
Dietary Needs Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"I'm focused on the micronutrient. Whey protein doesn't provide me the iron or the B12 or the zinc that I need."
"You want a chef that understands your body, understands the chemistry of your body, also understands food and what you need and what you don't need."
"It's amazing that's good, it's good for athletes because I know athletes need more concentrated calories."
"Not everybody has the same response to any particular food, which is why it's so important to know your body."
"Without fat, we die; without protein, we die; without carbohydrates, we are very healthy."
"Nobody's going to go hungry in Disney World, so please don't be shy about talking about those special dietary requirements."
"1 gram per pound to a gram and a half is probably more than nearly anyone needs."
"If you're not going out, if you're not walking around, you don't eat that many calories."
"Just let your server or a cast member know that you do have a certain allergy that needs to be accommodated."
"Protein is not the only thing that you need for health reasons."
"The large amount of fiber in a whole food vegan diet does increase our protein needs a little bit."
"When you have dietary restrictions, a food item becomes the most exciting gift."
"I'm convinced that the human physiology requires the presence of some animal food in the diet."
"The brain has very special dietary requirements that are really best met by animal foods."
"Craving salt is not the same thing as craving sugar. It's not the same thing as craving processed foods. It's completely different."
"Like, logically if you think about it, does the nutrient intake needs of a 250 pound bodybuilder equate to the same nutrient intake needs of a hundred pound little chick? No, they don't."
"Saturated fat has been demonized falsely and you know, we need saturated fats, essential for human survival."
"Disney's been making huge strides recently to make things easier for their guests with special diets."
"Bring your own snacks or quick meals if you know those are going to be able to satisfy your hunger and your special diet."
"Young athletes can get more than enough out of the food they eat; they just have to eat enough food."
"Eating more protein crucial for those over 40 to combat muscle wasting and maintain metabolic health."
"Fish can also get sick on not being on something crunchy too."
"Salt is a required part of your diet, within the context of a whole food plant-based diet."
"The need for protein is so low in the human being that it should be considered virtually impossible to eat a diet too low in protein."
"Everybody has different dietary needs and preferences."
"Everyone is absolutely different, and what I eat will be completely different to what another person needs to eat."
"The manager came out to speak to relove about his plant-based needs."
"Most of North America gets double the amount of protein that their body actually needs."
"We do a lot of fasting, so they just have to be mindful of meeting our needs more frequently."
"...we live in a world now where we cannot just rely on food and water for all of the minerals and the vitamins that we need..."
"...making sure you're meeting all of their dietary needs will keep them happy."
"The horizon restaurant is an all-day dining venue and offers a variety of food from around the world to suit most appetites and dietary needs."
"People need to get enough fiber and Omega-3s to be at their Optimum."
"Pick a good tour provider that says they accommodate vegan-vegetarian requests."
"I hope that you enjoyed this, I hope it's very useful especially to those of you who have to go gluten-free."
"Your bodies do need fats, avocados, seeds, and nuts. You need fat to produce hormones, and cholesterol is not all an evil thing."
"I'll eat anything, but my girlfriend is gluten-free, so we try to look for gluten-free restaurants so we can both enjoy the meal together."
"Our calorie requirements actually change depending on what phase of our cycle we're in."
"Avoiding gluten is only important if you're gluten sensitive."
"They pretty much had something for everyone, including people who had dietary restrictions."
"Thank God it's not just cereal because I need food."
"Essential amino acids are the amino acids or the building blocks of protein that the body cannot make, which means we have to get those essential amino acids from dietary sources."
"This chicken has no salt added, which is great if you're watching your sodium intake."
"There's no one superfood that can provide us with all the nutrients our body needs."
"Disney World is so organized, it's great for gluten-sensitive people and those with allergies."
"Quick ingredient filters: Great for vegetarians and people with allergies."
"As you will appreciate, Rosemary's family therefore already have conditions which necessitate particular attention to diet."
"Biscuits and gravy, and I can eat it because it's gluten-free."
"You still need carbs, okay? You still need fiber."
"The interesting thing that we find when we calculate the plant requirements, the food requirements of dinosaurs, is they're almost exactly the same as mammals that are much smaller in body size."
"Nick is also Jewish and tries to keep kosher, and for the first four days of their stay, they were not provided with any food that met their kosher dietary requirements."
"Normal diet plus sweat loss equals total need."
"Dogs require specific nutrients for different stages of life."
"Carbs are required for the body, so I think it's a good choice."
"Every fish has different dietary needs."
"Don't hesitate to look for a local baker and say, 'Hey look, here's my dietary restrictions, can you make something for me?'"
"I have a lot of dietary restrictions... I eat very strictly gluten-free, I have an egg allergy."
"We also learned about things like eating within the seasons, how to cook for people with different dietary requirements."
"Chipotle is like my favorite restaurant of life because it fits into my dietary needs."
"It's important to accommodate different dietary restrictions and preferences."
"Food for calories, food for nutrition, and food for hydration."
"The chef caters for customer requests and dietary needs."
"You need some salt in your diet; it's a natural part of the human diet."
"The safest for a patient having celiac disease happens to be something like rice."
"14 grams of protein is a decent amount of protein."
"We serve many different meals for people with religious or dietary restrictions."
"I'm super happy with because I can't have milk chocolate, so it's so rare to find like decent dark chocolate calendars."