly and yeah, I'm lucky I didn't swear this week so no deduction."
"Alright thanks everyone... we'll see you next week, bye."
"Thank you guys for sticking around thank you for the questions see you tomorrow same time."
"Brie reminds me of a college town, where irregular people also live pretty regular lives."
"I actually do want to do this as a regular thing."
"She was allowed to work with them on a regular basis... they did nothing."
"It's just one of these areas that requires regular maintenance."
"Make sure you subscribe because I make videos every single week."
"We're very excited for the day when it becomes regular."
"Thanks so much for tuning in, we'll see you next week."
"You do not need to draw every day to get better, but you do need to draw regularly."
"A lot of these we see coming to the shop on a fairly regular basis, very true, very true."
"Making choices on a regular basis is the best part of a healthy decision-making process."
"I'm Christine, I make videos every Tuesday. Thank you for watching, I'll see you next time. Goodbye!"
"Success will happen for you much more regularly once it's not a big deal."
"I'm gonna see you all tomorrow, bye everybody."
"At the end of the day, we're still going to these Parks every day but we know they're not perfect."
"It is important to go see your dentist on a regular basis."
"There's that many different kinds of phenomena reported regularly that something's happening here."
"Thanks so much for joining, and we will be back here tomorrow."
"Don't forget to subscribe because I put out new Reddit videos every single day."
"I was just happy just to like you know every Monday you come on I know they going to keep some jokes going on throughout the season."
"You play him on a week in and week out basis, you just have to."
"I hope you love this, hope we can make it a monthly thing and I hope you have an amazing week."
"We become our own worst enemies on a regular basis."
"It's very cool. I watch all of your streams, there pretty much every day about eight o'clock, go and check them out."
"Thank you for watching we'll see you again tomorrow."
"Thank you guys for watching, I post videos every Tuesday and Saturday and I'll see you on Saturday. Goodbye."
"Good night, thank you so much, we'll see you next week with a regular show not a live stream."
"I'm Justin Parnell. We'll see you guys next week."
"KK Slider holds a live concert at the plaza every Saturday."
"This might become a regular thing, just chilling, winning some arena games, having a good time."
"See you next week, guys, should be a good one."
"The key thing to realize is what it's really telling us is a science fact; there's more regularity in human language than we thought there was."
"These are awesome. So much fun. Dude, I think this is a thing. I think this is a thing we can do, like, once a month or something."
"Enjoy the rest of your Thursdays and I'll be back tomorrow with more news right here."
"I kind of want to come here now on a regular day."
"Every day more than 100,000 commercial flights travel to their global destinations without incident."
"It's not every piece of communication, it's not everything that a person writes but it is your regularly scheduled programming."
"Thank you very much for watching, see you guys next week."
"...definitely should make on a normal basis."
"Bootleggings, fights, and shootings was as regular as a rooster's crowing in the morning."
"All you have are biological regularities."
"The divine process is just as much lawful regularity in the processes of consciousness which exist at many levels inside your nervous system and your cellular structures as there are in the forms of energy which we see around us."
"I love regularity and routine. I love being able to go to bed at the same time, wake up at the same time, eat roughly at the same time."
"To experience it on a regular basis is a lovely thing."
"That's normal? If you have not used a washroom in three days, we need to talk about your health."
"There's no reason why you're acting like you don't eat like this on a regular basis."
"My flow is, you know, is regular on like throughout the day which is I don't know, I feel like it's helping these days."
"It's really important to get regularity of your feeding."
"Beautiful is unique, cute and pretty is regular."
"Progress in science is measured by hitting upon the right kind of regularities."
"Thank you guys, make sure you tune in every week."
"I am NOT, you know, beholden to anybody. I'm just a regular guy, a regular dude."
"Nothing improves in life unless you inspect it regularly."
"Simple things you can do to make a gratitude practice regular."
"...just have a great day and I will see you next time."
"How can I make this more of a regular habit for my family?"
"I feel like we have to make this like a freaking monthly thing."
"Everybody has a man crush Monday. It's a regular thing."
"If you could donate even one item per month, that would be fantastic. And you could do it on a regular basis. So our motto is: Don't delay, donate today!"
"People who pray regularly tend to be happier and healthier."
"Seven times a day I praise you." - Psalm 119
"I am a person in society I go to work I contribute I pay my taxes I'm kind of like regular kind of person."
