
Soulfulness Quotes

There are 581 quotes

"Happiness is a state of the soul, a state in which our natures are full of the wine of an ancient youth, in which banquets last forever and roads lead everywhere, where all things are under the exuberant leadership of faith, hope, and charity."
"Live music is good for the soul. It just does something to the body. It is just good. It makes me happy."
"Modern art in current airports is really boring and bland... This, at least, has soul behind it."
"I think it's important for people to see history and see things that are soulful and that have had like this life."
"Loneliness is the siren of the soul calling us back home to one another."
"The soul is superior to its knowledge, wisdom, and good abide."
"Show an act of kindness today; grow your vibration by making your soul shine and make someone else happy."
"I think, truthfully, that we all look for soul in other people. We want to know that Soul exists."
"Music for the soul transcends ordinary experiences."
"Every one of those words rang true and glowed like burning coal, pouring off of every page like it was written in my soul from me to you."
"The soul likes useless things, and useless things should be done slowly because you're meant to savor them."
"Sometimes I use my bike when I go see my friends... it kind of gets the soul to come along for the journey."
"Everything is replaceable in this world, but nothing can replace or fulfill your soul's fulfillment if it is not coming from a soul place."
"You gotta learn to dance and move with the Rhythm, and that's in the soul."
"Everything I've experienced tells me that gender or gender presentation is no indication into the condition of a person's soul."
"Continuous reminder of how beautiful and magnificent their soul is."
"Every race has its charm and it's not only about performance but like the soul."
"Insults: 'Guy, whatever souls are made of, yours and mine are the same.'"
"It's not about gender. It's about a soul that I love."
"The music... hits your soul in just the right spot."
"An uplifting of heart and soul is what we would have you attain rather than an effort of the outer mind."
"You're an Earth Angel. Your soul, it's an Earth Angel."
"Never do something that your soul does not agree with."
"Regardless of what good reasons you may have, nobody cares about a each's content if it doesn't have a soul."
"Nothing wrong in having desires, it's just natural for the soul to have desires."
"We want to ask that y'all put that on pause so we can go ahead and do love, peace, and soul."
"This place is incredible I just I just think if you spent a lot of time here it'd be it'd be so good for your soul."
"Your emotional stance on things is your soul."
"Sometimes at night I see their faces, I feel the traces they've left on my soul."
"There are so many ways to play music honestly, truthfully, soulfully."
"You and this person have a real warmth, a real closeness on a soul level."
"Machines have no soul, and humans lost theirs a long time ago."
"It just flows like melody to the soul, it's healing."
"You connect the brain and the heart together and you've got your soul going."
"The eye is the window to the soul, so eye contact is powerful in connecting with someone on a soul level."
"A tremendously talented man, a man with a soul."
"They're attracted to your deep soul, feeling lost in the ocean that is you."
"Todd points out that there's a soul in handcrafted objects and if you make everything 100% flawless, you lose that."
"Literally touches your soul, there's just no better way to put it."
"It has what you need, it's authentic, and it has the food for your soul."
"You have an incredible light body, an incredible very wise, very old soul."
"There is a lover within you who knows who you really are and loves who you really are. That's the soul."
"I think the one thing that connects in all genres of music, no matter what it is, is the soul."
"Homosexuality is human. The soul has no gender and the soul loves who it loves."
"Crunchy brown leaves. This makes my soul feel alive."
"You see somebody out there and then you get to you get to like appear into their soul a little bit which is which is always wonderful."
"If you didn't cry manly tears at that game's ending, well, I have to assume that you don't have a soul."
"The soul asks for consideration and forgiveness."
"Art needs to have a soul, and I am an old crotchety grumpy [ __ ]."
"The more we attune to our soul's love and intuition, the simpler life becomes."
"Don't you let it touch your soul, sometimes there's no proof, you just know."
"The music comes out of the soulfulness of the story that's being told."
"Breathe in the light of divinity and allow it to be absorbed into your soul."
"Your name is like honey on my lips, your spirit like water to my soul."
"A great conversation does so much to the soul."
"You make them feel very connected to their soul and their heart."
"We are human. It is our souls that recognize one another."
"Once you come to remember it, the soul always knows it, it changes everything."
"We're not silly for pulling up to fill up our cars; we're not silly for pulling over to fill up our souls."
"The merciful man doeth good to his own soul, but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh."
"If you're telling a story and you're not bearing part of your soul or telling your truth, I think that you're not doing that right."
"They see you, they recognize your soul and they recognize your heart."
"People will do everything but realize that being a good genuine soul really does get you good genuine relationships and love."
"She has a kind of soul that people strive to find for their whole lifetimes."
"Eyes are the window to the photograph, the window to the soul."
"Old soul with a pure vision of love and family."
"They viewed you as someone in touch with your Divinity, very soulful."
