
Life Perception Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"Rather than deliberate living, most people simply accepted that life was a series of waking up, working, going to bed, and repeating."
"Most people spend the first half of their life saying they're too young, and the second half saying they're too old."
"It feels like my life is one big day, it just gets dark sometimes."
"As you get older, as you age, as you're closer to death, life changes for you."
"The moment you see the coincidence happen in your life, you're going to stop believing that you're the victim of your life and start believing you're the creator of your life."
"What you call your life is a narrative. It's a sequence of thoughts in your mind that are repetitive."
"Life is a dream, and just like those dreams you have when you're asleep, it's possible to awaken from this dream of life."
"Life is a series of absurd dreams that we all collectively agree are reality."
"Young people stopped living their lives and started watching other people live their lives."
"Life is fleeting, truly. You're going to blink, and you're going to be in your 30s."
"Life is extremely long. You may not have the same level of testosterone in your 20s as you get into your 40s, but there's still a lot of life to live."
"A lot of people just think being miserable and not doing anything about it is the natural state of life."
"The life we are given isn't short but we make it so."
"We are not given a short life but we make it short, and we are not ill-supplied but wasteful of it."
"Life is so short, you're never going to be younger than you are now."
"What the patient thinks of life, what life means to him, is also of great importance and maybe the bar that shuts out all real health and happiness."
"We live in madness, and we've adapted to madness."
"Life is nothing more than a collection of moments."
"It basically is how people treat their lives today, from this almost God's eye view of, you know, not living or participating in it, but actually just photographing it, and curating their life, rather than living their life."
"Life is plentiful and amazing, yet most people never open their eyes to the beauty around us because they're too busy building their own cages of misery."
"Life is remembered backwards and lived forwards."
"So much of life is determined not by the event but by our ability to process the event on the correct level."
"Life is really long when you're with the wrong person. Every night is longer than the one before."
"Life doesn't happen to you; it happens for you. Everything is for a reason, and it's working for you, not against you."
"The most motivating force in the world on the planet, based on research, hands down, is empowerment, encouragement, support, and celebration."
"The less time you have, meaning the older you get, the more valuable your time becomes."
"You're going to see what you look for, and if you look for the things that are joyful and good and wonderful, then you're going to see that."
"Don't waste your time and you really think you have all the time in the world, you don't."
"Life is super long and people try to convince you that it's short."
"We risk our lives every time we get into a car or get on a plane or ride a bike."
"Life is beautiful but it all depends on what you focus on."
"Life is short, there's an element of it that's short. But if you're not happy, life is long."
"The whole universe is change and life itself is but what we deem it, life itself is but what we deem it. The eight most profound words in all of philosophy."
"I love this life, but eternity sounds miserable."
"It's like understanding you've been lied to your entire life."
"The mind force will come back, and when the mind comes back, it will come with a sense of life, but 'Oh no, I've lost it, I've lost it.' And you may forget that the feeling of lost it is only a feeling and a thought, and not a reality."
"Life can feel different... we can be more open and honest and vulnerable."
"Life isn't how you paint it; it's the way you color it."
"Groundhog Day for every 90-year-old every day."
"Those who face eternity easily forget what a lifetime means, what an ending means. You know it doesn't have to be this way."
"I highly doubt that we're imagining everything and that life is one giant illusion."
"The world is like a ride at an amusement park. It's just a ride."
"It's almost as though every night you go to sleep you are dead."
"Life is short, false, it's the longest thing you will ever do."
"Our life is but a vapor, only lasts one second and then it's over."
"Death is boring now, it's just dull, people living their lives."
"Living tomorrow and living forever, they're identical."
"Now I live in constant fear of running out of time."
"You only see this tiny bit of life. Its cycles are in harmony with its universal self."
"I'm happier as an atheist, realizing that this life is all we have."
"I think a lot of people my age are to the point where we just kind of accepted that this is what life in America is."
"You can't. They go by fast. It goes by quick, and then it's gone."
"When you emerge on the other side, you'll find nothing, but that nothing will be clear and bright, a guiding light into a better yet fleeting life."
"Life's but a walking shadow... all the world's a stage."
"I miss being a kid you know like just being naive to everything to the to naive to the cruel [ __ ] world we live in and just being able to there just have fun man."
"Out out brief candle life's but a walking shadow a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage."
"I'm just saying that then you can freak out a little bit; your life's not a lie, you live it. It's just that you're not in control of it like you feel like you are, you're more like along for the ride."
"Life is not what happens to us, but what we make of it."
"It simplifies things down and kind of doesn't trust them to know that life has nuance."
"I'm hoping that I'm kind of far away from dying."
"The world is a comedy to those that think and a tragedy to those that feel."
"Have you ever felt like your life was a TV show?"
"Life's not out to get ya. Life might think that right now, but if anything, life's no, no, let's do."
"Life is just such a freaking interesting game."
"Life is short. That'll add a sense of urgency."
"You don't realize how short and how fast life goes by."
"Time sure flies, man. I need to figure out how to slow time down because before I know it, time's gonna pass me up. I gotta slow it down."
