
Consensus Quotes

There are 1592 quotes

"Working on yourself is a good thing, right? I think we can all agree on that."
"It's directionally right, and we all know it."
"It's less about me being right or others being right; it's just trying to find what is the common cause that we can at least agree on."
"When over 10,000 science all study the same subject and come up to the same conclusion... that's what you call a consensus."
"Democracy in Pakistan... there is a consensus that democracy is the way forward."
"You may not agree with me on policy, but at least you respect my love of country and my ability to try to reach a consensus."
"The justices are looking for a way out of this case where they can, if possible, find complete consensus and issue a unanimous decision on a relief arrow narrow point of law that would dispense of this matter."
"When scientists use Bayesian inference, you can start with different priors...but as you continue the Bayesian process and as you continue to pull in new data, they're going to be converging on common answers."
"If we could bring anybody on board with anything at the end of the day, it is that we need to look at the outcomes that these systems produce."
"The very fact that we don't have a scientific consensus on the right interpretation of quantum theory suggests that we haven't got it yet."
"We're never going to agree on everything, but I think we can all agree that we can use more sleep."
"Bitcoin's governance is... how deliberate it is. Everybody collectively wants the change, but we haven't fully agreed on how we're going to put it into Bitcoin."
"All human beings are equal before the law. Like this should be pretty consensus stuff."
"Atheists, on the other hand, can establish moral frameworks...by coming to consensus with others about what outcomes are desirable and what actions lead to those outcomes."
"The right to life is the first of all rights; it's the only choice we can all agree on."
"Americans do agree at least that we have to secure our border."
"This is how perfect this implementation is. This is, I mean, everyone seems to agree."
"A lot of people disagree on the internet, but one thing we could all come together to say is Hell Divers 2 is a pretty good game."
"It's universally agreed that [quantum mechanics] is not properly understood."
"Regardless of whichever side you're on, we can all come to the consensus this was an incredible debate."
"The essence of what we have right here... the truth is served by allowing that consensus to be challenged without fear of reprisal."
"We live in troubled times with real people facing very real problems, problems that have real if imperfect solutions that I believe 70 to 80 percent of our population could agree to try and could ultimately live with."
"There's been a general consensus around the world that capitalism is the way to go."
"If we don't make an effort to kind of bridge our opinions to some level, then nothing gets done; it'll just be status quo."
"If we're gonna start talking about privileges and oppressions, let's start with the ones we can all agree on."
"There was nearly universal agreement on the resurrection appearances to individuals and groups."
"Reality is confirmed by mutual agreement sometimes as a way of gathering more evidence towards the truth."
"Democracy is a good one. If everybody shares the same delusion, then that's fine. There's nothing to do; you can't do anything about that."
"Despite personal beliefs, there's a lot that we can agree on, and sometimes in order for positive change to happen, we need to be willing to find a middle ground."
"We believe in due process and we believe voices should be heard, ideas should be exchanged, and rational people should make rational decisions based on consensus."
"Quantum mechanics works pretty well, and everyone agrees about that."
"Language relies on majority consensus or inter-subjectivity."
"Political consensus is necessary for significant change."
"When there's a universal agreement, it's difficult to practically distinguish that from objectivity."
"In a decentralized network like this, there has to be consensus."
"Consensus Reality after all, is what the SCP Foundation is trying to preserve in the face of ever-increasing anomalous activity: A kind of 'truth' or 'normalcy' that all of us can agree on."
"Nobody legitimate argues against the economic thing. Immigrants are definitely a boon to the economy."
"Consensus is not a scientific word. It has no place in science...it only takes one person to see, and that's how science works."
"If we all think it's money, it's money, and if we don't, it isn't."
"We use our free speech to face the chaotic potential of the world and its horrors, to structure it, to understand it, to communicate about it, and to reach consensus."
"96% of the world's scientists agree that there is climate change. That, whether you like it or not, is a fact."
"These decisions should be made on an individual basis... there should be no healthcare provider in the world who would disagree with this."
