
Life Decisions Quotes

There are 895 quotes

"The most important decision that you're going to make in your entire life is who you're spending the rest of your life with."
"There's a huge price to pay. I was married to a man, and I had three kids with him. I had to break up my family. Huge price, but the only decision that I could ever make."
"This would easily be one of the biggest decisions of our lives, but the potential of building our dream home in one of our favorite nature spots is pretty hard to turn down."
"Sometimes in life, you are at the right place at the right time, and you have a chance, and if you don't take the chance at this particular moment, the chance will be gone forever."
"This is the most important decision that you can make in your life, who you decide to spend your life with."
"Life is always a series of choices. We make them every day, and they shape our future."
"Moving to Colombia has definitely been one of the best choices that I've made in my life so far."
"The most important decision you will ever make in your life is your decision to become a father and the woman that you have children with."
"Naoko was Japanese, he was like this is the woman I'm going to have a child with."
"The person you were at 16 is probably very different to the person you are now, and it's a real shame if your life ends up being wedded to decisions made at 16."
"The only important decision you make in your entire life is who you marry."
"Why would you think it's important to have children?"
"You have to choose your pain: the pain of disconnecting from something that is clearly poisoning you, or you suffer the pain of losing your whole life to a situation that God never ordained."
"It is sobering to know that my days on this Earth are limited, and my life and my decisions on this Earth will affect my eternity."
"Looking back, I'm sure you can identify some pivotal decisions in your life where if you hadn't taken those decisions, your life would have veered off in a different course."
"If people don't like it, so be it. It's not their life. It's mine."
"Everyone should be open to making their own choices in life and do their own things and figure out what works best for them."
"When you're making big life decisions, especially in your 20s, don't do it to make other people happy or to get their validation."
"There are times in life when you realize, for better or worse, you only get one shot at something."
"The biggest decision you're going to make in life, other than your faith, is the person that you spend your life with."
"If it felt right then, and I felt that confirmation from God that it was right for me, and he provided a way, and I've been doing my best, then it's still right."
"How do you find what you want to do for the rest of your life? It seems like a big question, right?"
"The universe has a role to play big time, shift in the energies based on a recent decision that you have made about your life."
"Everyone wants to reach heaven one day, but it's our life decisions which decide whether we go to heaven or something else."
"Taking responsibility for my own life and decisions."
"The biggest financial decision anybody ever makes is the partner that they choose."
"The lack of meaning is probably a better predictor of whether you're going to make solid decisions in your personal life than whether you earn a lot of money."
"Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move."
"Committing to somebody for the rest of your life...that's the biggest part."
"You have the capacity to make swift movements and changes in your life."
"If I had waited another month or two, I wouldn't be here today."
"I came here to ask you if you would leave paradise with me today."
"The most important decision you'll ever make in your life is the one you marry."
"Your romantic relationship, your permanent one, is the most important decision you will ever make."
"Your body is a smart machine that's developed over millions of years and knows that it's best to rely on itself than on external substances."
"Cut up yet you want to be able to look into the past and say, 'Did I do the right thing when things were uncertain?' And I think this is one of those opportunities that you have as a parent and in life to advocate for what's right, do right by your child."
"She has played all the games; now, she walks away."
"Every decision you make and you take in life has consequences."
"People based their entire lives on the answer to this question."
"Choosing to legally bind yourself to someone and spend the rest of your life with them is not a decision that we should be encouraging people to take lightly."
"Being wise is actually living in the end of all your decisions."
"You deserve the credit of my life... because you continue to make really brave decisions."
"Your life partner is probably the single most important decision you will ever make."
"This might actually be like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
"Who's to say when Zaya turns 18, 21, 25, 30, who's to say they will regret it?"
"Water is about goals and dreams, at a decision point, making important changes."
"Why shouldn't you make a decision to die if that is what you want to do?"
"Finding the right partner is one of the biggest decisions you're going to make in your life between success and failure as a person."
"You're gonna have to walk away from something to get to your better."
"Your life is the aggregate of the choices you make."
"There are only a few things in this world that you can do that justify death and wrongful death at that."
"You don't have to accept the next rung on the ladder just because it's the next rung on the ladder."
"If you want black people to exercise more personal responsibility, you know what correlates with better life decisions? Better education."
"You need to completely remove yourself from that environment... you can finally consolidate and figure out what it is that you want."
"It's less about stepping forward and more about walking away from disappointing situations."
"At some point in your life you have to decide who are you going to be."
"My decision was so powerful about whether I was going to continue doing this or not."
"At least take the swing and like which path would you know make you prouder."
"Personal revelation rightly belongs to individuals. You can receive revelation, for example, where to live, what career path to follow, or whom to marry."
"When Frodo discusses her choice to become mortal in 'The Return of the King,' she explains that she is chosen 'both the sweet and the bitter.'"
"Purpose can guide our life decisions, influence behavior, shape our goals."
"Don't walk before you're ready, that pressure can make you limp for the rest of your life."
"You can change, you can make the choice to pick up the pen and pick up what's right."
