
Compensation Quotes

There are 2529 quotes

"If you go blind, your hearing improves, and if you go deaf, your eyesight improves. It's like one thing enables the other."
"People get paid wages or minimum wage. They do not get paid with a direct proportion of their economic productivity."
"If you are good at something, never do it for free."
"You want to be paid what you are worth, not what you have been paid in the past."
"After seven years of fighting, they paid out $997,500."
"Years later, Harris would sue the government for damages and received $380,000."
"We are compensated in the coin of the realm according to the quality and the quantity of service rendered."
"Think about the worst boss you've ever had and the best boss...would you take a 10% cut in your pay to trade the worst boss in the world for the best boss in the world?"
"I am forever conscious of my true worth. I give of my talents freely and I am wonderfully, divinely compensated."
"You're not paid for your muscle power; you're paid for your mind power."
"If you're making money, and then other people are working with you to make you that money, they deserve some of that money."
"We treat everyone who works with us with respect; that means we pay well."
"Most people are not being compensated half as well as the difficulty of their job, so they don't want to hear you [__] and moan about the fact that it's so socially draining."
"Health care should be a basic human right, and if it's not, then we definitely have to pay people more."
"Don't worry about it, you know, you can make that up to me with this."
"If you don't want people to leave medicine, pay them well and not overwork them."
"A lot of people would admit that they would take a lower compensation if the culture was open, embracing, and not toxic."
"As Elon Musk says, you get paid in proportion to the difficulty of problems you solve."
"If you look good, you play good. You play good, they pay good."
"A lot of rewards are coming to compensate for everything that you have gone through."
"Find your perfect job and get paid what you're worth."
"The dictionary defines redemption as the deliverance of persons or things from the possession and power of captors, as the act of making something better, as the act of making up for a loss."
"If you're being paid, at that point, you're a professional."
"If you're good at something, never do it for free."
"I believe that people should be paid the money owed to them."
"There's a personality trait known as agreeableness. Agreeable people are compassionate and polite, and agreeable people get paid less than less agreeable people for the same job."
"You are not paid what you're worth; you're paid what you ask for."
"You get paid in proportion to the difficulty of the problems you solve."
"The main focus of the strike is to get fair compensation for the writers who create the stories that we love."
"Part of what I get paid is in dollars, part of it is in fulfillment. I enjoy what I do; it brings me happiness."
"You should pay people what they're actually worth."
"If you use it on stream reacting to a video that a guy spent 500 hours working on, and you've watched it for 10 minutes, the guy who made that video probably deserves that money a little bit more than you."
"I am sorry that I personally think that if a person spends a [__] ton of labor on something that you as a multi-multi-millionaire should give them some money."
"If you want to be paid a lot, you really need to be good at something that's both in demand and hard."
"People want to be able to get paid to do their jobs."
"You are paid based on how much you make for your company and how hard you are to replace."
"You're compensated in society based on the demand for your particular type of work... It comes from how many people are capable of doing the work you're capable of doing and then how many people are demanding the type of work that you're capable of doing."
"Allah does not take away anything from his slave except that he replaces it with something better."
"We get paid in our lives in direct proportion to our resourcefulness."
"Olympic athletes do not get paid by just attending the Olympic Games. These athletes commit to four years of work with no guarantee of any form of payment, notoriety, or medal placement."
"You don't get higher pay because you demand it. You get higher pay because you deserve it."
"You're not getting paid based on hours, you're getting paid based on results."
"All workers will be compensated for non-working days thanks to correctly conducted emergency evacuation procedures."
"We got to treat people with dignity and with the pay that they deserve."
"There was no reason that the artist participating shouldn't be paid for their work."
"Working from home is awesome. I will not go back to working in an office unless you pay me like $400,000."
"The money was a bonus for me. Money was like, 'Oh my god, I'm getting paid to do this?' I did it for four years without pay."
"For something I think is enjoyable and then to get paid a whole bunch of money for it? Yeah, sure, I'll do it."
"We put tremendous effort into creating fair compensation policies that reflect our commitment to equal pay."
