
Life Chapters Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"You guys are unfolding a new story, a new chapter of your life."
"And now, just cuz you're closing that chapter of your life and moving on into the next, doesn't mean that it can't still hold a special place in your heart."
"You might be entering some sort of new chapter of your life."
"What's your next chapter? I'm dead serious. What is the next chapter of your life?"
"The next great chapter in my life, I believe, is being a father."
"Our wasted years are transformed into foundational years, essential chapters in the beautiful story that He is writing."
"Education is one of the most important chapters of our lives and our children's lives."
"You are capable now of creating a new chapter in your life."
"New moons indicate a new chapter starting or a new beginning."
"The beginning of a totally new passionate chapter."
"It's just a whole new start to a whole new chapter and like what a place to begin right."
"It just was something I always looked forward to, and I'm incredibly proud of this chapter of my life."
"Juan was starting a new chapter in life, putting this behind him, knowing he's innocent."
"If you're going to spend forever with someone, you might as well add some chapters in the book, you know? Okay, cool."
"February is the month where we're kind of stepping into a new story... we get to write a new story here."
"The appointed time is coming where you shall be raised to the next chapter and level that He has written for your life."
"I wanted to tie them both together because to me it was a perfect way of wrapping up a chapter."
"This is the ending of one phase and the beginning of another."
"This truly feels like the next chapter that I always needed and I just feel so blessed honestly just so happy that this is even happening in any sort of way."
"We're saying no more old stuff, maybe there's still some old stuff hanging around still but we're saying I've done everything that I could to tie up the old stuff from the past 25 years to get rid of the old karma."
"I don't see it as giving anything up, I just see it as a change. It's a new chapter."
"I'm just excited for the new setting, it's going to be like a whole new chapter in my life, a new setting a new plot new characters, it's going to be like a whole new chapter in my life."
"I'd rather live my life, enjoy my life, fill out some of the chapters in my book."
"This has been a literal third of my life, and I'm going to miss you now it's time."
"It's time to move on to the next chapter here."
"At the end of whatever this chapter is that you're going through, you are going to be in such a better place."
"A lot of growth here, right? A lot of new beginnings, closing out old chapters, starting fresh."
"There is some kind of a chapter that is coming to an end in your life, and it's the time to gather the fruit, you know, the fruit of your labors, the time to look back and to see how much you've achieved."
"June as a month to me feels like the last page for a lot of people in a chapter or in a book."
"This new chapter, this new season whatever you want to call it is going to be full of blessings."
"This is a new beginning. This is a new chapter."
"There's a feeling of a significant chapter closing in one area of your life. Be honest with yourself about where you want to go next."
"It's just an exciting chapter for the Braly family."
"It's gonna mean a whole new chapter to my life."
"Just know that you're ready to start a new chapter, and anything that didn't work out is because you were being protected from those energies."
"Follow this calling; it will mark the beginning of a new chapter in your life."
"Your happiness, your joy, the next fun chapter of your life is dependent upon your declaration of independence."
"I've had two amazing professional chapters, and I have plans for my next chapter."
"They were ready to start their lives together."
"For the first time in a long time, he finally knew how he wanted to start the next chapter of his life."
"Divorce isn't always a tragedy, sometimes it's just a chapter."
"This is the chapter of our lives to become strong."
"Let's see what unfolds here in this next chapter or in this new adventure."
"What is this chapter of your life telling you? What is it creating? What is it setting the foundation for?"
"This is now your time, the world and the universe operate in spirals and layers, and now this is a chapter of Your World where you are being guided to have and to enjoy."
"It's time for a new chapter in your life, that is very, very blessed."
"Now I was able to close a chapter in my life that I never would have been able to before."
"Welcome everyone to a new chapter in our lives."
"Feels like maybe you're getting ready for a new chapter of your life as well."
"This is the start of a new chapter for your life."
"After a victory, after a chapter that you have worked hard and sacrificed so much."
"You really are free from that past to a new phase, to the next chapter."
"Embrace this climax... no more wandering and questioning."
"Embrace the new. It's a new big new chapter of life."
"Thinking of your life in terms of chapters, errors, seasons is really helpful for your mind because your mind loves story."
"To bring back the joy and that was my most creative time of my life."
"I love living here, and it is very much my home for this chapter of my life anyway."
"Thank you for letting me be a chapter of your story."
"Cheers to a new beginning, cheers to a new chapter."
"I want to do something that is so reflective of this new chapter of my life."
"The tattoo doesn't have to have meaning, but it can mean something in the chapter of the book of your life."
"I will try to regard this as a new chapter in my life and try to move forward."
