
Expectation Quotes

There are 15018 quotes

"We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aids, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn, which does not forsake us in our soundest sleep."
"We often think that when I get that thing, I'm going to be happy. It's the opposite; it's when I feel good, what I desire is on the way."
"I think it's going to get fun. It's going to get fun."
"Get us excited. Still be funny, still be entertaining."
"Your brain is trying to figure out what happened prior to getting or not getting a reward and it's comparing what you wanted compared to what you got."
"Everybody loves bringing up the, like, what's the definition of insanity, right? It's doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result."
"Prophecy also promises us incredible blessings to excite our expectations."
"A watched pot never boils. Taking your eyes off the pot is exactly what it's going to take."
"This video is not going how I expected it to."
"I'm not getting another two years of that height. That's not to say it won't happen, but it feels like this year would be it if it's gonna happen."
"The definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing and expecting a different result."
"I'm angry at what happened today; the people who came to this celebration should expect a safe environment."
"Believe in yourself and expect powerful change."
"They could give us a boost, but they weren't 100% clear on it."
"To be honest, a lot of you guys can expect to experience a major glow-up next year."
"If I work hard, something amazing is going to happen."
"Their eyes bore into me, whether in expectation or disappointment, the weight is crushing. My shoulders are not broad enough to bear the weight of it."
"The hopes and fears of an army of strangers I've never so much as seen before... they frighten me."
"We always have to realize that no matter how many times you've rolled the dice, and it's come up six every time, the next time you roll the dice, there's still a one in six chance that it's going to be a six despite the previous rolls."
"I want to be treated by my audience as a human being. That's something I want for me but also for them to be able to see me as a human being."
"A little space, I know in my heart that everything will turn out and then fine, better than fine, scratch that, awesome."
"I expect lavish miracles and blessings to enrich my life."
"Wait for it... wait for what's going to happen."
"What's divinely in store for us is often far better than anything we could ever concoct on our own."
"It's like going up stairs in the dark where you think there's one more step than there is."
"The hero that the Philly Fusion were hoping for."
"It's not about to happen. It's already happening right now."
"It's the attitude of expectation that creates the atmosphere for miracles."
"I'm extremely excited about what we got, and we're gonna see, man. We're gonna see."
"Odin was supposed to be the savior of Wano, the person that everyone could believe in."
"I know there's gonna be that one comment that's like, 'bits, I literally counted every single one. There's not a hundred, Dan, and my mom stole some.' So, it's nearly 100 dumplings."
"Expect Karma to be delivered from this year."
"When mind creates reality and you expect disappointment, you are literally in the creation pattern of disappointment."
"Insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over again expecting change."
"Love is the desire to self-sacrifice for another person but also not demand but expect that same in return."
"If you believe that God's going to do something in your life, make room for it."
"The point of this Everyday Millionaire theme hour is you can do it, and you should do it, and I fully expect you to do it."
"I think it'll be one of the biggest events we've ever seen."
"Your faith plus expectation equals miracles."
"Expectation will produce what you need, not just what you want."
"Expectation can be either a blessing or a curse, but either way, it is certainly one of the most powerful unseen forces in your life."
"Your faith and your expectation... are the wings of the same bird."
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."
"I may be paused, but I have an expectation that when it's all said and done, I'm going to come out on the other side stronger, wiser, and better than I was before."
"When King John took over, no one really expected much, but here we are... he's no longer just some petty king. Oh no, what he is, is a true king, a king of a kingdom."
"I'm not looking for a masterpiece, I'm just looking for a good idea."
"The definition of insanity is doing the exact same flipping thing over and over again and expecting stuff to change."
"Be prepared for anything, expect the unexpected."
"Love means giving everything and expecting nothing."
"Good things are definitely going to be happening to you."
"Did you really think everything was going to be so easy?"
"It's an implicit promise that there's stuff that's being hidden from us that we're going to see something that totally shocks us."
"I do carry a lot of the weight y'all say to me on my shoulders, and I want to do my best to be the best representative for y'all."
"The world outside is not waiting for a new definition of Christianity; it's waiting for a new demonstration of Christianity."
"If you believe, you will see the glory of God."
"The root of all disappointment is expectation."
"God's going to amaze you. And that which had happened unto him, can you say Amen? I was fascinated because a man expected to receive something, but what he got was not what he expected."
"For God will do things in a different way, so that men will know he's not stuck in the same old things."
"When we do something for Allah, then we don't expect from people, we only expect from Allah."
"A lot of people are saying that Jesus is coming soon. You may think, 'I've heard that before.' Well, if you think you've heard that before, you're gonna hear it now like you've never heard it."
"The reality is that they're just seeking everybody in class to be white and Christian. That's their dream, but America doesn't look like that."
"The Falcons will win a Super Bowl one day, probably when we least expect it, but even when they do, 51 will eclipse it."
"For the earnest expectation of creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God."
"Something good is going to happen to me today."
"It's like, 'Oh, I expect some opportunities,' and then you'll find them."
