
Escapism Quotes

There are 4968 quotes

"Escapism is the worst thing for me because I'm just avoiding all my problems that I need to be facing in my life."
"World of Warcraft was the ultimate escapist fantasy, a game that sold heroism, status, personhood, and existence in a totally virtual setting."
"Life can be very hard, so sometimes it's good to get away, but escapism must be in moderation, otherwise, we risk losing our humanity, detached from the truth and what's real, vulnerable to being part of an evil machine, and probably miserable because of it."
"At its very best Genshin Impact is magical and its promise of an idyllic world to escape into is unrivaled."
"There are few games in recent memory where I've been able to genuinely escape the way that I've been able to with Genshin Impact."
"After an incident with her mother, she goes home to her own place and immediately goes under the shelter of her bed cover to read the new chapter of the online novel she loves."
"Sometimes you just want to come home from a day surrounded by people and go and exist in a fantastical virtual world by yourself."
"I guess you could stay home today. Yay, father! The world is burning, but at least I get to play games."
"The reason we're so addicted to scrolling, to gossip, to news stories, to things that are dragging us down, is because we're compensating for the total absence of thrills and adventure and positive drama in our own lives."
"The Nostalgia Critic is a purgatory and one that there is no escape from."
"It's Disney World where your dreams can come true."
"Sure do wish I could just escape into a virtual world instead."
"There's still an underlying undertone of propaganda, but it's an escape."
"Historians often suggest that this was a way to escape the horrifying memory of nuclear fire."
"Books are uniquely portable magic because it takes you to another world."
"It was serving us fantastical diversity ala Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella, offering an anachronistic twist on the period piece in the vein of Hamilton, while delivering that escapist, Austenian smut fantasy we’ve all been craving."
"Fantasy is awesome. It enables you to do really cool, creative things."
"During High School, writing was my only escape from reality, and it gradually turned into a way for me to express some of my inner feelings."
"I think sports and politics, by and large, should be separate arenas because I think most people go into sports to escape the serious things in life."
"Sports is an escape, fandom is an escape, and that's important."
"Pulp fiction... was a fantastic avenue for anyone to escape the mundane routine of their daily life."
"It wasn't until World War I and more especially during the Great Depression that, to satisfy the hunger and need of the masses to escape their harsh realities, there was literally an explosion of cheap magazines."
"The human yearning for beauty, serenity, and community in all things, the need for escapism after global trauma, to yearn for beauty, to wish for escape into a mythical historical past or world is in so many ways to be human."
"It's important to consider the role of how teenagers think and process information, because at this age, it's typical for kids to fantasize about escaping situations they don't like."
"Escape a material world that teeters on ecological collapse and into a make-believe one where Half-Life 3 came out two years ago."
"A reality where you can be whatever you want to be, where you can be seen how you want to be seen, where you can escape the clutches of your atomized, transient, lonely life."
"Only in a society like ours, when nothing is real, does virtual escapism seem like a utopia."
"Living in a game world seems like an interesting idea, but I wouldn't want to live here forever."
"Theme parks alone are meant to make you forget about everything around you and your problems and make you just want to have fun with your family."
"Games are an interactive art. Some let you explore new worlds, some challenge your mind in brand new ways, some make you feel like a hero or a friend, even when life is hard on you."
"Time passes by, I have no idea when I'm out on the street...I just lose myself and I think that to me is beautiful."
"That's exactly what everyone that's trying to use Kirito as an escapist character wants out of life."
"I love the idea of escapism in whatever form... This idea of leaving your current state of reality because it is awful and entering into a quasi-fantasy land of your own creation really intrigues me."
"I believe in the power of a good book to transport us to different worlds."
"These days, I am increasingly finding myself wishing for some form of interdimensional travel so that I can not only leave this entire planet behind but also free myself from the pesky constraints of space and time."
"You can escape into a book, you can escape into a show, you can escape into a movie."
"I love those days when we just disappear from the world and we just do our own little thing in our own little world."
"Video games give people escapism and help people come to terms with dealing with their emotions in a safe environment."
"Inside the pages of your favorite book lies a wondrous fairy tale world where dreams come true and wishes are granted."
"There is nothing I love more than to sit down in a comfy chair, turn on the PC, fire up a brand new RPG, and lose myself in the world."
"Escapism through simple pleasures like video games will always be important."
"Person has not dreamed of living in a world where superheroes exist."
"The adult world with its rules and social pressures and expectations is so immersive that we forget that there is an outside world at all."
