
Learning From Failure Quotes

There are 569 quotes

"A true failure on my part would have been if I didn't take what I learned from Leadville 100 and apply those lessons to Rocky Raccoon."
"Do not fear failure, do not hold on to pain or disappointment. Learn from those experiences and know that they do not define you."
"If something bad happens today, we will be able to take what we learned, even though we may fall on the ground after being kicked off the horse, we'll get back up, brush ourselves off, figure out what we did wrong, and get back on the horse."
"There's no failure, there's lessons. There's evolution."
"I never fail because every time I fail, I really learn. For me, it's always a learning experience, so it's impossible for me to fail if I'm always learning and always getting better."
"Through a lot of failures, you're going to learn a lot and you're going to hopefully be humbled."
"Keep pushing forward and learn from the failures and move forward with a purpose."
"Every loss is a data point, every time we fall, our worldview is shaped, and that's not just helpful, it's imperative."
"Failure is not a failure if you learn from it and then build a system to not repeat it."
"Grow from your mistakes. No one has ever succeeded without making mistakes."
"Achieving mastery is fueled by curiosity and viewing failures as opportunities for learning."
"No failure is ever wasted. No disappointment is ever wasted. Let it teach you."
"Failure is truly the most information-rich data stream there is."
"Life is not a single battle, it’s fine to lose sometimes and learn from that to stand up again and be able to become stronger to win the war."
"Every failure is just a valuable lesson that you need for something amazing that's coming next."
"Failure has been my role model. Every time I failed at something, I examined it very carefully."
"Losing is you feel really bad and it can break your mental. But at the same time, those are the ones that you learn the most from."
"Failure is the best teacher, right? The motif of the film."
"I get you looking at past failures and going, 'Thank God that didn't [ __ ] work.'"
"Failure or defeat is the greatest thing that could ever happen to you because when you're successful, you tend to not learn anything."
"Learning from failure is not only a principle that I take in gaming, that's a principle that I take in life."
"The thing we shouldn't be worshipping is success... we should look at is all these leaders... where do they fail, how did they learn from that."
"The real failure is failure from learning from failure. That's the real failure."
"A failure is not a failure as long as you learn from it. Look at any successful individual, and you will see that they carry the valuable experiences of many failures under their belts."
"After you lose or when you get knocked down, stay down there for a minute. Understand why you lost. What were the reasons? Because if you just jump right back up, you're gonna lose again."
"Everybody's failed at something. You just get up and do it again."
"It's important to know how to lose because if you know how to lose, you know how to understand why you lost, you know how to correct the reason you lost, and then you know how to win."
"Keep swinging until you figure out how to deal with it. Lose a few points now so you can win more games later with that new knowledge."
"It's good to get your ass kicked sometimes there's lessons to be learned."
"Embrace the difficulty if you're failing, embrace the failure and work your way through it."
"Failing is never failing, it's always a learning experience."
"Failure is part of life, but it's not failure if you learn something."
"The world of innovation is all about taking risks, making mistakes, and learning from them."
"Failure has an incredible opportunity for Learning."
"You never start from scratch if you fail, you only start from experience."
"Failure has the ability to actually tell you what you need to improve."
"Failures is better than winning sometimes because you learn so much from it."
"Having failures is important to make you realize why you don't make mistakes again."
"Time to do some resetting because I've learned how to."
"You don't learn when you win, you learn when you lose."
"With every failure, there’s a lesson to be learned, and that’s where we come in, to explore the fascinating stories behind the biggest world-shattering tragedies mankind has ever experienced… in the context of video games, of course."
"You know how to learn from your failures, I guess would be the big message."
"You failing at something doesn't mean that you're now less than it just actually means that you have more knowledge in that area now."
"Failure is instructive, failure brings clarity, failure's cleansing and corrective."
"It's all right to fail as long as you fail forward."
"Sometimes you need to take the L and say, 'Alright, I'm wrong.'"
"Failing is like a stepping stone to being great. Each mess-up is a way to learn and get better."
"Failing is like actually a stepping stone to being great. If you think about it, messing up is a way to learn and get better."
"Abundant thinkers fail, but only fail forward."
"Great parenting is letting you fail on your own without resentment."
"It's okay to fail, and you just need to take action."
"Always aiming to use your losses to improve."
"Only in defeat can you understand your weaknesses and learn from them."
"Failed projects are the best test case scenarios that help you grow significantly."
"Your failures can lead to success if you learn from them."
"Starship's test flight May to some have looked like a failure it was not a failure it was a huge learning experience for us." - Bill Gersen
"You learn more from your failures... come into this year with positivity."
"Failure is actually an incredible asset; you can learn from that immensely."
"If you try and don't get it that's not failure, it's the world's way of showing you that you need to make a correction."
"I'm grateful for failures because out of failures comes some of our best successes."
"And so when I look back on that it's like damn like I I was insane but we lost and so then you know you go to like well did the most."
"Failure can be a very important lesson on the next step and where you need to go."
"Embrace them... figure out everything you can from your losses."
"There's a lot you can learn from your failures."
"View your failures like lessons, they're making your art better."
