
Community Service Quotes

There are 3875 quotes

"You cannot find happiness without living a life where you are in service to someone else and caring for other people."
"One of the themes of the show is to kind of celebrate the nobility of working really hard for your little tiny slice of America and doing as well as you can for that part of it in any way that tangibly helps people."
"We volunteer more than any generation we've studied." - W. Keith Campbell
"A politician's job is to serve their community, not to police personal lives."
"It is this love of humanity that fuels our passion to make our communities better, to take those risks, and to work to ensure that everyone gets a chance."
"His love for his community and country led him to make a decision about joining a branch of the military."
"The culture of serving other people is big for our church."
"It's great for the dogs, the team loves it, and it brings the community together."
"We're gonna build that together, and each chair counts as an act of kindness."
"High school cross country team takes shelter dogs out for a run."
"It doesn't matter if the person is a Muslim, an atheist, a Jew, or a Christian or Buddhist. If they are benefiting from that clear road because I helped them out with that, there is a reward for me in that."
"In Islam, I receive the reward for helping you with that...because Islam has taught me that I will get a reward for helping humanity."
"I appreciate everything you do for me, for my family, and for my school."
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing to help other people?"
"Are you creating any value? What's the value you are providing to your community?"
"All Super Chat revenue goes to St. Joe's Soup Kitchen. It's a great place, a lot of really good people there."
"But seriously, all acts of kindness are beautiful. Thank you, Babish, for this one."
"Bought McDonald's for First Responders, a very human thing to do."
"If you feel like you're out of balance a little bit, or if you've kind of been too sort of in your own world, whether it's work, school, or relationship, try working and doing something for someone just for the sake of doing it."
"If you're empty and you can't find meaning in other people, in relationships, in being of service to other people, or contributing to society, I don't know what we're doing here."
"It's actually what our next video is about. There's this community that had a food pantry for the last 30 years... We just stepped in."
"I want to bake bread... If I was like 40 and I had a bakery and I made good delicious bread for my neighborhood."
"We are charged to protect these kids. I'm a police officer for North Minneapolis and coach for the North High School."
"We have to be willing to work together for the benefit of the people."
"Meaning comes from servicing or contributing to the common good. We're put here for other people, our job is to help others, to leave this place better than you found it."
"True altruism is when you are charitable with your own resources. It's a wonderful thing. Recognizing that you owe something to your community because you're a member of that community, you're a member of that body politic. That's a good attitude to have."
"Give back. Be a giving man who gives back to the community, who helps people, who is somewhat like charitable, who wants to make a positive impact on the world."
"Kyle feels for this community; he worked as a lifeguard, trying to help."
"He is incredibly grateful to the healthcare workers, to the frontline workers, to people who are working every day to keep us safe."
"The city wasn't asking the Salvation Army to come out and state that they renounce their Christian values or change what they preach, besides, what about love thy neighbor? What about not judging others?"
"Our greatest responsibility is to serve our communities."
"The biggest thing about being mayor is you extend yourself to other people, you take on other people's experiences kind of as your own."
"A tradition at a high school in New Hampshire where each year, students of all ages from kindergarteners to seniors donate their hair to a charitable organization."
"I don't want to die with information and knowledge in my head; I want to give it out to my community."
"That is part of the job of law enforcement because all those guys are part of the community they serve."
"Everything that we did was based on this slogan of 'Love the People.'"
"I'm so happy that it's helped literally thousands of people out over the years."
"You're breaking new ground here and helping a lot of people with a lot of difficult problems."
"Our greatness is not just displayed in what we do in our worship gatherers but our impact is demonstrated by what we do in the earth."
"Healthy people can do all the things that are needed in the world."
"I've been working trying to bring change to this town."
"We learned a way out. If we get out and don't go back and tell other people that you just got to go this way to get out, then we're doing a disservice to our community."
"We're social animals... there's no section in the bookstore called 'Help Others,' yet at the end of the day by ourselves, we're not that good."
"Fulfillment has a recipe: Work really hard to acquire a set of skills that allow you to do something for the group that uplifts them and yourself."
"What I'm doing is trying to give back to the community what I once took."
"So, when we find somebody in need, let's lend a helping hand and be good Samaritans, using our talents to make this world a better place."
"Being a dentist gives me the opportunity not only to interact with people but also to cure and help them and ease their pain."