"From those to whom much is given, much is expected."
"Goku also said that Gohan had greatly surpassed him and if there were any other threats, Gohan would be there to defend the Earth."
"The American people have a right to expect the laws will be followed and also when it comes to something like COVID-19 that their government will be honest with them about what they know."
"SOS... seems like she's going to be saving a lot of things on this album."
"Destruction can come the next sound of the shofar may actually be God... it's believed that Messiah will return on Rosh Hashanah on the sounding of the shofar."
"I think there's going to be a lot going on in this one. I think it's going to be probably pretty intense."
"It's all eyes on Ollie. Time to deliver. No excuses."
"I want Manchester United to play well, and I'm not hip-hip-hooraying in relation to anything else until I see Manchester United start winning games again."
"I'm getting so excited, and it's not even happening. I'm getting excited."
"Expect a fight with the enemy, expect a battle, anticipate a battle."
"During the final drive of the Kansas City Chiefs season, they didn't really look like the Kansas City Chiefs."
"I think by October November in Rajya Sabha you will have the majority."
"Better late than never but still disappointed."
"Allah will give you what you wanted, but the specifics may not be how you anticipated."
"Nothing the storytellers spin could prepare you for the reality of things."
"There's probably a bit more unexpected stuff to still happen."
"Another week, boys, and another 12 this week at Bungie. We've been heads down making sure season 17 is poised to rock and roll."
"Paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling of what reality ought to be."
"Trust, it was difficult and I thought it would be."
"I want you guys to be engrossed throughout the entire thing."
"I never thought I would see the day where Apple software is not capable or not optimized well for its hardware."
"They set up the dance in cap 1. They said, 'Oh, just not knowing who he is.'"
"The Holy Spirit is not the no obligation to explain to me why."
"Honestly, I'm just curious what you'll do with my name."
"You guys are gonna feel like you hit the jackpot somewhere in the month of December."
"Hope is a confident joyful expectation that something good is going to happen."
"Hope changes everything; it's knowing that God is good and expecting that he will reveal that goodness in our lives."
"Honestly, I'm just disappointed I really am."
"I think no matter what we're getting Ken, he's perfect."
"Previous performance is a pretty good indicator of what the future is going to look like."
"If I'm on deck in my own ship it should just know what I have in all the chests."
"I might have just found it already, ladies and gentlemen, inside this obsidian, there should, in theory, be a diamond block."
"I've spent over 300 million dollars on yachts and expects the best for his body."
"This is going to be one of the biggest films Marvel ever produces."
"The hype is real, dude! Yeah, that's all it is, guys. We are not looking for anything else but Loot Lake expansion right now."
"You want to see a competitive match up, you don't want to go into a fight thinking that you've seen this movie already."
"Potential is only what is possible, pattern is what is recurring."
"I’d never want to rush perfection, so I am fine with waiting longer to get that since I know it will be more than worth it once the time comes."
"There's a lot more that can be offered here and a lot more that has to be offered."
"God is able to do exceedingly far above whatever you can ask, think, or imagine."
"Pokemon's been pretty consistent. I don't know what happened there."
"He is almost a damn near perfect husband, really?"
"Life is not a song. If you do the same thing and expect a different result, that's just the definition of insanity."
"You should expect violence... every punch violence."
"A virtuoso performance, as expected from Pepper and Calderelli."
"Things take longer to happen than you think they will, and then they happen faster than you thought they could."
"God is going to do something extremely special. God is going to visit us in a mighty way."
"But what I would rather do is confront your expectation and give you something completely different that initially you say, 'I'm not sure about this.'"
"They took on the challenge to develop Three Houses, and it seems they did their absolute best with the game."
"But now, with the rise and fall of the First Order now complete and its story seemingly over, comes the opportunity to ask, did it live up to expectations?"
"I'm so glad your stupidity surpassed my every expectation."
"Accept before going to an expedition what you can find there and do not be surprised when these situations arrive because they are possible."
"Unfortunately it was also expected that uh these officers would either be acquitted or hung jury um and and the like um which is why I'm paying so much attention to the Chauvin case."
"We are really lacking like a really good bus simulator, I would like to think that this might turn out to be that bus simulator."
"This love will be true and it'll be the romance of a lifetime."
"Much is given, much is required. We can't hand you a bag and everything, you better be in that bag."
"Is it going to tarnish your memory if they don't hold up?"
"It never made sense to me why they would do this. I thought the whole point of vacation was to get some rest and relaxation."
"I mean, this is one of our you could possibly see at the tournament."
"I think the one thing that I thought that I didn't expect to see was that there was like an implementation of like volumetric lighting uh in a lot of scenes that I I mean technically I could have guessed maybe that would be done."
"There's still just so much that's unknown about this campaign... that still remains to be seen." - Ryan McCaffrey
"It's going to take time, don't expect it to happen overnight."
"This makes me think that we really haven't seen anything yet."
"If you don't love it, don't expect others will either."
"I thought that we were gonna get shot. I thought I was gonna get shot."
