
Personal Management Quotes

There are 319 quotes

"It's been a really great support group and it really has helped me a lot to figure out how to manage this, why it's happening, how I can sort of use this discipline to improve my self-understanding and my life."
"You've got to handle your business yourself here with your kids."
"By knowing that we have all things inside of us...we can manage that."
"Self-discipline is about managing one's self... Discipline is about achieving that long-term goal."
"They capture our data, and that means we can't monetize it or use it to better manage our lives. Our privacy is being undermined."
"You've got to have a balance of what you want to do and what you need to do."
"My Tourette's has nothing to do with my identity; it's just a condition I manage."
"I'm constantly writing down what I have to do because if I don't write it down I will forget it."
"Give yourself deadlines and hold yourself accountable."
"If you don't set your priorities, someone else will."
"That's the beautiful thing, you can always move things around, change, add, or take away."
"Print out your chart every single day."
"With all these gains and all your funds, I would really love for you to cash them out and buy a belt."
"I even made a spreadsheet to organize all of this."
"Handle your business or your business will handle you."
"Let me just refresh my memory on how much you generate."
"Discipline is useful in getting what you need to get done... so you can do what you want to do."
"Feelings are real and they should be acknowledged, but they shouldn't be disregarded when there are facts presented."
"Focus on the things that you can control rather than concern yourselves." - Christian Horner OBE
"You're on the right path, make sure you're keeping receipts."
"Beautiful things were my vice, and in some ways still are, although I have a much better managed relationship with buying them these days."
"Control yourself, don't let other things control you."
"It's all about time management, and about keeping yourself calm, and fresh, and ready to go."
"Focus... you can just focus on the things that you need to get done."
"Balance the scales towards the beginning in your favor so that you can rest, recuperate, and really review and decide what it is you want to do with your time, your energy, and your money this month."
"He mentions that Sasaki is diligent with this and Sasaki states that he needs to keep track of all the spells he has learned."
"You got to have discipline and a plan to execute with discipline."
"If I had to edit my own videos, run Creator Now, manage myself in brand deals... I can't come do this."
"Your life is gonna completely change and the way you manage life is gonna completely change."
"I'm just gonna try to keep it together and just keep my lives together."
"As soon as I clear my friends list, I'll be able to add you."
"Yo, take that, put away. No, carry with you."
"If you have your classic planner with your monthly view and you just put in everything on that and your weeklies you're drilling down or even if you're just doing monthly that's just fine."
"Have a private life, a public life, and a personal life."
"Work-life balance is about maximizing quality and managing productivity."
"Set realistic expectations with yourself and others."
"Take necessary breaks and delegate when needed. Be kind to yourself."
"Try it, and you'll find your productivity will spike and the transition from weekend to working week is that much easier."
"If you don't create structure, it can own you and start to affect your creativity in negative ways as well as your life."
"Framing it in this way really helps me at least manage my energy in a way that makes more sense."
"If you have no goals and no aspirations and you're not storing up for the times to come, you gotta get your house in order, people."
"If you're not taking some time every day to learn something, you're mismanaging your life."
"I've been asked that change minute few times because Emma's a very busy person."
"If you've been spreading yourself too thin or telling yourself you're simply multitasking, which I don't believe is a thing."
"You don't always have to go through it in order to make sure that you're doing the thing that you're supposed to do."
"Time can be our tool, but we can be its slave."
"Your home life and your business life have to be aligned money-wise."
"Focus on making clear what parts of your day are within your control."
"The only thing that we can manage is our energy."
"It's your job to make sure that you prioritize them in spite of your chaos."
"I've never quite found a system organizing my entire life that's worked, and that's where my love for bullet journaling has really come in."
"If you keep it to yourself, that makes more less [__] for you to deal with, does that make sense? Unless you just enjoy having fun with it."
"Planning, for me, is key to stay on top of things."
"Emotions are not right or wrong, they just are, but it's how we express them, how we steward them can have a redemptive purpose or it can be destructive. That's up to us."
"A healthy life work balance is not is easy to talk about it's hard to do."
"You have to prioritize at times. Certain things take priority. Sometimes discipline and priority, like that's the real truth."
"My planner is pretty stuffed, but I've organized it with tabs based on my needs and categories."
"There's a balance, one thing I've noticed, people stretch themselves way too thin."
"Audit your inner circle like you audit your bank statement."
"We have a bank of credits; we have to rest and put back in."
"It's about managing your expectations really."
"Ordering stuff to organize my life because it's chaos."
"Always make sure that you're taking care of your responsibilities first."
"Schedule downtime...it actually makes me more productive and efficient in the entire rest of my week."
"You guys really seem balanced though, like you know how to keep your life in balance."
"If I put money in the bank in the early morning, I'm surfing over everything that life is throwing at me."
"Everyone I know who's accomplished does structure their time explicitly in that manner."
"If you have bad teammates or angry teammates, mute them, play your best."
"There's something to be said for being an absolute lunatic... you have to create boundaries and rules."