"It's a humbling reminder from days gone by that every success and innovation owes its existence to a parade of forgotten failures."
"Losses weren't really losses, they were learning experiences."
"Failure is necessary... every Trader has to go through some sort of failure."
"Every loss made me a much better fighter." - George St. Pierre
"When you take an L, you're supposed to learn from it. It becomes a lesson." - Master P
"Part of being an entrepreneur is to have the courage to fail. Like you just have to go out there and try. And by the way, when you fail, which many times you will, you're gonna learn from that failure."
"It's okay to be nervous, it's okay to be scared, it's okay to have a loss because if you turn that loss into a lesson, that means you'll come back bigger and stronger next time around."
"You have to fail and get it wrong to prosper."
"The losses, the failures are the greatest wins. When you lose is when you learn."
"We should look at the results of what happens if people say x is going to work and it doesn't—we should learn from that."
"Your failure can feed your future, really. It's in your failure that your greatness will be born."
"Failure, most of all, the greatest teacher failure is."
"Failure is an option, matter of fact, it's encouraged. You really want to fail, you want to learn why it fails."
"Failure is not a reflection on you, it's an opportunity to learn."
"There's nothing wrong with failing as long as you learn something from that." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
"Never give up because f-a-i-l means first attempt in learning, end is not the end, in fact, end means effort never dies."
"Failures and troubles are just opportunities to improve yourself."
"If you're not failing you're not realizing your mistakes... we all fail all the time."
"You fail forward, you learn those lessons, and even though we lost, we got a lot gained."
"It is vastly easier to design a tool from thousands of broken examples."
"There ain't no such thing as failure baby, only feedback."
"Sometimes we learn as much from the fails as we do from the successes."
"It's not a failure because you're gonna learn something from it."
"Failure is a part of the process. People who know who never fail, never try."
"Even if you do fail, you'll learn something about yourself."
"To succeed, you must fail, learn from yourself, learn from life, learn from your failures, learn from your insecurities, learn from your self-doubt."
"Failure to me isn't failure, failure to me means learning."
"Many times you will gain more in defeat than you do in victory."
"Failure is more than just an embarrassing moment... it can make me smarter, invigorate me, and make me a better, more well-rounded person."
"Reframe difficulty and failure as part of the process of doing something with high integrity for others."
"Failure, hell, disappointment, discomfort is a great learning tool."
"You learn more from defeat than you do from victory."
"Every failure is just a step closer to success."
"And don't be afraid of the failures you're gonna encounter, right?"
"Sometimes even more from the failures than we do from the successes. Yeah, and so you have to be very honest when you fail, you have to be very, very honest."
"It's my responsibility because of me we didn't win. I have to learn from it."
"What's been your biggest failure to date and how did you deal with it?... I passed the test with flying colors. I certainly learnt a lot from my initial failure and I always make sure that I now prepare fully for everything that I do."
"Losses are not truly losses if you learn something from them and get better from them."
"You have to process it... If you're going to fail, you better be better on the other side."
"Every time I failed it was like goodness. Okay, what have I learned?" - Robert Kiyosaki
"Notice how I don't really get tilted after I lose games... live, learn, play better in the next one."
"Success is about failure...those failures are what we pick ourselves up from and keep going."
"Any time you force yourself to fail, you're building a foundation to then later be successful."
"The more you fall down, the more you learn how not to fall down like that again."
"Failure ain't nothing but lessons that teach you how to succeed."
"I think you'll learn a lot more from your losses than you do from your wins."
"I'm grateful because I literally failed at everything."
"Every single failure was helpful. There's not one that stands out, but every failure taught me something valuable."
"We let people down and we were able to learn and be better from it."
"Success has taught me that one of the most important things an entrepreneur can have is perseverance, dedication, a willingness to fail, pick yourself up again and give it another shot."
"Fear of failure leads to it, but a failure is only complete when you don't try to learn from it."
"There will be some failures, and that's okay, that's normal. You'll learn from those and then you do it again."
"It's only a failure if you don't learn anything from it."
"Failures are okay. Elon has said many times over, you know, it's only a failure if you don't learn anything from it."
"Dream bigger, see no restrictions, learn from past failures."
"Remain strong. Learn from past failures, gather your strength, fight your corner, and stand tall."
"Failure in and of itself was actually a lesson learned."
"Not giving up when you fail because you're gonna fail... it happens so much... you learn so much when you fail. It's actually a good thing."
"I was a failed YouTuber for five years. I didn't succeed in the area I wanted to succeed, but in reality, I was slowly learning how to become successful."
"You don't want things to blow up, but at the same time, you might learn a lot more if something dies."
"I know more about failure than anyone, and there's as much to learn from failures as there is from success."
"He learns from failure as much as from success."
"Losing is a part of life and if you can teach your kid how to lose and be okay but like learn and like learn from it and not look it as like a loss or a failure like okay here's a chance where we can make some growth."
"Sometimes when you lose, the biggest lesson about losing is the fact that you're forced to learn."
"The losses build to better victories. Just by making a choice, you're deciding not to do something else."
"Success comes from a field of failure. No successful person is a success, we're just really good at failing."