"Charity is the primary call of what the church is to be to others."
"We serve, protect, and connect, and together is better."
"Once someone feels like they have enough, that's when they start to look outward and see what they can do for their community."
"As an influencer, I, with any sort of power and influence (I don't like the word 'influencer', by the way), will always use whatever power I have to continue to give back to the community, to give back to the world."
"Approximately 180 million pounds of food through our grocery rescue program this equates to approximately 150 million meals for people in need in our local communities."
"Make America great again... it means y'all should be engaging in community building, community service... to literally make America great again."
"The homeless ministry is gearing up for some distribution of needed supplies."
"If your intentions are to come on a social platform and do Dawa and help the Ummah... you have the right to do that."
"In all honesty, I really didn't care about the community service hours; I really just cared about genuinely helping people."
"It was a very rewarding... going into these inner cities and... letting them see some of these animals up close."
"MLK Day, why not a day of service? Hopefully, everybody engages in some type of service in their community in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."
"We sold lemonade and agreed that whatever we make, we're going to donate it to the animal shelter."
"In my experience living in the Bronx, New York City firefighters have saved a lot of lives."
"Recently I was blessed with a new son, and one of the things I do when I come home after shift is, I'll go in his room when he's sleeping and watch him sleep, and watching him, it just kind of solidifies the job that I have and trying to make Escambia County a safer place for his future."
"The [stuff] that you do for your community inspires so many people."
"Nashville Severe Weather, you're the real MVPs of my evening."
"It took him 10 years to build his own mermaid lake, but he has never cruised on it because for him, he was doing it for the community."
"To coincide with the beginning of summer, we kicked off an initiative we've called 100 Days of Giving. Each day, we'll pick one person at random within the app to help us give away ten thousand dollars to any one of ten extremely effective charities."
"Please support local animal shelters and remember to recycle."
"My mom preached that there was no playing games with that. She also made us feed the homeless on Saturday mornings... it kind of helped us become better people."
"Let's band together as private citizens and show an act of love by actually helping to clean up the community."
"We're going to build a disabled playground at his school and put a plaque in honor of Aaron Hill and his dream to live on."
"You don't need a uniform, rank, or a title to serve your community."
"The kingdom of God does not advance when people consume the gospel; it advances when people contribute."
"I feel personally that you do have a civic duty to make your community, society, country, nation better."
"The hero comes back from this adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man."
"Don't try to save the world; help the people around you."
"Tandy Cyrus continues Garrett's legacy by raising money for after-school programs in his name."
"A new evaluation of how American law enforcement can best serve their communities and how we can best address the criminal problems of our time is something we very much need."
"Thank you for loving your community and doing this charity."
"The primary goal of the individual should be to serve the community."
"A lot of hard work. I mean, that's a lot of people who are engineers who kind of sit around and code and were here because we're trying to help people connect."
"We as a company, or an individual, we fed 1.1 million people during the pandemic in the UK."
"Sunny, the golden retriever, her owner is Karen Eveleth, and she trained her dog Sunny to bring her neighbor food like bags of food and groceries."
"Not only were the traffic police delivering hot water, they were even helping ordinary citizens push their cars."
"Religious Americans give more to charity, volunteer more, participate in civic processes more, attend more meetings, are more likely to vote, to volunteer, less likely to drink, to do drugs."
"My definition of greatness is being a servant of God, a loving husband, a faithful father, and a community servant."
"Don't sweat the small stuff; it's all small stuff."
"You gotta truly be about it. It's not just about what I do for myself, what have you done for others?"
"Do something good for your community or making the world a better place."
"We need to make sure that what was the faith of every prophet, every messenger: monotheistic faith, doing good deeds, and sharing God's blessings to all of humanity."
"The volunteers are actually salt of the earth. They are changing people's lives during this holiday season."
"The food program and the escorting the elderly to pick up their checks so they weren't mugged was the basis of our program."
"Establishing a masjid to convey the message of Islam is one of the best deeds a Muslim can do."
"During the pandemic, both Zor and Muhammad would help vulnerable neighbors by delivering supplies and even prepare homemade soups for those around them."
"Lorena, on the other hand, founded Lorena’s Red Wagon organization, which 'helps prevent domestic violence through family-oriented activities.'"