"Life isn't as bad as you guys really think it is. It might be rocky, but it will always get better."
"Life has always been and will always be a mirror."
"Life is a tragic joke, and it's actually pretty funny."
"You're looking at life and thinking, why is it so complicated?"
"Reality and facing reality which is very difficult thing to do when all the powers that be are trying to sell you a fantasy version of your life."
"Everything is unfair... That's one thing I've come to in my 46 years: everything is unfair."
"Ignoring isn't the same as ignorance... We lived in the gaps between the stories."
"Life is not easy, it is not fair, it never was, it isn't now, and it won't ever be."
"You cure my sadness after school for mean people, I'm grateful you exist."
"This whole life is a dream, whether you're aware of it or not."
"It won't last forever, it will not last forever. People at the time you think this is gonna, if this is my life, I don't want to be, you think it's gonna last forever, it will not."
"As you get older you realize life is short... Don't waste them, there's just not enough time."
"Life can be beautiful or it can be a total bitch; it's simply a matter of the meanings that you give to the circumstances."
"What would your life be like if every moment was sacred?"
"You are not subject to disappointment... life becomes a joy, this entire universe is seen as the glory of the Atman."
"Life's a drag on the palette. Life's a drag."
"The outer world is a reflection of the inner world."
"Aging you know we we're starting to get old the moment we're born a lot of people think well you know I get 60 and above I'm certain age and I want to live longer actually our life fuse is starting to burn down."
"For the first time in their life, they're not... 'Oh, you know, I'll be dead in a decade and no one will care.' Oh. Certainly not me."
"Life is very short and anxious for those who forget the past, neglecting and fear the future."
"Life is boring, and here's the uncomfortable truth."
"The time never stops, the clock is always ticking."
"People don't get to see certain parts of life itself. The decaying of all things, the ugliness of the natural processes of life. And I think that's one of the reasons that makes us so fearful of death and causes panic and anxiety."
"This adventure is very much about self, looking at how you perceive things."
"The moment you recognize the screen, your life becomes a movie."
"Time is the only currency that we all share... it's a ticking clock."
"Life is just life until we attach meaning to it."
"I am overwhelmed by what I saw. I saw death and in the blackness of space I saw life."
"Everything other than split second is the story you're deciding to tell yourself. That's it."
"There's nothing new under the sun, absolutely nothing."
"I think dying is the easiest thing man you know like we make such a big deal out of it but it's living the [ __ ]."
"I feel like you view life in this kind of magical romantic way."
"She's made me see life in a peaceful way instead of seeing life as a constant battle."
"Life's infinitely richer if you believe in God or at least act as if you believe in God."
"It's a cage, very pretty cage but the cage nonetheless."
"Life is the same as usual, a little claustrophobic, but we all know deep down that freedom is coming, don't we? That's life, ain't it."
"We're settling for a stimulated version of what we deserve."
"Everything is a mirror, everything in life, it's a mirror."
"The most fundamental decision you make is whether you live in a friendly or hostile universe."
"Everyone's life is overrated and also underrated."
"The more politics preys on our divisions, the more we become defined by our divisions. This leads to a view of life that is a zero-sum game view."
"Life is just one long process. That's why I don't even believe in good or bad. It's just so-called good, so-called bad. It's all a process."
"Greed is a false pathway to enjoying life, built on the lie that this life is all that there is."
"People see you as the stars are lining up for you, like you have this really positive outlook on your life."
"Unless you're winning, most of life will seem hideously unfair to you."
"Diana is remembered as a fashion icon, charity Ambassador, and someone who could be related to by the British public with her displays of empathy and compassion and her often down-to-earth Behavior."
"Just because your life looks beautiful on the outside doesn't mean it's fruitful on the inside."
"My life was a tragedy. Now I realize it's a comedy."
"Act much differently, see the beauty everywhere, engage with beauty."
"Control is an illusion anyway. We feel that we have control over things in our life and we actually don't."
"In the absence of purpose, fulfillment, and significance, we feel like every day is Groundhog Day."
"Life is inherently not like life. Life is inherently not complete."
"Life is what it really is, not what we think it should be."
"Is my life just a parody of a joke on me now?"
"Remember, you're having a biological experience; sleep, sunlight, diet, and exercise affect how you process the world."
"You cannot die, I am telling you from my own personal experience."
"Jesus is the lens through which we see the world in a totally different way."
"In an instant I saw what life would be like if she lost her sensitivity."
"Gratitude completely changes I feel like the energetic state of your body instead of feeling like you're lacking so much in your life."
"There's always a silver lining to pretty much everything not everything but pretty much everything."
"The world is just on your side too, which is ultimately a good feeling."
"Better to be thought dead and funny than alive and ignored."
"We are eternal, we really don't go anywhere."
"Life is just a series of vague trips out like vacations from the toilet."
"Life conforms to your ideas about the way it is for you."
"Claim the divine as present before you, and you will have a very different experience of your day, your life, and of this season."
"Most people are just stumbling through lives, believing all the lies they've been told."