"Follow the one who does not ask you for any compensation... This is a principle about all prophets."
"The reason we offered the money to you is because we believe your time is valuable."
"Our average postie's take-home £25,700 a year, between eighteen and forty percent more than the market norm."
"You get paid well and the cost of living is really low; no wonder they're happy."
"Disability compensation isn't just a 'hey buddy, here's $50,000 a year thanks for being a veteran.' This is money allocated to an individual who has had life-altering changes."
"Many of the people doing these jobs are not well paid and, therefore, it's very important to provide the additional support."
"If you're going to demand 10 times the paycheck, you need to deliver 10 times the value."
"I firmly believe that if you could see what God does with people like that, we'd have no more questions. I believe that God is ultimately a God of compensation and one of the central claims of Christianity is our moral sense is not an illusion."
"We get paid for brain strength, not brute strength."
"You don't have to like me, that's fine, but one thing I will promise you is that you will learn, you'll improve, and you'll be paid well."
"We are descendants of the people who were enslaved by this current government... We are entitled to compensation from this same government."
"You work your ass off and you're not going to see another dime."
"Pay people more, give people more to like, let them work from home."
"I think that everybody should be paid for their work, and I don't believe there should ever be an expectation that someone should work for free."
"As far as I'm concerned, if you're getting a paycheck, then it's a real job. It doesn't matter what it is."
"The idea that getting paid and doing something out of passion is somehow mutually exclusive is complete nonsense."
"We can't undo history, and we can't undo all the damage done; all we can do now is try to compensate for that."
"There's no reason why a woman can't go out there and get paid the same money for the same qualifications, same job, same experience."
"A lot of the families have now sued him, and they've won, and he's going to have to pay back tens, maybe hundreds of millions of dollars in damages to these families. And quite right too."
"No payment can make up for those lost years. So what is most important in this bill has less to do with property than with honor."
"You deserve to be paid to your value... it's okay to want to be paid for your service."
"No one is entitled to a job in show business, but for those people who have a job in show business, they are entitled to fair compensation; they are entitled to make a living."
"We need high-caliber people. You need to pay for mental health for them."
"Teachers actually are unbelievably important. So, number one, they should get paid a lot more."
"The takings Clause says that the government cannot take your private property without just compensation."
"I couldn't believe that he would ever justify the money that they paid him."
"How do you value the damage that this inflicts on a human being? Money's not gonna fix it totally, but certainly it could begin to help get people access to mental health care..."
"Before making their exit they ensured that halewood would remain a honda motorcycle racer in the memory of fans they paid him 50 000 pounds or over a million dollars in today's money."
"Why shouldn't our children own all their education data and receive compensation for it?"
"You don't have to be paid extremely well to take safety seriously."
"If you and I work the same job for the same number of hours with the same skill set but you do a better job, you deserve to be paid more."
"The jury just unanimously decided former president Donald Trump must pay."
"They say they not gonna put out records where people cuss and degrade women, but even the people who wrote all these songs never get paid."
"This case sets a precedent: a woman accused a man of rape, there's no evidence that it occurred, yet the man has to pay $83 million because he defended himself."
"It's a huge win for them. Anything in the millions was a huge win for them."
"We're gonna make sure that our healthcare workers are properly compensated... for their extraordinary and courageous work."
"Reparations, the idea that some sort of compensation needs to be made."
"She damaged his career, she should have to pay him more than 50 million."
"Now it's time to pay the people that have made them the success that they are."
"If you don't use all of your PTO, you are literally giving your employer more of your time than they're paying for, a.k.a. free money."
"Financial restoration and compensation for losses are declared."
"In the end, Finland would even give him a huge monetary settlement for his mental suffering."
"This video has mad value whether it makes any money or not, but still please do pay me."
"He said he did the deal with Dave and Dave's like okay what do you want to get paid?"
"Managing online communities pays really, really well."
"That’s gotta be a pretty sweet deal, getting paid the cost of a Lamborghini just to party for a single night."
"I'm the child of immigrants, I feel like I need some kind of compensation."
