
Surprise Quotes

There are 53301 quotes

"I've been working for the last 9 months on a surprise for all of you that have subscribed to the show, and I'm very excited to deliver that for you."
"I always get surprised at the kindness I received because I just don't expect people to be so nice to me."
"The Quarry was a huge surprise that came out of nowhere."
"What the heck, I didn't even realize he was hitting me."
"I'm looking at the toaster strudels, and a guy walks up, 'Are you the free gaming sensation Nobody Epic?'"
"This is a massive revolution in technology, and boy, did this one blindside us."
"I just want to be surprised. I don't want to be able to predict what's coming next."
"I didn't see that coming, I'm not going to lie."
"How crazy is it that such a seemingly tricky problem ends up having such a simple solution?"
"For a movie based on a creaky old ride from an amusement park, it is shockingly good."
"It's always prompts and projects like this that, uh, catch me by surprise as to how sort of like well they seem to work."
"You're going to find love in the most unexpected places."
"I honestly did not think we would succeed, but if we succeed, I knew it was going to be a big thing."
"Oh lit, yo Adam, why don't you tell me about this, bro?"
"Indiana, known for its Heartland values and strong sense of community, has made a decision that has caught everyone by surprise."
"Just when you think that things can get crazier, they indeed get crazier."
"This is one of those moves that has a surprising amount of priority."
"I love you so much that if you knew what was in my heart for you, I think you'd be shocked."
"Characters made choices that surprised us; it became a selling point for the show."
"I've surprised a lot of people, the biggest surprise is yet to come."
"Oh my gosh, it's actually doing a thing! I can't believe this is actually working."
"I've actually gotten way more new Brawlers from Star drops than I ever thought I would."
"It's like a magical surprise party where unexpected guests bring the fireworks."
"That shock factor when the person you think is going to win loses is like wow."
"Skill, patience, and the ability to surprise are what define a true champion."
"People will always surprise you as well. No two people are ever the same."
"It's like, wow, I really like this game, and it kind of came out of nowhere for me."
"It's in the top half of the games I played this year for sure, but I was mostly surprised because you see the theme, you see the art, you're expecting one thing, and I got something quite a bit different."
"This is one of those under-the-radar, unexpected, surprise kinds of games for a lot of people."
"Kazuto receives a mysterious package. In it, he finds Alice naked and in bubble wrap."
"Love to send pictures of this place, and most of the time, people just get shocked."
"Let's see how this is going to look... Whoa, wait, it actually looks sick!"
"All right, that was actually insane, that was really cool."
"The wonderful story of Henry Sugar, holy... you got it."
"A huge shocking surprise is coming. It's beautiful."
"Oh shit, bird murder! Girl, I watched that! I thought you were gonna straight up die."
"I'm not sure why people are so shocked by the change."
"Mom and Dad... wait, they're not here. What is this? There's a sign... 'Gone for a quick trip, back in a few days. Be good. - Mom and Dad.'"
"It's not every day you see freaking Pennywise in the reflection of your freaking backyard."
"Hit that like button, hit the Subscribe button because yo, I would have never expected that to actually happen."
"Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber, you totally redeem yourself."
"Providence was real, but I never actually expected to find proof."
"It's like a rug pull. It's making the Statue of Liberty disappear in several figurative senses."
"10 years ago, I could not have imagined that something like this would exist in real life."
"Good luck, newcomer. What are you talking about? I own this place."
"Your grandma did a backflip, that's crazy. How did she even do that?"
"You're welcome. I wanted this to be a surprise."
"I never believed in magic until I watched my dog turn into a snake."
"What a pleasant surprise to see you at such a late hour, pray do enlighten me as to the purpose of your impromptu visit."
"Oh my god, oh my God, they actually did it. They actually did it."
"Loki's gender fluidity came as a welcome surprise to many of us."
"That is just beautiful; I can't believe it. Look how good that looks."
"I'm excited. Check this out, we got a surprise for you."
"We got a surprise for me! Hey, I'm so hyped!"
"I'm really excited to surprise Papa because Papa's such a good dad and he like never gets surprised."
"It was a surprise birthday party the whole time."
"Roses are red, violets are blue, pack your bags, I have a surprise for you."
"Players were shocked to recognize the music...it's actually a fan song about Hasbin Hotel."
"He is so excited to get back into his room, but he has no idea we're making it all over right now."
"When the engineering takes that idea to scale, that's what surprises people."
"Nobody could have predicted that this was the birth of something astonishing…"
"The most surprising idea to me is that we can actually do physics."
"It's safe to say that we were absolutely mind-blown."
"Wait, the VR headset actually worked; that's awesome!"
"I'm literally in a state of my mind being blown right now 'cause I just did not expect this to be that good."
"Surprise! A very beautiful woman has invited you on a date."
"Every other team in this competition isn't gonna know what hit 'em."
"Prepare for the unexpected; something very positive is going to happen."
"This heart-pounding head twist caught all of us off guard...it's well placed, perfectly executed."
"That has to be both the luckiest moment and the world's strongest glass."
