
Societal Influence Quotes

There are 885 quotes

"We seek happiness in riches because the world has told us that is where happiness is to be found."
"Traditions are really just dead people peer pressuring us."
"What we consider to be human nature is very much conditioned by the society that we live in."
"If I had to choose, I would still choose you after all the things society has told you to imbue."
"Being able to derive a truth for yourself versus just taking it from culture, society, or somebody else."
"So much of what we consider to be a personality is actually an overlay upon our true selves."
"We love what we shouldn't love or we love what we should but in the wrong way."
"Philanthropy serves to legitimize capitalism as well as to extend it further and further into all domains of social, cultural, and political activity."
"It's fascinating how 'mind virus' concepts can significantly affect certain groups of people."
"The reason most of you don't execute is because other people's opinions about you matter more than your own about yourself."
"Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice."
"As much as we can say, 'Oh, it doesn't affect me,' we cannot deny the effects that something glorified or publicized has on us."
"This society loves you to be addicted, feeling inadequate. This path towards wholeness is not supported by the culture. In fact, it's undermined by it."
"What we're seeing in the world today, perhaps, is overfocus on the environment is through fear, persuading people more than you would normally expect to not think of children."
"The appearance of science fiction concepts in UFO stories doesn't teach us much about the UFO phenomenon itself, but it does tell us about the witnesses and how the media influences them."
"Being trans is entirely a neurological thing; it's not just some societally influenced thing."
"You didn't come into this world thinking 'I'm not enough.' Somebody taught you to think that."
"People don't have ideologies; ideologies have people."
"Insecurities: we all have them, the media perpetuates them, businesses profit from them."
"I feel like the world is set up to get people to act certain ways, and I think that like, focusing on institutions over individuals to an extent is helpful."
"Social conformity is stronger than you think."
"If you show me a situation in which 95% of the people behave one way, and it's a way that we find surprising and shameful, I'm not going to say, 'Wow, 95% of the people are shameful.' I'm going to say, 'Wow, what a powerful situation.'"
"It's very easy to get into the pleasure trap because everywhere you go, people are trying to give you what you want, not what you need."
"Ignorance isn't just a natural thing that happens; it's created and reinforced by society."
"I think most women don't even want to terminate their pregnancy but because we're kind of indoctrinated in this feminist gynocentric Society, I think we have a feminist leaning."
"This is all about steering and shaping society."
"What is justice, what is injustice, how do people's cultures, experiences, and histories influence how they understand and apply these terms?"
"Society's expectations can cloud personal judgment, making it hard to distinguish between what we truly want and what we're told to aspire to."
"If you spend your whole life living by other people's opinions of you, you'll die by other people's opinions of you."
"Who's the person that's deciding what beauty is?"
"The critical thing to remember here is that men are not born with this sense of entitlement; it’s a learned way of thinking that shapes the ways men relate to women and women’s bodies."
"If we believe that people are the result of their environments, then that means that we need to make the environment as good as possible."
"The religions that survive the best are the ones that spread because they are also good at controlling people because they give just enough detail to keep it fuzzy and meaningful to people but not so much detail that you can debunk them."
"It was engaged in a large process of re-education, diversion of getting people to think about the possibilities rather than the simple realities of it."
"The beauty industry kind of teaches you to completely hate yourself, and honestly, it works."
"No one voted for Mark Zuckerberg... yet he will be the one in control of our new reality."
"Social movements, like the people who comprise them, are the product of historical contexts."
"The power of this idea and this commitment and it's beyond an idea somehow. It's sort of really bred and trained into the bones of every Greek man in the polis."
"Let us seek to make Christ reign above all in our hearts and as a result in our societies."
"When you have an authoritative broadcast somewhere, rich people control it and dictate what the masses can see and hear."
"It's important to always check in with ourselves about where a lot of these beauty standards are coming from, how much of our motivation is internal versus external."
"It's not your fault if you're born into this matrix that is mostly subconscious."
"You can never really be you if you're living your whole life based on other people's opinions."
"The job of the era is for people to say no, to resist the crowd."
