
Societal Perception Quotes

There are 447 quotes

"The actual statistics show that crime and murder were far higher in the past. It's actually pretty rare today."
"The stereotypes about pretty much anything and the only thing you can really do in order to combat that is to act like a perfectly reasonable human being and enjoy games like the rest of us."
"It's hard for people to understand trauma, it's hard for them to understand it, it's hard for them to deal with the shame behind it."
"They started all talking crap about me one night...they said we just don't get it, like how did she make it; she's not even pretty."
"Ultimate freedom is having the courage to be disliked."
"This world is completely upside down, and that is not the most disturbing part of it all."
"The problem with our world today is not that humanity is bad; the problem is a negativity bias where the worst of us are on mainstream media."
"Masculinity should be empowered, not shamed and belittled."
"It turns out the idea of the super disabled is also an effective way to deny disabled people in society dignity."
"It's almost like you don't go through puberty; like you're still a child in people's eyes."
"If no one thinks you're crazy, you're not yet operating to the outer limits of your potential."
"Not 100 in the United States hate the Roman Catholic Church, but millions hate what they mistakenly think the Roman Catholic Church is."
"You're not being ridiculed for having standards; you're being ridiculed for trying to make women feel unattractive if they don't meet your standard of attractiveness."
"If you've ever seen Bill Maher's hilarious documentary Religulous, you'll likely remember his mentioning of the fact that atheists constitute one of the largest minority groups in the United States."
"We don't get to pick and choose our heroes sometimes."
"Society constantly perpetuates this idea that aging for a woman is very bad... We have to start seeing the beauty in growing older."
"The profile of this specific murderer is in most cases a middle-aged man who is perceived as a hard-working and loving husband and father."
"Stereotypes are not fair, but you have to go above and beyond to break a stereotype because people are looking for you to conform to the stereotype even if you are nothing at all like the stereotype."
"There has been a steady growth in people's cynicism about institutions generally and government in particular."
"Conspiracy theorists aren't crazy or irrational or stupid."
"Huge numbers of people... will readily admit to you sometimes with shame that their job literally does nothing."
"The problem is twofold; one is that it's the social perception that math is boring."
"Most people agree the world as we know it will come to an end one day, just not in their lifetime."
"You tattoo your face, you're essentially saying, 'Hey world, I'm going to go ahead and exchange any and all possibilities of normal human interaction for the gift of instilling paralyzing fear in anyone that looks in my direction.'"
"Shamate is not, before any Chinese person gets angry and say we think this is like some normal thing, it's pervasive around China, but it's not smiled upon."
"Humanity is advancing in so many different ways, yet it feels like we're getting worse."
"The people who are lucky enough to get powers battle monsters and become successful in life, while those without powers become losers in the eyes of society."
"People are absolutely sick of being tarred as racists untethered to the facts."
"If Jesus walked on earth, we will hate him because his idea of the kingdom, his perception and his pattern, will insult what we call religion or Christianity today."
"Autistic people are not just a problem to solve or a burden to bear; they are individuals with their own stories, challenges, and contributions to society."
"Introverts are looked at with suspicion, as if there’s one personality type they want you to have, and if you don’t have that, then it’s suspicious."
"Queer relationships between women also tended to just not really matter that much to men because they weren't a threat to the family."
"It's crazy how much society relies on the optics of presenting a side."
"Rightfully, I think a lot of people identified that there's kind of a lot of stigma relating to mental health stuff."
"Crime pays. Boris got away with it, no one cared."
"First they ignore you, then they call you mad, then they call you dangerous."
"No matter how hard I work, there will always be people who perceive me as getting a leg up, and it's one of those things that will just haunt you for the rest of your life in everything that you do."
"A hero's like having a nickname; you can't give yourself the nickname. People decide if you're a hero."
"People with Autism are just as smart as everyone else."
"Consensus exists, but there are two: It's terrible, it's beautiful."
"The people called me a witch; I was famous not only for my abilities but also for my age."
"I feel so much more confident and so much less worried about what people are going to think."
"Manufacturing used to be highly valued in the United States and these days it's often looked down upon, which I think is wrong."
"The difference between the truth and the conspiracy theory is usually six months."
"There were a few neutral or mixed gangs that you may have not known about, which is a shame really since it plays down the history of the gangs to a very preset and binary affair."
"Many young men feel their difficulties are often dismissed out of hand as whining from a patriarchy that they don't feel a part of."