"It was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, one like they never knew before."
"You're being set up for something else; this is the next chapter of your life."
"Our life is in chapters, and I think we should hold this conversation in honor of you being an incredible novelist."
"You can actually time the chapters of your life in regards to relationships and love life, career and work, and your health and external circumstances."
"...living in Philippines has allowed me to give him a life that is good you know in America I would really be struggling to take care of me and him and someone else it would be too much but here you know it's affordable and it opens doors to new chapters in your life."
"This isn't going to be our forever home, this is just a beautiful chapter in our life."
"This is a new chapter in your life."
"Welcome to what I would consider as one of the biggest chapters in my life."
"This is a new chapter of my life."
"We're about to move in and start a brand new chapter in our life."
"I believe now I have a new chapter. I don't believe in retirement."
"It's time for the next chapter of your life."
"Chapter 19, the biggest blessing of your whole life after your biggest struggle."
"It's just the beginning of a new chapter and I'm gonna go through the challenges of that."
"This is like the best chapter to be in."
"I've got to separate what I do from who I am... The last chapter to your life has not been written yet, and it doesn't matter."
"So now we can focus on the next chapter of our lives together."
"It's like a chapter closing after 30 years. This is how I feel."
"Because I feel like that's what put me in a lane of my own. You know, about me telling the truth, about me talking about some chapters in my life, that's what put me in the lane of my own."
"Drama for better or worse you know dramatic conclusions brilliant new openings or movement along chapters closing of a chapter opening of a new chapter in certain areas."
"I had two lives. I had the life that I had when I was like cute and a teenager and interesting and creative here in the East Village, and then I had my family life in East New York."
"As one chapter closes, another one begins."
"I think albums just serve as bookmarks in life."
"I often think of life as a series of books."
"This is going to be a new chapter for our family."
"You've wrapped up a huge cycle, a huge chapter of your life, and now you are about to embark on a new beginning."
"I'm really excited to get moving and for this next chapter of my life to start."
"It's never a fresh start, it's a fresh chapter."
"We got so many chapters in our life that we haven't unlocked so many things we haven't done yet."
"A man's life, the book of a man's life, cannot be judged by reading just one chapter."
"This thing, whatever this is, is going to involve potentially a new chapter of your life."
"You're going through some type of chapter that was hard."
"This is the start of a completely new chapter of my life, and I'm really excited."
"Leaving New York marked the end of one chapter in her life and the beginning of an even more glorious one in Hollywood."
"I just felt like this is the beginning of the rest of my life."
"It's kind of starting a new chapter in my life."
"The end of one story is merely the beginning of another."
"Divorce is not a place where we arrive; it's entering a new chapter of life with many nuances and no one size fits all handbook."
"It was an experience and one of the best six years of my life."
"It feels like the start of the first chapter and beginning of a new chapter of parenthood."
"This is all about the new chapters in our life, this is all about the new stories."
"Sometimes we can't be sticking around in the last chapter because then the next chapter will never be written."
"This is the end of one chapter of my life and the beginning of another."
"Words can be literally a theme or a chapter in your life."
"Thank you for your purpose and your season in my life, but that's exactly what you were, a season and a chapter, but you are not my whole book."
"You truly know that the first chapter of your life is over and you're in the second."
"Certain friends are meant to be in your life for certain chapters."
"This really is a whole new chapter."
"She is proof that you can keep evolving and changing and have different chapters in your life."
"It's the closing of a chapter in my life, and it is very bittersweet."
"I look back on that period of life with fun memories, and it's not like there's not one particular thing I can think of, but in general, I just think we had a very, very nice time across those years."
"Let your loved ones know that you'll be there to support them through all of life's chapters."
"This is another chapter in my life, it's another story."
"When one chapter ends, another begins."
"New moons are all about new beginnings and new chapters taking place in our life."
"We had 20 good years together, I guess forever just wasn't in the cards."
"After this chapter, things will never be the same again."
"Divorce is in a place where we arrive; it's entering a new chapter of life with many nuances."
"It can be tough, but a worthwhile struggle, a worthwhile chapter."
"This year, I'm going to start a new chapter."
"Life comes in stages and life comes in chapters."
"I'm so excited to start this new chapter of our life."
"Eddie Murphy is a father to ten children, each a testament to different chapters in his life's narrative."
"He closes this chapter of his life so beautifully and expresses it so well."
"It's a perfectly devastating capper on which to end this small but significant chapter of his life."
"This is one more chapter in my life, one more struggle that I made it through."
"...there's this element of this being a new chapter in your life."
"I'm really excited for the new chapter of not just my life but of this channel."