"You're viewed as very in tune with your emotions, a powerful soul."
"This person felt very drawn to you in a very soulful way, felt like they had met you before, like something felt so familiar about you."
"Eda James lived quite the life right there was a lot of pain in her music and once we are done with her story you're going to understand the pain behind her music and the soulfulness behind it."
"And this is why, the Ghibli landscapes has an element of soul attached to it."
"You are such a sweet and beautiful soul."
"The constant theme of the darkness and brilliance of the human soul, simultaneously."
"Oh, I never let the silence be T soul."
"It's soulfulness in the aura of the home, it's soulfulness in the light and the spirituality and the soulfulness even in material activities like eating a meal."
"It's just so helpful for me and very... what's the word? Soulful, you know what I mean?"
"Brent was really a very talented and soulful player. Some musicians, I believe, play from a very technical background and it's not always synonymous with soulfulness. Brent had both."
"And uh, you know, unquestionably so more soul than most of the cars coming out of Lexus at the time."
"But there's just something very very special about this and that's what I love about it it's all about the feel it's all about how the vehicle not only moves our bodies but it's also moving our soul."
"That would be so funny, it would be super regular. 'How about a song?' 'Yes, please. I'm feeling pretty soulful today.'"
"In terms of capturing soul in a record you need to retain mistakes, you need to retain the ragged, the ragged edges of what's happening."
"Johnny is one of the most Soulful and gentle and kind people."
"No matter how terrible things are on television, we're there, in between. But we want you to be able to turn that dial and find something good for your soul that you need and maybe your neighbor needs."
"But perhaps what this piece needed was a little bit of Soul."
"We're cooking in an educated way and now the food becomes basically its soulful."
"You got soul you just can't get in the car."
"This supposed to be sexy, it's like high class and refined but it also feels like a failed approximation of soulfulness."
"The singer's sincerity and uncanny ability to embody the writings of artists like Bill Withers and Willie Hutch..."
"Great accidents are part of music. You only have to listen to a Beatles album or a Stones record to hear tons of mistakes, and they all work because they're a little soulful."
"Spending just a few minutes each day intentionally cultivating appreciation can be an elixir for the soul."
"Inspirations are from the soul. They carry a sacred magic."
"They're very empathetic, they're collaborative Souls."
"We just have a building where we can do what we love. That's what the food is, it's just... you know, it's Toby's and my soul, that's what it is, that's all that ever will be."
"One of the things I love about music is it's this non-political, non-racist thing really. It's either you play well and you move me and you move my soul, or you don't, and that's the only requirement here."
"Stop deeping things. Understand that your soul in your body is so powerful and incredible."
"The greatest error of our era is that doctors have taken the soul out of medicine."
"Your soul is your genuine identity."
"A good piece of sweet potato pie could bring out the soul in anybody."
"...when you love your own soul, that's when you're able to see through to other people's souls."
"This person sees you as an old soul, about to fall in love."
"It feeds the soul, it's so nourishing, it feeds a family for quite some time."
"This rest that he brought is a rest for the soul."
"I let my skill cry, let my soul bleed."
"The engine is soulful and has character."
"I do think of myself as a very soulful singer."
"The soul is essentially the core of purifying the heart and developing our character with others and ourselves. Nobody can deny that; it's the essence of it."
"As BMW themselves say, it's soul fuel, and that means it's fuel for your very soul."
"Music can be a really nice not just looking to the soul but looking to kind of the human it's a very human thing to do isn't it amazing?"
"This is heartwarming, warming of the soul."
"I've never met someone that was so pure and just his he's just you know an amazingly like an old kind soul and super incredibly talented."
"When the soul is out of the music, we can hear it."
"The root of humility is an intense reverence of the soul before God."
"It will not make you selfish to have self-love; it is the true essence of your soul."
"The heart is the seat of the Soul."
"She's got a spirit, she has a soul, she does."
"I'm just grateful for the chance to teach something from the soul."
"The soul full of words of the poet flowed of themselves just because they were Soulful."
"Staying centered in your own soul is extremely important so that you can think clearly and remember why you're here."
"The dew is to the flower what gentle words are to the soul."
"It is not intellectual acuteness but elevation of soul that brings Vision to pass."
"It's good for my soul, actually. Like, I always tell people, like, you know, when you have people like somebody like massages, some people like to go to day spas, some people like just relax. This is what I like to do."
"I love that Kelpie, to me, she has a soul and I can feel it."
"With each breath in, think about all that you're feeding your soul with, all that you're capable of, all that you know in your heart that you have to give."
"As you stood in front of the fountain, you felt something strange. It was as if your very soul was glowing."
"That is amazing, that's amazing. She was an old soul sometimes."
"This last couple of days has been medicine for my soul."
"The process of growing your own vegetables is so good for the soul."
"I really want to have a balanced weekend of nourishing my soul."
