
Tolerance Quotes

There are 4942 quotes

"Life is too short to suffer, and I'm not gonna tolerate it because we all get what we tolerate in ourselves."
"Traveling...makes you more tolerant of people's viewpoints, more open-minded."
"Just because it's different doesn't mean it's wrong."
"I don't agree with them, I don't agree with them, I don't agree with them, I do agree with them, but I don't want to silence any of them."
"You do not tolerate intolerance. That is the paradox of intolerance."
"If more people were just more open to it...not so quick to judge, not so quick to anger."
"It doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing. We can agree with people on some things, we can like people and disagree with them on some of their beliefs."
"When you travel and realize that people live differently than you were brought up, it makes you more tolerant to all different kinds of life."
"Just because you hate what somebody else thinks, you cannot force that person to be quiet because we're citizens, not slaves."
"Having standards is a good thing, having zero tolerance policies for plagiarism is a bad thing."
"Free speech is meaningless unless you allow people you don't like to say things you don't like."
"We have to come to a place in our country where it's okay to agree to disagree."
"Free and open conversations about truth must be fostered if humanity has any chance of moving toward a new, more tolerant and tolerable future."
"Let them live with their opinions but also live the life you want to live. Allow both."
"People have a different opinion. Some people don't like pineapple on pizza; doesn't mean we can't be friends."
"Human beings are social animals; either teach them or put up with them."
"We don't hate you, we just think you're wrong."
"Just because I don't agree with someone on everything doesn't mean that I'm not going to be friends with them. When I say be kind to one another, I don't mean only the people that think the same way that you do. I mean be kind to everyone."
"We must affirm that this type of behavior is not now, will not be tomorrow, and will never be tolerated in the United States Congress."
"Liberty only exists when liberty means that something you disagree with is allowed to happen."
"Racism is a sign of insecurity. People that are secure are comfortable with differences."
"Live and let live, and let them do their own thing, but if you want to live in the 19th century, don't try to drag the rest of the world back there with you."
"Gabrawal says let atheists be atheists. We came to this conclusion through our own religious journey, and telling us we need Jesus accomplishes nothing."
"We are losing the ability to engage with opinions, with people who think differently from us."
"I have no tolerance for a lack of inclusivity, especially not one motivated by stereotype."
"It's all about choosing what you can tolerate and what you cannot tolerate."
"Even if I'm wrong, I should have the freedom to express my false ideas. You should counter my false ideas with arguments and evidence, not by the sword."
"America is a beautifully diverse and tolerant country. People from various walks of life with different beliefs and values peacefully live and work together."
"You shouldn't receive judgment simply for enjoying something."
"Respectable sins are those sins that we pamper, those sins that we tolerate."
"We teach people how we want to be treated at every moment in time by what we tolerate."
"By setting boundaries, we're letting people know what we will tolerate, what we won't tolerate, and what happens if they continue to break those boundaries or cross those lines that for us are disrespectful."
"Marriages last to the extent that you've selected somebody whose irritating qualities you can stand."
"We don't all need to see eye to eye on everything."
"Everybody's entitled to believe what they want to believe."
"Everyone has a right to have an opinion. I might not agree with your opinion, but that's just how it is."
"People don't understand that we're all from different cultures, and what's normal in one place might be completely alien somewhere else."
"Tolerance has to go both ways like when it comes to thinking about ideas and criticizing."
"He who is tolerant with the intolerant, mild with fault-finders, and free from passion among the passionate, him I call indeed a Brahmana."
"Everyone has a soul truth; stick to yours and practice tolerance for others. You may be the sole person with this truth and that's okay; you are so special."
"What you think you're worth and what you're going to tolerate is absolutely what you're going to bring into your life."
"You will get out of your life what you will tolerate. This is the secret key."
"Do not demonize anyone. All demonization is delusion."
"We will continue to do our best to counter the message of hate by teaching young people to be tolerant and fair."
"People need a place where they can explore an idea or thought without feeling like somebody's going to jump down their throat just for entertaining that idea."
"If we open our souls instead of hardening our hearts, if we show a little tolerance and humility."
"Usually when I talk about events, I talk about how most downsides or complaints can kind of be tolerated, understood, overlooked, even. So long as it's safe and no one got hurt."
"Everybody is exclusive. Everybody's narrow. Here's what really makes you open-minded: how do you treat people with the other view?"