"What is the best lesson you have learned since you lived in LA? Just because everyone else is doing something doesn't mean that it's right for you."
"Most of the voices in the world today are... spewing toxicity over a whole generation."
"Threes change the world, they drive us crazy, but they change the world."
"Everything you know about diet has been ingrained into you by a society that is unhealthy."
"Love, is it the most powerful force in the universe, or is it your family's connection to powerful people?"
"The big people, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, do not allow their children to use internet or mobile. Why the hell they are forcing us to do?"
"We should, in fact, think self-censorship in many ways is much more powerful than government censorship."
"Either you teach your children or the world is gonna teach your kids."
"People are paralyzed by the fear that they're not eating right and they're forever consuming like, 'Oh my God, I saw one ingredient I can't pronounce'."
"Pizza gets my nomination as the most culturally significant American food of the last century."
"Feminism kind of breaks my heart because I think that most of the women in my generation have been lied to."
"I should just be like, 'to hell with Zuckerberg, he gets what he deserves,' right?"
"Don't disrespect your father. This world will have you hating your father, but trust me, you are here because your father had the wherewithal to get your mama to bust down."
"I think footballers should have societal views and leverage these views and be used to express their point of view."
"Realize that the choices you make can impact other people."
"Both fell victim to the culture around them."
"If we all accept that there is an oppressive patriarchy, then we are now telling young men that you are a beneficiary of this patriarchy."
"Those chains today are more so about how we see ourselves rather than what anyone else is doing to us."
"In a world where influence doesn't matter if you lack talent."
"Do we want a system that incentivizes people just to get notoriety for any reason?"
"Even harsh truths are disguised to be empowering."
"I just find it fascinating and very edifying to learn that people like me apparently rule the world."
"Segments of society want to inject religion into science."
"Most our beauty standards are deeply impacted by white supremacy and capitalism, beauty standards are constantly evolving based on what we can be sold on."
"Bill Gates wants Western Society to be completely meatless in the next few years."
"Love should be easy. The hard parts are societal expectations, your own expectations for other people, power dynamics, unhealed trauma... Love itself is knowing someone, accepting someone, and then giving someone the space to be themselves."
"Symbols are a big part of America, and they can have real-world effects."
"I think if just enough places get rid of it then everybody will feel like they have to and I guess that's kind of the goal is to abolish it once and for all but there could be a good reason."
"Kids are extraordinarily docile at six or seven years old when it comes to imbibing stupidity and then and then believing it."
"Culture is how we talk about ideas, culture is how we mold political ideas and say which ideas can connect together."
"Shame then becomes a tool of societal control."
"They want you to think you have no capacity over your own life."
"A large majority of people using the Internet have a framework from indoctrination."
"When Satan is influencing a nation, they only talk about killing and destroying."
"There is still, on some level, someone else’s voice in my head telling me I should laugh at and belittle my past-self for… what? Having an imagination?"
"The Simpsons didn't just challenge the status quo, it redefined the status quo."
"I think that being a girl is a weakness... it was pounded into us at a very early age."
"Learned self-acceptance, undoing society's influence is hard, but important."
"To create something that, even after you're dead for decades, just has such a profound impact on basically half the human population. It's wild."
"Let's appeal to the people who don't like that. And here's the nice thing: the woke people are helping us."
"The court of public opinion often matters more than anything else."
"Culture wars are really important because a war for the culture matters."
"This is now bled down into the highest levels of American society and down into the lowest levels."
"The whole thing about what we're seeing across the worldscape here is to try to make you feel bad, try to make you feel depressed, and we should just avoid that at any cost."
"The lack of trust for white people comes from popular culture."
"There's a kind of an Ultimate Reality propaganda versus a post-modern propaganda where people are inclined to have fatigue from the information environment followed by apathy."
"To hack language, to hack media, to hack law, to hack everything. Minds, yeah, everything. Right? And the point that you are making."
"Everyone is born an artist, but we get convinced otherwise."
"Weak men are going to choose political leaders that not only give them free stuff but also represent strength."