"Life is like a rigged game, but our attitude determines our experience."
"Find the beauty in life" - even in dark times.
"You almost like have to let go of some old role or some old way that you perceived what the meaning of life is."
"My whole life, death was waiting around every bend in the highway."
"I recommend this one this one just gave me that starry feeling where like you feel like you're in control of your own life but then above you there are like the dark mysterious Stars whispering and you're like do they control me"
"The truth and reality of our lives in themselves a miracle."
"The mind looks at what we don't have and assumes that getting that thing will make us happy."
"You are the exact center of the wheel. As you think and feel, so will your world be."
"Life becomes magical when we realize we're all connected."
"If you get deja vu, you've lived this life a thousand times already."
"You're trying to gain a sense of foresight in life, but that's an illusion."
"Life can be awesome, and we all know it's fucking miserable."
"I saw the illusion of this world, how it's structured, how the limit is combined with limitless. It's beyond amazing, beyond words to describe."
"Existing is simple and mundane, and living is terrifying and wonderful."
"It's like a movie, isn't it? If ever there was a movie."
"Your magic is what defines your life, your world, and your overall perception of reality."
"Life is short time will move very very quickly before you know it you'll be 30. and in no time you'll be 40 and 50. and then you're going to be like what happened to my life what did I do with it right."
"Life doesn't have to feel like suffering; you don't have to be an ambassador of suffering."
"Life is a performance with all the sense of drama, anarchy, and possibility that this implies."
"Life is a temporary issue, isn't it? It only lasts 80, 90 odd years."
"We age like good brandy, we age like shitty whiskey."
"Life is like a game. How can someone go to bed and dream of something that didn't happen yet?"
"I just think of any moment like any time people are gonna like see someone or something for like the last time ever I'm like that's sad."
"It's possible to acknowledge the hard knocks of life without obsessing about it."
"The only person that can save you is you because the world is always going to be exactly what you say it is."
"There is the art of dying, we are all dying right now."
"Life is more like a dream than we could ever imagine."
"Life is chaotic, but meaningful moments matter."
"Life is about attention, how keenly attentive you are is how much you know of life."
"It's gonna change your perception about what you've been going through in your life, and people, and if you settled before, you know, you're not in that space anymore, Aquarius."
"This life is fairly quick and as you get older you feel it's getting quicker and quicker when you're a kid, it's sped up, yeah, as your kids you're like 'Oh, 30 is so old' and like you and I both would kill to be 30."
"If you remember this as a theater no matter what seems to happen to you if you remember it's just a theater that you're just dreaming this you can laugh even at what the world calls the most dire consequences."
"Life is pain, and anybody that sees it differently is trying to sell you something."
"Gratitude is a transformative force that has the capacity to change the way we perceive our lives and the world around us."
"The quickest two years of my life... you blink and you miss it."
"I feel very old and not 10 years ago bro, I feel old all the time."
"Have you ever experienced that chilling Sensation that your life hangs by a thread?"
"Open your eyes, son, and see that there's more around you."
"If you get up every day and you say, 'The whole world's miserable, I live in a crap show, and I am hardly, hardly, hardly miserable,' that's what you're going to be, no matter what happens to you that day."
"Nobody has anything figured out, man. You know, like all these adults who you think understand everything about the world, they have no idea what they're doing."
"My dad's framework through which he perceived life was, in a word, optimistic."
"This one gives new meaning to the phrase 'life is but a dream.'"
"Life is long. I think death can be a lot of things."
"Life doesn't care about the nature of your thoughts; it cares about the content."
"That's one of the things you see that's pretty prevalent in our society, and I'm not saying I'm not guilty of it at a gas station or whatever, [expletive] around on your phone."
"You are mistaking your thought and emotion for life, this is just your psychological drama."
"Life isn't suffering... you just suffering your memory and imagination."
"Accept reality for what it is not for what you wish it would be"
"Growing up is just a trap, don't it seem like."
"Life doesn't go past any quicker as you get older, you're just paying less attention."
"Life is a lot longer than you think, okay? The days, especially. How long does a day feel for you? Embrace the chapter of life that you're in, embrace the dream that you are currently seeing into fruition."
"Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different."
"Life is so short but it's also hella long."
"They want us to think about eternity. They want to help today evolution of our conceptions of life. They want us to see life in a different way."
"...as you grow older any given period of time represents a smaller fraction of your life."
"Seeing life through rose-colored glasses, being optimistic about life."
"So I call it how I see it, pages in the book of life, walking while I read it."
"What if our whole life is a dream and we are still in kindergarten taking a nap?"
"Remember, the grass looks greener on the other side."
"All life is a dream, and dreams are dreams."
"I control my life, I control the way I perceive life."
"Everyone thinks the grass is always greener, you know."
"People are more worried about what their life looks like, rather than what their life is really like."
"If you tell yourself 'my life is [__]', you're gonna feel like that."
"If you feel like you're behind in life, you just need to access or look at what you've done."
"Sometimes when I look at stuff on the internet, I feel like some people just live life on Ultra easy mode."