
Unexpected Outcomes Quotes

There are 1189 quotes

"Salmon is the very best at what it does and even outshines its competition in ways you wouldn't expect."
"Buckshot Roulette is a game where you play so badly, you actually psych out the AI into turning the gun on himself."
"There's a sense of relief, but this was not the outcome I hoped for."
"It doesn't even taste like squirrel; it tastes just like chicken."
"Let go of control issues. There's something better that you would not have been able to imagine."
"Success in negotiations often comes from unexpected quarters, not just through aggression or force."
"It actually may turn out better than you thought."
"He sold his motorbike to go watch a football match and ended up with three out of nowhere."
"This game went places I was not at all expecting. Really fun, and definitely on the shorter side."
"Go with the flow, and you'll be surprised where it leads."
"There's definitely an attraction but this is developing into something more than you expect."
"Sometimes the wrong train will take you to the right destination."
"What happens if I actually get a battle? Uh-oh, and then we fainted."
"Fate has a way of turning things in your favor, often when you least expect it."
"I actually couldn't believe what happened. The strongest team on the server were now gone."
"It's nice to see Vlad because in another save file... he used the dryer and he didn't clean the vent, and the dryer started on fire and burned him to death."
"It's funny, like when you're in academia, when you're a PhD student and research and whatever, you come up with all these ideas and, you know, some of the ideas that you work really hard on, no one cares about, and then like an idea you spent 10 minutes on will suddenly take off."
"All your hard work and efforts, your commitment to learning, creating, and spending your time wisely pay off in ways that you may not have even been anticipating."
"That all she wanted was to live a peaceful life among humans, yet it turned into her being their Queen for some bizarre reason."
"What was meant to be a leisurely vacation has turned into a painful nightmare for many."
"Fnatic, that was not the series everybody was expecting, but the one they were hoping for."
"When your dreams do come to fruition, it's like when you least expect it."
"One morning in August of 1987, our world did indeed end, not in the way our leaders had imagined."
"He admitted that he came on the show to promote his career and he's like, 'Look, I'm kind of shocked by this whole thing. I came on the show to promote my career and I'm a country singer and that's my life, but holy crap, shockingly enough, I met a girl that I really like and I kind of love this girl and wow, I'm gonna see where this goes.'"
"I never really saw it going this way. And yet, here we are."
"Hammy the hamster didn't deserve that ending; he was just trying to exercise on his wheel."
"This is interesting, that this has actually gone so, so wrong."
"Wow, that is an unexpectedly wholesome and just good ending."
"Without spoiling anything, the results are unexpected, shocking, and extremely entertaining."
"I don't think anybody sets out to make a bad movie; sometimes it just happens."
"I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I had hoped for. Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered."
"That's snatching defeat from the jaws of victory."
"Only us could do this from such a commanding position."
"What happened to all those horses that were disrupted? We ate them."
"Winning looks a lot like losing until you win."
"If police raid a place and there's a load of drugs there."
"Last year when we released our year 3 roadmap, we delivered a lot of stuff that wasn't in there."
"The deconstruction going that far to have your action hero who's on the poster all buff and stuff be the guy who knocks himself out bumblingly when the big confrontation happens is the kind of wonderful audacity that makes this sort of thing work."
"Sending a powerful message on social media I did not expect it to go that while. But then I understood that this is a powerful tool."
"You have experienced a crushing loss against a friend, you thought you knew. It turns out you haven't actually played Pokemon."
"It's those ones that you don't see, Sean, that do the damage."
"Yu-Gi-Oh is notorious for decks that look like a dumpster fire but end up being some of the most consistent, devastating decks of the format."
"Looks like the Nutella was too heavy and only the crust came off."
"Firefly is great because it was canceled. Serenity is great because it was a box office thud."
"I'm still not done processing yesterday's hearing it was unexpected and quite a lot of ways."
"Some of the most memorable moments in cinema were actually the result of mistakes."
"Looks like somebody's not having kids anymore!"
"Either way, that was a ton of fun! What a hilarious game, getting into some weird situations. Ultimately, it was the cat that killed Ted."