"Some of my greatest wins have come from me taking some of my hardest losses."
"Even in a loss, there's a blessing because by documenting that and by not running from it, it puts you in a position as being an authority."
"What did I learn from it? If something didn't go as planned but you learned something from it and there was a lesson learned then it's a win-win situation for everybody involved."
"I always think it's better to try something and fail miserably than to have never tried at all."
"Sometimes your greatest defeats are your greatest teachers."
"Many successful companies have had to take L's along the way."
"I learned from my failures, I just worry you don't."
"You're never gonna learn unless you have these failures."
"Let them lose let them get the taste of what losing feels like let them feel the crunch situation where they do something wrong and we have something to reference."
"There's no such thing as failure, only things that we learn from in order to change and do it in a different way."
"The landscape teaches you... if you do fail then you shouldn't be an archaeologist, that's probably same thing with a soldier."
"What Rory's failures teach us about the importance of forging your own path."
"That's part of business, sometimes you're gonna have to fail multiple times."
"Learn from your mistakes, always set goals, and don't be afraid to fail."
"If you fail harder, you will learn in the hard way how to overcome the failure and how to excel beyond the failure."
"Despite all the failures that I was facing [...] I kept going because I knew that with every mistake [...] I was getting closer to the right answer."
"Allow yourself to fail and study those failures... what went wrong and what should I have done there."
"Honestly, because I think you can learn a lot more from failures than you can from successes."
"There's no such thing as failure, we only learn."
"I think you don't have to be scared to fail. There are more things you can learn from failures."
"You don't get rewarded just for succeeding, but also for failing in the right way."
"The greatest mistake is not making any mistakes at all."
"We've had the experience, we've learned from failure, and now we can share that experience with you."
"Failure are all valuable lessons that you can use to springboard yourself into the success that you think you deserve."
"Failing forward: Thank you, I'll take it as a sign to fix these problems."
"Letting the parents let their kids fail, teaching the parents how to let their kids fail is one of the most important things."
"Failure is how you learn, failure is a good thing."
"Failure is only a failure if you don't get the lesson from it."
"Everything stems from failure, everything. You will always learn more from failures than you will learn from successes."
"We bring these ideas, even if something fails one time, we try to see like what are the ups and downs. Is this something that really works?"
"It's better to lose now 'cause you can learn from it."
"Failure is the greatest teacher, and there's no judgment in making a call."
"Failure benefits people that are driven because they know it brings with it opportunity."
"Hell yeah! If you don't believe in yourself and your own product, then who else is going to believe in you?"
"Risk is learned through things not going completely well and adjusting."
"Failure is the only thing we give a chance to learn, grow, and succeed."
"The end goal is to get better, so take all of those licks with the understanding that the end goal is to get better."
"Failure is fertilizer, failure helps you learn from the mistakes you've made and helps you persevere and grow in whatever you're doing."
"Failures is like a broad term but as long as you learn from it I don't feel like it's a failure."
"The only way you actually succeed in life is by failing a bunch and learning what doesn't work."
"Iterative design: Learn from your mistakes and try again."
"There is strength to be found in struggle and there's wisdom in the wreckage."
"Failure is one of the best learnings of my entire existence."
"The great ones aren't the ones that don't fail, they're the ones that learn from their failure and they keep going and they're persistent and they're tenacious."
"Failure: I understand that a mistake is only an opportunity to learn."
"Make failure your teacher, not your undertaker."
"What's that one big thing let's not leave this planet regretting something that we haven't tried and you will fail and that's okay that's the biggest lesson the biggest lesson is in the failure."
"Don't be ashamed to screw up or fail, it really is part of the sourdough journey."
"It's just iterative design... you fail, you learn, and then you just sort of take all those learnings and put them into operations."
"If you fail, what happens? You book another test."
"Experiment more... blame yourself a little bit less for your failures."
"Failures eventually contribute to your successes because they're great lessons."
"Big losses are actually the best educators. You need that... You actually probably need a few big losses so that you're so disgusted with yourself that you never want that to happen again."
"Every time that I lost, I obsessed over it and I broke that trade down and compared it to everything else that looked like it."
"Failure wasn't failure, it was just a death of an experimental Enterprise."
"Success often comes after multiple failures."
"We all make mistakes but why do we fall Bruce so we can learn to pick ourselves up again."
"Self-made millionaires look into every failure for something good... and surprise, surprise, they always find it."
"I'm not afraid of failures, I learn from my mistakes."
"As artists, we can learn a lot more about writing and creating art from dissecting flawed works than from masterpieces."
"Failure... it's not failure if you learn from it... then nine times out of ten that's where their success."
"Nobody even knows that you launched, so none of my failures nobody knows."
"We learn as much from the failures as the successes."
"Negative experiences turn into better things."
"Failures are expected... it's a launch failure, it's not a test failure."
"Failure is an inevitable necessary part of growth."
"Failure isn't something you should be afraid of. You fail, good, now I learned I couldn't do that. Let me do it like this."
"You can either let a failure just be a failure, or you can sit down, learn from it, and try and do something about it."
"You got knocked down, you get yourself back up and you learn from it."