"Relativity has been corroborated far beyond reasonable doubt."
"Everyone might agree that they would like a leaner, more efficient military equipped with exactly what it needs for military purposes."
"Most Americans agree on most things if you frame them in a certain way."
"If we are actually going to have a functioning society, there are certain basic things we have to agree on."
"I love football, and I'll be completely honest, I don't think anybody is going to disagree with me on this one."
"I think we can all collectively agree right now, hopefully, that none of this is necessary."
"What does it matter if the whole country agrees on something, if that thing itself is wrong, then it's still wrong."
"Virtually all gun owners agree on...making a truly comprehensive national background check system."
"Mariah Carey is Christmas, we can all agree."
"I'm glad that we found something that we can genuinely agree on because that has a real...effect on people's lives."
"We've created a government of consensus in part to accommodate the diversity of ideas thrust into our melting pot."
"The only thing that everyone agrees on when it comes to burnout is that rest is the cure."
"Consensus has never advanced science. Consensus is the end of science."
"The vast majority of climate scientists say evidence for human-caused warming is clear."
"Most of those views got hammered out by the beginning of the fourth century."
"I'm pretty sure that we all agree on some level that society functions best when we all cooperate with some basic rule of law"
"Don't underestimate the number of people that agree with you; there's likely far more than who disagree with you."
"If everybody's saying the same thing about you, the problem is you Illuminati."
"The entire Ummah in our times has agreed that one may give good deeds to the deceased."
"Pro-lifers want adoption to be easier...a common point that we could all agree on."
"It sounds like there's really quite a big emerging consensus that you'd really like to have 12 hours where you're not eating."
"There would be no discussion until everyone agreed."
"I actually completely agree with everything they've said."
"People seem to agree that it's the way to go for now and for the foreseeable future."
"Is there a consensus of what could be accomplished here that you've come to?"
"Overall the fact everybody thinks we know where it is and we know where it's going that could be an indicator that it's not going there."
"I totally understand the anger, but we can all agree on some fundamentals."
"I think we could all agree on this is free britney."
"I'm so interested in this because it is that moral gray area. I want to know what the general consensus is."
"The people who are best placed to assess the evidence have formed a consensus."
"Government is about building a consensus between millions of people."
"There's confirmation of the three judges scorecards and difficult to see it any other way"
"They manufacture and highlight alleged scientific consensus on all of those issues."
"German politics in recent decades stood out for its enormous stability, great consensus, and absence of large populist movements."
"Looking at the big picture, don't we have enough to just really as a country all agree we need to look into it?"
"More than 95 percent of women said it was the right decision for them."
"I think we're literally down to the last thing that we can all agree on... kids shouldn't be kidnapped."
"Democracy doesn't work very well unless you can reach a consensus."
"Not one single man have I talked to who has really had a gripe about this, not one."
"Every marriage is not going to look the same. The right way is just for you two to be on the same page."
"The whole idea about scientific research is that once you have strong enough evidence everyone would be convinced."
"Can we all at least agree then to this one instance Han shot second?"
"Every person watching agrees, every person in this country of 330 million agrees: you shouldn't be fired for leaving a freezing-cold truck."
"Ultimately, Americans agree on a lot more than they disagree on."
"There's a broad consensus including among parties that are usually not on the same side."
"Hurting a bunch of people into a place unarmed is not smart. We can all agree, right?"
"Most people can all agree... just an overreaction."
"No matter where you are on the political scale, we don't want Nazis. Can we agree on that?"
"I still contend that unless you can reach consensus in a democracy, you cannot sustain the democracy."
"Once you agree to that [objective truth], now you say what are we going to do about it."
"Science isn't determined by consensus. That's the thing. It's not determined by a vote. Science is determined by as many voices coming together as possible and then one voice ultimately is correct."
"We can all agree on it, I just don't understand what the problem is."
"This is the mainstream answer shared by all major politicians."