"Are you tired of dying? Does the ever-encroaching fear of your imminent demise really get you down? Well, what if I told you that there was a way to cheat death completely?"
"Peter said that he just wanted to have a place to accept the craziness of the theory and be a 'bird truther' for a moment in time when everything was just really so crazy in life."
"Twilight, you get so wrapped up in your books, it's like you don't even exist in the real world anymore."
"Reading Jane Eyre or Great Expectations... it still can provide that sense of escapism."
"People who just want to play games and escape to a world and not have to worry about real-life elements... they're not excited about this crap."
"Both necessarily involve some element of fantasy, some elevated separation from reality."
"It's like a circus is kind of like... a combination of a lot of things, a lot of entertaining things, you kind of go there to be immersed in this world for you to kind of escape reality."
"I prefer the stillness here. I am tired of Earth and these people. I'm tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives."
"Nowadays, people don't want to be watching on TV straight up exactly what they are going through. We want escapism."
"After the pandemic, not really, we as a collective, all different generations and age groups, are all looking for escapism right now."
"Steven and Connie appear to be in the same chamber that they were thrown into at the end. So, I'm thinking escapism."
"This game is all about the fantasy escapism of simple life."
"I want to fight a monster. I want to go on a grand adventure in my escapism."
"Cottagecore, at its heart, a form of gentle escapism."
"Your mind is your greatest asset, so it is possible to mentally escape from any situation."
"Escapism, nostalgia, video games, movies, music, books, poetry – whatever you use as a mental and emotional release, those are the things that you stay alive for."
"A big part of the appeal of video games for me and many other people is escaping reality for one reason or another."
"We want to create a space where people who are hearing nothing but this stuff can kind of chill out with fun entertainment."
"Drawing is like an escape from reality; it's always enjoyable to me."
"If you can't fight in reality, you fight in fantasy. Those who cannot cope with reality retreat into delusion and fantasy."
"Everybody is just turning to games for comfort, or release, or to get themselves away from what's happening in the world."
"People love having an escape...it's just about everybody feeling like, 'Oh wow, this is a new world. This is dope.'"
"All I've really been able to do to feel alive again is watch anime that makes me feel some type of way."
"Ultimately, this is what people want these days: They just want fun games that they can play to escape the realities of the world."
"Feels like we're outside of time, like in a snow globe."
"Video games are supposed to be your escape from the real world."
"Days like this is where I just want to live in Canada and like ride a moose."
"Animated movies... reignite that childlike innocence where you're taken away to an exciting Animated World."
"These games allowed me to escape my fears, and to enter into a fantasy world where I could be someone else. Someone with power, someone with control, someone with agency."
"There's nothing wrong with having all-purpose characters... sometimes you just want to turn your brain off."
"Under the Sea, there'll be no accusations, just friendly crustaceans Under the Sea."
"This world, there's nothing tying her down. She would trade anything for this freedom."
"I spend all day with myself. I don't want a story about me; I'd like to see a story about a character that takes me to a different place."
"Sometimes fiction writers have their character run to the bathroom when they're in danger; it's a room people typically feel safe in, a haven of sorts."
"The real world sucks right now, So why not be in a metaverse where you, your friends, and Steph Curry are all members of the coolest club possible."
"People binge watch entire series in a few days because they're escaping reality by immersing themselves totally in this fictional world."
"Fiction has played a huge part in my life... My investment in fictional media has been able to carry me out of a lot of dark places."
"You quickly find even at a young age that it takes quite the emotional, physical, and even a financial toll out of you."
"Being able to step outside of reality for a moment and do something that is realistic-ish but still just a lot of fun is the glorious part of gaming."
"The movies that were shown weren't any distractions; the studios themselves made Hollywood into a brand, a promise that you could escape your life and become a star."
"It's not the writing that I care about, it's fantasizing about a better world than this one."
"Role-playing games are often wonderful because they let us explore versions of ourselves that are more heroic, more powerful than we have the opportunity to be in our everyday lives."
"Why couldn't you just come with me and enjoy this time period? We could have gotten a steak, some ice cream, watch the sunset over the blue ocean."
"Great sex is losing yourself in the moment and being transported to a different place."
"Just because art is escapism doesn't detach you from the ramifications of reality."
"Gaming used to be an escape; now, I feel like I have to escape from gaming."
"Football shouldn't be a reflection of society; it should be an antidote to society."
"Everything has happened. This is a video game. Let's get out of here."
