
Reset Quotes

There are 419 quotes

"Sleep is probably the single most effective thing that you can do to reset both your brain and your body health."
"I'm learning again, I'm growing again. It sounds like a reset."
"The development team realized they would need to do a much more literal reset. The result was Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn."
"Declutter, detach, delete. So the start of the new year is honestly the ultimate time to have the biggest reset before the busy year ahead."
"This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems."
"The ritual chamber is actually a reset button for your mind."
"We really need a reset. All of us do, in so many areas of our life."
"We all need to hit the reset button and lean into moving forward with the health and safety of the American people as their top priority."
"However, a collapse in Fiat currencies would also result in massive reductions in inequality as people would become equally poor which would act as an effective reset."
"It's almost like they're gonna have to reset things in some way."
"We just rattle the cages and reset the game board."
"I think eventually we're looking at a multiverse reset."
"Reset yourself, it's all about resetting and being intentional."
"The cycles are really based on the lows and the lows are kind of this resetting event."
"To completely reset their work right after they got to mythic is super frustrating."
"And strangely, this opportunity has been a reset on so many levels."
"It's probably always worth it to try and do some sort of a reset, as you have done."
"It's very easy to want to just tear it all down, hit the reset button."
"We set straight after the Leeds game, we put Premier League aside."
"Season three makeover Manny: cultural reset."
"Recessions control a lot by allowing the economy to really catch its breath."
"Maybe this is a little restart button for the automotive sector."
"A complete reset in the football, absolutely."
"That seven months was just ridiculous... You've got to start the reset now," emphasizes Mark.
"I will reset, I will remove, I will reverse, and I will require that the guilty be brought to Justice, come on yes Lord."
"Russell Manny's getting postponed, fresh everything, trash the entire show, everything that he's seen was a dream was a fantasy, hit the reset button."
"Control + Alt + Delete: It's time for a divine reset."
"The only way to fix ourselves out of chaos is a great reset, a whole new system."
"When I go into my kids' room at night just to see them sleeping."
"They reset the board, you get to do the whole thing over again."
"It's an opportunity for people to have an ability to feel like they can reset."
"Quick reset, quick reset, quick reset. That's the aim of the game. You gotta just die, go again. You cannot afford to stall out right now."
"Sometimes you gotta go backwards in life to reset."
"This is the beginning, almost like a reset to the story of creation."
"Another option is reset, reset means reset the game."
"I think there are a ton of Americans who just wanted to try and reset the system."
"Feels like the global power structure is being reset."
"There's nothing more refreshing than hitting the reset button once in a while."
"Life as we knew it is not the same and it will never be the same. We are 100% inside of a complete reset - social, economic, and financial."
"It's as if the game kind of reset a stage for you."
"Rest and relaxation is essential... it's gonna like be a reset button on your life."
"You don't get to do a redo. So reset and figure out what makes you happy."
"A new year is always a chance to click that reset button."
"Certainly feels like a great reset, doesn't it?"
"Let's go back to square one and communicate."
"Hitting the reset button to avoid a new Great Depression."
"Oh my god, not only did he reset him in the standing position he just reset the grand final bracket."
"They needed the great reset... creating fake economies for their buddies."
"Sometimes you just need a reset... And so does your unit."
"It's time for the giant reset button, the nuclear option."
"The world economic forum themselves have called this moment in history the great reset."
"This was the reset that I really needed... I feel like this inspired me again."
"Let's reset that again, I still have faith in that one."
"Get yourself a day away, or a week away, or a month away, or however much time you need away to kind of hit the reset switch."
"We can reset it using light outside and darkness as well."
"There's going to be a full-blown mother nature made reset."
"The market has gifted us with a beautiful reset."
"This current situation is going to kind of reboot and reset my whole life."
"This movie is a clear reset that reestablishes the idea of what this universe is and what this universe is going to be."
"We need resets sometimes to get us off a train that is going 100 miles an hour that we can't stop."
"What a trip, we're three days, nothing like three days in the woods to reset the body clock, it's been good fun, really good fun."
"I feel like Sundays are just such good days to just reset yourself."
"Life isn't a game with a reset option."
"Factory reset puts it back like it is brand new."
"Those struck by this power will have even their deaths revert to zero."
"Take a break, take like a month off of the apps... let yourself reset."
"I think you need to reset, and that means getting all those people out of your house because you can legitimately say to anybody who loves you, 'Our needs have changed, and we are each other's priority.'"
"We need to reset. And then this is something again going back to history. I mean, Sumer, Babylon, you had this debt Jubilee. In the Bible, Leviticus, every seventh Sabbath, so every 49th year, all private and public debts are cancelled."
"A walk outside... will reset your true chemistry."
"If it doesn't feel right, reset and reload."
"Let's recalibrate, let's reset this and start over."
"Now we're going to reset our scene. When we reset, we see the first scene."
"When you have a genuinely good moment with a kid like it's like uh just feels like it like resets everything negative for like a 24-hour period."