"If they aren't hurting anybody or themselves, why do we care? Just go along with it."
"Remember tolerant with others, strict with yourself."
"Let's transform our pain into resolve, our tears into perspiration, in our joint effort to build a tolerant and inclusive Canada."
"Our tradition teaches tolerance; our philosophy preaches tolerance; our Constitution practices tolerance. Let us not dilute it."
"The idea of India will endure and in that idea of India, we have shown time and again that Indians are tolerant and we are respectful of diversity."
"I'm down for people to do a lot of things as long as it's not hurting anybody."
"I pray for four things: courage, wisdom, tolerance, understanding. I'm having a hard time with the third one right now, because it's me, tolerance, I have a hard time."
"The older you get, the harder it is to get married. The older you get, the less things you are willing to tolerate."
"I think the older you get, the less [__] you want to put up with."
"Tolerance for one group does not mean intolerance for another."
"If we're on a plane together and I'm stuck, I'll just be like, comedy's subjective. It's a democracy. There's something different for everyone."
"You believe whatever you want to believe in, as long as you know it makes you happy and doesn't hurt others."
"You believe whatever you want to believe in, as long as it makes you happy and doesn't hurt others."
"Patience is defined as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset."
"People can probably get along with people with a surprising amount of political disagreement."
"We ought to give people the freedom to believe or to disbelieve."
"I am not afraid of Satan lurking in every person that holds a different perspective than me. Instead, I see God can be speaking through many diverse people."
"Freedom even applies to people and ideas you don't like."
"It turns out you don't have to agree with everybody in order to get along with everybody."
"You should never attack people for enjoying something."
"Live and let live is the only way to actually have a functioning society."
"Government of the people and by the people sets a single standard for all who would hold power: you must maintain your power through consent, not coercion; you must respect the rights of minorities, and participate with a spirit of tolerance and compromise."
"Familiarity teaches us first to endure and then to enjoy humanity in forms most alien to us."
"You're not my enemy because we disagree, and I shouldn't be yours if we disagree."
"The paradox of tolerance...what do you do when somebody's intolerant but you want to be tolerant of them?"
"Just let people do things! Let people do things! Let people enjoy things! Keep it to yourself."
"I wish people were more tolerant of other people's viewpoints that we could understand each other better rather than just jumping to conclusions."
"People had a sense of humor and people were not out looking to be offended."
"I'm really glad that I have that perspective, so it's easier for me to kind of empathize and be like, okay, well, I know there's this whole group of people that disagree with me, but I know they're not horrible, hateful, evil, disgusting, terrible people."
"Have your preference, but still be respectful to people... Nobody can help how they're born."
"Enjoy what you enjoy, people enjoy certain types of genres or things, that's fine."
"Everyone should have the freedom to believe whatever their heart desires. I have no desire to limit freedom of speech or punish others for their thoughts."
"This city voted for not just an ethnic minority or just a religious minority but the religion he belongs to is Islam. It's this thing wonderful about our city, not just tolerating difference but respecting, embracing, and celebrating it as well."
"Ashoka’s generous donations to other sects, despite his conversion to Buddhism, demonstrates his acceptance of all religions."
"You can't stop people from speaking...stopping conversation isn't the way to combat ideas you don't like."
"Quakers are very tolerant of dissent, meaning there can be a wide variety of beliefs."
"Beyond just the ability to be tolerant of people who are different from us, it's more important that we can still learn from, live with, and even love people who think differently than we do."
"Happiness is a big deal, and it is. How about cease demonizing your neighbors that don't believe in specific supernatural propositions, is that so much to ask?"
"Just mind your own business and let trans people live their lives."
"Learning to tolerate frustration is of critical importance."
"I do not believe in tolerance; I believe in acceptance."
"I'd make people not hate each other because of their religion, because of their nationality, because of any stupid reason."
"Trying to be a better person, more tolerant, more patient."
"You can believe whatever you want religiously, spiritually, whatever. As long as you're not infringing on anyone else's rights."
"One thing that we do not tolerate here is name-calling, character assassinations, or just blatant disrespect of people whose ideals are different from ours."
"You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil."
"Hate is a really difficult thing; we mustn't hate people."
"If we want to live together and share a country, then we have to stop basically making crazy demands of one another."
"Tolerance of cognitive dissonance is my favorite definition of wisdom."