"Be ruthless with the stuff in your house and not to let your clutter control you."
"You gotta plan accordingly...count your [__] meticulously...the people that don't track are the ones who ultimately fail."
"The ESFJ at their best knows that it's important to get their life in order and tend to their own needs before they move on to help others."
"No one is going to run your business like you. Period."
"Take care of your business and stay elevating, even if you are in a [] up situation. You're in a [] up handle, take care of your business and always know there's a bigger goal."
"Life is all about balance with anything that you do."
"Even the most detailed plans exist to help us, not to make us feel guilty."
"The setup was easy before, now your emotions are gonna make it difficult."
"It takes so much discipline and focus to work for yourself."
"Seriously though, this is the right way to handle it because you're not being disrespectful. You're just like, 'All right dude, I'm off. I don't think you understand that I'm not supposed to be working.'"
"Own the minion: take care of your own temple, your own money, your own ears, your own eyes, your own gates."
"Sometimes you have to learn to ask for help or to delegate."
"Honestly part of my lack of uploads was willing myself through these games rather than do anything else."
"Making lists has changed my life. It takes all that stress and puts it onto paper."
"Hopefully, I will not have delays for the mid-months and monthlies, usually they require more energy on my side."
"Treat your schedule like a garden: weed out tasks that are killing your productivity and nurture the worthwhile ones."
"Baby steps is the way to go. You can't do everything all at the same time cuz you could get exhausted too so I just try to clean most of the house."
"Set it at a number that's a little bit difficult to achieve. Why? Because if all else fails, you can slow down and stop paying that number and go back to the original number or somewhere in between."
"It's just really nice to keep things organized."
"Be gracious towards your mental health, your physical health, and maybe, maybe, task one is posting once a week."
"I always hate doing that because there's been a few times where, for example, I had a review out before the next day because maybe I was busy and couldn't do it."
"I started using it because I was like maybe this will help me gain a sense of control over my life and it really worked."
"Make sure you set yourself up for success, just like your meal prep, just like everything you do in your life."
"I still do three or four jobs a year just to stay current."
"I run my Instagram, I run my Twitter. I don't hire people. I take my work seriously."
"You're happy about it, paying your bills on time, taking care of the kids, you know whatever it is that you're doing."
"What did I do before I wasn't keeping track of any of this? It was so haphazard and I just didn't really have much control at all."
"We're allowed to revise our deadlines and our goals, we don't have to always keep something if it's unrealistic."
"Don't let your emotions rule your life. Your emotions are not supposed to control you."
"I might try to get up early tomorrow and block off like two or two and a half hours to just work on that."
"Handle your business and just kind of keep it moving."
"My real secret to staying clutter free isn't that things never get disorganized but instead knowing that even though things get messy and disorganized I can always get it sorted out and in order again."
"Your job is to manage your own State of being in conflict situations when they have happen because they'll always happen."
"You can use Notion for things as diverse as planning out your week, collecting recipes, even tracking your video game backlog."
"When you have all that in check, bam, it's gonna be easy for you to say you know what, I'm gonna budget my money too."
"Setting a timer for five minutes is my favorite tip and tactic for all of those things."
"Surface Duo empowers each of you to do the things you need to do quickly and easily, helping you gain time and power back in your lives."
"I like to check things off I've got lists up the wazoo but I like the colors and the different size sticky notes and little stickers and things just helps me focus and stay focused on what's important."
"Take five or ten minutes first thing in the morning to plan out your day and get your blocks set up will make all the difference in the world."
"The 1890s were a gilded age of sports in America."
"To-do lists are the single biggest thing that keep me on track."
"Productive people are extremely selfish in a good way."
"Building and keeping up with routines is a great way to stay on top of your life."
"Finding what you need and just bringing that out—cutting out stuff you don't really need."
"When you're born, people love you, and when you die, people love you; in between you have to manage."
"Plan your day. I like to sit down and set three personal goals and three work goals. You might be kind of going from task to task and not really finishing anything."
"It's been easier because I'm in charge of my money."
"Stay in sync with what matters using what's right in front of you."
"Gaining a measure of control over your Google account is a really healthy exercise that we should all do."
"I'm in a really good mood because I am ahead of schedule."
"Keep a list of things that you need/want and keep them on your phone."
"It's the only way to keep me settled down, taking my medication makes me more calmer, more like I'm supposed to be."
"I need my own business, I need to mind my business and I need to have a business."
"I got my own set of um people I got my own staff right."
"Your bank account should work for you, not against you."
"Consistency is your best friend, so if you can't be consistent, which is, you know, everyone's got like a hundred things going on in their life, so you know, no fault for not being able to be consistent."
"Structure and consistency kind of go hand in hand, so you could do a structure of maybe posting once a week or maybe if your schedule was already too full, maybe once every two weeks and hold yourself to it, make sure you stick to your structure."
"Nobody is too busy to prioritize their health."
"I can't figure out which one I used to mark my hundred percents."
"Handle your life like you're the CEO; make the hard cuts and do what needs to be done."
