
Emotional Fulfillment Quotes

There are 451 quotes

"This is something that's going to be quite emotionally fulfilling for you guys as well."
"It's not about the cookie; it's about the connection."
"The thing is, it's going to manifest, and it's going to stick around, and it's going to blossom into that full emotional fulfillment for you."
"You're going to be discovering new ways of filling up your energy to where you feel emotionally fulfilled."
"You're reaching a genuine internal emotional fulfillment that is going to be very powerful for you."
"What you're currently attracting is something that is very emotionally fulfilling, extremely emotionally fulfilling."
"Visualization is very powerful. Allow yourself to embody the emotional fulfillment of that desire."
"The person you're becoming is leading you to emotional fulfillment, happiness, and monetary abundance."
"So much success, so much happiness, emotional fulfillment, so go with the flow, embrace whatever happens."
"You bring them a lot of happiness; you are their nine of cups."
"Love deeply, man. Nothing will ever reward you like the connection with another human being."
"Positive action leads to happiness and emotional fulfillment."
"And to feel that love unconditionally that something materialistic will never give you."
"This is letting you know that it's just the beginning, baby. It is just the beginning. Oh, we haven't even... just the energy that I'm feeling from this new start feels so good and exciting and it's going to be fulfilling in so many aspects, especially emotionally."
"Women tend to have way more emotionally fulfilling friendships than men do."
"Turn your back on anything that is not emotionally fulfilling or does not meet your needs, Aquarius. Life is too short."
"This could be love coming in for you or just happiness in general."
"Now there's not one second that I don't feel loved."
"Relishing the fact that you get to spend so much time existing within something teeming with such overwhelming love."
"I have not felt this amount of support and love for something that I've created in so, so long."
"The success is the ace of cups and the lovers. It is the alignment of self with your own emotions, your own sense of fulfillment, your own happiness, and your own passion."
"What message does Spirit have for me? Happiness and fulfillment coming in for you."
"You remembered your friends... willing to sacrifice everything even yourself because of you and your sacrifices we're still here."
"Whatever I had done resonated with the entire world and the attention was like sunlight on my soul."
"I'm ready to learn in a different way. Show me love, show me joy, show me satisfaction, show me opportunity instead."
"Spamton after such a long cruel lonely life has finally found a place he can call home."
"We're in a union that deeply uplifts us and meets the needs based on that connection."
"This is a beautiful dream right here, emotional fulfillment."
"Marla gives us a chance to capture a sense of true spiritual fulfillment."
"Do you want the hope of any relationship? You already won."
"I've never felt this much love in my life man and it feels [ __ ] good to feel loved it feels so good to feel love man I'm just I couldn't be happier honestly."
"You're going to find somebody that loves you a lot."
"We're not originally and still probably driven by wanting to feel special, loved, validated."
"The ten of cups, overwhelming beautiful feelings here."
"The affair made her feel alive and wanted, it made her feel sexy, free, and all of the things that she felt she was not getting from her husband."
"They're tired of seeing other people have emotional fulfillment and connections."
"She just filled a lot of me that was lacking."
"If you desire something, you've already felt the joy of having it."
"Laugh, think, and cry... that's a full day. That's a heck of a day."
"Thank you so much it fills my heart and that's all I want to do for the rest of my life fill my heart."
"Fitness and bodybuilding really fill that void for me."
"The year of the soul mate for you, and that's beautiful."
"It's only worth living if you're being loved by a kid."
"Breaking free of restriction, you're gonna feel like you are on a winning streak."
"They never feel lack when they're around you."
"Peace only comes when everybody's heart is full."
"People may tempt you into relationships with the promise of something greater, but you find an empty emotional cup sometimes with some people."
"Is there a better feeling than when your kid is proud of you?"
"It makes me feel good to make you feel good."
"All that pain, all that rain, is gonna turn into a rainbow. It's gonna give you emotional satisfaction and fulfillment."
"When you know that you're going to be successful, you will be."
"A lot of happiness with the ace of cups, Scorpio."
"A parasocial relationship fills a social need, basically what it's doing is filling a validation, acceptance, and a place of belonging need."
"We all need it in our life to become full people."
"An abundance of love and emotional fulfillment."
"They feel immense pleasure and bliss with you, they're in heaven with you."
"And there's elements of romance in it which I'm of course need, I crave it, I thrive on it."
"Choosing something different in love, a transformation leading to emotional fulfillment."
"I see a lot of emotional fulfillment, happiness, optimism in your future."
"Ava filled all the empty places in Chris's heart and life."
"You could literally have everything you've ever wanted but feel like absolute nothing because of the insecurity in your heart."
"Yes, this is what I want... a new seed that is concrete and that is fulfilling emotionally."
"Remembering that we can never get everything from one person... There's so much love all around us."
"There's a new option in love coming on in here for you that is more emotionally fulfilling."
"They see you as a wish fulfillment though they feel like you are like heaven sent."
"You deserve that ten of cups ribbon of energy."
"What you want is love, and love can come from other sources as well."