"Who knew our drama was gonna turn out to be a tragedy?"
"We literally have been doing everything that we can to be as safe as possible... we thought we were doing everything right and we still got it."
"Sometimes the best dreams come true are the ones we didn't even know we had."
"Women deciding to be hookers instead of having a job is an arc I didn't expect feminism to take."
"Nothing worked until the best thing happened."
"Keep going Mr T if if we said to any Republican political consultant back in 2016 that in 2024 the Democrats were gonna own both Senate seats in Georgia Arizona and Pennsylvania they would have said that's not possible but but it was made possible."
"He was great. He'd throw a hand grenade into a room and a wall would come down and everybody would be arguing about then you'd be like wait wait what's in that other room where we didn't know the wall was coming down."
"The moon has fallen but the box office did not rise."
"The Beefalo should have only been a concept, but then a guy named Charles Buffalo Jones did The Impossible."
"Your wish coming true in the form of something else or someone else."
"What started as a joke turned out to be their best work."
"It'd be a little bit discouraging but what's fascinating about this is the enormous miracle that happened along the way."
"He actually turned out to be much more and turned out to be like the absolute mind."
"The game ultimately surprised the publisher community and even the developers themselves with its overwhelming critical and commercial success."
"You might go in wanting to sip the tea from Dan's life and then come away going damn it I accidentally learned how to completely transform my life and now I'm healthier and happier."
"Nobody is doing insula lesions to help people stop smoking, OK. But it just stopped the smoking, and their desire to smoke, just like that."
"Unexpected treasures. My perception of what Sea of Thieves was shifted when COVID arrived."
"I'll tell you what, brentford weren't really in it to be fair, Arsenal's Arsenal have now turned into bloody jelly babies and brentford have become Viagra FC. They're up for it now."
"I really loved something like that. I think they nailed it, especially when you're so unexpected."
"Players always play the games we've made in a totally different way than we expected."
"The most incredible discoveries may be the result of something as mundane as a lawsuit over missed payments."
"Sometimes not getting what you want is a blessing."
"Once a cheater, always a cheater, we secretly allow the simulation attach point to rise above the building edge."
"Real ones know though that if this goes 12 hard rounds if this is more chess match then shootout it'll be a different fight in some degree than we expect."
"Hey, good thing Cross had one of those special Glocks with an external hammer so the ants could stop it, so that's a win, right?"
"Here we go, big move, nope, oh god, wait, I'm almost down, I'm almost down."
"One tiny action resulted in one really, really crazy thing."
"The man were never meant to be king, the women were never meant to be Queen, but all made it to the throne nonetheless."
"Success is hella weird because I never thought I'd be someone who was successful."
"Some of my most watched videos have been the ones I put the least effort in, and that's just how it happened."
"Guys it's working it's actually worked a few years later."
"It should not have been possible for this to happen, and yet it did."
"I wish I was there to see the look on their face when it didn't work."
"The complete opposite times 10 is going to happen."
"God's strategies often deviate from human logic, yet they never fail to accomplish his divine purpose."
"It's such an interesting question because historically, a thing like what I've been going through would have hurt a political party or a political candidate terrifically. In this case, the polls show that I'm much more popular than I was before."
"Justice will be served, even if it blindsides those who thought they were beyond it."
"Who would have thought it? Who would have thought it?"
"This isn't gonna end the way you expect it to end."
"Expect the unexpected, they just get triggered and the truth comes out."
"Screw that good call see you at the violence so a completely unexpected thing just happened we won we actually won we won in Carmel."
"Straight up, this was the opposite of what I thought was gonna happen."
"The news that they were convicted was not as exciting as initially sounded."
"However, she did get a zebra so apparently a little bit of a win."
"The historical discovery would end in defeat."
"Epic had no idea that building and editing would explode as much as it did."
"It's just kinda funny the way these things actually start happening when you just start transitioning."
"It wasn't worth it for the amazing joke that Helen made where she's like now you look like father."
"You will respond in a way that surprises yourself."