"You're being stoic and emotionally steady here, not getting all caught up in overwhelming feelings."
"There's no replacement for taking your time."
"You have to clean your own house or it will come back and bite you."
"Do what you need to do in every moment to function at your best level and live your best life."
"Figure out what's in your control and what's not."
"There's a yin and a yang with dan and that's how we handled that balance."
"Throw on that hat because that needs to be tamed."
"If you're going to be emotional, rationality has to come down with it."
"That's insane! I've got six more spaces as well so you must have about... it's more than ten slots which is good."
"If you forget the self-care, you're robbing Peter to pay Paul."
"Feeling good, looking good, and handling your ish."
"Money isn't evil it shouldn't be something that controls you but it is something that is necessary."
"You're not committing to just a rigorous plan... it really only asks you for about 10 minutes each day."
"It's about time that I start putting some order to this place, get things a little bit more organized, a bit more neatly, a bit more tied together."
"People make time for the things that matter to them they do the things that are important to them everything is about priorities."
"Labels just make me feel like I have my life together."
"How you organize yourself during the day is important."
"It's a daily struggle, usually at least twice in the morning and once in the afternoon."
"It's such the core of the thing I want to have access in case my the way I split it off from there gets weird."
"Set a schedule. You have to hold yourself accountable. You're your own boss."
"Simplifying your state is a huge return on investment."
"You don't always have to finish your list, you can't always do it all."
"Having a routine basically gives me the feeling that I have something important that I need to be doing."
"Figure out what things you hate doing and buy your time back."
"How entrepreneurs optimize their energy: say no more often, focus on what you put into your body, rest, recover, and optimize stress."
"I am the master of my day, it is not the master of me."
"I need to start speeding this up, I have so many highlighters."
"I'm still working on it, man. I have so much on my plate right now."
"Reclaim some of that certainty, and reclaim the ability to at least know where you stand, so when things get more plannable, you can start planning."
"The index is like your table of contents as you create and fill this notebook up."
"Staying organized will make it easier for you to find certain things or make changes."
"Have a reset button... bounce back from time loss."
"Either you run the day, or the day runs you." - Jim Rohn
"Even though you're in control, you gotta let control go a little bit and let God lead you."
"Having these tangible goals laid out in front of you... it's fun, maybe a little bit silly but super helpful in my opinion."
"It's teaching time. It's getting ourselves organized. Make sure your portfolio is in the right places."
"This is not an easy path, it does require you to be able to manage your time and your energy appropriately."
"You just have to be very good and on top of yourself about managing the money that does come in."
"Redeeming the time means to own your time again."
"Animal agriculture. Studies show climate change and water shortages are directly linked."
"Having space in your life and schedule. Margin less is the disease of our decade, and margin is the cure."
"So, on your helium account you can have as many hot spots as you want."
"I have lists everywhere, I have a list of questions, I have lists all around the house."
"You're ready to handle your affairs. Whatever communication is coming your way, you're gonna actively get to the heart of the situation."
"You've got to prioritize in your head, like the standard of my channel has to come first for everything."
"I'll be having too much [ __ ] going on forever."
"If I don't control my mind, how can I control anything else?"
"The fundamental of getting anything to work in your life is to know that any agenda or schedule that you set for yourself you'll actually be able to execute."
"A calendar is really a personal tool that has one main job; acting as that external source of truth for your life's events."
"You may not be able to leave those blue jobs to somebody someday, you might not be able to leave the pink jobs to somebody someday, they're all going to sit squarely in your lap if you're the one left holding the cards."
"Flexibility is key. Schedule your shifts, but remember, you can edit or delete as needed."
"Have that conversation, book that appointment, and release whatever it is that's causing that feeling of being tethered."
"If you don't manage your insecurities or acknowledge them and they go unchecked, they can become highly negative."
"Love the life planner it makes me want to jump back into it."
"Whenever I upload something to the cloud, my life just starts to feel more organized."
"I'm a grown ass man and I'm handling things accordingly."
"Take control of your emotions because they will control you if you don't."
"Organization is not only important in my physical space, it's also important online."
"I think part of getting it all done is understanding where the balance is."
"Honestly pretty smooth sailing other than me and my own chaos."
"Sunday reset for me isn't just a personal reset, it's prepping as much as possible for the week ahead."
"You've got to find that balance with everything."
"Time management skills are something that you cannot underestimate."
"I really feel myself getting mom back on my feet and feeling just better able to actually use a planner."
"You want to make sure it's outward facing, or it'll turn in on you and kind of consume."
"End of the week there are some things I haven't done on my to-do list but who cares... it does not matter."
"Physical and digital planners are what I really believe in."
"It keeps me organized and focused on where I am and where I'm going and what I'm trying to do."
"I'm a planner, and I like to make plans. I like to set goals."
"The more clearly you know how you want to spend your days, the easier it comes to say no to the requests that steal your hours."
"If I don't write it down, I'm probably going to forget and then the day of is going to occur."