"A few are poets, those who have souls too big for the confines of Earth."
"I'm more aggressive, I'm talking a little deeper too, speaking from the soul."
"Praise reaches parts of our souls that mere words cannot."
"You have beautiful eyes... the eyes are the windows to the soul."
"...it was a still voice of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper, and it did pierce even to the very soul."
"I see you, I see your soul, I see who you are, I see your pains, I see your weaknesses, I see your hurt, I see your greatness, I love it all."
"It is soul food, so you've got to really put your heart into it and make sure that it's done correctly."
"My feets is tired, but my soul is at rest."
"The echoes of laughter are the timeless music of the soul."
"We share the same soul, just as our fingers share the same hand."
"All you need is a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love."
"I feel you in my soul, soul connection."
"It's been much needed, it's good for the soul."
"I think people respond to soulful records, not specifically in a Motown soul, just we use the word 'soul' as something that seems to have a sense of purpose to it."
"You do have a beautiful body and a beautiful mind and a beautiful soul."
"It's also really beautiful when the book is actually speaking to parts of our own souls too."
"I'm doing things today that make me feel good, that are healing for my soul and for my spirit."
"For people who are soulful, we feel like we have answers that were given from within, from an inner voice."
"Indian food is delicious, so I keep getting hungry. It's good for my soul."
"If it brings a smile to you or to others, well, that's what it does. Keep it in your soul."
"If the career becomes more important than the music, then your soul becomes empty."
"Love! These five fingers, they go straight to the soul of man."
"There's something so special about the sea; it feels good for my soul."
"You're whole now, someone had a hole in their heart, in their soul."
"The soul is superior to all the particulars of merit."
"It is legitimate and right to desire riches, if you want them for the sake of the soul, but not if you desire them for the lusts of the flesh."
"It is time to awaken like a baby to the power of the soul."
"We're prosperity agents and you need to get you'll prosper only as your soul prospers."
"You are a soul, and there is no physical thing that meets the empty needs of our soul."
"If elephants disappeared, tigers disappeared, polar bears and whales disappeared, it's not just that our bodies are going to be affected, but also our souls; our souls are going to be starved."
"It's really meditative, really good for the soul, man, for lack of a better way to put it."
"The Psalms are the voices of the church, the epitome of the whole scripture, and the anatomy of all parts of the soul."
"Your eyes are the window to your soul."
"It's great for the soul and to be able to walk around and find these places."
"It's the best thing for my soul, my family, and everybody."
"Music brings people joy; it's good for the body, the mind, and the soul."
"Elliott Smith was a true original with a genuine soul that made genuine music."
"Love and soul go together; so to live a soulful life... love is an inherent ingredient in it."
"Awake, my soul! No longer droop in sin. Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the enemy of my soul."
"Sometimes you just need a beach, good for your soul to have a beach day sometimes."
"Music is solace, Mavis, and unless you have absolutely no soul at all, I'd have thought you'd have understood that."
"Any music I sing, it's like singing gospel because it comes from the heart, it's from the soul."
"Love, my dear, is a language spoken by the heart, not by the tongue; heard by the soul, not by the ears."
"It's good for the soul, it is, and you get to design the house you never built."
"It's not about the body that's different, it's about the soul of the car."
"They present music in such a way that I think my soul really likes it."
"The coolness to our eyes, the purpose of our lives, the revival of our hearts, the inspirer to our minds, the awakener of our souls."
"When you say my name, I feel as though I remember who I am at this soul level."
"When peace like a river attendeth my soul... there's a peace that overcomes you."
"She added the right amount of soul that the song needed."
"Honestly, what a soulful way to end their stories like this."
"It really feels lovely to do this, to be out with the wind blowing and it wakes your whole soul up."
"Soul is full of everything, and you are that."
"Our architecture... must satisfy the soul, it must engage the mind."
"When that music hits, it hits the soul."
"Going out and going for a little shop really is just good for the soul."
"Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most human."
"You're an ancient soul with so much wisdom and depth."
"It's all very well buying with your head, but will any of these stir your soul?"
"It's just good for the soul; it's good for you."
"At the end of the day, we are literally all the same. We are just these beautiful souls housed in our vessel as our body that we're staying in."
"Singing is an extension of your soul... it was about opening up my true self."
"And you shall find rest unto your souls."
"You're a lot more authentic with your soul, with your needs, your wants, your desire."
"Many of you are a very old soul, highly empathic, with a really good gentle heart."
"Wealth is not having lots of possessions, but wealth is having a wealthy soul."
"That's the soul, the weight of us all."
"Soul is where it's at; soul is what's happening."
"That's true for the soul right there."
"For admitting our humanness lets the soul break surface the way a dolphin leaps for the sun."
"My soul and your soul cannot sing different songs; it sings only one song, it's beautiful."
"I'm a new school vibe with an old soul."