
Combat Skills Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"It's readily apparent that combat is relatively infrequent in modern battle royale games, and players rarely have opportunities to battle and sharpen what's arguably the most important skill: combat."
"Fighting someone who has mastered a specific type of parkour, that sounds pretty awesome to me."
"Statements that say a woman trained in sword fighting would 100% never win against a man are very incorrect."
"He's great at any sort of skirmish. Whether it comes from ganks, or scuttle crab fights, etc with his high early DPS and mobility."
"Perfect sword control arts: awakened forms of legendary weapons, unleash specific superpowers in combat."
"Consider using sideways attacks if you're trying to hit groups of enemies."
"You're going to be able to be much more accurate with your pinpointed stabs."
"Venom abilities are a great time in combat but I think they need to be tweaked."
"Jiu-jitsu is the most effective and most amazing martial art on the planet."
"Sword dancing, this move... it's just so good."
"Nate isn't a superhero, he's someone with a genius level intellect who barely knows how to throw a punch."
"Your ability to be both stealthy and a fierce combatant, as well as the cinematic nature of their fighting, makes the monk truly stand out."
"Witnessing Meng Chuan's exceptional combat prowess left the crowd in astonishment and admiration."
"The only way to get good at fighting is to fight. Nothing else."
"His number of weapons and his vast experience are a big deal."
"Let me just say Rambo is the best combat bet that I've ever seen a pure fighting machine with only a desire to win a war that someone else lost."
"Angela, a master of hand-to-hand combat, Angela's known throughout the galaxy for her battle prowess and yeah, buddy!"
"That martial arts background, born and bred for combat, describes him perfectly."
"You're an incredible warrior. If you weren't so misled by your anger, you would have been the perfect sparring partner."
"Korra is actually a fairly skilled fighter in unarmed combat."
"Take advantage of slag... incredibly powerful and useful once you understand it..."
"He's a master martial artist who has mastered virtually every form of hand-to-hand combat."
"Levi's reputation precedes him to the point that the Beast Titan has to be warned in advance, and is so cocky that he loses to him every single time they fight in the entire story. Just one of the biggest flexes of all time."
"Vision is a master of hand-to-hand combat, that's one of his powers, but honestly, I find that incredibly useless when you're an all-powerful vibranium synthesiod."
"You try to throw a punch at me, I throw off the block, your hand breaks."
"Even if in a battle Amon would probably defeat Katara outside of a full moon, Katara is probably the greatest waterbender of all time."
"Piercer feat: a must-have for dexterity-based combatants like rogues and rangers."
"Slasher feat: highly good, complementing certain character builds like sword and board."
"Fighting initiate feat: niche, but could be great for specific character builds."
"The pactmaker will not only find his way to be powerful mentally and politically but also in combat."
"Speaking of suspension of disbelief, there's this argument that if you see someone fighting in high heels, you should be especially afraid because they are so good at fighting, they can overcome that inherent disadvantage."
"With his undeniable defense, support, and battle prowess."
"I must warn you, my strikes are Swift and deadly."
"Goku's perfected Ultra Instinct effortlessly outmaneuvered and maimed the mightiest foes."
"His natural talent for battle, along with his unwavering drive, have taken his power to unprecedented levels."
"He's one of the best melee combatants in the game."
"He looked fast as lightning on the feet and of course sealed the deal with the rear naked choke."
"Women can be very effective swordsmen, sword women, whatever as well."
"Despite his dedication, tenebrous definitely did not advance his lightsaber combat skills to the level of someone like Mace Windu."
"At the end of the day, Darth Tenebrous is one of those really solid combatants who, while not the best of the best, is still more than a match for the vast majority of beings out there."
"Killing three enemies within one second sends you into a frenzy for six seconds. Increases movement speed by 50 and attack speed by a hundred percent."
"I am a hundred percent extremely passionate about addiction and recovery and I feel like the first part of my life was really about being in my addiction the second part of my life has been about being sober."
"Dream: The creator of the SMP who hasn't streamed since the first war... known to be a genius strategic mind as well as scary in battle..."
"This power alone would make Koby one of the most feared fighters in the entire world."
"You know so I think it's all combination but when you get somebody who does know combat marksmanship and how to line up the sights that does know how to zero the gun that has decent ammo they shoot dramatically better."
"Zarya just does massive amounts of damage, it's absolutely ridiculous."
"Revan proved a stronger warrior, but Malak was able to use his force powers to overcome Revan's superior fighting skills."
"The Hero of Winds is insane powerful in terms of skills."
"Brave makes your character so much better in terms of combat."
"Brawler is one of the better perks, especially for attacking zombies."
"Veteran makes your character a stone cold killing machine."
"Lightsaber dueling: where tactics meet raw power."
