
Personal Satisfaction Quotes

There are 2919 quotes

"I finished that 100-mile ultramarathon in 19 hours, 13 minutes, and 26 seconds, which I was very happy with. I was extremely satisfied and proud of the performance."
"At the end of the day, the one person you need to feel amazing is you."
"The only approval that matters is to approve of yourself."
"Feel Good Productivity is about how to do more of what matters to you in a way that's enjoyable and sustainable."
"Real success is where I can be at peace in the midst of chaos and that's got nothing to do with my bank account."
"Intrinsic motivation is when you want to do that activity for the activity itself."
"This was the most that we've ever scored, so I'm very happy with how this one went."
"Understanding the difference between happiness and fulfillment is key to feeling good about the direction of your life."
"I like it better out here. I have a beautiful wife, I have a crazy dog, and my life is so good."
"I felt only as good as the last video I'd uploaded."
"To live in a cabin in the wilderness, it just doesn't get any better than this, in my opinion."
"All that matters in life is how you feel about yourself when you're by yourself."
"You cannot consider yourself to be winning or living a successful life if you hate the lifestyle."
"Stop thinking about what might go wrong or what people might think of you, that's fucking stupid. Who cares, just do what makes you happy."
"I am much happier now, being focused on my purpose, than I ever was trying to meet women's expectations."
"Does this make me feel good? Does it really make me feel good? Like even sometimes making some money doesn't really make me feel good."
"I'd rather you have a job that you enjoy, three people that you like around you, a home that suits your needs."
"Yeah, heck yes, she thought to herself. My life kicks ass."
"Being able to provide for my family...I'm not making a ton of money, but I'm glad to be making enough money for me to send my parents retirement money or help them with whatever they need."
"The punch line of life is not money, fame, or recognition. It's just fulfillment."
"Even if I was doing Game Grumps for a hundred years and then I died and I wasn't satisfied with it or anything... the value that I added to the animation community with that, is worth it to me."
"My life, like the thing that I actually do on a day-to-day basis, is awesome and I love it."
"I see I have made myself a slave to philosophy. I will resolutely bid adieu to it eternally, except what I do for my private satisfaction," Isaac Newton.
"Don't go into this one just because the pay is high; make sure it's something that you would actually enjoy doing."
"I’m just leading a charmed life. I have fallen into—or created—fortunate circumstances."
"I always do wonder that about these... I'm having a good time, and actually, I really do enjoy it."
"Better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way."
"It feels so much better to give than to receive."
"Fun of missing out: recognizing I can't do everything."
"It's just about finding the situation in life that has the most you can accept, you know what I mean? Like, the bad is the least bad and the good is the most good."
"I'm a grown man with a PhD making videos about Japanese cartoons, and I love it. Is that embarrassing? Guess what, I don't care. I only get one life, and I want to do what makes me happy."
"It's just lovely. It's really lovely. And I know that it's something that I'm going to stick with."
"I hate to toot my own horn, but my shrimp tacos are really good."
"When you're making big life decisions, especially in your 20s, don't do it to make other people happy or to get their validation."
"If you do what most people do, well, you're going to get the same results that most people have. And the truth is that most people are unhappy with their lives."
"It's delightful. I feel like to me, it lets me know that I'm not made money my master."
"I haven't had this much fun doing one of these in a really long time."
"You can fail doing something that you don't like, so you might as well fail doing something that you do like."
"Enjoy your life and always enjoy what you do, no matter what anybody else says."
"I'm enjoying my life... I'm enjoying what I do."
"A deep sense of satisfaction and energy comes from learning and teaching."
"Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else."
"It makes you feel good to the very core of your soul that you wrote something like that."
"This game is just about everything I wanted, everything I yearned for."
"Get off social media for a bit... stay in your lane because you could be really excited about something and then you see somebody has something that you want, and you don't feel as good about the progress you're making."
"Aether SX2 was always meant to be a fun hobby for me, not profit-driven."
"I get more out of getting assists than a point; like I feel like when I get an assist, I scored the point because I helped somebody else score."
"There's nothing like waking up to a nice clean house in the morning."
"This is the most rewarding acting I've done in decades."
"Working from home... people started saying to themselves, 'I can get up at five o'clock in the morning to commute an hour and a half each way? I hate this. I'm not going to do it anymore.'"
"Take a chance on yourself. You will 100% of the time be satisfied with the answer."
"I value a functioning society. It makes me personally happy to know that I have a functioning society."
"All that matters is just getting an image to a point where I'm happy with how it looks."
"The goal is not 10 million or a hundred million. Given the goal is just profitable, having fun, helping people, I actually should be okay with making more time for myself."
"Pride is the feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements or the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated."
"I believe the punch line to life is how you feel about yourself when you're by yourself."
"So was the bread worth it? - Honestly? Yeah. I love bread."
"I realized how good it feels and how much time I find in my day when I let go of things."
"You deserve to have a small wardrobe of clothes that fit and that you feel good in."
"I am also having fun, and maybe that's all that should really matter here."
"I have always been of the mentality that if I'm not happy in a place, I control my happiness."
"Apart from that, it is a job, but it's something that I like to do that happens to pay me money."
