
Crime Rates Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The actual statistics show that crime and murder were far higher in the past. It's actually pretty rare today."
"If things are relatively distributed in an egalitarian manner, the male on male crime, especially homicide, is low."
"Burlington, Vermont, reeling from the highest number of homicides in decades after defunding police."
"The tables have officially turned: Iceland has low crime rates."
"We have the highest rate of violent crime for any modern Western Country."
"There's no question the spear of crime is real, and it's getting much worse on Kathy Hochul's watch."
"Police militarization does not lead to a decrease in crimes committed or officer injuries."
"When you take police out of an area or reduce their numbers, let the crime begin. It's what Seattle's doing, it's what we're doing, it's what Portland's doing, it's what Atlanta's doing."
"Surprise, surprise, crime goes down when you fund the police."
"People don't just start spontaneously shooting each other when you allow people to carry fire...what happens to the crime rates? They go down."
"Crime is going up, whatever they're doing isn't working."
"Texas recently closed a bunch of prisons and decided that they were gonna try and rehabilitate more people, and as they closed prisons and released more prisoners, you know what happened to their crime rate? It went down."
"New Orleans saw a crime increase after cutting police funding."
"The reason crime is dropping is because society is returning to normal after COVID."
"Japan is incredibly unique in many ways, but one very special part about this country is the honor and respect in their culture, which leads to a basically complete lack of theft."
"Since Lori Lightfoot's term began, Chicago has suffered 2,278 homicides and over 9,000 people shot."
"There's a reality to the rise in the heat index and the amount of crime that goes down."
"Crime is not as bad as the 1990s. Crime is not as bad as the worst period of time in American history."
"The more methodologically accurate and stringent the research is, the less likely it is to find evidence for the hypothesis that more guns means more crime."
"You take away funding for police, you see an increase in crime."
"Their total crime rate is 56% lower than national average and violent crime rate is 54% lower."
"Council Bluffs only has two percent of Iowa's population yet seven percent of all robberies in the whole state were committed here."
"Zero crime rate in the previous year, since zero crime, zero crime, zero crime. Wow, very peaceful district of KPK."
"Iceland has one of the lowest crime rates in the entire world."
"More relaxed gun laws don't always lead to more violent crime."
"Every broad study I've ever found seems to show that when you increase access to firearms, violent crime tends to increase as well."
"We have recorded two crimes in this entire century."
"Each year under the Biden Harris Administration we see violent crime rates Nationwide have gone down."
"Our economy is booming, wages are rising, crime is falling."
"Crime is actually down. Things are actually heading in the right direction."
"If you continue to vote for Progressive Criminal Justice Reform Progressive policing, you're gonna get Progressive crime right."
"People are fleeing from New York to Florida because of high taxes and out of control crime."
"Americans have higher rates of violent crime as compared to our European counterparts, certain groups in the United States of America have higher rates of violent crime compared to other places that are notorious for high crime rates."
"All Democratic cities have bad crime problems."
"Crime is down, but many people say it's up because they are being propagandized too."
"South Korea is known for its low crime rates and high standard of living offering a sense of security and well-being to Residents and exp Patriots alike."
"Crime rates in major cities, I would suggest that is exactly what you get with the Sorosization of the United States justice system."
"Sweden stands out as an exceptionally safe country with low crime rates compared to Global averages."
"Canada is considered one of the safest countries in the world due to its overall low crime rates. Canada ranks at a very impressive sixth place in the world for Global Peace."
"We increased the Kansas City Police Department budget by 24%, and in that same period of time, the violent crime rate increased 47%."
"So far more people were killed in these ways than in mass shooting incidents."
"The violent crime rate in the United States has gone down rather dramatically over the last five to ten years."
"Crime is down, but there are issues when it comes to violent crimes."
"We are as a society... becoming more empathetic; there is less crime than ever."
"Crime has been down for years and we're amongst the lowest crime rates in American history."
"Would you rather live in a place where crimes rarely happen but are major when they do, or in a place where petty crime is common but violent incidents are practically unheard of?"
"I am pleased to announce that today the city's crime rates are at an all time low!"
"Crime down since the 1990s, crime lower than in 1990s, 1990s very high, crime down compared to that."
"The individualistic cultures are more likely to be high in crime than the collectivistic ones."
"Crime is falling, and it has been for many years now."
"The level of crime is actually lower now than when most of us were growing up."
"Four of the five countries with the lowest violent crime rates are among those that have outlawed corporal punishment of children."
"It's a relatively safe city when you look at crime rates."