
Motherhood Quotes

There are 9298 quotes

"Motherhood seems to generally be a positive thing for women's lives, particularly long term."
"In her head, it wasn't even an option; she knew that she had two kids at home that she needed to return to."
"Surrogacy... little babies need their mothers, and mothers are not factories."
"There is nothing wrong with being a mom and working."
"The most important person in my life is my mom because she was a single mother with four kids."
"A lot of a mom's life is the hard work she put in for her kids, the struggle that she faced...one of the hardest jobs is to be a mother."
"Thank you for being such a loving and pure soul. We have many more years to celebrate, every day is Mother's Day, but today is a very special day just for mothers like you."
"Keep being amazing to your kids, keep being the best mom you are."
"Every day is Mother's Day, but today we're going to really show our utmost appreciation to all the beautiful mothers."
"A man or a woman's future is started at home, and most of the time, it starts from the raising of the mother."
"Mothers become the first holder of secrets, your first confidant."
"Your mother is your first example of help... when a mother is fulfilling her role, she is helping."
"Your mother is the first example of understanding. We don't all need agreement, but we all need understanding."
"Young Shill was constantly fighting the world to protect her son."
"It is right to talk about motherhood as a wonderful thing, but we also need to talk about its stresses and strains."
"I just love him and I'm so grateful for him and I'm just so grateful to be a mom."
"My whole image of my body changed when I popped out two children. Then it changes because then you realize, holy crap, what's just happened? How amazing your body is."
"A mother is supposed to be the first woman that a boy falls in love with."
"First your children, okay, second me... because I'm your mama. I was the first woman in your life."
"Your mom can't cheat... your mom is always going to be there."
"Being the mum of a big family is the most important and lifelong job there is. I couldn't imagine my life any other way."
"Mums are important, aren't they? To children, they shape their children, they mold them from a young age."
"When you have a new child born nearly every year, and your whole life is devoted to raising them, the thought of them leaving you can be devastating."
"Eleanor of Castile... enduring the harsh conditions of military camp life all while bearing 16 children."
"Maria Theresa asserted that had she not been almost constantly pregnant, she would have gone into battle herself."
"Motherhood is the most noble, honorable institution on the planet."
"Motherhood is a lifetime commitment. We're still praying, we're still growing, we're still learning how to serve our children."
"The job of a mother is to love their child unconditionally and nurture them throughout life."
"Being a mother is the most selfless role you'll ever play in your life."
"When we learn to love and cherish who we are, then as mothers, we will automatically pass this on to our daughters."
"Everything will be going crazy. And especially in this pandemic and being a mom of three, it's like, I got to give grace, you got to give grace in the process."
"Hysterical strength is when a mother sees her child trapped underneath a car and she's able to call upon superhuman power to lift the car off the child."
"Motherhood had a big deal to do with being conscious of the need to create a space that is telling more stories that are reflective of the world we live in."
"What sorrow compares to a mother's grief? What kind of monster preys on children?"
"Skincare is really important to me because, as a mom especially, this is the time that I get for myself."
"Pregnancy doesn't just create a baby, it also creates a mother."
"You could just tell she loves him so much... 'I'm always willing', and that's the sign of a really great mother."
"I am an amazing mother about to have an amazing baby."
"I think it's amazing how much she gives up for her kids."
"Our society is not celebrating the other side. Moms say, 'I'm just a mom.' What do you mean you're just a mom? That's the hardest job out there."
"My dreams have always gone beyond the crossing of a pond. As a mother, every path I walked was for my son. Challenges were a part of the journey, and what I wanted was an afterthought. The idea of providing him proper chances helped me to never stop moving forward."
"She certainly, above all else, wouldn't walk away from her daughter, Payton, who meant everything to her."
"I've reached a new stage in motherhood: my kids can make themselves breakfast."
"I think God was whispering to me long before I became an adoptive mother, 'It's time for you to be a mom.'"
"The villagers ceased in Israel--they ceased to be--until I, Deborah, arose as a mother in Israel."
"Motherhood is the biggest transition of anybody's life, and it's impossible not to change."
"Celebrate motherhood, what a great gift that you've given us."
"Motherhood is not until you start getting older, and then when you become a mother, you realize."
"Motherhood is probably the best season of my whole life so far."
"By letting go of perfection and sharing our struggles with motherhood, we can make another mom feel better, which is surely one of the coolest things we can do."