"We always assume that people are doing business the regular way."
"Prayers are regular conversations in your Bible. It's just talking with Jesus. Long before he ever got into a crisis on the last night of his Earthly Life In The Garden of Gethsemane, he modeled for us a daily prayer life."
"The pandemic isn't great but being home is nice and being able to commit to something regular like this has been a lot of fun."
"I try to bring you guys new topics and inspiration on a weekly basis every Friday."
"I'm coming to y'all every Wednesday here from my home sewing studio."
"Whenever any two of us get together it's kind of an event. But we do it all the time."
"Being an irregular does not mean you are not a regular. You are still a regular."
"We love you, and as always, we'll see you next week."
"These are spots that you guys always see us come to regularly throughout the year."
"Anything that does anything at regular intervals is a clock."
"I post new videos every single week about home, fashion, and lifestyle."
"Have a nice evening and see you next time."
"When the fresh underwear shows up every month, no matter what, it's so nice."
"You want to have a way of detox and cleanse your system on a regular basis."
"People will come back to this one on a regular basis."
"I'm always so thankful when it comes, probably once a month or so, and this is my favorite product from them."
"I'll be back in the afternoon with bars closing at 3:15 and we'll be back here next week with Anthony looking forward to it."
"I'll see y'all next week, take care."
"He was like a regular dude that would just spit hot fire."
"We're back with normal videos twice a week, baby."
"Balancing and managing your outreach budget will be something that you do on a regular basis as well."
"It's creating a really nice Community every Tuesday and Thursday."
"Every Friday I'll bring you a video packed full of sewing goodness."
"They met regularly to start healing the wounds and moving towards peace."
"Every child of God ought to come every Sunday not to hear gossip but to hear the gospel."
"Look forward to hearing from you all, look forward to seeing you all again next week, have a great week."
"Thank you for tuning in, as always."
"I'm here to help you almost every day I come on here and I share remote jobs that are legitimate."
"Good morning to you, it's so nice to have you here, you're here every week, that's wonderful."
"I'm excited to get back into doing some more regular streams."
"Hope you had a great Saturday afternoon, we'll talk to you again tomorrow."
"Thank you so much for watching, and as I always say, I'll catch you guys next time."
"I'm happy to be here; I feel like I'm becoming a regular here now."
"Regular time series is measurements gathered at regular time intervals; think metrics."
"YouTube pays you on a monthly basis, and you get paid on the 21st of each month."
"The whole cycle thing... it just goes like clockwork."
"Strengths are the things that we do regularly, the things that we do well and the things that motivate us."
"I'm gonna make sure that every month I do a garden tour just to share what's happening."
"The number one sign that things are working well is a regular, predictable period."
"You probably do need to take in electrolyte fluid and you want to do it fairly regularly."
"You can actually collect these REITs' moolah every single month."
"I love a good Pai, and I don't know a single Thai person that doesn't eat Pai on a regular basis."
"By setting this limit equal to a constant, we are assuming that the customers arrive in the queue according to a Poisson process."
"Thank you so much for watching; I make new videos every single week, so I will see you all next time."
"I'm wishing you excellent health; have a great week, we'll see you next Monday night."
"Every Sunday at 4 P.M. the Sunday Street Market is happening."
"I'm Max, that's Saddington Bear, and we make videos like this all the time."
"Biological clock is something that's occurring inside of our brains that's going off on a regular basis."
"Prime numbers... they have both an intrinsic regularity and a local irregularity."
"I notice patterns in things all the time."
"Why are there regularities in nature? Why is there anything existing at all?"
"We're really happy to be back with you once again, and we're looking forward to getting together at this time every week from here on out."
"I'm wishing you all wellness, and I will see you next week for another new workout."
"We see what looks like a very regular seasonal component."
"It's one of those recipes that once you know how easy it is and delicious it is, you don't stop making it, it becomes a regular."
"Hello everyone, welcome back as always."
"That's it for us guys, see you in here tomorrow."
"As always, thanks so much for watching; we'll catch you next time."
"You can earn five percent a year and you get paid that weekly, which is really nice."
"Every Sunday that you're coming to a Sunday gathering here, you're gonna hear a story about Jesus."
"See you next Sunday with another video."
"His habits were regular, his conduct inoffensive; his death was an absolute mystery and likely to remain so."