"When you're running, you're by yourself... it's like the ultimate form of escapism."
"When you want to run away from your problems, you want to go to Cancun. The problem is you take you with you."
"Escaping every hour in a pill, tinctures and potions; they could only face reality. But how can one face reality when they know it not?"
"It's amazing that the escapism that gardening gives me, gives everybody, is a beautiful thing."
"Games are supposed to be fun, transcend the reality that we have right now, take you to new worlds, give you new abilities."
"Why do people do drugs? Why do people drink? To escape reality."
"It's a beautiful place, it is an escape from reality."
"There's nothing better than leaving humanity behind for a few hours to reconnect with nature."
"In 'World of Warcraft,' we find a feeling of existence that we cannot find in the real world."
"Soulmate AU is romantic escapism at its finest."
"If you commit suicide, you're immediately reincarnated. It's like you don't get out that easily."
"Focusing on the character you're playing and not on heroic fantasy."
"Every now and again, escaping and doing some cool ass [ __ ] but then being put back in the box."
"Emily in Paris for me at least is the perfect easy form of escapism."
"The promise of VR is that it can take you anywhere."
"Scorpio season brings out the Lilith in all of us, and yours is in the ninth house, so I really feel like your Lilith, the way you express your bad girl or bad boy nature is by running away and not saying anything."
"Above all, 'Bridgerton' and other movies, and series like it, are meant to give us an escape into a fantasy world."
"Just going to the movie theater, like going to my favorite diner theater where I can get a burger and fries and watch a movie, that was my escape."
"You leave your issues in the city, you come here, you forgot all your problems."
"Escapism isn’t just about running away from problems; it’s about finding new ways to face them."
"For a lot of people, TV was an escape... it was a warm blanket."
"Even back in 'Call It What You Want,' she asks her lover (cough Joe) if he’d run away with her, and now it seems they’ve indeed run off. They’ve run off to the lakes."
"Fishing is a way to disconnect from school, from work, from everyday obligations, and get lost in nature."
"People need a place of peace and positivity amidst dark times. Providing an escape isn't ignoring issues; it's recognizing the need for balance."
"They're off getting high to the extent where they don't have to realize what they're doing."
"We need those kind of moments right now, kind of like the video games, give you something to break you out of the current monotony."
"I feel like there's so much crazy things going on in the world, sometimes we just need a bit of sun."
"When I want to get away from the real world, I read The Guardian."
"I just don't want to hear [Progressive values] when I want to shoot some robots."
"Recollection is the only paradise from which we cannot be turned out."
"If you give someone the opportunity to escape from their daily experience just for a second where they can laugh and forget all about their worries that can be like this huge burden being lifted from their shoulders."
"I want to fly. You're in an uncomfortable situation? I would do time travel."
"Where we go when we want to throw off the straight jacket of everyday life, where we go to escape."
"We let ourselves go... This is the sacred world in which we escape from the servitude of utility and affirm life itself."
"We want to be overwhelmed because it takes us away from our day-to-day problems."
"Maybe the world needs fantasy. Maybe the world needs games."
"Dance with Me: This perk is fantastic for escaping chases."
"The unmatchable dragon chase, where you somehow not only catch the dragon but tame, ride, and fly away on the beast—an impossible dream gamers live for."
"Music is the only place where [people] feel like they don't have to learn nothing."
"We won't need to travel the Stars... we will give up on the reality that we are in."
"Video games allow you to escape from normal life."
"Writing allows you to escape, create your own reality. Writing is WandaVision."
"Why would anyone want to leave the worlds that people are going to create?"
"It's nice that doesn't connect to anything else in the story. It's kind of this little escape after all the other unpleasantness."
"These places are masters of illusions that use fake cities to offer an escape."
"I just want to literally fly the dragon out of that castle."
"Like, it's funny, the core of everything we do is the thing I look forward to most every week. And the minute we get to that table like everything else just goes away."
"The number of people that love escapism, first of all, young people do."
"And one thing we found quite interestingly is a lot of the people that love it are looking for an escape so they may actually have mental health problems or they're in a tough spot in their life."
"Books allow you to get submerged in beautiful fictional worlds, understand different people's perspectives, and just enjoy writing."
"We're out there because it's easier for us to live separate from the world."
"Even if the world continues to crumble around us, the entertainment we'll have to distract ourselves is lit."
"Thomas Merton once said, 'Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.'"
"One of the coolest experiences: staying up late, driving out of Los Santos, doing a bunch of missions in the countryside, and then driving into San Fiero."