"It's a total horseshoe Theory situation where the Republicans went so far right that they ended up back on the left."
"Just when you think C.W. Anderson is going to be able to turn the tide, George South wags his finger at you and says, 'Hold my beer.'"
"Be grateful for what you have, it could lead to pleasant surprises."
"It wasn't the death we were expecting, but it was wonderfully satisfying nonetheless."
"In the end, the emus won the great emu war of 1932."
"I actually thought that the movie failed, but it made over a billion dollars worldwide."
"Me not asking for anything gave me everything."
"There's just certain things that you realize, no, that just came out of him."
"Sometimes you gotta risk it for the... Oh wait, I can't get that one anymore."
"I'm alive! I have no idea what just happened."
"Jericho's fall would be sudden, complete, and for the defenders of the city, unexpected."
"I am the good guy here, and everyone's dying all of a sudden."
"Putin thought he could roll into Ukraine and the world would roll over. Instead, he met a wall of strength he never anticipated."
"It did not turn out how she had expected at all."
"That's what I love is when like your guys's responses or submissions or any of that is wholesome it's like I don't think any of us were expecting that and it's just like the most rewarding thing ever."
"I'm sorry everybody, that's not funny. You can't get that, but just imagine your friend getting Falcon punched off this Earth."
"Sometimes it's the friendship you never expect that can end up saving your life."
"From Moses we learn that sometimes the Lord prepares a different ending from what we had envisioned but it is always the right ending."
"Who'd have thought we'd say that at the start."
"In that moment, a surprising turn of events occurred," the caption described. "Tupac and Nas embraced, declaring that they would put their differences aside and collaborate to create something powerful."
"Oh, I just blacked out the whole planet, did I blow up the power grid again?"
"It's weird they kind of can have the alternative effect."
"My life became glorious. I could have never imagined it to turn out that great."
"We will not stop, you're finding a nugget in a gold mine occasionally you'll come up with something that is really a bombshell."
"Once or twice they'll win a set you don't think is possible."
"Miracles are regular unexpected fantastic things that prosper you."
"It's like if you're playing Jenga... I take this block out and remove it... nothing Falls... this defies all of the laws of physics!"
"Star Trek was absolutely about to be canceled, and it was about to get a lot worse before it gets better in the most unexpected ways possible."
"Saturn's aspect brings unexpected positive results in areas you couldn't even expect."
"Things are often more than the sum of their parts... two plus two equals six in a lot of cases."
"It really could. I don't know how I never saw it coming."
"When the pandemic sort of lockdown started in March and I thought the world was going to end and it really has done the opposite so that's good, good."
"In the moment as you've said might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you."
"Synchronicity isn't what we expect... be patient, and when answers arrive, they may blow you away."
"In some sense, you think you want object x and then it turns out that you don't when you get it."
"This is without a doubt the best outcome possible from a bit of malicious compliance."
"Prophecy often gets fulfilled in a way that would surprise even the person who delivered the prophecy."
"The risk here is it's going to happen far sooner than even the experts think."
"Somebody thought they could just come hit it and quit it but they fell in love."
"I wanted to be in control of myself... I thought going to prison... was... the worst thing could happen to a human being... I had a ball in prison."
"Leon does have to fight the perfect fight. Leon did not fight the perfect fight and he still won. That's crazy."
"So far he's managed to win cases nobody thought he could win."
"The loss of the Expedition probably added much more geographical knowledge than the successful return would have ever done."
"Sometimes it won't necessarily go in the way that you planned... but remember, intuition is actually the strongest inner compass for most things."
"Bruno's passing would make Pep's head explode."
"I'm in awe, man. I just... I got nothing to say. How did that happen?"
"We didn't find one Bigfoot but we did find two new friends."
"He literally said, 'Okay,' and she's mayor now."
"Nobody not the studio not anybody expected it to make 135 million dollars a week one."
"Congratulations Mr. McGinnis, who knew you'd turn out to be such ideal father material?"
"The greatest thing that you want to happen for you might be the best thing that never happened for you."