"Accelerated expansion of the universe completely unexpected."
"I've won the lottery. Who wants some fruit? Granddad, what have you done?"
"I found things that really surprised me. I didn't even realize was out there."
"A giant firecracker exploded under his chair."
"They totally expected him to be dead by the time they found him because it's like, nobody's gonna survive for this many days really breathing that crappy air."
"It's like going up stairs in the dark where you think there's one more step than there is."
"Can you believe it? What a stunner here in Washington DC. The crowd loving what they've just seen."
"Our first launch sold out within like a day or two. I couldn't believe it."
"The whole thing with 'The Dark Knight Rises' is the movie where the romance kind of sneaks up on you."
"This was such an unexpected amazing read for me this year, and I just loved it."
"Ring! And gold coins come out of his sleeves."
"They actually did it. We joked about them doing it, and then they did it."
"It's a misdirection; it's a comedy, a mystery."
"I didn't think I'd meet someone like you at this stage of my life."
"It's so cool, such an interesting record. There's so many surprises when I listen to that record after having not heard it for a long time."
"And how surprised Wuji was when he saw Zhiro. He immediately recognized her as the girl who had helped him when he was little."
"My seeming impossible good now comes to pass, the unexpected now happens."
"The successful and daring attacks astonished the Russian military, showing Ukraine's military's growing sophistication."
"Believers watch this... doubters will be shocked."
"I'm in calculus and I have an A. How's that happening?"
"Congratulations, you guys got me. Well done."
"I can't believe I won. I was standing next to him the whole time. Yo, let's go!"
"Lewis turns out to be a pretty amazing cook."
"Anyone who isn't shocked by quantum theory hasn't understood it."
"It was a lot faster than I thought it would be, but it's sort of a gradual decline and then just off a cliff."
"Gamers like being surprised. They like having that 'ooh, piece of candy' moment."
"The fact that there probably wouldn't be people on a snowy morning walking or running in that area... it's pretty amazing."
"It's surprising how much stuff is coming out of the tiny homes."
"It's like Steph Curry pulls up from 30 feet away; Piggy pulls up from, you know, the parking lot."
"Oh my gosh, it's me! Let's go! I did not expect to see me."
"This is a Christmas miracle. I was sure I needed a deep pool of water, apparently a shallow one would have done."
"Allow room for the unexpected, and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised."
"Blizzard might actually be a game saver. No way, dude. Is this enough?"
"You didn't react at all at first. I just wanted to invite you to the date in an unusual way."
"This is unbelievable. Like legitimately, I can't believe Butterfree has done this well."
"I spent $25,000 on a huge XL American Bully that I hadn't seen before. My family thought I lost my mind."
"The universe is actually going to surprise you and deliver a little bit extra towards you because you deserve it."
"We are getting a new dog. My wife and my son do not know about this. It's a surprise."
"It's more than I've ever ever expected. It's beautiful."
"This is your chance to really step into your power and surprise people in your life, yourself included."
"A beer that surprises you in a good way is always a win in my book."
"This is new. That's stunning. Wow. Oh my God."
"The best gifts are the ones that are unexpected."
"The homeless man was not only shocked by the trick but also thankful for the generosity."
"I haven't had one of these since I was 10 years old."
"The Eagle benefited from the low expectations people had for AMC in the 1980s; they took the world by surprise with this car."
"Someone in twitch chat actually said it... 'This didn't go the way that guy expected it to at all.' And he's absolutely right."
"Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, 'He knows what rugby is?'"
"You expect me to know about this? You think I know about any of this?"
"Goku's aura then suddenly flares up a purplish blue color. Beerus spits out his popcorn; what is this?"
"I had no idea it would come to this in such a short amount of time, and I thank y'all. I [expletive] love you, and I really appreciate you."
"You're the only person who's ever been nice to me. Whoa, what? You can speak?"
"You'll be shocked like I was shocked when I studied them."
"My overall take is, I was astonished. I can't believe this thing's shooting as good as it is."
"Her voice still coming from the bed as they spoke, she then turned around, expecting to see the cat, to remove it from the room, but instead saw her two-year-old daughter suddenly behind her."
"That pain would manifest within Naruto at the moment his, as of yet, still hidden dojutsu would manifest, startling people."
"I fooled you all, it's like the ultimate rick roll."
"The ending of Barry's prison run is gonna shock you."
"It really surprised me because I didn't think I was gonna like Black and White whatsoever, but it was a huge shocker to me that it was a great game."
"Go with the flow, you'll be surprised where it leads."
"That was a good transformation. I did not see that one coming at all."
"This was a genuine surprise to play through, more so because I'd also seen those aggregate scores that this thing got before I'd even played it, which didn't paint it in a positive light."
"In spite of my own feelings, I thought him an astonishing man as he was always astonishing me."
"It's going to be a great flight, and we're praying the surprise is a success."
"Plot twists... if they're done right, they can be quite shocking."
"That's the most insane thing you've ever said. That's going to make me laugh all day long. Thank you so much for that."
"That's not the same helmet. I don't know what to say, that's magnificent."
