
Aim Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Consistently spending your time in engaged, deliberate practice where you're fully aware of your actions and thinking about them critically is in my opinion the best thing that you can do to improve your aim over time."
"If you're going to aim, drop let's get it clear."
"Our aim in all of this is to protect the most vulnerable, the most at risk."
"If you aim at nothing, you will hit nothing."
"To sin therefore means to miss the target, which implies that it has something to do with aim or the lack thereof."
"I'm excited, I'm happy just design wise that someone's coming in and really shaking up the game because I'm so bored with the way cars look. They look so safe."
"What is the aim of life? To get the most happiness out of it."
"Flicking is about raw aim and a tiny bit of prediction, it's mostly about hitting your shots."
"Remember, aim honest and shoot straight."
"You can have a good gun, but if you don't aim it at the target, the bullet ain't going there."
"I'm generally very good with things with aim. With sports, can't run, can't jump, but aim? Decent."
"Sydney Prescott clearly attended the Stormtrooper school for aiming at things."
"I aim to make emotional healing a global norm."
"You aimed like right for the shield too, of course."
"The aim isn't to challenge the player, it's to fully immerse them into this story."
"The aim of mathematics was to find eternal truths."
"The ultimate aim of production... is the production of free human beings."
"If you aim at nothing you hit nothing."
"...my aim is understanding not scientific explanation."
"It's like he's aiming for the car."
"If you aim at nothing, you're certain to hit it."
"Unless suffering is the direct and immediate object of life, our existence must entirely fail of its aim."
"If you're aiming at nothing, you'll hit it every time."
"Aiming to turn science fiction into reality."
"Let's aim for the obscure and ignore the obvious."
"Failure to hit the bullseye is never the fault of the target. To improve your aim, improve yourself."
"Practice without some aim is not really practice at all. It's just activity."
"We don't have to aim at that distance, you just point."
"The skill is not in the aim itself, the skill is in how well can you let go of it."
"...I'm pretty sure that my aim was pretty good so that tells me that my shoulder plane was probably a little bit open and got the path moving over to the left."
"Aim is inevitable. Suffering is optional."
"Aim smaller, miss smaller, yeah exactly."
"Aim for the top but don't forget to enjoy the scenery along the way in all the matches."
"Aim for the stars, I might hit the treetops."
"It is nothing less than the supreme aim of the Christian Gospel that we should be holy."
"If you have something to aim for every day, it usually helps you come closer towards reaching those goals."
"If you aim for nothing... you'll hit it every single time."
"Let's aim for 2,349 likes and if we hit that we'll do it."
"Aim at Earth and you will get neither."
"If you aim at satisfaction, you'll get neither."
"It gives you a sense of aim and a sense of purpose. A lot of people often don't put enough effort into actually outlining what those things are because if you don't have any aim, you have nothing to aspire to, nothing to work for."
"I'm aiming at different parts of the model."
"Work and relief. Aim. Work and relief. Aim. Work and relief."
"Our aim is freedom through total honesty."
"its ultimate aim is not to fly it's to smash as much of something as possible"
"If you don't aim your mind, it doesn't explore the possibilities."
"Consistency is key here, and that's what I'll be aiming for."
"If you think that you've got it here then you missed it. You're not aiming properly."
"The speed of the putt moving at a rate of speed so that if it catches any side of the hole the right or left side or the back of the hole in the front it'll go in."
"My aim has always been to have a really high quality audience."
"Now we're trying to aim it so we can get this emu and this deer. Oh, they're going to the wrong side."
"I'm gonna aim right at the top of his back."
"As a mark is not set up for the sake of missing the aim, so neither does the nature of evil exist in the world."
"We want to aim for a full-orbed unity."
"If you have the definite aim, know where you're going, and you know that everything you're doing with your head, with every fiber of your whole spirit, you don't have to trip because at that point, it's almost like you have to have blind faith."
"I think happiness is a jolly good aim, you see? Whatever here, and I think everyone thinks they want to be happy, it's just they don't know how to go about it because the culture is sending them the wrong signals."
"You hit where you look. For better or worse, if your hits are clustering in a spot on a target, it's very suggestive that that's where you're looking."