"Sinking underwater was supposed to destroy it, not make it cooler."
"I love going fast but I hate when I slam into that wall or I fall off the edge I just can't see it coming in time."
"It's rewarding when mysteries subvert our line of thinking."
"No, no, she didn't see that. I've hit like 800 things, you see your wheelchair doing burnouts?"
"What happens if you let the rainbow friends explode? What if it just breaks the entire game? That's crazy."
"I guess I have to die now... Oh wait, just before he's about to get shot he hears a familiar voice: 'You can't kill me, I'm the president of Ireland!'"
"This King is much bigger than any of us expected."
"Results for many people are almost too good to be true. Afternoon fatigue just vanished out of nowhere."
"The most likely outcome is the most ironic outcome."
"Sometimes the greatest gifts come from when you wait."
"They were just supposed to be friends, but there was a glitch."
"My impact somehow it was kind of surprising but I think the impact is really big."
"I've never enjoyed watching a team so much in a 4-1 defeat."
"There was something really positive going to pop out of nowhere."
"Altered lives, baffling medical mysteries, shocking revelations."
"The clock has been ticking for a very long time. Now is the time to do something about it and change it."
"What surprised you? Surprise was how young they were getting trained up at an early age."
"Not only can the servo valve jam, but it can then function in reverse."
"Don't ever spend 80 minutes of a game telling me they're finished. Wait till the final whistle."
"Bob will run off a cliff if you point him in a direction where there is no geometry or enemies in the way to quite comic effect."
"Sometimes it's a blessing that you don't get the things you think you want when you want it."
"Mac Jones wins MVP with the 5 and 11 Patriots, I'm not complaining."
"I love the image of all these old people on a roller coaster going and then they just explode into oblivion."
"Who knew Kanye would body Paul McCartney on an acoustic beat?"
"Secrets have a way of revealing themselves in unexpected ways."
"MTV Spider-Man reportedly wasn't supposed to be what it became at all."
"Prayer will not only get you what you asked for, prayer will get you what you didn't ask for."
"Shooting Aerith's cell opens somehow unlocks red 13's cell on a different floor."
"It's quite unusual in terms of people you know coming back when you think that you've dropped them both but actually what looks like a you know accredited distance."
"Manifestations may lead to unexpected outcomes."
"When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and let the world wonder how you did it."
"This is the craziest story of what happened when I added a grim reaper to my giant rainforest vivarium."
"It's crazy how you drink water and then iced tea comes out."
"Prepare to be surprised and prepare to surprise others with your success, with your magic, with the miracle that unfolds in your life."
"That last game which has Cloud9 brain, like I didn't expect any of that to go the way it did."
"I'm blown away by how many people are totally fine with Bran being king."
"They lived longer because they forgot to die."
"What you'll experience are not only decisions but also repercussions of those decisions, and the way they ripple out and come back to bite you in the most unexpected ways is consistently impressive."
"It's made my business actually skyrocket, just thank you lord thank you guys thank you Jesus because honestly I don't know it just came out of nowhere."
"Exactly this looked like a very slow grind in favor of SKT and suddenly this play happens."
"Success will begin to chase you and arrive in your life in amounts that you never dreamt of."
"It's refreshing to see Saitama lose for once."
"That's way less about the fact that you know overrushing and way more about the fact that we got two Excel floors in a row."
"Who would have thought we'd be where we were?"
"They pass soon enough. In the end, all you're left with is the fruit of your imagination, only it will inevitably be twisted into something a bit more disturbing than you envisioned."
"Just do it and like different things will happen that you didn't expect."
"Both sides have suffered heavy losses, but Ukrainians have inflicted way more damage on Russians than was expected."
"It's no minor miracle that the end result turned out as spectacular as it did."
"Unfortunately for these people that attended this theme park on this day, that was not what went down."
"Imagine a Costa Rica win, they snatch it at the death. That'd be unbelievable."
"Who would have thought the socially awkward Reginald would have actually got a prom date?"
"The more you become successful the more it's going to bite you in the ass later on in life when you don't expect it."