"God is saying I am closing a chapter and I am opening a new chapter over your life."
"I really think that I'm moving to a situation that's going to be the start of the best chapter of my life."
"I'm so excited for you to see this next chapter in my life."
"We wanted closure on a chapter of his life."
"This was a part of my story, it's not my whole story, and my story is continuing to unfold each and every day."
"This is both the culmination of the happy chapter of his life and the beginning of the end."
"There was a time before 2020 and there's a time after 2020."
"Life is a bunch of chapters; sometimes you got to close one to get to the next one."
"I'm not ready for it to be over yet, just because, like, I don't know, it's kind of bittersweet."
"I embarked on a new chapter of my life."
"I'm so committed to you launching into the most exciting and fun and energizing chapter of your life."
"For some of you, it will be a new beginning, start a new cycle, a new chapter, a new page in your life."
"Change. That's the chapter of my life."
"Aging... it's a change, but it doesn't mean that we can't see our lives more beautifully and enter chapters in our lives that are going to be extraordinary."
"You bring closure to a season by bringing meaning to the season."
"Every new chapter in your life requires a new character."
"This is a chapter in your life, not the whole story."
"We all got chapters of our lives that we don't want read."
"I'm just over it, you know what, time for a new chapter in life."
"I've been really fortunate to have a bunch of different chapters of my life."
"It's another chapter to this whole process of getting better with age."
"It was really a special part of my life."
"I'm just very excited, I don't want to be like, 'Oh my god, this is the next chapter of my life,' but like, it really is."
"You can always start over, it doesn't have to end at a certain age."
"This is not your final destination; this was just a pit stop."
"I'm just excited to put out this next chapter of whatever I got going on in life."
"I'm still like optimistic, though, bro, and I still keep that faith that this is just a chapter in my life."
"We're enjoying our lives and as much as I can, I'm gonna try to fly under the radar screen and move on with the balance of my next chapters."
"It was 10 of the best years of your life."
"I suppose it's time for me to move on to the next chapter of my life."
"It's a whole new step in life where it's like, oh, I can finally start a new chapter in my life, which I'm super excited for."
"Making this video is extremely bittersweet because it kind of closes a chapter in our life."
"It's time to start a new chapter in life."
"Now you are ready to embark on a new chapter of your life."
"The two decided to go on a memorable trip to celebrate Jenna's new chapter in life."
"Thank you guys for all of your support whilst us being here, this flat has definitely been a pivotal time in our lives."
"It feels like you're entering a new chapter."
"I'm just really excited to start the next chapter of our life."
"You're ending a chapter of your life and beginning a new one."
"I'm so excited to begin this chapter in our lives."
"It's gonna be another chapter in our lives, you know, we're gonna be adding more to our family."
"Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on."
"Decide what do I want in this next exciting chapter of my life."
"At 49, I've turned the page to the next chapter of my life."
"It's a fresh start, it's a brand new chapter."
"But it's time for me to start the next chapter in my life."
"That is not the title of your life, that is just a chapter in your life."
"Everything transforms, you're moving into this new chapter, new era in your life."
"If your life was a book and it had chapters, I would title this chapter that I'm in right now as 'Fresh Start'."
"The presence of fear in your life is just a chapter, not the entire narrative."
"Life doesn't end with football players' career-ending, this might be just the next chapter for Colin Kaepernick."
"I really feel like I've started a new chapter."
"This person has started a new chapter in their life."
"That chapter of my life is over... I'm not that person anymore, and that's okay."
"Something is never coming back, something is finally over. You definitely could be going into a new chapter in your life because that's a blessing."
"I'm definitely ready for that next chapter in my life because I feel like that's going to be a huge milestone for me."
"We seldom recognize where the chapters of our lives begin and end until we are gifted the benediction of hindsight."
"She was probably also looking at it as a fresh start, a new chapter of her life."
"It was just a chapter in your life."
"...I've enjoyed my time, I've enjoyed everything of course a part of me is kind of sad to say goodbye to this chapter of my life but another part of me is just so ready and so done..."
"She thanked me for the closure on this chapter of her life and she wished me the best."
"Thank y'all for starting this new journey of my life with me. So, this new phase, we're in a new chapter, y'all, a new freaking chapter."
"You're ready to embrace the next chapter here in your life."
"You are now deliberately creating a new chapter in your life."
"You're stepping into a brand new chapter, a new cycle."
"For this new era, like this new chapter of our lives."
"It's a new chapter for you, not just like a chapter, like a whole new section in the book."
"The belief that I want to have is that this next chapter is going to be the best chapter of my life."
"You're starting a new chapter in your life."
"You are being set free into this new chapter."