
Gaming Experience Quotes

There are 5135 quotes

"Oh my God, I slid down. Yo, dude, atmosphere's snapping going absolutely crazy."
"This is kind of like a real-life simulator in so many ways."
"When people talk about 'you can play that on PC with better graphics', they're talking about stuff like DLSS and ray tracing."
"When I saw the words Monster Hunter on my screen, I felt my whole body bumps everywhere; I was Goosebumps."
"I loved it all of it, so to me that was so meaningful."
"And it just really moved me hearing the music again, and you'd get those goosebumps, you're like, yep, this is it again."
"I have really, really enjoyed my time with Last Epoch these past few weeks."
"But there's nothing sweeter than landing a critical hit, healing up your characters, and listening to that heroic music cheer you on."
"All told, Ghost of Tsushima is great, it's phenomenal, I highly recommend it."
"This is a decent section of the game; I'd even call it fun."
"I wanted to feel like a pirate, and that means doing piratey-ass things over and over again."
"There's not quite anything that matches that feeling of riding on Epona at Hyrule Field specifically at night."
"If the game feels really good to play moment to moment, the way you move in the world, the way you shoot in the world, driving, if those things feel great and then you have this amazing universe around it, it's going to be fine."
"I want more experiences with my Pokémon, to actually be able to play with them again in a meaningful way."
"This game just looks like it has so much... everything seems fluid and fun and fast and engaging."
"Looks like I broke the game a bit. Looks like this was not anticipated."
"You can quite literally see more of the horizon in Horizon, and that extra field of view at the screen edges makes the game world seem much more expansive."
"When people said this was the best Sonic game, I thought there was some kind of comedy involved, but no, this actually hits everything I want them to do."
"I spend 100 days in Subnautica hardcore and here's what happened."
"This is by far the longest playthrough so far of the series, and it was still a load of fun, just a little bit too easy at the very end."
"A great RPG ends up being an amalgamation of many features that translate into an experience that allows you to choose a certain role in a world to play and does it well."
"Nintendo even brought a real treasure chest on set to emulate Link getting items."
"I think what separates games from other medium is because when you play a game, it's almost like a life experience that you had."
"One of the more benign tricks of game design is the way games attempt to naturally introduce concepts and challenges in a low-pressure environment."
"People want to feel like the cinematic from Warcraft 3...that is what WoW should be hitting."
"I am honestly so excited to play this without any further ado, let's begin."
"VR changes the multiplayer experience so much that it feels like you are in the same room with the person."
"Thank God the battle fame kind of slaps, or else I would have lost my last brain cell to this game."
"It's perhaps the best-coded game I've ever played... there's really not much weird stuff that can happen."
"The challenges and achievements may break immersion a little, but the spirit of what Rockstar is trying to evoke is incredibly powerful."
"Players looking for a genuine western vibe will get it, but there is so much more."
"Imagine you played Skyrim as an interdimensional, locationally confused nomad, teleporting throughout the world to various places with little ability to know where you're going."
"It may be an hour, it may be four hours, it may be 10 minutes, but when the moment hits, and the light bulb goes off in your head, you'll have an objective, and the chase is on."
"There's just so much diversity built into this game."
"No horror game in my experience has ever managed to recapture the feeling of playing Silent Hill 2 on a CRT."
"I just hate when a game feels like I've played it already, and it's a brand-new game."
"I haven't had this fun since five years since I left Halo. This was amazing."
"The overall experience is what makes or breaks a game, not only about gender."
"It was fun to kind of flick your mouse and try to get that hit, it felt very rewarding, it felt very satisfying."
"I refuse to ever play Shadow of the Colossus again, just to keep the memory of it alive in my mind, but it's just an absolutely beautiful and sad game."
"I'm still trying to figure out what I was watching. Peak gaming, that is what you were watching."
"Baldur's Gate 3 came out and it really isn't any of these things; it's a full $60 experience with a full game that runs fine."
"We know that this world is on single player, making the player silhouette and breathing all the more concerning."
"There is, of course, no right or wrong way to play, but if you are not having fun in an MMO anymore, try playing less efficiently and just see what happens."
"I've had moments where I was really happy with it. That null-space scene flying back out into the city while 'Fist Bump' played, its earnest cheesiness was delightful."
"It's very rare, but when it happens, even losing becomes enjoyable. That's the kind of games I want to play daily."
"We want players to have an amazing experience in Warzone 2.0."
"Black Ops 3 has one of the best-designed multiplayer experiences ever."