"Your presence graces the air, and I feel fuller of your love than ever before."
"All you want is the feeling, the happiness, the commitment, the joy, all the things like that glow that you have. That's the treasure for them."
"When I'm alone, if I'm feeling lonely in that moment, I know that there's some aspect of me that doesn't feel comfortable or fulfilled or safe with myself."
"Welcoming love unlocks the key to happiness."
"My heart feels full. Full eyes, full hearts can't lose, definitely cannot."
"This time, I really thought the sad ending was going to be Bojack getting a nomination or even a win and still feeling empty inside."
"Try feeding a child and tell me that doesn't give you a greater sense of joy."
"You guys are going towards this passionate new beginning, to get this ten of cups with each other."
"I want your joy to be full, I want your joy to be full, I want your joy to be full."
"There is more out there for you when it comes to romance and there is so much more joy out there for you when it comes to connection."
"Only God can fill those voids in your heart."
"You're going to meet somebody who brings you incredible emotional fulfillment and happiness and this is coming here for you."
"You deserve to be happy with the right person, in the right relationship."
"There's just too much love and joy for us to pursue in life."
"This is where the story of our two outcasts converge again as they both achieve what they so desperately longed for: to be loved and accepted."
"Love prioritizes the other person, but when we're sing, sacrifice becomes a way to fulfill our own emotional needs."
"He was the love of my life... He really was the answer to my prayers."
"That's love, that's what I want, and I frankly think they nailed it."
"You're going to feel so great with what they're going to tell you, and you're going to realize what was really missing in your life as well."
"There's something that you do have now that you've wanted for quite some time. It feels like love for a lot of you."
"Everything you do in life is about attaining and maintaining that feeling."
"It felt like I was being pampered, like it spoke to my love language."
"You just have somebody who loves you, isn't that enough?"
"You can have passion and romance with a stable, responsible man too."
"Success is coming, there is a lot of prosperity, a new beginning that's going to bring you a lot of happiness."
"You're building up, branching out, finding emotional fulfillment in what you're doing."
"To be able... my legacy... such a good man... this is a damn good feeling."
"Your wishes are coming true in love, divinely guided and emotionally satisfying."
"You're going to be so focused on something that gives you strong emotional nourishment, Capricorn. Build something magnificent for yourself."
"When I get that validation, it really feels like I'm doing good."
"The importance of human connection, the importance of meeting deeper needs."
"It feels good to be able to read that I'm helping people out."
"Some of you may feel like it's your turn to be loved, it's your turn to be honored."
"I hope it makes sense. Some of you guys may be starting new jobs that bring you a lot more emotional fulfillment than just financial fulfillment."
"You shouldn't be able to get away with the stuff he's done."
"You deserve to feel like they are proud to call you their girlfriend."
"The Empress is a card of commitment, marriage, children, love, abundance. It's just having it all with somebody."
"Nine of cups is a wish fulfillment energy. I mean, I can't stop smiling for you."
"But I always knew it was going to get better. You did. And I get to be his mom. It's so wonderful what you got is so wonderful."
"She was so happy... like she'd found her fairy tale."
"Achievement is what people settle for when they don't feel loved."
"I can't afford to be any version of myself other than one that I love fully."
"Your hope is to have a happy union, settle down, you know, the ten of water there is ultimate happiness, abundance, material abundance as well as good health, emotional contentment, your wishes coming true."
"Your cup floweth over with happiness and joy, especially in the evening hours."
"Someone provides you with proper emotional fulfillment. They remember everything, they pay attention to you, and they really want to be with you."
"My heart feels Fuller now that we got called a trio instead of you guys just being a Duo."
"I think everyone deserves to find their person."
"It's just nice to be appreciated that's the biggest meal."
"This has been the most joyous thing I've ever done in my life."
"Focus on the positive, love fills your heart with love."
"Somebody wants family. Someone sees complete financial success and emotional fulfillment with you."
"I feel surrounded by love and finally being able to nurture and love give love and receive it."
"The definition of a feel-good song... nothing tops it and nothing ever will."
"It's wonderful... it is everything I would have wanted and more."
"Trixie Tang: vanity and popularity don't always equal happiness."
"Islam just gave me that sweetness, that inner happiness and peace."
"It's such like a... fulfilling feeling to know that it can happen."
"A love is coming for you divine feminine... that truly adores you... that showers you with adoration with affection with warmth and tenderness."
"The portrayal of friendship between Roux and Jules was very sweet and fulfilling even when there was no romantic aspect."
"I loved seeing friendships that can be just as fulfilling as romantic relationships."
"I love Anthony, I've been waiting for this for 6 years."
"Love truly is the best drug, and I've been totally smothered in it."
"It feels so good to be loved, it feels so good to have this idea that love is possible, it just feels so great."
"We all just want something that just excites us and we want something that just feels special. We are in our homes more than ever before."
"You are going to be loved in a way you've never been loved before."
"Choosing myself is enough and not settling is enough as well."
"I believe in you. I can tell you this because I trust you. Maybe that's why I feel so at peace. Huh? Maybe this is what it is to feel alive."