"Kim became known for her butt in the early 2000s and though it was initially seen as an oddity it later helped to acquire more fame and more money."
"It's bigger than Travis Scott, it's bigger than you know Colin Kaepernick."
"Sexual immorality is not just a problem today because our flesh is weak, it's a problem because Satan knows our flesh is weak and he is creating an environment for you to exploit your weaknesses."
"Who taught you to hate the color of your skin to such extent that you bleach to get like the white man who taught you to hate the race that you belong to so much so that you don't want to be around each other."
"We're all impacted by the culture whether we know it or not."
"If you took money off the table, if you didn't give a (speech muted) what anybody else thought, what's the thing you would love to be doing with your life, seriously?"
"If you say something is black long enough, people start eventually saying okay that's black."
"You're going to change the world? No, you're going to be conformed to the world."
"Value is not simply established in production but is contingent on various elements surrounding society."
"The spirit of the Antichrist is already at work among us."
"Pick better heroes, people. Pick better heroes."
"The vast majority of those who have opted to de-transition did so due to external factors."
"World events like the civil rights movement had a huge impact on cinema."
"If you control the money, you control the people." - Dr. Pete Windham
"People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them."
"The arrogance of Michael Bloomberg and these billionaires want to get into politics because they think that because they're rich they should run your life. I thought to myself, you are a professional useless person."
"Your social network makes or breaks you, your family, and your nation."
"Parenting advice? Do it your own way, despite all the opinions."
"Culture does not make people, people make culture."
"Why are we valuing ourselves based on men's opinions of us?"
"Stop letting other people's opinions define you."
"Anybody who believes that entertainment isn't a teaching machine is full of shit."
"In order to understand where this world is headed and to help others see through the lies of the devil, we must not be ignorant of Satan's schemes and devices."
"They want to control what you see, think, and hear."
"People inherently want to do good; it's just that what good is can become misdefined and co-opted."
"Pastors over the years have always been a part of what a lot of people would consider to be politics."
"I think we're all born pan okay and you're traumatized into heterosexuality by heteronormative social standards that's what I believe."
"When you're unwilling to have these conversations, you're seeding territory to others." - "When you're unwilling to have these conversations, you're seeding territory to others."
"Morality can't come merely from society; we have to have a moral standard that transcends time, place, and culture."
"Everyone wants to be defined according to how others define them, but Elijah believes everyone should define themselves."
"You can optimize choices based on environment, education, and culture."
"I think our generation and the younger generations have no purpose, and that's creating two kind of like pockets. The people who are attracted to Jordan Peterson's message are looking for purpose."
"People glorify the killer. They want to be the killer. They ain't doing nothing but showing other people, 'Okay cool, I'm gonna be that next bad guy.'"
"Your beliefs are not you—pluck out those beliefs implanted by society, and create your own rules."
"If comments or what other people think is holding you back... don't let that stop you."
"To me, my reading of where we are going is that it's about the person."
"History is more than the path left by the past. It influences the present and can shape the future."
"Every person that learns to love themselves makes it that much easier for other people to do it too."
"They don't like how people are thinking and how they're acting and the things that they're doing so we need you to change them."
"The impact of the Reformation on nations and the separation of church and state is staggering."
"The people do not realize the power that they really have."
"Human beings on a fundamental level pursue an ever-changing set of societal beauty standards."
"Fashion should enhance life and how you feel about yourself, not detract what others think."
"You can't find BAE if you're following the crowd."
"It's important stuff and it's how you win a culture war basically without firing a shot or breaking a rule."
"There's one hope for conservatives in this crazy culture: take over the common sense."
"How does that affect the thousands of people that read it and believe? Well, it sticks with them their whole [ __ ] life, you know?"
"God says these so-called prophets survive because people like you defend them."
"If we don't write it, someone else will write it for us."
"The shiny mom influencer and fear-based parenting culture are actually connected."
"Fear is itself is the ultimate control that we have on this planet of everyone."
"The hold of Islam over the Muslim populations was mainly a matter of ignorance."
"Why is everything in this world occult or symbolic or told through magical systems? Because the people who mold and shape this world believe in and employ magical systems."