"I'm immensely proud of the teams we have here at Children's and of the community that we serve in."
"Smiling Friends, a charity organization that exists with the purpose of putting smiles on the faces of people who are down in the dumps."
"He was a true servant of the Lord, dedicated 24/7 to bringing the love and the light of the Lord to his constituents."
"Despite the adversity she faced, Joette volunteered her time and cooked meals for those in need, setting aside her own worries to care for others."
"Putting us out here on the road so that way we can travel the US, helping families find their lost loved ones free of charge to them."
"We're providing the necessary answers to communities and families and friends of lost loved ones."
"I'm running for city council... to make a difference in the area that I'm from."
"My mother has worked as an advocate for many good organizations across the country, and I am proud of the work that she's done."
"What a remarkable idea, what a way to use the people of Paris and to serve the people of Paris."
"Corey has been shortlisted for a make a difference bravery award for raising money for Rainbow's children's hospice."
"I would set up a mom-and-pop shop selling hotcakes and bacon to everybody around."
"Those that serve the community should be protected by the community in return."
"Don't share the video of that fight where people are getting beat up and bullied, instead share the video of that athlete who spends every Tuesday in a children's hospital giving back."
"When you step up and say, 'I care about my community and I care about the kids in my community,' it makes the country better."
"We just continue helping families and reaching as many people as we can."
"Any 'legitimate' business is a double blessing; it helps the man engaged in it, and also helps others."
"I'm going to create this training system for them. I'm going to make it accessible to them. I'm going to go teach this on the east side of Detroit where it's really rough, and I'm going to make it safe for people."
"Cookie was a good kitten to tell the truth, and he realized it's best to help out and not just think about yourself."
"If I can help somebody else, I get so much more juice out of that than I do another vacation."
"I don't do it for the money, I do it for the community and the love of the sport."
"By contributing back, it will not only allow you to improve your skills but also help other people in the community."
"One of the things I love most is giving back to the public and sharing free information, encouraging, and educating, and inspiring people."
"Just concentrate on finishing your community service and setting things right. I think you'll find that happiness has a funny way of finding you."
"It's up to everybody to take care of the community and make it better."
"Helping veterans find homes, receive comprehensive healthcare, and unemployment benefits is a worthy cause."
"We are devoted to helping our 600 kids in any way we can."
"The church at work is the church being the church on the street, caring for people, being the family for the families."
"Blessing people off of the pulpit, there are families that are being fed, there are women who are being saved from human trafficking."
"I am a part of a non-profit organization called Eric's House. It is to help people who've lost somebody to suicide, overdose through substance abuse, or through tragic death."
"There's a triage team where, as soon as somebody has a loss in their life, we have just this amazing group of people who go and they show up and they support them."
"I founded a non-profit that does literacy and art programming in the county jails."
"Chris danger always does what's right, he's a man of the people."
"I owe it to service to the kids to say, 'Hey, if I see Cam, this is my opportunity to touch him, to talk to him, to laugh with him, to compete with him.'"
"I do want to live a disciplined life and use my energy to be a blessing to my community."
"Gerald is truly worthy of his award for the local community builder."
"People's egos oftentimes get in the way of them living a more fulfilled life."
"Once you can help yourself, help your family. Get your house in order. After you can get your house in order, go help your neighbor, and then go help your community."
"Pearl Young, 77, was a substitute teacher and a true pillar in the community who volunteered at a church food pantry every Saturday."
"If I'm able to gather volunteers to pick up 12 tons of trash in 12 hours, what the heck is our government doing?"
"You start to shift from like 'me, me, me, look what I've done' to like, 'hey, can I help somebody or can I be part of something that has value?'"
"Healthy societies exist to serve the human beings within them."
"Anybody who works as a doctor will feel like they're contributing to the community."
"I do feel like we made a difference out there even if it was just a little."
"The people who volunteer are the people who truly understand what they're signing up for."
"The Lord needs selfless men who put the welfare of others ahead of their own."
"He did benefit the community and the people around him, and basically, that's what you want to be known for."
"Spread your light, share your talents. Your skills are needed by the world."
"Nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something."
"Pie bakers feed more than just themselves, invest in those companies."
"This isn't about being released, this is about helping other people."
"I think it's amazing that someone your age is so wise, in the ways of wanting to give back, to help the community that you come from, I think it's a wonderful thing, I really do appreciate you joining us tonight."