"But at least it seems we can all agree that Lev is a likable, nuanced character outside of his gender-related struggles."
"I do not think it is tenable for half of us to feel one way, half of us to feel the other way."
"Everyone's thinking it: this movie's a damn masterpiece."
"That's so important and the next layer above that is basically this rough consensus idea."
"There is overwhelming spiritual support for it and overwhelming scientific support for it."
"I think it was just kind of conclusive that all of us were like this would be better off as a one more time." - This quote reflects the consensus among the judges, indicating fairness and transparency in the decision-making process.
"It should only be when there's broad consensus that major changes in this nation are made."
"Every single one predicts an economic downturn."
"Whoever succeeds me will have to find consensus in Parliament, where I have not. Such a consensus can only be reached if those on all sides of the debate are willing to compromise."
"I think everyone here can agree we need to protect women's sports."
"I think most people will agree that we should be looking for paths to peace."
"If nearly everyone has a unanimously negative reaction to something, there is likely a problem with that thing."
"I've generally come to just sort of trust the scientific consensus on things."
"If new information comes up and the scientific consensus changes, I will change right along with that."
"One person's groupthink is another person's expert consensus."
"There isn't a single scientific field that has a 100% consensus."
"Listen to science and the scientific consensus."
"The vast majority of historians the world over of all backgrounds are of the opinion that at least we can all agree that Jesus of Nazareth did in fact exist."
"There's a happy medium for everybody where we can grumble but agree for the most part getting rid of the worst problems."
"Everyone's making the same noises. Well, that means it's a winner."
"Every great leader that has ever lived has been in complete and unanimous agreement that you and I become what we think about."
"We want to avoid a widening of this war, correct? I mean, we all agree on that."
"A minimal thing like that that we all agreed on then everyone could write OS is that rain everyone's software."
"Fundamentally, I think that we're all very aligned."
"It's about understanding your own perspective and using the opinions around you to form a consensus."
"There is a consensus on the need for change, but not on how to understand exactly what is wrong with the economy."
"Science is not a consensus it comes from creating hypotheses and then supporting them through experimentation."
"Critical thought is sorely and severely missing in our society today."
"The people with the right heart and who engage in thoughts and look at the facts...come to the same conclusion."
"Free speech laws are there because we use free speech to identify problems in our society, generate solutions to the problems, and then reach a consensus."
"Most people agree that taking care of the environment is a moral issue."
"Consensus becomes truth, and Morgans has the power to manufacture consensus."
"Here's what's interesting about this: nothing that he is saying is in dispute."
"At least everyone's on the same page that something needs to change."
"85 percent of women or more are saying that they agree with polygyny and they're willing to... as long as the man does it right."
"Not a single person will disagree with this one."
"I like questions that can be answered... not obvious what the answer is... everybody will agree what the answer is."
"Let's get the soul back by expressing things that we all agree to."
"If you want to live on a planet that is like, you know, has clean air, water, and soil, alright, let's set carbon emissions aside for a second 'cause there's a lot of controversy on that, but like everyone wants clean air, water, and soil, right?"
"Recognize these foundations, agree upon them, and everything is not an existential crisis."
"If it's true, then everyone should agree on it."
"Looking at the approval rating of Biden looking at the discussion around 2024 it is evident here that there is no clear consensus as to which party is leading."
"I think we're past the point of painless reforms that everyone's going to agree on."
"We need international build international consent against nazism."
"The entire world is on board with that, that these settlements are illegal by law."
"I think it's really hard to argue against that."
"Control of human perception has been via this perceptual download that I call persistent consensus."
"Consider what happened at the United Nations, there was a statement which was agreed by all states."
"Scientists hate consensus... the idea that scientists are going to collectively fool themselves for half a century with this extraordinary complicated thing just doesn't hold up."
"I was going against the consensus when I said those things last year and well now if you look around though it does seem that lately everyone else is coming around to this truth..."
"If you can get everybody to agree on reality, most of us will agree on most of these big problems."