"Physical Abilities: While relying less on
his atomic breath than previous incarnations,
the Legendary Godzilla makes greater use of
his physical strength and combat skills when fighting."
"He's bringing a stronghold. Look at this, watch this! The Manhattan Drop popped him up and splashed. Yeah, great combination there by KTB!"
"The Courser utilizes energy based explosives, mines, grenades, and rifles with unparalleled accuracy and competency."
"Arrows that come at you and throwing them back, uh yeah, there's... I mean, your maneuverability gets upscaled here."
"Here's some of the stuff the combatives and structure instructor has to do: receive at least 20 hours of instruction, gain the ability to teach basic combatants, and develop scenario-based training."
"Moon Knight's ability to be dangerous with just about any weapon you put in his hand certainly deserves a mention."
"There is no doubt that Utah is so freaking close to Gojo's level of battle prowess."
"Fighting is like a chess match, it's about strategy and skill."
"The Witcher is the ultimate all-rounder, dicing foes with sharpened steel, slaying beasts with a blade of silver, and unleashing hidden power of signs on anything that stands in his way."
"Snitch is surprise surprise a really good assassin. He is one of the best melee captains duelists in the game."
"Horizon's air maneuverability and overall moveset can make her an extremely difficult legend to fight against."
"My dad's a... he's an ex-commando. He killed... I mean, looking on the outside they think, 'Oh, let's just grab a strap, we'll go and rob this guy.'"
"His experience, his ability, his weaponry, his dark blessings from the gods make him more, so much more than just the ex-captain of the lunar walls."
"Whichever echo gets the value from the focus beam first will always win that duel."
"A pretty powerful general-purpose combatant."
"Imagine being taught sweet combat moves by your vampire hating vampire dad"
"Asajj Ventress was a powerful and formidable lightsaber duelist. Ventress engaged in lightsaber combat with the most powerful Sith and Jedi during the time of the Clone Wars and survived even when the numbers were stacked against her."
"You're fighting everyone Tony Masters has ever fought, so you're fighting Captain America, Spider-Man, Deadpool, Wolverine..."
"Ridiculously tough to enemy shooting, murderous in melee, and also has very good buffs as a support character."
"He's so good at hand-to-hand fighting, it's considered his superpower."
"This normal dude is so lethal with his hands he's thought of as a superhuman."
"A lot of these are like marksman or people that use guns or magic. If you strip those away, they'd be incredibly useless in a fight."
"In the cage he backs it up, he is a slick Striker."
"Yana brings a very well-rounded gunfighting-based kit."
"What is Batman's fighting skills rating out of a hundred? Batman from the DC extended universe receives a fighting skills rating of 88."
"He finally blows the monster up instantly with his special ability."
"Master the art of dodging and sliding for fluid combat transitions."
"Jon Jones welcome back you're an absolute assassin."
"The sword and shield excels at dishing out elemental or abnormal statuses."
"A Mandalorian is almost just as dangerous as a Jedi or a force wielder because of the fact that their combat style is so advanced and beyond any other culture in the galaxy."
"This form accelerated Ichigo's speed tremendously... defeating renji and Kenpachi."
"Fighting Is not magic. It is skill. We will see if you have any."
"As a Jedi combat specialist, Kyle Katarn excelled in telekinesis and physical augmentation."
"His overall skill set and what he does in fights... he's difficult to beat. He's really difficult to beat."
"They're not just monsters looming out of the dark to kill you, they're highly trained, experienced veteran troopers."
"He may be a very capable fighter, but he is just as friendly."
"Anakin would take a three to one advantage over Tano, his strength-based gym so would break Ahsoka's Ataru and Ahsoka's speed would not match Anakin's reflex and natural ability."
"Not only is she incredibly physically fit but also extremely proficient in combat firearm handling and much like caviar she's very sneaky and excels when going undercover."
"Orion... a strong melee general with a lot of damage capabilities."
"Carol learns to dodge it as it comes from behind, making her more like that badass she wasn't in game when Thor summoned Stormbreaker past her head."
"We're coming on up since the last time we fought him, our skills have gotten a lot more well-rounded."
"Axel's no joke... he can bring a second weapon."
"David had proved himself in real combat before so when he wanted to go fight the giant there was actually a legitimate chance of him actually winning."
"Shakti possessed an elegant and fast-paced lightsaber technique backed up by great tactical awareness."
"Lord Tyrek is a masterful tactician and a brutal combatant."
"Luffy's biggest strength though has always been his imagination and combat sense."
"Gotta play him smart, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have tools to dish out a ton of damage. He's still a really hard hero to hit."
"Yubel is the certified free-run smoke demon, her skill for battle and adapting to surpass her opponents in the blink of an eye is commendable."