"If we start segregating into I'm only gonna do business with people with whom I agree, that further divides the country in pretty terrible ways."
"Don't bring people down just because you don't agree with what they're doing to themselves."
"Try hard not to be offended or try even harder not to offend. How beautiful a concept is this?"
"Free speech isn't for the speech you like; it's for the speech that you find offensive."
"People aren't bad just because they have conservative beliefs and people aren't bad just because they're on the left."
"It's a free country; discomfort with something doesn't mean that you should be able to bar people's children from being there."
"If we can all just get along even in our differences, the world would be a better place."
"What freedom really is about is your freedom to do stuff I don't like."
"If you don't learn to deal with people's little traits and things, it's going to get to you."
"We need to... learn how to be what you are, be proud of what you are but at the same time learn to disagree with people and still get along with them."
"I think my kids are much more tolerant than I am."
"This is not a Christian nation; this is a nation where you are free to be Christian."
"Let people tell their lies about you...but please don't have bad hearts towards anybody."
"Tolerance and racism have no place in our country. Canada has succeeded because of our diversity; it is one of our greatest strengths."
"Just because you disagree with somebody doesn't mean you hate them."
"All religions are equally valid and equally true... It's a very dangerous doctrine."
"Let's agree to disagree on this issue and we can still be a family."
"Everyone has a right to an opinion. We have a right to ours, and they have a right to theirs."
"The silent majority of good people in Canada who are not intolerant, who are not bigoted, need to know they can't be left silent."
"I've learned the importance of not only talking tolerance and diversity but having to live it."
"Moral disagreements can be debated...you don't just have to scream at each other."
"The direction is towards more tolerance of variation and more opposition to coercion and control."
"The value of toleration and accepting of other people is the most important thing."
"A culture of tolerance... would show that it is possible in a modern state not to be divided permanently, inevitably, and deeply on value issues."
"Managing your anxiety in the present by building the capacity for tolerance and not engaging in those default behaviors that control the situation."
"You have to be tolerant. You have to be respectful."
"Be tolerant with others, strict with yourself."
"No tolerance for disrespect towards our team members, no matter how much the guest is spending."
"Be ready to have children that end up being atheists or gay...you have to prepare to love and tolerate your children."
"In a society with a lot of opinions and a lot of diversity, you're gonna have to tolerate some opinions you don't like."
"I don't have to agree with you in order to understand you."
"Pluralism and tolerance are essential qualities of civilization."
"If your religion is justification for hurting other people who are just being themselves, you are the threat, not them."
"The ability to sit across from someone who you don't like or whose ideas you don't like and still find affinity for them is found in pop culture."
"The principle of tolerance should be at the core of anyone who values their own ability to freely express themselves."
"The scientific community as kind of a model of a successful human endeavor... encourages tolerance and mind expansion."
"Disagreement doesn't necessarily mean intolerance or hate."
"Free speech is only relevant if we allow people that you don't like to say things you don't like; otherwise, it loses all meaning."
"If you can't take an argument you don't like and just deal with it, at least to the extent of not trying to shut it down, you are the fascist."
"Don't yuck anybody else's yum. This is what you like; this is great. We all start somewhere."
"Hating anybody for anything is disgusting, and hiding who you really are leads to the type of mindset that Doe fostered."
"Everyone's coming from a pure place. We're all allowed to make different decisions... and we all just need to respect one another and respect each other's choices."
"If you don't want to see it, don't see it but don't attack those that want to."
"What was fine a couple of years ago is no longer tolerated because it wasn't fine then; it was tolerated."
"Try to separate those political differences and ideologies... if you can disagree and still tolerate somebody and still respect their company."
"If you can't handle having people that believe in different things in your community, then you can't handle your own ideology."
"I'm not asking them to agree with me; I'm just saying they shouldn't be able to be on this campus if they don't agree with me."
"Respect everybody, whether I agree with them or disagree with them."
"Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then it tries to silence good."
"You have to have tolerance for other people's rights."
"I just want everyone to be free and happy, including you, even though I disagree with you and think your values are abhorrent."
"Tolerance is something that was fought for by the left."
"Everybody has a time limit on how long they'll tolerate something."
"We created you... that you might get to know one another, not that you despise one another."
"This experience in my life has definitely made me so much more open-minded and tolerant to other people."
"The best way to fight Islam is to befriend Muslims."