"I used to dream that I was in a musical, because in a musical, nothing dreadful ever happens."
"You leave everything of this earth behind and you get out."
"When I put my red wig on and I get into character, it's like a relief almost, it's like a little release."
"From the beginning, Chair Run crafted liminal land with one promise to you: you can escape reality and truly Lose Yourself."
"Lock me in a castle and call me Bella because all I want is a massive in-home library and dishes that wash themselves."
"The world's on fire, but it's important to occasionally maintain a love of the trivial."
"It's like you get to travel to a different world...the best thing to draw for escapism."
"Elizabeth during our journey says how she wants to escape and go to Paris... she sees Booker as a means to an end."
"Just chill bro [ __ ] smack some other [ __ ] ass and then get in your car and drive away."
"This is a myth, can you just fly out of here?"
"This place is so great, I come here all the time. It's way better than the real world."
"Storytelling is the highest form of escapism."
"Escaping your problems is not the best way to resolve them."
"In the land of fancy, you who think that life hath not to do with innocent laughter that can harm no one, these pages are not for you."
"He hates stasis, he hates being stagnant, he hates his wife, he hates his son, he hates his people, he hates his island, he just wants to go back in the open water."
"I wanted to get the heck out of the backyard. I kind of want to keep it. It could be like... I don't like this ghost."
"The Expanse series primarily follows one of our main characters, Holden... If you want something that will just sweep you away, if you're in a reading slump, this is a fantastic series to pick up."
"Sometimes it's just FUN to watch two incomprehensibly giant monsters kick the crap out of each other."
"Do read this if you love horror but you also love the idea of being Swept Away into a dark and magical forest never to be seen Again."
"Understanding escapism and creating a timeless other world is what made Star Wars stand the test of time."
"I like watching anime it's fun because she gets you out of your Zone."
"I'm a sucker for the 'ride off into the sunset' kind of thing."
"The purpose of stories is for us to experience things we may never experience in our lifetime."
"No matter who you are or what you're into, HBO Max will transport you to a world of excitement."
"This is the type of book that you just want to set aside all of your responsibilities to finish because it's so good."
"Gaming played an essential role in 2020. It allowed us to connect with new and old friends, socialize, and escape for a little while."
"My goal is to help you the viewer escape from reality for just a little bit every week."
"They lived the dream, catching fresh fish and drinking cocktails."
"Sometimes in video games, you don't want to be an action hero or a super criminal... you just want to experience a simulation of something in the real world."
"The Marvel Universe is the world outside your window."
"Robin Hood represented an escape from the social order."
"It was like virtual reality, it was like I've got a whole world here."
"Animal Crossing: New Leaf... especially to maintain a sense of community while dying slowly here."
"People with jobs and responsibilities don't necessarily have time for a 20-hour escapist fantasy."
"Desert islands are the number one source of actually finding time to play Brink. They're great. I love them."
"Things may be [ __ ] in this world but at least for one fleeting moment we have some hope."
"Every now and then we just need a little bit of an escape."
"I remember feeling that way about 'Sucker Punch'—'to each your own paradise, just let go.'"
"The graphics are more beautiful than real life, I'll never have to go outside again!"
"Love transports us beyond the messy imperfections of the everyday world."
"I want to run away with you instead of running from you."
"That scene is why I watch fantasy movies and TV shows because you don't see that in the wire."
"Being rescued from a prison cell by a hot jungle chick with a lax dress code and then marrying her, man, that's like 90% of my fantasy!"
"I feel like I've stepped into a different world."
"I've got an important call to arms for all fans of escapism."
"A world that's Fallen apart and there are monsters and all this stuff is happening but it is applicable to your life right now here in the world that isn't falling apart."
"Let's just run away together. We can have a beautiful life together and we'll put fairy lights up and we'll get a dog. He'll be old and sad but we'll love them all the same."
"Creativity is in your blood. Sometimes writing could be your escape."
"We've got all of this, hearing about other people's lives in other people's worlds, to help them escape the nonsense of their own."
"If you don't parrot the talking points of the mainstream media, they come and get you."
"Escapism is vital; it's not just entertainment."
"Pop culture is culture, and escapism is important."
"Overall the magic is still there, I still love spending time in this world."
"People want to believe in places like Atlantis. They want to believe in other worlds."
"Everyone was inside with a bunch of free time and everyone was looking for an escape from reality, and New Horizons was basically the living embodiment of escapism."