"You're really going to have to figure this thing out."
"I just knew in the moment like but I didn't want to do this this isn't what I wanted to do."
"Life is a choice. What's the choice though? Life or death."
"Reflect on the small and simple things that have led to turning points in your life."
"The person you marry is the most important decision you'll ever make. Get it wrong and lower your standards, and you live a life full of misery. If you get it right, you live a life that you've always wanted and dreamed about."
"The most important decisions a Christian needs to make is where they're going to submit their life to."
"I realized one day that I really regretted my entire transition every single step of it."
"Congratulations and thank you for making the most important decision of your life."
"It's wild. This is big stuff. Like if you've ever done anything for over a decade or longer and you make that big move, it's not easy. Like you need to be real sure."
"What you decide to do with that type of money will literally change your life."
"Marriage is like the most important decision you have, not your business career."
"Honestly, starting my YouTube channel was single-handedly the best decision that I ever made in my life."
"The root of the problem is telling kids who have no idea what they want to do with their lives to make the biggest financial decision of their future before they have any real world experience."
"Do you want to be free or do you believe that someone else has a better understanding of how you should live your life?"
"Who you marry is the second most important decision you will make in your life."
"Some of you are about to do something, like go back to school one day."
"It might be even in university to reconsider...degree for me..."
"Choosing to go and commit four years of my life... those are very big irreversible decisions and they need to be treated with the same amount of respect."
"People gotta decide between work or getting some type of Health Care."
"What are you going to complete, harvest, scythe out or sickle out of your life?"
"Blessing on growing older and making wiser decisions."
"I have considered quit my job to go full-time but it's just a crazy crazy risk."
"In light of the money, I guess I'll be merciful and save his life."
"One of the biggest risks that I've taken was making the move to Los Angeles."
"This summer you're walking away from either a job or a person just keep that in mind."
"If you told me I'd die at 50 but I'll be a premier league footballer or live 100 or 1950."
"This person is kind of preparing you to kind of get through the gate very interesting very interesting actually this person is a kindred spirit and option number two got that as well."
"Who a person chooses as a life partner is one of the most consequential decisions they will ever make."
"It's not a question if you are going to die, it's how many times."
"Change is growth, you're either going to move up or move out."
"It's time to end something, it's time to pull back, it's time to just get away from things that aren't for you."
"Life is full of choices. A person has to make that choice to want to do better."
"Isn't this the perfect time to figure out what the heck you want to do with the rest of your life?"
"The rest of your life starts now, with the decisions you make from here on out."
"What a baller move that is, one of the most gangster-ass things you'll ever do in your life."
"Eventually, you'll need to accept that I will need to move on if I want to stay happy."
"You have to pick the mountain that you want to die on."
"I am so thankful that the Lord guided me to sign up."
"If you feel you've learned enough with this person and now it's time to go your own way, there you are."
"You started scamming credit cards before you started smoking weed heavy, that is a bold choice."
"If I'm gonna make a decision I just gotta commit and like, okay, you know what? If I'm gonna do OnlyFans, I'm not gonna look back, I made that decision, and go with it."
"Some of you at some point you may have a choice to try another job or stay put."
"Is this someone you want to spend the rest of your life with? Come on. Be for real. It's a circus in there."
"She claims that running away with him must have been the best choice she made in her whole life."
"You have played an important role in my life. Because of you only, I took the decision that I could get an admission."
"I bet on myself and it was the most empowering thing ever."
"I chose Tanzania as my home... it's the best move of my life hands down."
"It's a time to look at your choices, what is true for you, what is best for you. Don't diminish it, don't hold yourself back."
"It's very rare in your life that you know there is a choice."
"It was the easiest decision of my entire life."
"You're in control of your own life. Stick with your gut feeling."
"Picking your family is about consciously choosing who and what you want rather than just making it work or killing time with whoever happens to be choosing you."
"G iving up alcohol will give you the biggest competitive advantage over pretty much everybody else that you can think of and going back to college at 27 involves swallowing a lot of pride."
"Discovering it is is a little easier than what most people imply. The hard thing is accepting that this is what you've got to do with your life."
"There are things that are life and death decisions... It will be the death of your happiness, it will be the death of your soul, it will be the death of your confidence, and then what is life?"
"The best and wisest thing for me to do is to marry Ernest."
"Maybe we should have got married before we had a kid."
"The importance of life: making the right decisions."
"We've got to be able to put the well-being of our people ahead of politics."
"One thing I was sure of: I was moving to Hawaii."
"Quitting that job was like guaranteeing the destruction of my life."
"It's your life, and you are completely within your rights to choose your course of action and what you want to do."
"I think the essential element... is the idea that they decided... their lives were more important than his."
"This is your life... what do you want to do with your life?"
"Choosing a partner is like choosing the set of problems you're gonna live with."
"The choices we make in our 30s, 40s, and 50s are very relevant because they again portend cognitive decline and full-blown Alzheimer's disease."
"Steve Rogers chose to live a quiet, normal life with the one he loves."
"Don't have a kid if you think it's going to fix some part of your life."