"Consensus is a bunch of individual opinions that throughout the process of winnowing and debating different good ideas and bad ideas."
"Every human being of decency is united on this, everybody believes that."
"Value is in our heads based on our desires and agreements."
"If most people believe something is right and true, then it must be right and true."
"If anything, I hope we can at least agree that Splatoon too could have been better."
"You don't need AOC on this one because everyone else has been saying it."
"Yes, 100% yes. Anyone who says no, I'd like to hear your reasons, because I feel like yes is the majority opinion here."
"When we don't have the ability to agree on a hard set of facts we are genuinely screwed."
"Vaccines can be helpful, I think that we would definitely find common ground here."
"I think we can all agree this was no accident."
"I think the majority of people will end up, if not believing in it completely, then agreeing that it is the best available way of governing our politics that we currently know."
"I think unanimously and in the for time, I think we have to settle. We have to settle at the 10. Joe Fresh Goods landed at 10."
"Reasonable people on both sides of the gun debate agree that background checks, safety training, and mental health screening are all just common sense."
"We need to find what we agree on and move forward from there."
"The overwhelming majority seem to be in agreement with a wait and see attitude."
"Eighty to ninety percent of Americans on both sides agree that we should have background checks for gun owners."
"I honestly agree, like for the longest time."
"I'm all for that, I think most people should be."
"If we all agreed with each other... would mean that we are basically all wrong."
"No matter which side you are on, I think everyone can agree that [hate raids] suck."
"It's important to make sure all your players are on board for that."
"If a lot of people are saying something, you need to at least look into it heavily and listen to them."
"NATO as an institution relies on consensus among its 30 member states."
"Legitimacy is something that can theoretically come from a lot of places but it's really heavily dependent on human coordination and consensus."
"As a community, we need to agree on healthy survival strategies."
"What makes these diseases all the more frustrating to deal with is there is no consensus on what causes them."
"We all believe that it's something that's important."
"I know many of you in the back of your minds have a third answer: Final Fantasy 14, and I completely agree."
"A leader can only lead by consent, consensus. That's democracy."
"The vote was overwhelmingly in favor. The players want to come back and play."
"Everybody on the planet has to agree with the idea that if you and I want to transact, I should have the right to be able to do that."
"That's an agreement, checkered shirt, you, me - that's an agreement."
"There's a very strong academic and sociological consensus."
"It's got to be a collective decision together, all parties involved."
"I'm interested to see what your thoughts are on this. I think at this point most people will probably have come to the same conclusion about this."
"We need moral clarity as a country, we need a set of lines that we all can agree on."
"Donald Trump was the first politician willing to challenge the chimeric consensus."
"Objectively, this is great... no argument, no debate..."
"As we move forward more and more scientists are getting on board and that's where this world will shift because when you start to study evidence there's no doubt about the direction in which it leads."
"We should be trying to understand the people who think differently than we do because we will not come to consensus."
"Pretty much everyone, from judges to legal scholars, agree that SLAPP suits are a scourge."
"Football has prevailed... 99% of people in football didn't agree with this decision."
"Americans are actually in agreement on many aspects of the immigration debate, particularly DACA."
"I think we're all agreeing upon right now we're looking at something we can't identify."
"I do fear that we're going to return to some kind of uniparty consensus."
"It depresses everybody. It leads to... I agree with that."
"Immigration restrictionism is now one of the very few issues in this country in which a majority of Canadians all agree on."
"This one seems to be the favorite among a lot of people."
"Both World War II and the Great Depression had a level of consensus in terms of values."
"There's a lot of agreement on lowering costs for American families."
"The Grand Theft Auto series is a series that everyone, even casual gamers, buys, and it's one of the only instances of everyone being in agreement that they are stupidly fantastic games."
"From isolationism to rivalry with Moscow, it seems there is a broad consensus about the United States."
"Climate change is definitely occurring, and there's very little argument over that at this point."
"The market has a consensus, and the consensus is always right."