"Men are so privileged to get everything handed to them and they just don't understand how good they have it."
"Nearly a third of conservatives say they face a lot of discrimination for their beliefs."
"I can't help but imagine how onesimus must have felt hearing that a servant who at once was despised and rejected by the people, now is called a faithful and beloved brother."
"The West Family appeared to everyone as a strong, happy, and well-off unit... until they weren't."
"The country isn't as divided as the magic light box makes you think it is."
"The world seems to be almost ruled by the alumni of what is generally thought of as the most slimy, the most corrupt investment bank in the world."
"Obese people are not lazy, they're not morally bereft, they're not bad people, they're fighting their biology."
"I just never thought that autism would feel like a death sentence for people suffering from it."
"When you're privileged, then equality feels like oppression."
"Turning these traits into a superpower kind of diminishes the humanity of these traits."
"They live on the tip of the iceberg, up top above the surface level, and we're all scuba diving, so we see all the dirt, the grime, and the horrors of the deep State."
"Straight white conservative Christian men are the most hated species on this side of heaven."
"Over the years, Copaganda has had a profound effect on how our society functions, and it impacts a lot more than you would think."
"Thank God actually most of the country is not on Twitter."
"It's easier than ever to confuse truth and popularity."
"Everyday, some of these men are beginning to feel like their society just doesn't even like them."
"You're not alone if you've ever felt intimidated for your faith or maybe you've tried to share about your faith in God as a creator and gotten some pushback or some snide comments or persecution outright."
"For him, it's a cause, but to the cops, he's a crook."
"People don't trust the mainstream; they know they're gonna do them dirty."
"Gaming is such a mainstream and popular hobby now that the idea gaming's childish, I think it's a much less prevalent opinion than it was before."
"The morality tale many people like to tell themselves doesn't necessarily reflect reality."
"Small town America is full of a lot of good people."
"Everybody wants to paint you in a corner and say that you're a conspiracy theorist. The problem is the only difference between truth and conspiracy lately has been about six weeks."
"Life isn't what you see online, you have to bite your tongue so much."
"People like me who have got convictions and went to prison are technically devoid of any character in law."
"Good defense attorneys are exactly like cops. Everybody hates them until they need them."
"You live in a delusional world and it's up to us to be like well how do we how do we react in a world that is delusional I don't know exactly what the answer is to that I think if you just kind of remain sane that's pretty good."
"Undocumented immigrants are one of the least crime-committing populations."
"I've been in the hood... I just reject... a naive thought process about who these people are."
"Don't you worry, we will have our day in court. It ain't over yet."
"There are so many other ways to sell these successes and achievements... other than glamourizing and fetishizing crime and poverty."
"Entrepreneurship wasn't as accepted...proper job." - GARY VAYNERCHUK
"This is not supposed to be like this and more and more people I talk to feel the same way that this is something there is a battle of good versus evil happening."
"We are whole people, three-dimensional people."
"If you are black, Hispanic, Latino, whatever it may be, you can go full-on racial identitarian and not only is that just overlooked, it's actually seen as a positive thing."
"That's what's awesome too is I think there's so much stigma around smokers versus there's all types of ways to consume it."
"And there'll be people that look at me and say, 'well, he's the kind of guy that gets censored by YouTube'. It's a kind of black mark that's placed on you."
"But that what's really remarkable about this is that even reasonably well-off people think of themselves as victims."
"This notion that somehow in 2021 when we're living longer, healthier, the world is mostly at peace... people want to believe that this is just the worst time ever."
"almost to make it cool to know what your status is."
"I think the average person is smarter than these Democrats would give them credit for."
"It's always fascinating to kind of know what people outside of your bubble think of you."
"We live in a world where people dream sick until proven healthy."
"It's the perception that I think increasingly a lot of us have... it is like an oligarchy."
"When you see 40-something percent of the black on black crime happening I don't want to talk about that real quick to crime is proximity white on white crime exists we just don't have a turn for it."
"It just seems like a heartless way to see life, and you pretend you don't see race, right?"
"There are so many programmer stereotypes out there, and one thing we can do is recognize what these stereotypes are and then try to recover out what the image of a programmer should look like."
"We're given these windows into this world that makes us think that we are failures on one part and also participating in another."
"Prisoners want to be valued as contributors to our society."
"We as humans and as Americans are not great at parsing out the real relative risk of different activities."