"I would like the United States of America to purchase property for me on Nantucket Island as a reward for all the countless lives I've saved."
"You're getting paid to learn, every single freaking day."
"If someone's like, 'Hey, will you fly to London to come speak at some event?' I'm like, 'They have to pay me a lot.' Like, they'd have to pay me a hundred thousand dollars to do that, and that does not make any sense."
"On no planet can you make up for incompetence by being the nicest person in the world."
"Do you know if the below market rent that she had on her rental apartments at 502 Park Avenue were provided in exchange for work performed as part of her responsibilities at the Trump organization, same answer?"
"Most people in the fitness industry, you know they're like if your body's [ __ ] sick most of the time like I would say eight out of ten times you're probably compensating for something whether or not you're insecure."
"Everybody's doing the work, then they need to get paid, just that simple. I need my money."
"People actually want to work where they feel fairly compensated."
"Look out for yourself. It doesn't matter how nice and friendly people are or how important they say that you are. Businesses need to learn that they need to pay up or we will leave."
"We're going to be requesting a hundred million dollars."
"If they paid you what you're worth, they go broke."
"Juan was released, compensated, but he lost 20 years of his life."
"Treat vaccine-injured people with respect and compensate them."
"Ultimately if you get paid, that's what matters."
"Everything that I'm paid for is definitely public, that's nonsense."
"If you want to get paid more, work more, give more."
"Do you think women's sports should get paid more? For sure, we deserve equality."
"God will use your enemies to pay you for what you would have did for free."
"Non-compete literally means we're going to pay you less than what you're worth, but what you can do, I would only sign a non-compete if I was making a stupid amount of money."
"Some of you paid vacation for some, look, payday."
"I'm not a perfect person, but I promise that I am absolutely committed to ensuring open comms, a positive work-life balance, and fair timely compensation for my team."
"Women should absolutely be paid the same for the same work."
"Everybody gets compensation for being harmed except for when it comes to women, especially when it comes to sexual harassment or assault."
"Elon Musk has a great quote: 'You're paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems you solve.'"
"You need to get all the leverage you possibly can, like having this is leveraged, right? Because they gotta pay you enough money to not do this."
"You're no longer getting paid for your time, now you're getting paid for your results."
"It's the difference between being paid for your time versus being paid for your results."
"Women should be paid the exact same amount of money."
"You get paid for the value that you provide, period."
"Paramedics should probably get paid a bit more."
"Your goal is not to have a ton of employees... your goal is to pay the right people more to do the job of 10 people."
"Hire one person and pay them so well and treat them so good that they can do the job of ten."
"I apologize in advance for any problem like ass I intend to repay you."
"When you've got a passion for something you can get paid for, it's all good."
"With God, you will not lose; he pays, and he pays well."
"I think it's deeper than just the money. It's deeper than just you know I need to get paid a little bit more. I think it's more like them saying look at all the sacrifices I made and I'm still not where I want to be."
"There's a difference between being paid and being paid fairly, being compensated versus getting adequate compensation."
"Someone has to be paid for the knowledge exchange."
"Ultimately, we're financially compensated for what we do."
"You need to find people that will pay you for the work you make if you want to be a freelancer."
"We all get proper compensation for the time we put in."
"If your manager comes up to you today in your job and says, 'You know what? I'm going to give you a pay rise,' you're going to go home and say, 'I don't think I deserve that, now, are you?'"
"Best man plays, best man gets paid. It is a meritocracy. That is what America should be."
"The major question is not what am I getting paid here the big question is what am I becoming here."
"Streaming is so... They don't know what to pay you."
"Teachers are so undervalued, so underappreciated, so underpaid."
"If you're good at something, don't do it for free."
"There's a historical analogy to this pack would be the victims of Nazi slave labor camps receive compensation."
"You should actually be paying them higher wages."
"You have to pay for my loss and suffering somehow." - Cristine
"When you have a bunch of girls working for you like that, the only way you can motivate them is with money."
"I'm probably overpaid, but honestly, I don't care."
"It's not going to feel like the work that you've known. It will feel so easy you're almost not going to want to ever even ask for money for it."
