
Health Perspective Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"It's time we take a step back and look at the true nature of the human body; we've lost the forest for the trees."
"I see obesity as a symptom of metabolic derangement in the body or brain. And that is why people become obese."
"I see the body as regenerative, not degenerative."
"I think it'd probably be so mild in 10 years that we don't worry about it."
"My definition of body positivity is pretty simple: it's self-acceptance, radical self-acceptance, regardless of whether you're as healthy as you'd like to be or whether you love how you look or maybe sometimes you don't."
"Unfortunately today, what's common doesn't mean that it's normal."
"Weight is not the single determinant of your health status."
"Omicron is the best thing we could have hoped for."
"Decriminalization of drugs... treating drug addiction as a health issue."
"You're not supposed to be sick the whole time you're alive."
"One single meal or day or month out of the year isn't gonna make or break your health."
"Health is not exclusively measured by someone's weight."
"Insulin resistance: it's not a disease. Nothing is broken."
"46 reduced chance of heart disease is not much use if you get run over by a bus on your way to work, is it?"
"Overdosing on weed is still considered impossible from the National Cancer Institute."
"Let's not let it [coronavirus] dominate our thoughts."
"The survival rate is so high, I think they're not worried about them getting sick because they're gonna live."
"Omicron in a lot of ways has been fortuitous and it has generated an awful lot of immunity while it hasn't made people as sick as the previous waves."
"Sickness is about congestion in the body. When you get sick, it's your body asking you to cleanse itself."
"Cholesterol is just a response, it's a symptom, it's actually a healing agent."
"I'm not saying the virus isn't real; it's just nothing to be afraid of."
"It's all about balance eventually. A few bites and donuts won't make it or break it."
"You want to feel like a woman who's 50 or you want to feel like a woman who's 30?"
"As long as you're breathing, there's more right with you than wrong with you."
"Cases are mild, better managed, almost like the seasonal flu."
"This spreads like the flu, most people will have it and they get on with their lives."
"Most doctors who are oncologists don't look at stool tests... I mean wait if you're a breast cancer why should look at your poop."
"Exercise is not a luxury, it's an essential part of living just like eating and breathing and brushing your teeth."
"Everyone's focused on cholesterol being bad, but it's very, very important."
"We were never meant to count calories for a lifetime."
"The upside is the symptoms tend to be very mild... if it moves through, we all get it, it becomes just nothing more than the flu."
"Going to bed hungry is actually a very positive thing."
"Smoking is dead, vaping is the future, and the future is now."
"For most medications, you're talking about single-digit thousands, not hundreds of millions as have now been given around the world."
"Every single thing you eat is a medicine or a poison."
"Every bad mood, every illness is there to help and serve us, to serve our happiness."
"We're not made wrong; every symptom of the body is a portal, a doorway to access unseen energy."
"Definitely sugar is not the enemy in my opinion."
"Health happens on the inside, it's not what we look like on the outside."
"You're inside your body 24/7. That's a much better investment."
"We need to stop thinking about LDL being inherently harmful and think about LDL as part of a beneficial metabolism."
"Cholesterol is not a bad thing. Cholesterol is a good thing."
"From an evolutionary perspective, at least intermittent ketosis was the normal state."
"So-called hippy crack is less dangerous than alcohol." - Former drugs advisor to the Home Office
"I don't think that I am making any sacrifice in terms of my longevity by eating meat and organs in fact I think I'm improving it on a day-to-day basis."
"It's not bad, it means they've got lower tolerance."
"Success minded people defeat the tendency to complain about their health."
"Be genuinely grateful that your health is as good as it is."
"So what if you get a common cold? Maybe that's the way your immune system is supposed to work."
"Remember, the goal is not perfection when it comes to health, it can't be, and that's why it makes no sense for us to judge what anyone else is doing."
"Fasting will slow your metabolism, but is that bad? We don't always want a lightning-fast metabolism. Your basement metabolic rate will stay elevated."
"Traditional medicine is just like the tip of the iceberg."
"I don't think there's such a thing as too much sex."
"When you solve that, the problem ceases to exist. And it's a mental problem, this virus that we're having. It's not biological."
"Everybody likes hot dogs. They're not the most healthy food in the world but they taste very good."
"Strictly counting calories reduces food to a strict arbitrary numbers game."
"It's only money and egos that's keeping you and your friends sick."
"Short-term gains versus long-term future: taking care of health makes more sense."
"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Well, here's the thing, nothing is as good from the shop as it feels to be strong."
"Cancer does not have to be a death sentence."
"Meat is very nutrient dense... very healthy."