"Platforms like mine are so important because it is hard for a society who thinks about things one way to hear things coming from men without hearing 'Who hurt you?'"
"Being in a larger body means something totally different."
"First, I'm gonna say is she has Asperger's. People with Asperger's are absolutely entitled to debate conversation. It is not a mental illness."
"Would you treat a murderer because they speak well and dress in a suit?"
"People always think that we jump or I jump into something racially and it's really just about wrong is wrong and right is right."
"It's a game of life... it's only like 10 people that the rest of the world really cares what they accomplished."
"Society tries to make us feel like it's only 10 successful black people."
"This sense that the Taliban was sweeping to victory was also felt among many of the common rural people."
"Life wasn't enough for a man like my father, he was going to live it all over again through me."
"We're now living in a science fiction future."
"They are fooling us and they always have been with the scripts Hollywood movies Etc."
"So y'all like the white me and not the black me."
"Weed has medicinal benefits it's got so many things that can really improve I hate when people are worried about it I just like can't even deal with it it's like dude read a book."
"Success is sweetest thing on the planet in human life, success is important. Right now, successful people are sending out a message that success is suffering and that's bad."
"Success is important, right now. Successful people are sending out a message that success is suffering and that's bad."
"But yeah all in all, you know, it just amplifies who you are, you know I'm saying? It puts you under the microscope."
"Not everybody's going to understand that. They're gonna see it and it's going to freak them out."
"Just because you make millions don't mean that you know anything. Money don't make you smart."
"Fighting initiate feat: niche, but could be great for specific character builds."
"None of us are safe. I want to live in a world where all of us can acknowledge that eene Caroll is not a stable human being because she's not."
"It's better for people to hate you for who you are, rather than people to love you for who you aren't."
"Don't be offended because I'm young. Don't be insecure. Your opinions of me mean nothing to me."
"Jesus is not popular; it's actually one of the most counter-cultured things."
"It felt like for about a month that the world was could never be the same again."
"It is time for a more accurate portrayal of single people and single life, one that recognizes the real strengths and resilience of people who are single."
"Tattoos become your skin; you don't necessarily notice them in a way where you would get bored of them."
"Your depression, anxiety, grief, PTSD—whatever label you've been given—doesn't need to be validated with a disease label."
"The irony is we put these people up on a pedestal, consider them experts, but part of being an expert is winning gold in mental gymnastics."
"People don't understand, people don't take it seriously, people take it very seriously like there's a little bit of everything."
"I don't understand people that look at somebody that's successful and look for reasons to dismiss them."
"We're still at the stage now where if you say 'I'm an atheist' while running for office, you're communicating 'I would like to lose this election.'"
"We are America's worst nightmare: white trash with money."
"The minority experience is often depicted as one of great struggle and shame, but honestly, it's what makes us resilient."
"The media puts out headline they're not going to put out man's nice to his wife."
"That inauthenticity is at the root of our fascination with the cool Heather."
"Regular people are much more kind than is being portrayed."
"Black respondents were more sympathetic to the victim of police brutality when that victim was black."
"Black people who have not experienced unfair policing think more like Spike Lee, while black people who have experienced unfair policing think more like characters in Spike Lee films."
"The truth is still the truth, even if you're on the out group."
"Any insult of a black person is immediately assumed to be racist."
"If you do it legally and you do it right, it doesn't have the same kind of stigma that it has today."
"There's a lot more hope out there than the media would want you to believe."
"Disabled people don't exist to make non-disabled people feel better about themselves."
"People feel worse about the conditions of the world than we often give them credit for."
"Be proud of who you are, and if anyone ever lacked the vision to see your potential, they need to come to you."
"Honestly, the biggest problem is people's diet and the lack of education."
"Secret societies can also be dangerous... even though they are often accused of being the breeding ground of evil."
"Crime is not as bad as the 1990s. Crime is not as bad as the worst period of time in American history."
"There aren't that many conspiracy theories anymore because we found out that all conspiracy theories there's a nugget of Truth in there."
"Don't be one of those people that look rich but really broke. It doesn't matter."
"I think that this has been a narrative that's been not really pushed enough I think that it's just it's taken in a position that makes it makes men look like they're always the abusers."
"If they're the abusers like let's say 80 percent of the time that still means that they get abused twenty percent of the time that's twenty percent that's [ __ ] huge."
"Ignorance isn't a bad word, people think ignorance is bad, it just means you don't know something."