"But yeah, like I just feel really refreshed, I feel like I had a good reset."
"Just hover your mouse above the word and you can click on it and it resets it back or."
"This is the one and only Computer Reset!"
"If you like that fresh, I just clean the house, fresh clothes, fresh laundry, it smells like Sunday reset."
"The house is all clean and reset for tomorrow, which will start very early, about 6:30. Tomorrow's home day."
"I reset best when I get out of my actual space and my routine and like I can leave and then come back fresh."
"I am in desperate need of a vacation, desperate need of just a relax reset."
"It might be time we do something stupid, something that's got nothing. I think you just need to take a break to let your mind reset."
"Learning how to live without all this stuff may take a minute but your brain will reset, your hormones will reset, your immune system will reset."
"You can always go back to default by clicking the reset to factory and it'll be just like you got it out of the box."
"It's almost like a master reset type of thing."
"'Miss Peregrine adjusts her watch causing the day to start again.'"
"Whenever you need to hit reset, reach for the beer that's made to chill."
"Kind of needed that reset getting down here to Gainesville."
"After the passage of the 14th Amendment, there is this belief and excitement that we've hit the reset button on a badly mismanaged project… and America is now going to step into her own."
"This movie is a clear reset. It really reestablishes the idea of what this universe is and what the universe is going to be."
"Meditation is like the Ultimate Reset."
"For any true reset, you're really going to prioritize getting your rest."
"It's amazing what that short time can do for a person. I felt reset for the entire rest of my afternoon."
"We could all use renewal, rejuvenation, a reset that broadens and opens our hearts and minds."
"We don't fail at anything in labor you can't fail at labor but sometimes we need to pause and reset."
"Hell yeah, yeah, yeah, there we go! Give me that data, give me that data, reset right. Bam Bam Bam Bam, let's go!"
"This was a process, and it took six months just to hit the reset button."
"January is my month to just reset and get everything in order."
"The game has officially been rewound one week."
"Haiti needs a reset button. This is a moment I'm hoping to be where we can really seize a window of opportunity and move forward."
"Civilization can only go so far before it's reset and stops over."
"Reset yourself in humility, trusting His faith to dispense capacity inside us to trust Him."
"The reset button can be super useful if you've made quite a lot of changes and want to reset it back to how it was originally."
"There's nothing better than a little taste of the Great Wide Open to help get yourself a reset."
"It just, it's like a reset for my intestines which has been fantastic."
"Right now, I think I needed to be home for a little bit. I just think I needed a reset button."
"Profit from delights which can help us to reset, recharge, and then re-engage."
"I feel like the pandemic kind of gave everyone like a rest, a fresh start."
"You gotta reset yourself, you gotta reset your body, you have to reset stuff."
"This is a moment to reset everything where expectations of what you know can be thrown out the windows."
"Sometimes it's important to just stop, reset, and start over, it is okay."
"Clarifying shampoos are so necessary especially if you use a lot of product in your hair because it kind of just gives your hair a bit of a reset you know it cleanses it really really well gets rid of all that excess buildup."
"I found that it's a pretty great way to reset myself for the next task. It's engaging, it's fun."
"I just feel so relieved knowing that we can just go about our day and then end our evening with a full reset."
"Sometimes the best way to reset is by giving yourself a fun challenge."
"This reset is going to create massive opportunities. This is where wealth is created in very short periods of time."
"Sometimes all we need is a reset, a new beginning, a fresh start, a transformed perspective."
"But at the same time, a little bit like eye-opening, like dude, did that feel like hitting the reset button like I'm starting all over again?"
"Isn't it interesting that the WWF keeps talking about their reset which is a completely different reset than what I talk about when I talk about resets?"
"All of those previous stats, just throw them out the window."
"If you want to know how to be in a better mood and you want to know how to be happy, a quick fix would be kind of reset. Go on a camping trip."
"Your mind needs a reset, hit the reset button today."
"Imagine the reset this planet would get if we had no social media for 6 months globally."
"Now the call has been issued to begin the campaign resulting in reset that leads to worldwide Harvest."
"Eventually, time is reset, and both Fry and Lila agree to go around again."
"That's how you do it, how you can reset your JK BMS to 100% state of charge."
"Reset is about going back to the beginning, back to our ancient origin story of Genesis, to see whether that text still speaks to us today."
"I should also mention that if you want to reset all that so everything just starts all at once."
"Here's the reset button. This is the magic reset button. Boom, reset done."
"Consider istighfar as a reset button."
"Give your brain a chance to catch up and reset."
"This is probably the most important reset you can have on a website."
"Tension maintained for too long gets tedious, but if you release it and give us a chance to reset, then you can go on and build it up again."
"Success is the name of the game, success that involves a massive, massive reset."
"Take a step back, reset, take a couple of weeks off, and then come back into it low and slow."
"Fasting usually just sets a really nice reset button."
"Happy Sunday, let's reset this whole life."
"Let's reset our UI layout and open up our media pool to get started."