"Protect the community, improve the climate, educate."
"Let's start fixing whatever we can fix if the government is not doing it."
"There's a long line of difference makers in my family. I'm following in the footsteps of some really strong men and women who have showed me what it means to give back." - Cameron Boyce
"We had no crime in our neighborhoods we took care of the people."
"The Spanish teacher in rural Colombia created a makeshift mobile library and set off to take his books to children."
"We have to start living for others and not for ourselves."
"Recognizing who the real heroes are in this situation. It is the people who are getting out and giving back to the communities, getting involved, helping out people who don't have their needs met."
"Acting with compassion and love, we will heal the sick, care for those in need, help our fellow citizens."
"But Ronald McDonald's house provided shelter and support to families of children undergoing surgeries and medical care."
"Thank You mr. chairman I've got a lot to do as well I've got houses in schools to help rebuild in the Virgin Islands expansion of voting rights educational opportunities criminal justice reform."
"It's not about learning and being great in this field, it's about helping people and changing that story."
"Support the people in the hospitals, they're taking care of the ill and sick and the elderly."
"Faith takes us out of ourselves... it's about service, duty, community, and family."
"For me, delivering on responsibility feels even more meaningful than receiving thanks."
"The positive meaning of life is to be found in repairing the breaches and fixing up the walls of the structure we inhabit."
"First responders going toward the danger to help their fellow New Yorkers."
"The existence of the night watcher was to protect the people from harm and it was such a noble and cool organization."
"All the rescues in this video are real and are a demonstration of kindness and compassion."
"Make things easy for people and do not make them difficult."
"The church has been absent. The church has got to get back in the streets."
"I care deeply about the people of Florida and everywhere else frankly in this country."
"Yay, everyone is safe and sound. Thanks goes to Fire Truck for helping us out again."
"Spread the kingdom of God beyond the church."
"Giannis is an NBA superstar for the Milwaukee Bucks, astounding player and an even better human being. He's amazing, does a lot of great things for the community. I love this guy, such an awesome icon to be added to Fortnite."
"If I see you broken down on the side of the road, I'm gonna help you."
"Every Muslim is supposed to be a part of the bigger society to make the society better."
"I want to give back, I want to help the community."
"He loved the local church. A para-church ministry is not a bad thing. It got a bad name by some. But the word para means alongside. Para-church ministries walk alongside the local church."
"Thank you for living out our mission of leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ."
"If you can focus your energy on being a friend, being of service to your community, it's very impactful."
"Sometimes there's a lot more than just earning money... volunteering or giving back."
"I think giving free pizza to children is the best thing I could do. Or orphans."
"Thank you Mr. Shara for all that you do with us and for us."
"He’s a man of the community, one of the good guys."
"I think if you have the means and the bandwidth to raise six figures every year for charity, you should. Because that's cool as hell."
"Our hometown heroes who are on the front line keeping our communities safe."
"Make the world a better place starting right there in your backyard."
"There is no governor and first lady that do more than the Kemps have."
"We didn't do it to be defiant, we didn't do it to push back against government, we did it to provide a solution where there was none."
"Good people like that volunteering their time to do something good for the world."
"It's all about how we serve the community, how can we pay it forward."
"He felt terrible later when he found out that that traffic was two miles of cars waiting to get into a civic center to get boxes of food."
"Volunteering is huge because it tells you and reminds you that you have value in this world."
"We're going to add a third a bonus thing I want you to do something gives back to others."
"Thank you, Dr. Brown Bear, for giving us such a wonderful demonstration of how the ambulance works."
"You should give the job to the qualified person because they would do a better job for the community."
"We've been helping with disaster relief just came from a funeral."
"I think the best thing that I can do is be a good senator and fight for Arizonans, make a difference for them." - Senator Martha McSally
"We raised a ton of money for charity which was the best part ultimately."
"Let's just place in some water pipes for these lovely people."
"That's what we really like to do, that's how we really are of service."
"Every once in a while someone goes way above and beyond the call of duty of the village."
"As long as there is the kitab then we should we should gather right so you're doing absolutely amazing work."
"Cities need assistance...all they have to do is call."
"After her son was out of danger, she fulfilled a long-standing promise to open a new clinic for the deaf."
"You bring to the table what you have and serve your people well."