"Knowledgeable, dedicated, and hardworking, they deserve a pay rise not a pay freeze."
"Skills always pay off and if you get enough skills, you'd be paid for it."
"You deserve what you've earned and you've earned a hell of a lot more than you're getting paid now."
"I am worth much more than the numbers shown."
"They deserve to be paid so much more than you're almost certainly making." - Commentary
"People in these communities need money, they need to be properly compensated for their labor."
"I eat off my trauma. I get a percent of my pain. This ain't reparations either. No, this is labor."
"They generate billions of dollars of cash flow while only spending a couple hundred million dollars on stock-based comp."
"Do essential workers receive proper protection and compensation for their efforts that help prevent society from potentially plunging into chaos?"
"You're only getting paid in proportion to what that value actually is."
"He earned the payday that he's getting right now."
"What are we doing? We're entertainers. Like, we are creating a product. You're getting paid based on a product that is watched."
"If they're doing the same job they get the same pay."
"It's mathematically impossible for the market to not pay you what you are worth."
"You promised me that if I moved up to heavyweight you would give me a bump in pay."
"If somebody works your ass for 400 years and don't pay you, don't they owe you?"
"We actually had to fire him because he's getting paid too much because of the law."
"Ensuring that you are continuing to move up in any given organization and be compensated accordingly is incredibly important."
"Tom is not immersed or influenced by the bag culture so he consistently took a little bit less to eventually get more"
"A promotion means you get more money for your job."
"The amount of money you make is in direct proportion to how much value you add to the world."
"It's just, it's a human life, it's our time, uh, stand up for what's right and we need some compensation for this."
"Why are you even worried about yourself getting paid when I thought this was about standing up for the little guy?"
"If you're into that kind of stuff you might want to write for them and get paid up to $200 per article."
"Life isn't short, you just got to do more... get a new head like you did."
"Potential has always been what they paid upon."
"Recognize that you're awesome at what you do, you bring a lot to the table and you should be fairly recompensed for that."
"They're making all this money but the families who are losing their loved ones, they're not seeing any of it."
"If you have these skills, if you are learning new things, if you are helping the organization and they are paying well for your experience and the value that you are bringing to that project, no one thinks about that."
"What might have been, what might have been, and that was taken from us. Most of it can't be restored, but it should be compensated."
"You have really tons of co-workers, you get paid really well, and you're going to be working with interesting technology."
"For someone as famous as Lady, work is a bit of a misnomer. Her boss has doubled her paycheck and handsomely rewards the slightest effort she makes."
"I should not get any less than Taker, Brock, Triple H, Rock, or Cena."
"I just felt like I need to be compensated for I'm working hard I just want to get paid for it now."
"Concern creating is a lot of work. It isn't fair to creators to have them do a full-time job but want them not to be paid for it."
"Hard work should pay off with powerful paychecks."
"Would you rather get paid a million dollars right now or $6 every month for the rest of your life?"
"Men choose more dangerous jobs and should be compensated."
"Follow your passion, be compensated for your creative talents."
"Regardless of their age, the fact that these girls are being featured in marketing materials, they should be compensated for that."
"You get paid for nights like this." - Jermaine
"If you're gonna have this kind of responsibility thrust on a lower level employee, the least you can do is pay them what they're worth."
"Art has value music has value and don't pay you struggle with that right now don't feel like scared - yeah - value your time and realize that it has a price and it's okay if your job is artistic."
"People who see themselves as victims feel they are entitled to compensation and special treatment."
"Once you get what you're worth... the things that will truly make you happy working for a company are those other things not just your total compensation."
"No one is suggesting you shouldn't be paid for your work."
"I solved the problem. If you can't pay me and it's unbiased, then I mean they have to."
"If I knew that I was getting paid from the Lord or from him, I would want my money."
"I cannot believe they're paying me to do this, I don't get it."
"Build everything around your strengths and then start to build counters to fill in those holes in your weakness."
"No amount of money can fully compensate for the atrocities; reparations would serve as a testament to the evil Deeds committed."