"God's going to amaze you. And that which had happened unto him, can you say Amen? I was fascinated because a man expected to receive something, but what he got was not what he expected."
"Happy surprises that take you by surprise and make your life better."
"So the other day, I was renting a car and the former President of the United States came into the car rental shop."
"I'm glad everyone is safe; still, I never thought Synergy Stones had that kind of power."
"I did not think that was going to happen; it was a big accomplishment."
"Never in a million years could I have imagined we'd be witnessing what we're witnessing right now."
"This was not the big dog; this was someone else, showing up in a prime situation with Paul Heyman at their side."
"If a person is a real inventor at heart, they will always find a way to surprise everyone."
"I love the ability for the game to surprise me every time I play."
"I'm just a sucker for a good mystery, and I have read a handful of incredibly written case fics where I literally dropped my phone in surprise."
"It is very useful as an adult that I periodically run into things that surprise me."
"This recipe is also from my second cookbook, Baking All Year Round, and if you've never heard of a piñata cookie, it's basically a surprise cookie."
"A bombshell is something that is very surprising, amazing, or shocking."
"There's going to be a sudden job offer or a sudden improvement in your money that's going to rock your world."
"Yeah, it's real. Can you believe that? That's nuts, right?"
"A soldier came home after an eight-month deployment and decided to surprise his dogs; this is the result."
"The trick of the uh... oh my God, how did I get 280? Did I get it for my death?"
"Curry hits insane full shot from tunnel, bro, hold up, what?"
"That was beautiful. That was beautiful because it psyched me out so bad."
"This group of fishermen was fishing along the riverbank that faithful morning, not knowing the huge surprise nature had in store for them."
"Edge comes out at number 21. Absolutely unreal."
"You ever make the wrong turn, and next thing you know, you're in the hood?"
"They're just hugging it out; they're just the best of friends. I'm surprised. I'm actually shocked."
"Dude, oh my god. What just happened? We just... What just happened?"
"How did I win that? Oh my god, that was such a good game."
"I'm really feeling it, and I'm really surprised."
"I opened that letter and... I looked at it and the thing said 94."
"If you told me that a Puss in Boots sequel would slap this hard, I would have called you a liar, but here we are."
"I can't believe what's up, little baby bro, you're literally in there."
"Surprise, pregnant! That sounds very weird to say."
"It's a really incredible surprise I don't think anyone could have predicted."
"Stay tuned till the end. We have a nice surprise for you."
"Big changes are ahead for you; they may take you by surprise. This could be a positive surprise, like new love, new money, new job, some sort of a big 'wow' sort of moment."
"That is incredible, actually. Wow, 139 kills."
"I'm about to lose. Oh, wow, I actually won. Let's go! W, half a heart. That's crazy, bro."
"The ghost Mariners and death birds are also good examples of encounters that are awesome surprises you can stumble on your first time."
"It was amazing. As soon as you get over the 'Oh my God,' it's pretty enjoyable."
"I jumped at that opportunity and I was very quick to flip that happy switch to full auto and I was really surprised at how controllable it was."
"Genesis just blew it away for me. It was so good, and nobody knew it was coming. I love being surprised."
"What we're about to connect here is going to blow some of your minds."
"This is a game I knew nothing about. It came absolutely out of nowhere to me and knocked me out."
"The Kraken The New York Times says the fight choreography and what I had presumed would be a violence-less play is really stunning."
"This is going to be so nice to surprise Nazzy with."
"It's very quiet here today. I'm actually shocked. I thought it was gonna be the opposite."
"The crowd is shocked, the locker room is stunned, and the family follows the Rock out of the building."
"I'm still amazed by it. I mean, you can put something into the computer and you get something that's totally surprising and totally delightful."
"This is interesting, that this has actually gone so, so wrong."
"I can't believe how far skateboarding has come."
"You can't make this up, Little Timmy, you can't write stories better than this."
"I'm shocked to say that it was really good. There was a lot more to the story than I thought there would be, and it had interesting characters."
"All right, no way this entire Mansion is for me. Wait, this is actually insane."
"I can't believe I got free Diamond stuff from that villager."
"You might look at a Space Marine and think to yourself, 'Okay, I get it... what else is there to understand here?' But then you find out in the canon that they can breathe underwater and also spit acid."
"If you don't believe me, I'll just let them do the talking. Your jaw is going to drop from their incredible skill."
"I messaged the guys like 'Did you send me 50,000?' 'Well, that's what you needed, isn't it?'"
"He's stiffer than a barbell, it's different than anything I've ever seen in my life."
"I thought it was a creeper, but then it just threw down a sapling or something."
"The biggest shock will probably be that some players will realize they are also collectors."
"Lynn's eyes widened as he saw a poster advertising a staggering reward of 50 million Soul Stones."
"I can't believe like how many people are here. It's so it surprised me so much."
"Yo, this is crazy, she's literally doing it!"
"It's amazing that it remained a secret for so long."
"Every single time Dexter comes around the corner, device hasn't seen it, he slips through with OG's 14. Oh my God, he made the move, and that was Dexter's Kryptonite up until this moment."