"I've always respected motherhood. I think it's really valuable. I feel like it's the kind of thing you don't regret later in life."
"So all of us moms, we need each other, no matter where on the spectrum we are."
"I want Eloise to know that one day, if she grows up and she doesn't like being a mom, she's not crazy and she's totally okay."
"I am truly in my motherhood era. I absolutely love it."
"Motherhood is the biggest blessing and equally the hardest challenge."
"Telling a woman she's a bad mom is like the most offensive thing you could say to her."
"If you're a mother, encourage and facilitate the relationship between your children and their father."
"Hardest working women in the world, I think are moms."
"A man came with his mother on his back to Omar bin al-Khattab: 'Did I pay her back?' Omar replied, 'Young man, you didn't pay her back for one tear she shed when she gave birth to you.'"
"The most important lady in my life is my mother, and what she's done for me has been extraordinary."
"It's become almost taboo to say, 'I'd love to be just a stay-at-home mom and take care of my kids.'"
"A loving mother who becomes a demonic vessel of vengeance."
"Thank you for being my guardian angel. Thank you for choosing me to be your mom. No matter how short our time together on Earth, becoming a mother, your mother, was the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you now, I love you still, always have, always will."
"Being a mother is a hard job and... one of the most important jobs in the world, but objectively, being a mother is not harder than heart surgery."
"Thank you, Mom. You are my guidepost for everything."
"The Plumeria flower to most of the world symbolizes, New life, creation, birth, and motherhood, motherly love."
"Honestly, what feminism really should be about and is about, is making it so that women, if they choose to be a mother, and just do that for their entire life, they get as much respect and value and everything that they should be afforded, as someone who decides to be a billionaire CEO as a woman."
"One of my favorite pictures thus far is this one of Namada sitting on the ground facing her mother... is looking back at the daughter she nearly lost."
"I am just a mom fighting to see her children again."
"How often do we get the opportunity to learn from each other and to feel uplifted and to learn that you can and should do such amazing things while doing what's most important, which is being a mom at the same time?"
"I'm still lucky that I have my mom, and we can have some level of a relationship."
"Being a parent and deciding to be a mother is such a great deal."
"Everyone who knew Megan knew that her ultimate dream was to become a mother."
"Mother is a term that describes a woman's relationship to her children."
"Madison, Mason, and Mamie are lucky to have the best mother in the world, Casey DeSantis. Thank you for all that you do for our family. We love you very much."
"Her best to look after me. I've got a great relationship with my mum, you know, still now."
"I feel really blessed and thankful to have such a great mother."
"I think it's really not easy for a mom to be out here with her child."
"The social pressure of saying it's okay to be a mom, it's okay to want children, it's okay to want to be married."
"Everyone's eyes are on the baby. It's easy for moms to get overlooked. The emotional needs after birth are so great, it feels like the world is ending."
"This video is dedicated to all the moms out there. Y'all are the glue that keeps the families together."
"Appreciate women, appreciate mothers. Again, I feel like this is a baseline in humanity."
"Bonnie was described as a devoted mother, her son was her everything to her, and she loved him dearly."
"When a mother has lost her child and then she is reunited with it, can you imagine the tears of happiness?... Allah uses 'the coolness of the eyes' to depict that powerfully."
"Ladonna was described by those that knew her as an incredible mom... her children and husband were her absolute world."
"Ladonna didn't have any known enemies... she was just this quiet, sweet mother taking care of her family."
"Of all the people in the world, who should be my love, my compassion, right, my obedience should go towards?... Your mother."
"She was a kindergarten teacher, the most amazing mother, she was my little sister, but I really looked up to her."
"A mother is a school. A mother has a rank higher than you could imagine in Islam."
"She's so proud to become a mother, finally, and now here she is, fighting with a new purpose, with newfound motivation."
"She's a strong woman and she's a fighter and she loves her children."
"The bond that grows daily between a mother and her child in the womb is something I admire deeply."
"This has been a really tough year for all of us, but especially for the moms in our life or the mother figures in our life."
"Resilience is about being the opposite of fragile... Women have to be resilient to be mothers, to go through childbirth, to raise children, and to deal with the ups and downs of life."
"This is one of the most incredible things that you will ever do. You are going to be an amazing mom, and you and your baby will figure it out as you go."
"She's been working hard, taking care of her son; she cooks meals for him every night."
"Here's the thing though, she's one of the kindest, most loving, most caring people I know and an absolutely best mom any kid could ask for."