"Call of Duty Black Ops 3... a one in a million video game and all of us who are part of it have the unique experience and memories that will last the rest of our lives."
"That's the beauty of Souls games; they put the player on a pedestal and shower them with gold."
"Demon Souls is the coziest thing I've played all year."
"The biggest selling point is that point one percent lows."
"I thought the leveling experience in Diablo 4 was pretty fun."
"It's an escape, sure it's janky and clunky and there's a lot that could be improved and refined in a sequel, but this game is still tremendously successful in providing players with an experience that's immersive and captivating."
"I don't think I've ever played a city builder quite like this before. It's very exciting."
"Like I said, I think this is a really fun game, and I think once you start unlocking different things, and you know, different ways of traversal, whether it be you know via air or water or street, I think it's only going to get better."
"Elden Ring feels like Dark Souls; there's no denying it, but it's a form of Dark Souls that is nearly perfected."
"I really felt like I could just sit back, relax, and enjoy Fallout 76 while live-streaming with all of you."
"During this stage, Fallout 76 definitely became a pretty frightening game."
"My favorite Star Wars game of all time does not get better than the experience of playing this."
"The true value of difficult games is not in their ability to punish, but in their capacity to offer rewarding experiences through challenge."
"The reward is immense for learning how to play this game mode because it's so immersive, large-scale Star Wars battles like you've never seen before."
"MMORPG games have a ton of content, from epic quests where you help others to life skills where you can relax and forge your own little existence."
"I would like to say that I didn't enjoy a single moment of playing this game, but that would be a lie."
"Shadow of the Colossus is an unforgettable gaming experience that will stick in players’ minds long after the credits have rolled."
"Forsaken has made it feel good to be a guardian."
"A player could return to the prophecies campaign, make a new character, and continue to have an authentic and fun experience."
"I feel like I'm in the Jurassic period; like, look at this."
"This all started when I created a brand new world and set up the most outrageous goal I could imagine."
"Your moves and attacks help create a living soundtrack."
"Allen Wake 2 is one of the best-looking video games I have ever played."
"The game doesn't hold your hand at all. So the progress you make is your own, and that feels great."
"So overall, I guess the takeaway here is that I am really really grateful for this update and really excited about it still."
"Sea of Thieves is a more compelling experience because you're the crew that controls the ship."
"Never before have I played a horror game that had me on edge as much as this one."
"It's almost like you're playing like a dungeon master where it's like everyone take your turn now, and based on what I've seen, I'm gonna do this."
"Once you start to learn the basics, it becomes addicting real quick, and you'll be fully immersed in this masterpiece of a world."
"Roleplaying games allow us to inhabit characters with a level of detail most games don't let us."
"Between the crushing difficulty, the feeling of an open consistent world, true accomplishments and being devoid of direction, I find this kind of gameplay enjoyable, rewarding, and exploratory."
"The Alienware AW3423DW offers the best experience for high-end GPU buyers and gamers that want the ultimate setup."
"I enjoy Starfield for what it is... I'm at a point in my life where maybe I'm just more open to seeing the good side of things rather than the negative."
"Pick a headphone you can afford that feels good to wear for hours... and enjoy playing the game."
"There's so many games out there that you haven't played that is going to replace this game, and you're gonna find it extremely rewarding."
"Elden Ring for me felt like it just did something really that felt refreshing."
"The view from the top of the elevator is the most scenic in the game, and you can even jump off it in power armor for a quick thrill, with scorch beasts in the distance, thick fog over what's left of Watoga, and the range of subtly changing light trickling in over the clouds."
"Player choice is paramount to the Mount and Blade experience."
"Discovery is at the heart of this game in all of its facets."
"Metro 2033 is one of the most impressive games I've ever seen, not just based on its looks, its gameplay, or its pedigree, but a combination of all of those factors."
"Sometimes the game can just speak for itself. I often keep quiet when a good song comes on that I want you to hear or when something is meant to be emotional."
"It was the most fun of all the raids that I have done on day one."
"It was one of the most high quality and lean experiences I've had with a triple AAA title in the last year."
"Prepare yourself for Mortal Kombat on Sega CD: bigger, better, louder, meaner."
"Silent Hill 3...is the first game that I played in the dark with my headphones on. I will never hear the static of a radio again without being terrified."
"The World Is Not Enough...both versions are entirely different, offering unique experiences."
"Final Fantasy VI: a game that turned a surprise long weekend into an unforgettable journey."
"It's one of the most memorable narrative experiences that I have ever played."