"It felt good to own this part of the journey it felt good too"
"I see us together at the end of all this. I feel like you could make me really happy, bring me fulfillment."
"Now there can be a safety in what you love, a safety in feeling whole or complete."
"The three of water is celebration. That's coming towards you."
"The love that you deserve is coming your way."
"If a man needs to feel full of love so that he can actually give, so that he can be generous in his love."
"Am I doing this just to fill a void or do I genuinely feel excited to bring in new energy into my life right now?"
"Finally treating me like a daughter, that's all I ever wanted."
"Honoring what your heart is calling for you to do."
"The hand of the universe comes in with something more emotionally fulfilling than ever before."
"Just when you're feeling unfulfilled or apathy in a situation, the universe brings in a surprise gift that is more emotionally fulfilling."
"Has that ever happened to you before? You work on something, put heart and soul into it, then at the end, it turns out even better than you could possibly imagine? Is very nice feeling, yes?"
"Somebody here is sleeping with the enemy and now they're taking a leap of faith towards wish fulfillment."
"Can you imagine how it feels to have somebody love you the way that you deserve to be loved?"
"She wants to be prized, most of all, and it really speaks to her heart so much."
"Your love life is going to be beautiful in the sense that it will come together and give you a lot of balance, fulfillment, happiness, and joy."
"Your person feels very emotionally fulfilled with you."
"You have all the ingredients to make this work and create emotional fulfillment together."
"You're being blessed with emotional fulfillment and success."
"Everything's [__], and if you find someone who loves you and respects you and trusts you and that you trust and that makes you feel good and like gets you, there's not much better out there."
"There is someone new who is more emotionally fulfilling coming into your life."
"I see you becoming much more emotionally fulfilled and that's what you want. It's just, it takes time, right, for this energy to flow."
"I just have experienced true happiness and I just I love her so so much."
"Since we found each other again, I feel complete. And now it's not just me and Mom but Dad too."
"Life-changing, a different happiness, a love you never knew."
"You're changing people's lives, making it better, and it just makes you feel so good inside."
"July, emotionally fulfilled and happy, nothing more you could ask for." - Pisces, 2021 tarot forecast
"You genuinely see this person as someone that emotionally fulfills you on all levels."
"You're about to get your nine of Cups, baby."
"This is going to make them really, really happy."
"You have earned something here with the ten of pentacles in the future and the sun, that's total harvest, total happiness, total success, total victory, can't beat that."
"You deserve the highest love that love has to offer."
"The feeling that you're craving beyond all of that is love."
"In a sea full of fishes, I had finally found my Nemo."
"Allow love to grow and bloom all around you. You've waited for this emotionally fulfilling experience for such a long time."
"Tell me how many times you've experienced this: you check everything off your to-do list but you still feel unfulfilled."
"You can expect a rewarding relationship to be coming in towards you."
"There's a successful, loving, joyous relationship coming in here."
"When Suma comments that her last attack was magnificent and he praises her even more for being a fine swordstress, Lena feels like she's coming home at peace."
"If you start something new that's more connected to your intuition and emotions, it's gonna bring you a lot of emotional fulfillment."
"Friend for life, that's a positive story. Happiness exists in this game."
"You're gonna get emotional fulfillment anyway because you are a star in God's eyes."
"Success is feeling accomplished... an overwhelming sense of internal gratitude."
"Don't settle for a little love when you can get much more."
"They see you as their happiness, their emotional fulfillment."
"I think it'll go very well, nine of cups, wishes, wish fulfillment, happiness so yeah I feel like things will go very well."
"There's complete emotional fulfillment available to you with this person."
"You make me very happy. What more do I need?"
"For the first time maybe in years maybe in your entire life... you feel whole, you feel complete."
"Don't break God's heart, seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit."
"The nine of cups, that is about a wish fulfillment, right? This is the fulfillment of a wish, it's total joy, it's happiness, it's celebration, it's good emotions, it's emotions overflowing, it's good times."
"I think what I do is valuable. It gives me a lot of emotional fulfillment."
"You want your ten of cups, you want your unconditional love."
"Just when you least expect it, there's a surprise gift to make you feel emotionally more fulfilled."
"Emotional fulfillment in four areas of your life is coming, transcending you to a new level."
"What does your heart truly want? Are you confident enough to receive it?"
"The ace of cups can bring real happiness, fulfillment, joy."
"Be still my soul and know that peace is thine."
"There's love coming in and this love will be celebrated."
"You're manifesting emotional fulfillment, it's coming towards you eventually."
"Success and emotional fulfillment will be yours."
"This is a card of healing, it's a card of hope, it's a card of wish fulfillment."
"Ten of Cups energy is seeing that there is some sense of emotional fulfillment here around this complete emotional fulfillment around this with the ten of cups energy."
"Whatever this is, it's going to bring you a lot of Happiness, the nine of cups is having emotional fulfillment."
"You are their missing piece, their missing partner."
"They want that ten of cups with you. They do."