"I am a woman. I am a female. I am a woman who gives birth. I am a mom who breastfeeds my baby."
"To mothers and parents everywhere, you are warriors."
"Bethany is not a stay-at-home mom she's a work from home mom."
"Women are amazing we are absolutely ridiculously powerful and strong, but you have to work from home because God forbid you really cannot have anyone else take care of your children."
"It's women who have birthed every human being on this earth."
"There is no purpose more noble than motherhood."
"Motherly love at its height makes the child feel it is good to have been born."
"Mothers don't give birth to natures, they give birth to persons."
"I am a good mother, and yes, I do have a daughter, and I'm really proud of her."
"Can't you see she's sleeping? The dark widow isn't a fighter, now she is a mother."
"It's humbling, it's exhausting, it's sacrificial... like all the beautiful things that motherhood is."
"You don't lay down with men on a whim. You're a valuable, beautiful girl. You now are the mother to a valuable, beautiful little girl."
"She focused on staying busy, taking care of her children, and honoring Jared's Legacy."
"All mothers are the same, whether we're talking about human mothers or animal mothers - they all want the same thing for their child: to be safe."
"I think my role is to just let it change me and to be the mom that I didn't get to have."
"Paradise lies beneath the feet of your mothers."
"Your sons are so lucky to have you. You're an amazing mom."
"I definitely want to be a mother one day... and I will smother that baby with love."
"Ever since I can remember, Mom and I have been best friends."
"Asking for help... I wish I would have asked for way more help as a first-time mom."
"There is no way to overstate the terror that lives in the hearts of black mothers all over the country."
"All right, this is your first baby. It's such an incredible life-changing event. You will be an amazing mama."
"I'm just a single mom focusing on being a mom."
"That's what a good mother does. They wake up, and when they wake up, they make changes."
"Life inside n months, she's carrying back to work cuz the family she's carrying Society don't give a her just do but she prevails and Stand Tall a champion a true woman but nothing compares to all she do."
"Simply amazing, life inside n months, she's carrying back to work cuz the family she's carrying Society don't give a her just do but she prevails and Stand Tall a champion a true woman but nothing compares to all she do."
"I have a new respect for women, motherhood, and what they do."
"You know so many mothers in our times are suffering for their children who have left the faith, become lukewarm, or live immoral lives, and they need a message of hope and a message of perseverance."
"Mom, I just want you to know I'm proud of you."
"Your greatest superpower is being a mother." - "Your greatest superpower is being a mother."
"Nicole is a wonderful mother. She knew from only typed words those messages were not coming from her baby."
"I really do believe that having a child unlocks something within a woman, and it is nothing so short of magic. It really is. I think women become magical when they have children."
"My motherhood is the most important thing in my life. Has the Daily Wire ever insisted that you don't talk about something? No."
"Being a mother is the ultimate entrepreneur."
"I'm proud of the woman I am today, the mother that I am."
"Depression is real, okay? Motherhood depression is real and we gotta talk about that."
"When a woman is in labor she is sad for her time has come but when she has borne a child she no longer remembers the pain for the joy that a man has been born into this world."
"What mothers need is support from their communities, their governments, and their husbands."
"People felt like she was compiling the only accurate list of information about childbirth and what truly happens to your body when you become a mother."
"She put a pause on her acting career so that she could focus on being a mom. She was living a pretty normal lifestyle trying to raise her son Billy."
"My mom is a queen because she literally gave up her life, her job."
"A mum is someone you can go to at your weakest point and be cherished, be nourished, be accepted."
"You're a great mom, our kids are happy, they're smart, they're healthy, it's because of you."
"Teaching her daughters to have the same courage to love every part of themselves."
"The devotion of his mother, her love for him is palpable."
"Motherhood should be celebrated, but I want her to never be in a position where she needed a man financially."
"I believe that a lot of mothers in the 70s who desired freedom and flexibility... one of those Solutions was daycare."
"I think it's just important to find your value, so if you're a stay-at-home mom, you're actually doing more than you think."
"I do get emails from women every once in a while like 'I wasn't interested in having kids until I started watching your video.'"
"Nancy loved being a mom and she took Juliana everywhere with her on her travels all over the world."
"Mothers is so strong. They have to go through a lot."
"Your mother-ness is in here, it's in here, it's everything you are, it is the lessons you're going to pass on, the love you're going to give, how you're going to shape this person. It is nurture, it is not necessarily nature."