"When that game ends and hands you the happily ever after you so desperately craved, that you feel completely and utterly empty."
"Playing the game now, however, being older, more open-minded, and of course more experienced, I realized how terribly wrong I was."
"It's gonna be a [ __ ], baby. Alright, I'm so pumped for that. I feel like that's one of the most defining moments in this entire game, is getting your first ship upgrade."
"So anyways, after firing up a new game, we're treated to surprisingly a live-action opener which is done extraordinarily well."
"This is everything in a survival game I've always wanted to play."
"When you play Mirror's Edge, running and flowing is brilliant."
"GTA 5 is firing on all cylinders; it has some of the greatest missions in all of Grand Theft Auto."
"I do not feel like I can ever get the same card game experience as I got with Artifact."
"The more ways that your character can express who he or she is and what he or she would do in the world, the better the role-playing experience will be."
"Difficulty doesn't directly correlate with enjoyment, and I had a blast playing this game again."
"It was all enough for my first ever playthrough years ago to have me pausing the game to take a minute to recompose."
"The gameplay of Outer Worlds, the moment-to-moment stuff, it's just fine. It's not mind-blowing, but what elevates Outer Worlds I think to the next level is this sense of immersion."
"Assassin's Creed Origins has been one of the most impressive games I played this year."
"I don't know, there's something about 90 FPS that's kind of a magic number for me in a first-person game especially."
"Once we speedrun it, what's there left to enjoy?"
"Rosalina is really cool. I really like her controls and everything."
"Moments like this are everywhere throughout this game, and when you discover them, it genuinely feels so rewarding, like you managed to discover some hidden secret or solve a puzzle without having the solution spoon-fed to you."
"Day 27 was a good day; I managed to find companionship in two dogs."
"The next generation of these experiences is not just text and video; it's real-time 3D. It's a social experience where players together."
"I loved my time with Armored Core 6 and I don't feel like I'm close to done with it."
"It's a complete experience. There is no battle pass, there are no little boxes that you can buy new stuff inside of the game."
"I would argue that Elden Ring is 95% a PVE game."
"Everywhere you go in this game, you can just see out these vistas and see these locations that you can go to or that you've been, and it gives that connection to the entire game world."
"Elden Ring has some of the best moments I've ever had in a game. Sekiro is still my favorite overall, but when it comes to exploration and uncovering the secrets of a world, Elden Ring is the king."
"This poor guy is always struggling, he literally has zero simoleons all the time, and it's always a good time, at least for us, maybe not so much for him."
"The best video game memories and experiences come from the side of unfamiliar territory."
"It's tough but you will thoroughly enjoy mastering everything this title has to offer because it does everything so well."
"Playing the game on foot, even though it's called Mount and Blade, is one of the most rewarding experiences."
"The visual change between off and low is immediately noticeable."
"A beautiful and mesmerizing Tetris experience."
"When people sit there and go, 'Batman video games are never good,' I'm like, 'You never played Vengeance. I know you haven't because this game is awesome.'"
"The thing about the Hitman series is that it's always been about the creativity."
"This game was Sublime. I sunk so many hours into this game and despite it taking place in a post-apocalyptic world that was said to be barren, I somehow spent hours just wandering around and exploring the world."
"After replaying seven AC games, it was clear to me: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag is my favorite of them all."
"There's no other game out there, in my opinion, that feels as good to just run around as it is in Apex Legends."
"Subnautica would go on to not only become one of my favorite games of all time but also be one of the most successful series of videos I've ever published to this channel."
"Mario games empower the player to run fast and free, to jump high and long, to kiss the sky, to kiss the clouds, and to kiss the Sun."
"I've experienced what that game has to offer and I've appreciated the devs' work, and I'm content with that."
"There were so many things, big and small, that made the game so satisfying to play, like the distinct elimination sounds, the ragdoll physics after you kill a character."
"Compared to the disparate progression through Platinum, Gen 5 is a breath of fresh air when it comes to pacing."
"This sense of motion helps immerse the player immediately into this cinematic world."
"There are so many good things about that game even in its current unfinished state."
"It's a ton of fun to play once you get it really set up and you kind of understand the mechanics of overpower a bit more."
"The game's Silent Hill is actually a better Silent Hill film than the Silent Hill film."
"It is really funny how the first 15, 30 or even hour you play somebody and anyway, it was kind of like this back in the day."
"This multiplayer mode is exactly what people wanted for their single-player experience."
"It feels much better to miss a key because you were like [__] we just didn't go fast enough."