"It's like, when you play darts, you don't aim for the bullseye, you aim for above the bullseye. Because if you aim for the bullseye, you're always going to go lower."
"By aiming towards the image of Christ, you constitute your being into that being that's able to attend to sacrifice, to love."
"Guide my arrow, Aris, goddess of wind."
"What we really aim for in this room is a feeling of calm serenity."
"If everything that you're doing every day is related to the highest possible aim that you can conceptualize, that's the very definition of the meaning that would sustain you in your life."
"Sin meant to miss the mark, and repentance meant to return to it."
"Every human act is moral; it can either be described as living well or it cannot, of hitting the target of human life or failing to hit it."
"We make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to God."
"Respect is the aim, not tolerance."
"The aim is to make people feel normal and laugh."
"Remember, Jehovah wants you to be nothing but joyful. Let's make it our aim to please him with joy."
"The most important thing is can you aim it and can you start it online."
"The key to hitting what you aim at is to take your time."
"My principal aim in my leadership is one centered around self-determination."
"My aim, of course, is not to bring morose but to get you thinking."
"I'm looking for a kill shot within an inch or two of the back wall."
"We aim to be a sanctuary for the oppressed."
"As ever, we aim to be as constructive as possible with our reviews."
"Our aim is not simply to escape the negative but to achieve the ultimate abode where there is eternal love and no death."
"The aim of civilization is to subdue barbarity and cultivate prosperity and progress."
"Your point of aim is not the Jack or the center line; your point of aim is the target that you are rolling your ball towards."
"We aim to please here, you know that."
"God only pulls you back like this when He has a target that He needs to hit."
"Life reaches its aim and hits its target through this dialectical tension between opposing forces."
"This level of stability is actually sort of what I aim for with my personal system."
"Anything on the green here is a good shot."
"It aims to solve this problem: email marketing."
"Why shoot at the ground when you shoot at the ground you never miss, I always shoot for the moon, baby."
"Build a plan. When you have a plan, then you have something to aim at."
"De-escalation was always the goal."
"You're going to hit where you look, for better or worse."
"It felt so good, looks good too, right at the target."
"The overriding aim of my life was to love and be loved in totality."
"The final aim or the goal of us Buddhists is not to become Buddhist."
"Our aim today is, first of all, to help you understand key assessment concepts."
"Who am I? That is for us to know; who am I? That is our sole aim."
"The word Vedanta means the end of the Veda, both literally and in the sense of aim or purpose."
"We will try to aim at keeping it simple yet hopefully engaging."
"Our aim has always been to make a game that stands out in this genre."
"My main aim is to inspire people."
"The ultimate aim of society is the perfect equality of all its members."
"I am the show that they came for, hitting the target."
"If your life is wretched and miserable, one thing to think about is whether or not what you're aiming at is the right thing to be aiming at."
"It's possible," he said. "We'll sure as hell try. Now see if you can actually hit the bull's eye this time."
"Eyes firmly fixed on the point of aim and they mustn't come off."
"My aim here is to give you guys value."
"The only way to hit the mark is to aim and to act."
"We aim to get you unique properties, and this is one of them."
"The key aim of MAUI is to enable you to implement as much of your app logic and user interface layout in a single code base."
"If you aim at nothing, you're going to hit nothing."
"We share the goal of making our county the best place it can be, and we unite here today around that noble aim and common purpose."
"I'm a firm believer in 'aim small, miss small'."
"Every time you hit the ball, you need to aim to a specific height over the net."
"As you move back, aim higher over the net."
"Every time you hit the ball, have in your mind a height you are trying to hit over the net."
"It really only goes where you aim it."
"He pulled the trigger, sending a prayer heavenward that his aim would hold true against the gun's recoil."
"The great aim in your study needs to be to have God's approval."
"I always aim to spread love and positivity in my life."
"...if we made Christ our aim... the side benefit is we would be filled with His goodness and we would be living out His life in the culture around us."
"What is the aim of our life as Christians? To be good? To achieve moral? To follow the moral law? None of that is the aim of our life in Christ."
"If the aim of our Bible study is not to worship the Lord more wholly and more purely than we did before, we've missed the whole point."
"I shoot straight to the point; I aim different."