"Your ability to be a mother has nothing to do with you shoving it out of your body or putting it in someone else's body. Your mother-ness is in here, it's in here, it's everything you are."
"These moms, they're my heroes. They're the moms trying to make a normal life for their children in a world that has gone crazy."
"It's tricky with characters like this...being a mom is my priority."
"At a certain point, moms will protect their kids."
"I think what she's doing is incredible, protecting herself and the baby she brought into this life."
"I wanted motherhood. I was tired of like showing my ass twerking taking beautiful pictures being so perfect. Just being myself and I just want to watch movies on lifetime having my baby."
"Every mom is different and every mom is right."
"Never forget who your real mother is. You are my son, and I love you, Max."
"Moms also deserve to be able to take care of themselves."
"It feels like the key for the millennial mom relaxing into her full self is to let go of the idealized image that doesn't match the difficult reality."
"I don't want to be just a mom I want a career here I want a life I want to be seen as a person."
"The millennial figure of the shiny mom fluencer doesn't choose between work and motherhood she combines the two."
"You are doing a good job, mama. Give yourself a pat on the back."
"I'm not breastfeeding a girl with acrylic tips and little kitten heels. You can put on kitten heels and get your nails done, you don't need to suck for my boob."
"It is interesting that those who knew her say that she loved being a mother that she would have absolutely welcomed another child."
"What I'm experiencing... is the mother's love within me that can hold those extremes."
"Moms are absolute superheroes and we just love them so so much"
"I like moms. You can't just hate on your mom."
"Those marks prove that I was blessed enough to carry my babies. And that flabby tummy means I worked hard to lose what weight I could."
"'I was a teenage mother, I understand those feelings, but I also never directed them at my child. It was like, ugh, I wish I'd had more time, etc., etc., but like whose fault is it? It's my fault. You know, I can't blame anyone else for that.'"
"Birth is a portal that ushers in new life. You're being called to be held by her deep never-ending love."
"When we talk about these unique beings equally and significantly made to image God, to represent him, we're talking about male and female."
"You don't realize how much the world hates women Until you are breastfeeding."
"Motherhood isn't compensated... it's actually one of the most important jobs."
"Just because you're a mom doesn't mean that you can't be sexy anymore. You don't have to... you know, you're not a granny. Like I'm 31, I'm still young, so in my prime."
"If I lived a thousand times more, I would pick the same mother a thousand more times."
"A mother's love is everlasting, to guide, protect, and teach."
"To be a mom is like it's amazing... she beat all the odds."
"Mother is your first teacher, the one who teaches you how to say your first word, how to walk..."
"You can't respect your moms because like really and truly, for the majority of your life, they've done everything in their best ability to take care."
"Being their mom is the greatest honor of my life."
"My goal is to revolutionize the current belief system moms have to make a choice."
"Motherhood isn't just about childbearing; it's about reproducing the next generation and linking the generations through time and space."
"If you're a mother, you know that your time is limited. Time is a currency."
"She begged for her life, and for the life of the baby inside of her."
"March of Dimes supports healthy moms and strong babies it is a charity that is a big support for moms in their journey to have a baby after having a baby or just think of having a child having childbirth so it's very special to me."
"Moms don't get enough credit, you guys. It's like, think about if you're going through anything, but then imagine you're responsible for a whole other human being on top of that."
"Guys, lots of the women out tonight were moms, and we were just sitting there talking about our kids, bedtime, nannies, breastfeeding, and all that stuff. And I'm like, I'm with my people, I'm with my mommy friends."
"Mary who gave birth to God the son in his humanity is the mother of God."
"Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!"
"It sends a signal to young women that your life does not end when you're having a child."
"Wonderful mother to her own child, she would definitely heal those wounds that her mother caused but can never heal."
"When you think of a mother, what words come to mind to describe her? Loving, caring, protector."
"You can't be a good mom and be a good surgeon at the same time. You might just pick one, sacrifice one."
"I'm so sorry from one mother to another for the death of your two sons."
"You are not just a mum, you are his friendlies and buddy."
"I decided that day I committed to being his mother and that we were going to learn love together."
"Being a mom is an incredible responsibility and privilege."
"You're not a better family or a better mother because you carried and popped out the babies yourself instead of helping children in need."
"Motherhood I found motherhood immediately after Charlotte was born to be so natural and so challenging at the same time."
"I was a lonely overweight SAHM with two kids under three, one of which is special needs."