"I think the biggest takeaway from this game is that its size is near perfect."
"How does this game feel so great to play right?"
"I like how the clocks tell you how long you've been playing for."
"I don't really have a bad thing to say about any of the new content in this map pack."
"I would even potentially argue the DLC maps are better."
"Feels good to use, often times you just need a little bit more damage or healing."
"Motorsport finally drives like I think Motorsport should."
"The general game presentation feels very next gen."
"The best refreshing moment I've ever played is not refreshing. Go play this one. Big fan, big fan."
"I'm really enjoying this game, I'm gonna have a lot of fun with it."
"Your class is the lens through which you view the world it's how you interact with the world is how you engage with all of your enemies in your allies."
"I'm excited to see those community races the AI drivers at the fastest speeds because that sounds terrifying."
"Shadowlands has been everything I could have hoped."
"That level was my favorite so far, that was so cool!"
"When that thing turns sour on you, which it did for me over BFA and Shadowlands, then not eating that thing anymore is fine."
"Welcome back, I hope you had a good time in Florio Nature Park."
"The main theme after you complete the game, if you listen to it, it is the game. You can feel the whole journey, the whole thing, from start to finish."
"Gaming is so interactive, by the end of it you think you are Spider-Man."
"This game is so fun to go into blind too bro like yeah, I'm so glad we did!"
"I remember when the camera started following MJ and I realized we'd get to play as her again."
"God, that is the most satisfying sound I have heard in a game in a really, really long time."
"It’s gaming bliss when things click, and they click with impressive frequency."
"It is one of the best, most polished games to have been released over the last few years."
"Most people do not like having their time wasted inside of the limited time frame that they can play."
"This theme makes it feel like it's the most important and intense battle of your life."
"A good ARPG will make you feel like you're cheating, like you're getting away with some [__]!"
"What made me want to turn it back on and play another few hours."
"At the end of the day, play the game the way you want. That's ultimately going to provide you with the best experience."
"It just pulls you into the visual and the experience unlike we've had before."
"When you get in those matches and everybody's just playing the game as it should be played and having a good time, I'm really enjoying Siege right now."
"This game is so unique that I honestly feel like you should really play it for yourself."
"I really enjoyed my time with Assassin's Creed Mirage and I think old school fans of this franchise will enjoy it as well."
"When you actually go through the motions of completing missions and assassinating targets you will be surprised at just how fluid the gameplay Loop can feel."
"This setup in specific I've really been enjoying for a primary rifle, then, to complement that for close range fights, by far my favorite setup in the game."
"I really enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077 despite the bugs. There's not very many games that go into a cyberpunk type world."
"This game felt as good as any new game I played and it gave me that that itch to get better to learn and to just [ __ ] no life it."
"Lego Marvel's Avengers continually offers an experience that it's just enough by giving you pretty much exactly what you are signing up for."
"Combat in Prime was defined by the different phenotypes and how they felt excellent."
"The voice acting alone, just for the voice acting alone, it's amazing. Definitely try it."
"Disney Dream my Valley... changed how I approach gaming on a day-to-day basis."
"Little stupid bad things like that are what turns video games from a game into an adventure or into an experience."
"Emerging gameplay moments that Dragon Dogma 2 keeps providing allow for you to have a different experience compared to everyone else."
"Solid game but unfortunately buried under some extra nonsense."
"I feel like the options and the availability of those options really made this expansion such a refreshing experience for a lot of people."
"I've been really enjoying the Guardians of the Rift, I think it's really fun new content, the mini game itself looks really nice, the sound design is awesome, the gameplay is a lot more fun than conventional room crafting in my opinion."
"It was rough, not any more than like three speed items for any of you all day."
"It doesn't take away from the fighter at all. It actually adds to it in meaningful ways."
"There really is a sense that each campaign you undertake is going to provide a unique experience."
"When combat works and clicks, fighting these animalistic machines or even humans riding these animalistic machines can be uniquely exhilarating."
"Set expectations clearly for a better game experience."
"I'd have much rather watched an in-game cutscene with these events and then maybe played from the escape onward... But as things stand, I'm playing through events that I know happened anyways."
"Moments like these... make fighting him feel all the better."
"Despite the clunky combat and everything else, there’s still fun to be had in multiplayer."
"The game is so much more fun when it's smooth and fast."
"Just roll up my character and out of that, create character creation experience."
"Guardians of the Galaxy is probably the best looking game I've played this year."
"If you, like me, have played way too much Total War: Warhammer 2... I would recommend Warhammer 3."