"And we have beaten Arkham Asylum 100%, which... is going to put us in sixth place, and I'm pretty happy with it."
"Dress to please yourself, don't dress to please anyone else. Wear the things that make you happy."
"Completing God of War Ragnarok has been one of the most satisfying experiences of my career."
"In order for it to be good, I need to be really passionate about what I am doing."
"My life is pretty wonderful. I get to spend nearly all my time with my family, I get to say what I want for a living, and I'm paid richly for doing so."
"If I can help somebody else, I get so much more juice out of that than I do another vacation."
"I'm really happy with that; that was a lot of fun."
"This is what I wanted. This is what I wanted out of the whole experience."
"I'm quite happy with how this is going so far."
"What feels great is when you've waited for six months, or a year, or that second year that the apple tree finally produces apples. That delayed gratification is something that not a lot of people understand."
"Be concentrated on providing value, on giving not receiving. If you're not happy with what you receive, look at what you give. If you change this, everything will be changed in your life."
"Despite the fact that I have a lot of plants, and creating like a bit of an urban jungle atmosphere, I still think it's fairly neat."
"It's just such an honor that I get to do this kind of stuff for a living."
"What's important is that we're having fun, we're making the stuff that we want to eat, and we're taking it easy."
"To be able to fully focus on it, there's no better feeling."
"It feels amazing to care for someone else, to have purpose, to serve other than myself."
"Once you get off [the comparison train], you're going to be feeling so much better in your life because you don't have some false illusion that you're chasing."
"The only approval I really look for is my own."
"I'm okay with never getting more famous if I could just keep it at hate being 10% of my life."
"Now I have this book tour, which is a new adventure for me, and it's been incredibly gratifying."
"This has been something I've wanted for ages, so I'm so happy I finally got it all together."
"Life has to be enough. It just has to be enough with just us."
"It doesn't take billions of dollars to enjoy the best things in life."
"If you love God you are going to live in a way that blesses God, that's what pleases you, did you get it?"
"You're satisfied with that growth, you enjoy your physique."
"It's checking all the boxes of a perfect camera for me."
"Three times in a row, three minutes... It's an amazing feeling."
"It's worth it, and you'll feel far more fulfilled than if you do the inverse."
"Last Stitch head, we got most of the collection so I'm pretty Happy!"
"Are you happy with your life? And if you're not, stop listening to other people and find out what makes you happy."
"Make it the thing you want it to be because then at least it's totally satisfying to you."
"At the end of your life, oh my god that was so hard it was worth it."
"Shadowlands has been everything I could have hoped."
"If you can help someone else, that's when it's like you're right."
"And I realized that it's not having the world's biggest YouTube channel, it's being proud of the projects that I put out and having full say in how I spend my time."
"I'd much rather be a YouTuber than back in the salon waxing people's vaginas for 9.50 an hour."
"There is nothing in the world I'd rather do than what I do."
"It's the feeling that other people are having more fun, more experiences, and living better lives than you."
"There's a certain level of pleasure you get from knowing you can control your urges."
"Money's money, but you could have as much money as you want, mate, if you ain't happy with the skin you're in, you're the poorest man in the world."
"There's nothing in the world I'd rather do than what I do."
"It just gave me everything I wanted it to be."
"We always have food on hand, I like that a lot."
"This whole launch seems like it was made for me, it's perfect."
"Honestly, that was probably one of the best feelings I've ever had, is knowing that I finished, didn't give up."
"Nothing's better than waking up in my beautiful house."
"I just really like the feeling of like printing off all the labels at once and seeing like all 18 labels come out of my rolo printer at once. It just makes me feel like an actual business person."
"No matter what you end up doing if you end with a decent amount of fatigue and you're pumped to all hell I think you did something right."
"Integrity is a good thing, it makes you feel really good, it makes you walk through the world with a little skip in your step."
"Building a deck you love to play is just as important as winning. It's about investing mental energy, time, and money into something that brings you joy."
"I'm just perfect the way I am, you know, I wouldn't change."
"I am never going to stop being cheap because there's so much pleasure in the reward of people's gratitude."
"If some day they say of me that in my work I have contributed something to the welfare and happiness of my fellow man, I shall be satisfied."
"It's just fun to know that you're doing something really good for your body and such a nice gentle and natural way."
"I think it's up to everybody to be as big as they want to be but if you're not happy with your size don't make excuses."
"I'm so far ahead it feels fine, just claim it."
"It just makes me feel very fulfilled and for that I could not be more grateful."
"You cannot please everyone, but there will be people who are in alignment with you."
"Things are looking good, I mean, really good."
"It's definitely rewarding, very rewarding to speedrun."
"The most powerful financial principle that can lead someone to wealth is contentment."
"If it's meant to work, it will be working... I'm in the healthiest relationship of my life right now and I'm like, this feels great, this is what it's supposed to feel like."
"Dump a plate of nuggets into the trash, you feel like a champion, really you do."
"If you want to make money, do what you like instead."
"I live a very basic life actually. I live in a decent housing, producing car, but I like this house."
"Everything has come together to make this exactly what Evan was looking for."