"I have almost no interest in personal responsibility. I think if you give people technical knowledge and you give people income and opportunity, most people want to be healthy and live good lives."
"COVID is for real we get it but it's not the most lethal thing that's out there right now."
"It's time to end poverty as the fourth leading cause of death."
"CBD is hugely useful even if you're like against marijuana for whatever reason." - The trek to tiny.
"The benefits of being in a higher body fat percentage outweigh having more defined abs."
"Overall, I see this as part of one of the few silver linings of getting infections." - Dr. Jha
"Hunger is a sign of health; what fuel do you put in your heart?"
"Inflammation is not evil it is a repair process anti-inflammatories are evil."
"Calories are not created equal, that is the base layer foundation for your healthy relationship with food."
"The coronavirus is not the black death... it's not even in the top 10 most common causes of death."
"It's not about the obesity, it's about insulin."
"Coffee has been really reassessed from something that we were being told was really unhealthy to something that we now understand is actually healthy."
"Addiction is not permanent. Addiction is not chronic. Addiction is not even generational."
"A healthy person has a thousand wishes and a sick person only has one. Try to put that in perspective."
"Cancer is not the real problem. The tumor is the symptom, not the real problem."
"Once again you don't have to be 100 anything to be healthy I feel like there is room a little wiggle room okay to be a little you know a little naughty you know what I mean."
"Just because you have cancer doesn't mean you have to be cancer."
"Germs are not our enemies, germs are our friends."
"If people told me I'm gonna die, I'd rather be wrong about a positive prediction than right about a negative one."
"There is no good foods or bad foods where you can be healthy at any weight."
"Success to me is that he is able to listen to his body and he doesn't put certain foods in a hierarchy like a moral hierarchy."
"Omicron is a very, very mild version of SARS-CoV-2."
"You can have this diagnosis and still be a full person with a full life."
"The air quality in planes is actually better than you'd think."
"Coffee is not a magical weight loss drug, but it's also not the poison..." - Abby Sharp
"You destroyed people's lives all over a common cold."
"Health is not obsessive; it's like a good relationship."
"You want to be viewing your health as a system, not as a goal."
"It's not the viruses that harm or kill us, it's the overreaction."
"Maybe we focus too much on burning fat for fuel... instead of improving the whole process and system."
"Stress and stress responses are actually really good things despite everything we've talked about."
"Health comes in every size, or has that changed?"
"We can't just get into this mindset like fat is bad, cholesterol is bad."
"You can actually carry a higher body fat percentage and still be much healthier than the skinny fat person."
"There's a lot more to this than just the length of your life even though that's a very extreme example which is suicide which can affect obviously the length of your life but I think it speaks more broadly to quality of life."
"Weight is not the most important thing."
"Going through my transplant rehabilitation... everyone around you was sick except for you."
"Health is perspectival, and so if we want to be happy, then we all must strive to be the healthiest versions of ourselves."
"Disease is actually an absence of health."
"Eat like your grandparents and don't fret too much."
"You really honestly kind of need to strip back everything you know and just start viewing food as fuel."
"It's a mitochondrial metabolic disorder and once you understand that, the playing field changes completely."
"Carbohydrates are not food; they belong in the food category as much as alcohol belongs in the hydration category."
"The idea of seeing everything as rehab should really come from an empowering place."
"Our body sees addiction as a disease... it is addiction is considered to be a disease."
"Quality of life versus longevity... having a pizza and beer every once in a while may actually help you live longer."
"I'm a brand new listener and you guys have fundamentally changed the way I think and the way I view fitness and health."
"I am completely opposed to the war on drugs. I don't believe that drugs should be illegal; I think that they should be a health issue rather than a legal issue."
"We've got to get our heads out of the sand and understand that fundamentally this is about a carbohydrate addiction problem."
"Fat isn't bad. It's about fat quality."
"It's not that these patients with autism have all these separate issues as comorbidities; they are all part of the biology of the disease."
"I think having an autoimmune condition can be a blessing as much as it is a challenge."
"The benefits of doing these exercises far outweigh the risks in many situations."
"One meal, one night outing, one ice cream run, one bad workout, one rest day because you need it, is not going to ruin you."
"Weight definitely isn't everything."
"Obesity is a result of the problem, not a cause."
"Your entire perspective of diabetes management changes."
"Don't let your fear of gaining weight or thinking that sugar is bad for you hold you back from having small moments in life that make you happy."
"You're not a disease, you're a person."
"Look beyond calories; we don't only want to look at calories."
"If french fries are the worst food that you're eating, you're doing really, really good."
"I think chips are healthy, but I think you eat healthfully."