"In its perfect ideal form, #MeToo says society doesn't respect victims in certain cases, in certain times, based on demographics or what have you."
"You're your own worst critic... people around you do not care about your flaws or your insecurities."
"It's very common for someone to present as put together completely fine, very functional, and for that person to still have a valid mental illness."
"The left is calling Trump racist for pointing out discrimination against white people."
"You would be dumb to not take advantage of it. Of course, a lot of you guys may look at it in the sense of, like, 'Oh, but it's the family's wealth.' But it's like, but they brought me to this world, I didn't have to be born here."
"Our society is a lot better than people think."
"It's not too far-fetched for people to come to that conclusion, and I don't think it makes people bad for coming to that conclusion."
"I want you all to know that I am NOT a threat, that young black males are not inherently dangerous or criminal."
"Be aware of what is working in your specific niche... Do what you see is already working well because that is how you will see the quickest result."
"It doesn't really matter in the end if you're a loser or you're a cool kid in other people's eyes as long as you are happy with who you are as a person."
"When you as a man can present two undeniably thriving children to this world, the response you get nearly everywhere you go is unadulterated respect."
"I would rather stand for what I believe and be hated than bow down and be loved."
"The fact that you believe it was a risk is wrong. Cancel culture only has power if you give it power."
"If you make everything look bad, then it's easy to raise yourself up."
"Americans are not as divided as anger-tainment would have us believe."
"Video games are awesome. Whenever people talk bad about them, it shows me how insecure they are as a person."
"It's almost like being black is kind of like out of style I think for some people it's almost like they're just kind of saying like it's like it's a company that nobody will invest in."
"Do we allow ourselves to be painted as permanently under siege in perpetual fear, or do we reframe that to continue highlighting our incredible collective strength and resourcefulness?"
"Once you decide to redefine yourself...people will begin to take you more seriously."
"Your body is your personality, no matter what. It's been shown that people are more likely to get jobs, they're more likely to make more money. It just is what it is. Being jacked is a cheat code for life."
"When I hit a billion dollars I don't want to hear that I'm greedy. I don't want to hear that I'm evil exploiting my workers or ex whatever BS they come up with against billionaires."
"I want people to come away with this... that I'm a regular person."
"These are the real street hustlers, people will never get it."
"Miss Vangie sometimes with accents you want to know something is it's tough when the hood [ __ ] make it on TV because you know sometimes the hood [ __ ] are just a joke to the world."
"LA has a bad reputation because of gang culture but our generation clearly on some notes."
"Race is a social construct and doesn't exist in the real world."
"The media really just has no concern for the truth at all, period."
"The contrast between the reality of this country and the image it tries to portray being so glaringly obvious."
"A crisis of confidence... once it's lost it can do some very tangible damage."
"Romance is not generally perceived as a respectable genre both because of the subject matter and the medium through which it gains its popularity."
"It's not worth it to let other people's perception of you get in the way of achieving what you want for yourself."
"It's a world where perception equals reality."
"They're always saying they seemed like a regular guy."
"People can't get their head around is that they see me as a child. I'm not allowed to be an adult woman."
"There's a huge disconnect between things said online and reality."
"We all still looked at by the system the same way."
"The illusion of money is one that we never really think about, but its value is determined by the importance we place on it."
"Weight gain is just as hard as losing weight but nobody, and I mean nobody, talks about how difficult it is to gain weight."
"Accept envy as a badge of honor. Don't be naive."
"There are plenty of guys out there that may not have college degrees but they are very intelligent smart people."
"I don't care if you hate Hollywood or not, but this is the craziness of this."
"There's a reason why people have to work so hard to make Antifa this death squad menace that it's been made to be in the media."
"I want people to judge me by my actions rather than kind of putting me into a box and kind of assuming things about me."
"Why does truth, dark skin, and confidence equal aggression?"
"People already view us like what we talking about, we just got to own that."
"Even though he is proud of his accomplishments in Wall Street, he doesn't necessarily have a reputation on Main Street."
"It's a metaphor; you're a loser. You're beautiful but no one gives a [ __ ]."
"If the world's only gonna see a fox, there's no point in trying to be anything else. You are so much more than that."
"Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young."
"Homophobia isn't just being fearful of gay people but it's being fearful of being perceived as gay."
"Woman is a gendered term, and female is a biological term, and neither one of them mean what a lot of people think they mean."