"That's what I love to do, it's my livelihood."
"Success is not about money and it's not about fame."
"Yes, I'm full. I'm so full my cup runneth over." - Oprah Winfrey
"Every day you deserve to eat things that make you and your body genuinely happy."
"When I slide behind the steering wheel of a car that I just finished, I have the exact same feeling that I did that day when I drove my charger home for the first time."
"Nothing's ever perfect in my humble opinion, but this is pretty good. I'm actually pretty happy."
"I'm feeling very happy with how it's all coming together."
"A sense of you can still hold your head up high while you're in here and feel good about yourself."
"One of the best feelings there is in life is the sense of accomplishment you feel when you reach a goal."
"The kick of creating is the act of creating, not anything that happens afterward."
"Feeling very confident, very solid, very happy with your financial situation."
"You have made a comeback with your stuffed crust pizza... I'm so happy to tell the world about this."
"It went awesome, like I'm really, really happy with it."
"The only thing that matters: Am I enjoying it?"
"If I enjoy what I'm doing, that's all that really matters."
"When drew shifted his model of creativity for more extrinsic rewards... his enjoyment of the videos seemed to decline."
"If you die tomorrow, would you be proud of how your life went?"
"Back in the winner's circle once again, feels so good."
"You know that you've accomplished something because it's maximum fun."
"Options. I definitely, definitely, definitely am so happy for the amazing options that I have."
"I like when number go up... ain't that the truth."
"Focus on doing something you believe in and that is of quality; that's when you'll find true happiness and friendship."
"It's cheap. I can make a difference. I feel good when I make a difference."
"I want to take my time with videos. I don't want to have to post something that I don't feel like I've put my whole heart into just to kind of make more money."
"Life isn't just about making money. If you just live to make money, you don't enjoy anything."
"I'm actually happy, like things are finally like unfolding the way that they're supposed to."
"I know that when I go home from that day that I will have done something meaningful."
"Getting what you want doesn't make you happy, fulfillment does."
"Finding the joy in being that person for other people."
"I make music just for me. If it's that good, eventually somebody's gonna seek it out."
"If I can do both at the same time, it's a match made in heaven."
"I genuinely enjoy it, and that's key to keep going because it is a lot of work."
"Buy whatever you like, buy the best you can afford, and whatever makes you happy."
"I think most creators are just people working and doing what they like."
"All my dreams came true, you know what I mean?"
"I'm already happy, I can't even complain, the fact that we've got a Raphael Varane is just a big win."
"I am genuinely happy and satisfied that Frank won..."
"If you do something that, you know, you don't love or you don't like, it's not the end-all, be-all."
"It just feels really nice that you can know and to be debt-free."
"I love my life but the society I live in, I don't particularly like." - Reflecting on societal issues and the desire for a better future.
"If I can at least help you some way shape or form, I did my job and I can be happy with myself."
"Success is measured by satisfaction internally."
"I feel like that was good, I'm feeling good about that. I'm feeling good about that."
"The final product is really something I'm proud of."
"I've really found my happy place when it comes to makeup."
"I made it because I like making things, and once I like the thing that I make, I make another thing that I like."
"This whole playthrough is worth it in just this one picture."
"The opportunity that is going to be waiting for you at the end of the month, you will like it indeed."
"I'd much rather see you doing something you enjoy than forcing yourself to go through an exercise that you hate."
"If you can create, you would never destroy because the satisfaction you get from actually making something yourself is amazing."
"There is a spiritual side to it or a satisfaction that I'm providing for my wife, I'm providing for my family, and that is what I need to do, that is who I am as a man."
"That's one more thing you've added that I'm like, I want that, that looks awesome."
"Every day I appreciate not only the result of my work but also the sheer beauty of this place."
"Any chance that I get to crap on Facebook is a day that I enjoy."
"They're making money, who cares? Like they're happy with what they're doing, who cares?"
"For me there is no need to have so many like 47 palettes like i can't believe that i've been able to declutter 47."
"I just gotta be who I am, make the content I want to make."
"It delights and excites me greatly, and I'm buying it."
"It just really fit what I wanted from the story... I absolutely loved it."
"It fills your heart up to know you're doing something better for other people than you are for yourself."
"Getting back to the traditional way which will bring you so much joy."
"If somebody says I worked really hard and I'm successful, they're telling the truth. It takes hard work and it's but it's fun."
"Eliminated everything that's not working... That's truly what makes me happy."
"It's simple, but it does what I want it to do."
"The great satisfaction of not only professionally surpassing my old boss but getting to tell him that his lies cost him way more on the way out is almost priceless."
"South Africa's biggest threat is not Zimbabweans, it is the grip that white people continue to have on this economy."
"I realized I had so much money... I paid off my family's debt... it was super gratifying."
"After some more fighting and learning literally every little aspect of godric's moveset, I did it. It felt so good."
"Some of us get reward from making a difference."
"The thing that I enjoy the most in life actually is helping people... Like giving them like an hour of my time to set them on a good track if they want to listen, right?"
"The true master will be getting intrinsic enjoyment from the thing that she or he is doing."
"I'm happy that I did this, it's been years since I've watched this all the way through."