"Cult dynamics are everywhere in modern society and throughout all of human history."
"Raising your hand out there if you were encouraged to have negative beliefs about men or women or a race or a culture based upon your toxic parents' beliefs."
"Change the culture, change the people's way of thinking."
"The Church is supposed to teach and mother Humanity, not follow whatever the topic du jour is." - Deus II
"We started a trend. No, let's not. People go—they influence the whole [__] country."
"You cannot allow the powers that be to convince you that somehow your value is not enough."
"Institutions and the media are crystallizing the idea, this ideology at a broader level."
"Now more than ever, it's becoming more and more important to think for yourself."
"Getting to know a religion is about seeing how its ideas shape the lives it touches."
"We are literally trained to hate what heals us and we love what kills us."
"All of us are being influenced and all of us are influencing someone else."
"You can be whoever you want you know, don't let anybody else's perception of you impact the person that you want to be."
"Passionate about thinking for yourself... willing to explore it rather than follow the public opinion."
"Music is a product of the culture that surrounds us."
"We want people to know how this company affects their lives, how it affects their children, how it affects them, and how it affects their future."
"Both fame and infamy essentially were recognition. Recognition according to Cole has the power to bring humankind together or undo us."
"The tongue is a f***ing weapon... people like Immortal Technique... they're a threat to all societies..."
"It's a blessing and a curse. We've done a lot of good and we've done a lot of damage."
"Politics is you - everything that you do in your life is going to be affected by politics."
"There has been a concerted group of people using events to manipulate consciousness toward their agenda."
"It's inspiring, it's let me know that I can do that as well."
"The larger factor in depression can be society's treatment rather than one's identity."
"Comparisons are made subliminally through glorified images of beauty."
"The public image of this grand old lady transcends all the class barriers."
"The people have the power. I don't mean power of the gun. They have the power to make and create the society they want."
"The people have the power. Always remember that."
"Humor, not taking [ __ ] too seriously, is the best way to social engineer a good future."
"Success is important, right now. Successful people are sending out a message that success is suffering and that's bad."
"The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche truly has changed the way people live in the 21st Century."
"Most people don't hold opinions because they were reasoned into them, they hold them for protective coloration."
"As we get older, society pulls us away from the present."
"I think the biggest thing was learning how to separate who I am and what I want and what I like from what society is telling me I should want."
"Not living your actual life is the problem, letting other people's opinions dictate your behavior is the problem."
"This is why you cannot put your worth and your value in what other people think about you."
"It's a religion being preached as some sort of higher truth."
"The most important thing that can be analyzed about any work of media is how it can influence its audience."
"Ultimately I hope this film galvanizes people excites people and also inspires people."
"If somebody wants to say you guys are always over rating the importance of entertainment I get it but trust me the way Western society works it's a bigger deal than you think it's a big deal."
"Be yourself in a world of people trying to tell you what to be."
"I don't think it's successful, I think it's all in people's head."
"It's what they're taught, it is the fruit of an education system."
"Human behavior doesn't run on objective reality. It's driven by meaning and context."
"In today's commercial Society we are made to believe all sorts of things that are untrue."
"You have to be taught to be racist. Whether you're taught in your home, by your family, by somebody else, taught in school. That's something you have to be taught. You're not born into this world that way."
"It's almost as if we are being manipulated to hate ourselves."
"Quit worrying about what other people think."
"Concepts like Satan evolved within an interrelated network of societal, cultural, and political influences."
"Humans live and learn and grow on the terms of nature and society: we are taught lofty concepts like love and pain through doing."
"Hate isn't just about feeling hatred or feeling some negative emotion; it's also about causing hatred in others."
"Just a minority of one to three percent can really change the whole opinion, the whole idea, and understanding of a nation."
"Convincing other people can save lives and livelihoods and generally move society in a bad direction if you make a stupid joke about the wage gap I don't care one of them funny."
"The belief in ghosts has historical and cultural roots."
"The comedians are starting to lead this conversation."
"People have had enough of being menaced and threatened by those who claim to have God on their side."