"The pandemic functioned as that reset, creating a mental escape hatch from the indignation and danger of ordinary work."
"All star they do go on to have a good time, the clap as if it resets, just erases, it's my equivalent of that thing they use in Men In Black we've all forgotten move on."
"The little morning reset that we've started, we've embarked on together here is gonna end up being like a whole day thing."
"No matter what your driving mode you're in when you turn the ignition off and then start the vehicle again it's going to go back to normal."
"It's like a reset for a period of time, sometimes it's months, sometimes it's most of a year, okay, it's just a reset, interesting, I don't know how but it's just like it resets the mind."
"A renewal, you want to start fresh, press the reset button."
"Just got home from Hawaii and got a package in, figured we'd do a little reset."
"I think that time that I take for myself is so important because I recharge, I reset, and I come back home with like my cup full."
"Reset your mind by doing something you love, like cooking, to relax at the end of the day."
"I think time away, just to shut my brain off, is going to give me a really good reset."
"I'm just looking forward to a time where I'm not editing, not filming every day, and just kind of reset."
"That was like some of the best time, you know, when you tell me to stay at home for like two months, I'm like, 'bet!'"
"It really did be like a reset bro like whether you you know what I mean the past whatever you've been doing for the last year like it wasn't how you intended to be or you feel like you ain't do enough."
"Audiobooks are a great way to... kick-start your motivation, reset your thinking."
"It almost becomes a mental reset."
"We're manifesting something new, a reset and stable global conditions."
"I truly do view a Sunday reset as a full reset of every single thing in my life"
"...I feel like this year is going to be the year of like resetting big time all just in so many different aspects of my life."
"I just had to reset, I ended up having an amazing session."
"I needed that. I feel like I needed that and it was healthy for me to go through that because it was like a good reset for me, you know what I mean?"
"The family tragedy derails the big showdown, resetting the narrative back to where it started."
"Sometimes we just need that reset."
"I think I need to do like a reset. Like clean up the apartment, do some selfcare, journal."
"I wish this was all a dream so we could just wake up and start over again."
"Fasting recalibrates what hunger is to you."
"Just like a recovery period before shifting into the long-term thinking so that you're able to reset a little bit and think more clearly. So I hope that helps, and great question."
"Sometimes that is the kick in the butt that you need to reset things."
"We need a complete reset. Whoever that is, I'm not fussed, but I don't want any manager who's managed in the Premier League."
"What I want is I want to reset my form..."
"What areas of our life do we just need to hit reset?"
"They have an opportunity to reset."
"Normalizing effectively acts as a reset button for the steel."
"I need to do a reset like an Autumn reset, a weekend reset, a house reset... all of the resets because my house is not looking... I mean just look at it, look at it please!"
"The big thing on privacy everybody, it's hitting reset."
"He eventually resets the AG3 and Ja programs, expressing his genuine love for her."
"I hope that you all enjoyed coming along with me today as we reset my home reset my life for the new year and I hope that this maybe provides you with some motivation and inspiration to do the same."
"When things change in your life, it requires you to reset and refocus and realign."
"It's like Spirit wants to return you back to the original kind of like, you know when you like reset your phone or something like if your phone's acting really slow or acting crazy or doing something bad."
"You just knocked on our door and said he thinks our internet is reset back up. Hallelujah!"
"You're going to be able to reset with this system."
"The purpose of the maintenance phase is to bring down all forms of diet fatigue so that you're basically back almost to square one."
"I just want to wipe the whole thing away."
"Sundays are truly so important for just resetting everything and resetting your mind. It really makes me feel rejuvenated."
"How are we going to reset our spiritual? We're going to do a spiritual cleanse, a bath, incense, things like that."
"Whitaker reboots up like a like I don't even know how to describe it he reboots up like a robot like just absolutely resetting himself..."
"Let this feel good, a moment of relief, a forward fold to reset the nervous system."
"It's like a home reset that was going on outdoors and a little bit of a Sunday reset in terms of meal prep for me."
"The car has been completely reset. This is typical."
"Can we start over? You as you, me as me."
"At the end of the day, I would have to walk away from the whole system, let my brain reset."
"It's like a factory reset, you know?"
"Arriving early into camp this afternoon is giving all of us time for a reset."
"Press that reset button, my dear Seraphima, and I promise you that once you hit tone again, once you find that foundation of your faith again, you will be able to rebuild your faith not as before, but completely anew."
"...spending time with him is the best reset we can ask for."
"That three hour nap we took... it literally reset me completely."
"Period nine is a big reset, a promising turning point."
"Everyone can benefit from a reset, a time to figure out what they want and don't want in a relationship."
"Sunday resets every week – it's life-changing."
"Repeating your favorite activities is a good way to have a quick mental reset."
"Each bear Market we get to reset by and large the opportunists leave and we can reassess the current state of things."
"It's like a big reset button. When life gets stressful, just go on one big hike."
"They're healing emotionally, returning to factory settings to choose healthier behaviors."
"Writing reset: reimagining my writing space."