"I think that the main lesson that we've learnt is that tolerance is the one essential ingredient of any happy marriage."
"At the end of the day, you know, look, I'm not here to judge nobody, as long as they don't judge me."
"Justice will always prevail, and the ideals of tolerance, freedom, and above all, love will always triumph over evil."
"I believe we must maintain our commitment to religious tolerance and freedom in this country."
"If you are a homosexual person, I do not hate you for that."
"You want a country to last, you have to live and let live."
"We raised a whole generation of kids in these last 20-30 years that didn't grow up to be haters, bigots, or homophobes."
"I think despite the fact that your tolerance increases, you certainly get to a point where your body just says no, like stop it now, that's enough, don't mess with me no more."
"There's no room; there has to be a no tolerance policy in our country when it comes to racism."
"Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions."
"I don't think I'd ever be in favor of outlawing any system of thought. Thought should be free."
"America is still a great country and becoming better in its tolerance, becoming better in its willingness to overlook differences and its acceptance of people who are different."
"Tolerance is the one essential ingredient of any happy marriage."
"The constitution and the best of our traditions counsel mutual respect and tolerance, not censorship and suppression, for religious and non-religious views alike."
"There must be no tolerance for anti-semitism in America or for any form of religious or racial hatred."
"People who are difficult to offend are actually easier to get along with over time."
"If you're not okay with any group, please just stay home and don't ruin the day for hundreds of thousands of other people."
"This is what tolerance and mutual understanding is all about."
"You get more of what you tolerate and less of what you don't."
"Canada is a tolerant nation, quite surely because it is a multinational, multi-ethnic nation."
"We are under no obligation to be tolerant of intolerance. Being tolerant to intolerance does not create more tolerance; it creates more intolerance."
"Freedom of speech must be preserved even if it means allowing people who you might personally revile to speak."
"I don't think respecting someone's identity is harmful."
"I really hate when people judge others for what they like to do."
"Tolerance, pluralism, mutual trust, and respect between States and communities, and even individuals, is on the decline."
"Your mind is wide open, and you are tolerant and compassionate towards all ways of life."
"Every healthy relationship requires a high degree of mutual tolerance."
"This generation behind us is smarter, more sophisticated, more tolerant, more welcoming, more innovative, more creative certainly than I was."
"People can have whatever the beliefs they want, but they cannot shove those beliefs down people's throats."
"I've seen just earlier today the golden stupa Shwedagon and have been moved by the timeless idea of metta, the belief that our time on this earth can be defined by tolerance and by love."
"You must maintain your power through consent, not coercion; you must respect the rights of minorities, and participate with a spirit of tolerance and compromise."
"We have to be able to be complete friends with somebody who we can't convince to be on our side, and that's cool."
"You can only be a true liberal if you're prepared to listen to somebody who you completely disagree with."
"You have to learn to accept and tolerate, and perhaps even learn to celebrate, the feeling of uncertainty."
"The woke movement within society today is one of zero tolerance, even when it is forcing tolerance on the collective, it is doing so from a place of intolerance."
"The early Muslim caliphates, in many situations, tolerated other monotheistic groups such as Christians, specifically non-Orthodox Christians here like monophysites, as well as Jews and even Persians, much more than the Byzantines had."
"Making some deference as to people's religion makes sense, but giving religious people the right to discriminate against anyone they don't like, based on their religion, doesn't make sense."
"To be truly tolerant and accepting of diversity, we must remember that people live life differently than us; they value different things."
"If you can't handle differences of opinion, then this is not the career path you should go in."
"Let people be who they want to be so long as they're not hurting other people."
"I've never walked away from a conversation saying, 'I don't like that guy's tone.'"
"I can think of few things less loving than publicly excoriating random people, even trying to get them fired or shamed or silenced, all for the sin of daring to disagree with you."
"Liberalism must be intolerant of all intolerance."
"I honestly wouldn't ban religion...I'd march on letting them believe in their God. It's your right to believe in whatever."
"Everyone is entitled to their opinions and their beliefs. The bigger person is being able to accept a person's belief or opinion and still be able to carry on a relationship or friendship with that person."
"There's a measure of incivility and inhumanity that we all can tolerate, and then there's one step beyond it that we cannot."
"If someone wants to express themselves in a way that you don't understand, that doesn't take away from the quality of your own life."