"I'm Chris Buck, this is Friday Fretworks, just a sound fulfillment, I'll see you next week."
"I'm so looking forward to this. Please make this a regular thing."
"Thanks so much for watching. Hope you have a lovely rest of your week, and I'll see you next week for some more Elliot fun."
"Enjoy the rest of your weekend, I'll see you tomorrow, bye."
"I do my live community calls every Sunday for one and a half to two hours."
"This is Jan Cornell saying good night until next week."
"We hope you enjoyed the video, and we will see you next Wednesday."
"Have a great afternoon, and I'll see you next week."
"But when you get a regular practice, you'll start to feel more euphoria more of the time."
"And welcome to our favorite time of the week."
"Keep watching for our weekly content, and we'll see you again soon."
"Get you into a rhythm, get you used to writing content on a regular basis."
"I am back here, so we are back to regular posting."
"The first step in overcoming binge eating is creating a sense of regularity in your eating."
"See y'all again next Saturday, okay? Take care everybody, bye bye."
"As always, I'm Nick, this is Swiffle Thinking, and I'll see you guys in the next video."
"I feel like physical checkups are the same as mental checkups; they both deserve a regular checkup."
"Thanks again for watching and I'll see you guys next Sunday."
"As always, thanks for watching, we'll see you next week here on the sit down."
"Muscular soreness does not recur in an individual that is training on a regular basis."
"I hope you've all had a lovely week and I'll see you next week. Bye!"
"It's almost like Christmas once a month."
"Cody Rhodes is winning this because Cody Rhodes is gonna be the guy that's there weekly."
"We'll see you next Tuesday, campers."
"We will see you next week, next Saturday. Thank you, see you next week, bye."
"There's been a voice heard saying 'get out,' and that's heard on quite a regular basis."
"I appreciate y'all, and I'll see y'all next Wednesday."
"I'm so excited to start giving you guys little brain spark every single week."
"Thank you so much for joining me once again, as always, on the program."
"Thank you all so much for watching, and we'll see you again tomorrow at 5 p.m."
"Hope you guys enjoy the video, take care, and we'll see you all next week."
"Let's ensure that it's executed on a regular basis and build a schedule task around that."
"The most beloved Deeds to Allah are those done regularly even if they're small."
"Hello friends, welcome back to another week."
"We make art every week, specifically watercolor."
"English is really actually much more regular than you think, and it's decodable."
"Welcome back to your favorite hour of the week."
"Feedback shouldn't be saved for once a year; it shouldn't be a special occasion. Feedback is something that should be given on a regular basis."
"Thank you for tuning in today, and we'll see you next week."
"She remained close to her family and visited her parents and grandparents regularly."
"As always, see you guys next time."
"You're great everybody, and I'll catch up with you next Sunday."
"Welcome back, it's good to have you here as always."
"It'll probably catch you here next week on workflow until then take care."
"Hello everyone and welcome back once again."
"I will see you guys again tomorrow at two o'clock."
"That's it for this week's video, hope to see you again next week."
"Thanks for joining me, I'll see y'all next week."
"Good night folks, see you same time next week."
"No one chooses this... it's a tragedy that's happening to people on a regular basis."
"This is something that's going to be a regular in my life. This is so good."
"I'm gonna try to start doing these a little bit more regularly."
"These earthquakes have been happening reasonably regularly in time for 8,000 years; there's no way they're going to stop now just because we're living here."
"Doing Meals on Wheels, I try to do that every week."
"We'll see you next time, same time, same place."
"I am back with your regular scheduled programming."
"The ideal is really going daily at least once, and those bowel movements should feel complete."
"Doing stuff like that regularly once or twice a month is really important and keeps things healthy."
"I felt more energized, I felt more focused, I was more regular, and I didn't get sick quite as often. Overall, I just felt good."
"I'm really going to try to make it a priority this year to bring you guys good content on the regular."
"Thank you for watching, and I will see you again next week."
"Freedom from bondage for the believer is being able to resist temptation successfully on a regular basis."
"And as always, see you guys in the next one."
"If you've never been to a free prep hour before, we do this twice a month."
"I know the products that I really like and use regularly."
"It makes sense to add a small amount of those 17 trace elements back into the system on a regular basis."
"Come back troglodytes, your daily dose of guitar information."