"I convinced her to marry me when she was young."
"It's more important that you decide than what you decide."
"The most important decision you'll make is who you partner with for the rest of your life, specifically your spouse, specifically who you decide to have kids with."
"Don't cling to anything that isn't resonating with you, and seize anything that is."
"You could pass a lifetime without ever facing a choice like that but it changes you forever."
"One choice can change the course of your life."
"There's something that's going to be revealed for you, you're going to have to make a decision, a big decision or something, or this is a moment you've been waiting for something big is going to happen on Friday."
"You're going to take a new direction in your life."
"You really cannot live both lives, I swear to God. It don't work, it don't. You're gonna put yourself in jeopardy, man."
"Choosing your life mate is one of the most important decisions you'll make."
"You seriously helped me by watching your videos make up my mind on what I want to do with my life."
"He slowly got his crap together and two years ago he met Helena and they got married... I decided that as soon as I was 18 I was out of here and would never look back."
"Now I see why he moved out so he could do this [ __ ] by himself."
"The decision to remove something from your life now can be really good... it can help you move forward in your career."
"Your Universe picks your Direction; every decision either aligns with your higher self or your ego."
"I hope everyone makes good decisions and understand that if you're still breathing and you're still alive you still have time to do everything anything you want to do."
"If the door is open, walk through it; toxic relationships won't end well."
"My choice was to keep her alive or kill her." - Sherry
"You're choosing between paying rent and putting food on the table."
"Welcome to January of 2023, a month in which areas of our lives individually and collectively that have been stuck, postponed, quagmired, or just feeling like nothing is really happening are going to suddenly jump forward."
"I prayed that like I would rather you lose your career than lose God."
"The most important decision that you will make is the woman to have children with."
"The implications of which can extend far beyond our own lives."
"And I think that's always important especially when you make such a huge decision in your life like you're completely changing your career path."
"Some of you might be thinking about having a child."
"I'm glad I saw it because I've been tripping the past for years as far as what I need to be doing."
"You're really getting serious about your life path."
"The worst decision of her life would prove to end this 20-plus year saga."
"Life is a decision that helps you make a change for a lifetime."
"You're at a crossroads but you're planning and you're headed towards new adventures."
"I think it's a pretty obvious decision that somebody would want to do that because it's just basically securing their entire life and makes sense that anybody would want to move over there if they got that big of a paycheck."
"Walk away from what you feel you need to walk away from so that you can get closer to the reality that you actually do want to experience."
"Is divorce the right option? See you over the next step."
"There is a very strong possibility of someone here investing into maybe a relationship commitment, a house, a home."
"Your intuition at the end of the day is the compass of your life."
"He reassures her that he wanted to make the responsible choice and he wants the life improvements that come with it."
"It was no longer safe for me to be in Delaware."
"Make sure you're going in the right direction."
"Your intuition is the compass of your life, where all your answers lie."
"Divorce sucks. I never married or had kids. Clearest decision ever."
"Honestly legendary—there are few moments in one's life where you know it's like... is it even worth it?"
"Could it be that you're missing God's best, holding onto the worst thing you've ever met?"
"It takes courage at every level, whether someone's thinking about quitting their job or relocating their family."
"Honestly, my only regret about this is that I didn't do this sooner."
"Life change... you get to choose at different points in your life when you come out into that what I call the prairie."
"The most important question you can ask yourself in the 2024 wood Dragon year is: 'Is this something that weighs me down or gives me a platform?'"
"Change may be scary, but it could be the best decision of your life."
"You have to just take that option because you do have options and you can choose for your life."
"The main message of the show is that while generation trauma is suffocating you have control over your own life and the decisions you make."
"You have choice. You get to choose the path."
"It's gonna be one of those things that you always look back on, you're like 'damn think about if I wouldn't have ever went to that party.'"
"I feel like you will go back to school, plain and simple."
"Life is about choices. You have to decide. No one can make those choices for you."
"I was just like, why wouldn't I want to do this? My first thought was like, I'm doing that for the rest of my life." - Bill Burr
"It's her life, and she should choose how to live it."
"Value of a college degree dropping, cost rising," leading to regrets and debt.
"It was the right decision to go home," she later said, "because soon after, we were told that he was gone. From then, we were just numb."
"It's better to regret not having kids than to have kids and regret having them."
"So many people are curious about whether I'm going to be staying in America or moving back to Canada, and the answer is..."
"You choose what's worth it. You don't choose whether or not you'll suffer but you do choose what you want to suffer for."
"I feel like if I'm really gonna move naturally and do this, it needs to be a big change."
"This isn't as simple as putting your career before your boyfriend, this is putting your life before your boyfriend."
"Make sure you are in some ways prepared before you take this leap because the thing about the fool is there's no going back."
"Follow your own path and really connect to the goals, dreams, or decisions that you're making."
"The most important decision you'll make in your 20s and 30s is who you decide to partner with."
"No one has the answers to offer you for your life."
"Sometimes it's regrettable that things don't work out, and you have to make a decision."