
Ultramarathon Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"I finished that 100-mile ultramarathon in 19 hours, 13 minutes, and 26 seconds, which I was very happy with. I was extremely satisfied and proud of the performance."
"After doing a second one on a flatter course, I have even more respect for Leadville 100... Leadville 100 being my first ultramarathon was a very humbling experience."
"If you want to change your life, sign up for an ultramarathon...you will meet yourself in a way you never have before, and there will be a tremendous amount of suffering, but there is a joyous aspect to that because it's a journey of self-discovery."
"Leadville 100: more than just a hundred miles."
"I lost about 230 pounds on a plant-based diet. I have become an ultra marathoner since then."
"But you know what big respect as well to people that what blows my mind is there's people out there that do these Ultra marathons where they will like they'll go to bed tonight after doing a marathon and then the next morning they wake up and do it all over again."
"When I prepare for an ultra, if for example I am doing UTMB preparation, every long run, I simulate a UTMB in terms of nutrition."
"Win the UTMB one day or the Diagonale des Fous. It's one of my dreams and no one will take it away from me."
"Just do yourself a favor and do a solid block of training before you're going into your first ultra marathon."
"The mindset of marathon running is that you have to do the best all the time. It NEEDS to be optimal. Whereas ultra running is much more of a 'Duct tape' let's fix it, let's solve problems. It's never going to be perfect, but it's going to be good enough."
"If you're looking to do an ultra, I think a backyard Ultra is a great place to start."
"During an ultra, the race is completely different in the daytime compared to the nighttime. When it is dark, it is a different course, it is a different race completely."
"Everybody needs to definitely crew and pace and spectate some of these 100 plus mile races because they are just unique."
"Running an ultramarathon is an extraordinary journey that invites us to explore the profound depths of human endurance, resilience, and the sheer joy of pushing our limits."
"More than any other year, my confidence to run through the night by myself is there like I've never had at UTMB."
"He won the Tour de Taiwan Ultramarathon in April 2013 with a time of 109 hours and 25 minutes."
"I'm about to start my biggest ever single day ultra marathon race."
"One of the most incredible women, ultra marathons, right, everything."
"We humans became the ultra marathon runners of the animal kingdom."
"Ultras are finished with the mind, not the body."
"It's really interesting when I go to Comrades and that Comrades is probably the most diverse race in the world as far as ultra running."
"Ultra marathons give people the ability to find the other side of their limits."
"There's a lot of kindness that comes out in these Ultra marathons even from the toughest people out there."
"How strong the ultra community is, everyone from the runners but also the crews."
"As far as I'm concerned, it's an ultra marathon and it is a good one."
"Nothing quite like the finish line of an ultra marathon."
"We took on the super challenging ultramarathon on the island of Jersey called Round The Rock in some terrible weather conditions."
"They can run 435 miles, 16 times further than a marathon, in just over two days."
"This is not my first rodeo; this is not my first ultra marathon."
"This Patagonia Houdini is a crucial tool for any ultra marathon or race or trail run."
"You could definitely fit all the mandatory kit for any race from a trail marathon all the way up to 100 miler."
"It took me 23 hours to run 100 miles, and at the end of it, my hands were swollen like balloons."
"Steve Goodman, he is one of our 74-year-old runners, if Ultra sign up is correct."
"Half of ultramarathon running is running in amazing places, beautiful places."
"An ultramarathon is anything over 26 miles, you see on trails in the mountains."
"Ultramarathoners really stretch the boundaries of human endurance and human spirit."
"I run these 100 mile and greater foot races because of all the free food I get at the aid stations."
"I run Ultra marathons that can last up to 24 hours in duration."