"It's a brand new chapter of a brand new book, we're gonna have a good year."
"Everybody knows that Saturday night, there's going to be a win."
"I don't think anything's gonna happen, but we'll see."
"Maybe this will actually be really great and we'll get to the end and we're like, 'wow that was incredible.'"
"We're not quite there yet. We still need lower prices on the stock market across more indexes and things like that."
"Everything that comes next will dwarf what we've seen already."
"When you least expect it, God will intervene in your situation."
"Stop expecting your rights and start expecting from Allah."
"I think a full-on 3D Kirby game has to happen."
"I feel like it's going to be like a New 3DS style upgrade."
"Keep an open mind. Until they bomb, give them the benefit of the doubt."
"Nobody wakes up in the morning thinking, 'May suffer the whole day.'"
"They want you to hide. So this is actually the reverse of what they want."
"You're going into this thinking I'm going to get what he's got a bit more maybe."
"Ultimately at the end of the day yesterday, it was just a big nothing burger."
"If we're going to have a God, he'd better be big."
"It will not shock me at all you know they're doing it."
"I think that would be an overwhelming success."
"I think it's cool I hope they do more stuff like this."
"I think we are on the eve of something momentous."
"A real sense of horror and desolation needs to return to the series."
"That's exactly what we're looking for, you're gonna be different from them, you're going to lead differently than Ben, but we're going to need you to lead."
"Whenever I remember I should let the boss thing play in case it's a new boss it's never a new boss and wherever I'm like now I won't be let's skip it's."
"Hopefully Steven spends the next couple New Years in the concrete shoe box."
"The most powerful thing you can do is wait like you are expecting the power to fall."
"This show has got to be great, it's destined for greatness."
"It was my saddest moment in reading the book because I thought, 'Okay, I'm not going to do well on the IQ one,' but I thought with the bricks, I'd just be fabulous."
"You're gonna see corruption unveiled like you wouldn't believe and you're gonna see transparency that was promised."
"The proof is in the pudding, let's hopefully see a bit of change."
"Here we are... I feel like if Nintendo knows the amount of weight on their shoulders right now by announcing a full-size Direct..."
"I expect this thing to really be very devastating on the battlefield."
"I don't think we've had that for quite a while, and I think we will get it."
"It's gonna be balls-to-the-wall, pedal to the metal, we are gonna blow your minds."
"Some movies are a lot less than the sum of their parts."
"You're not any less of a fan if you go, 'Right, I do want us to win. Like, I want us to win. But I just can't see how we're going to win to the level we need to win with this process.'"
"The certain grade will say it's a v2 but in reality, it is probably a v3 or v4."
"Skills loss per share comes in at 15 cents, the estimated loss was 12 cents."
"Sandy Hook was supposed to be the last time this ever happened."
"None of this should have happened if CD Projekt Red would have had the game in a better state."
"We're not just going to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result."
"I think we're gonna have a very good upcoming few months."
"I think we're going to have a tremendous next year."
"Are you saying that this movie didn't quite hit the mark? It didn't."
"Be in expectation for the things you heard today."
"It's going to be sudden like a thief in the night."
"Storytelling to me is very similar to music in that it's all about setting up expectations and then either meeting them or subverting them."
"One is glamorous, two unexpected, and three amazing."
"Go after it! Be brave enough to expect miracles."
"People are gonna die to come back to eat this food."
"Drake is consistently good, he's consistently great, but we know what to expect from Drake, and what he does is always going to be good enough and great enough until somebody comes along and shows people better."
"Overwatch has been lacking that one big singular moment."
"It's going to be an awful couple of months, I tell you what."
"I'm not as confident as you, but I am confident that the pendulum has swung."
"Your only job is to win, and I'm pretty sure that's all every Liverpool fan would accept."
"That's amazing this is just par for the course at this point."
"For everyone that thought I was going to lose, I won [__]."
"Tomorrow is going to be different. I'll bet my mother on it."
"Batman vs. Two-Face is everything we could ever hope for from an Adam West Batman story."
"I'm just I mean I'm in disbelief you know I like I I get it all your drops were around the drop rate but I'm just waiting for the RNG to balance out you know it's gotta balance."
"It's not ballet, it's not laughs, it's not choreographed away; these choreographed."
"It's difficult to give you a date, but I think it's not more than five years."
"Well, because the fans are gonna expect a scene where we watch Loki die only to find out he's not really dead. That's a good point."
"Expect more of yourself, expect others to also treat you with respect and with love."
"If you're not putting anything else into these kids, we can only expect them to give us what we put into them."
"I expected what they did to Faye, and because I expected it, I feel like I'm almost okay with a lot of it."
"The results are going to be absolutely glorious."
"It's an existing world, you want to do it justice, and I hope that after you guys see what we have created thus far, that we have done just that."
"Just remember, she's expecting you. She's extending the olive branch. Don't drop it."
"I tell myself every day that it's all going to crash and burn. Does that make you enjoy it less? No, I think it makes me excited to work harder."