"Panda, in base, is already decently powerful and competent in close quarters combat."
"Judicious use of your parries, your blocks, and your dodges will end up being more effective than insisting on using one or the other."
"He's super strong super fast and expert in hand to hand combat and is handy with a shield."
"Learning when to dodge and when to parry is really important."
"Both in boxing and actual combat, speed is key with your landing in an attack or evading one. You won't succeed if you can't move quickly."
"General Grievous's enhancements crafted him into one of the most formidable lightsaber duelists of the era."
"Only the most skilled in combat could perceive purpose in the smallest of actions."
"It's like the Deadpool's combat skills, healing factor, and unpredictable nature would give him the advantage."
"The man nicknamed Cheeto is a sniper who is dangerous in every second of the fight."
"Visually impressive—keeping a close eye on the enemy's movements and recognizing incoming devastating attacks is key to successfully avoiding damage and gaining an opportunity to counter-attack."
"What actually makes Susan really great is how well she can take advantage of this action forward to deal pretty high single Target damage."
"A fighter's broad general abilities and extensive specializations make them superior combatants on battlefields and dungeons alike."
"The most important skills in melee combat are your sense of space... and tactile feedback."
"AOE decrease accuracy, hits hard, can remove all buffs from an enemy and steal them basically, and hits hard."
"He's a skilled fighter. He's very marketable."
"Having the mental stamina to push through the toughest challenges has to make somebody a good fighter."
"He's had four wins since the Chris Curtis loss so he's on a four-fight win streak, three of those by rear naked choke." - Luke
"His confidence is absolutely off the charts and he can damn well fight everywhere."
"I punch harder, I punch faster, I got better boxing, got better combinations."
"Boa Hancock's Armament and Conqueror's Haki make her a formidable opponent."
"Lee Joon kyung admired hyung's leadership and combat skills, and watched him in action during the raid, only increasing his respect for the guild Guild Master hyung is a force to be reckoned with."
"In a one-on-one confrontation, Percy is avoiding almost every single attack that these characters throw at him."
"Reggie can absolutely annihilate Rick and this after shrinking down to Rick's size to give him a fighting chance."
"Their years of training and fighting together left them almost evenly matched."
"Armed with a mighty great sword crafted from the bones of deceased dragons, his two-handed skill is not to be taken lightly."
"With this Clash putting the emphasis on hitsugaya's incredible sword play and even some hand-to-hand expertise."
"Rangers, like paladins, not only Excel in martial combat but can also cast a select number of spells aiding them both inside and outside of combat."
"Knocking players off high places, Thunderstorm knocks all enemies 20 yards back, usable while stunned, restores mana, and deals nature damage."
"Warpath: Mastering this third dimension of the battlefield will be key to your victory in combat."
"Let's put Vice in here and let him slash with his swords."
"He seems really good this plus is Keen sense of battle judgment makes him more competent At Close Quarters combat than most imagine."
"A lot of people have this weird perception that Bleach characters are not adept at hand-to-hand combat..."
"I'm just saying he's got a little bit more one-on-one showing than Law, so for example he stops Big Mom's sword when she swings it and slams her to the ground."
"The ability to hit the target is a more important skill than changing magazines during intense combat."
"If you think about it, it's like Superman, he doesn't need to know how to fight for the most part."
"He's got lots of great specials, lots of great strings."
"Ultra instinct, enough to give Beerus the willies."
"but I imagine that the samurai would have the ability to block arrows right as well as be a mainly specialist and do really really well"
"He's definitely become a far more capable fighter since the beginning of the series."
"Roma is an expert in martial arts and able to beat someone double his size easily."
"He'll knock you out, he'll tap you out, he's a martial arts video game character come to life."
"His karate background translated perfectly into the sport."
"This was a magician who could use offensive and defensive spells and was also excellent with a sword."
"He's got every weapon you could have."
"I think people forget that I can actually strike."
"...if he thinks the prota is weak in hand-to-hand combat just because he's a mage then he's terribly mistaken."
"Raiden is an extremely adept fighter, being able to outskill Solidus Snake, contend with and ultimately defeat Jetstream Sam, and go blow for blow with Vamp."
"Aldo can slip a punch on a moment's notice and come back with three punches that would take your head off."
"That was awesome, the way that you fought him. Where did you even learn a fight like that? You literally made him your baby."
"Batman's stats are that of a heavyweight boxer but a relatively small one."
"Punisher is able to fight on par with characters like Daredevil himself."
"Though primarily a swordsman, Vader was an adept hand-to-hand fighter supporting his lightsaber combat with punches, kicks, grapples, elbow strikes, and headbutts."
"Gamera can manipulate his mana in combat, which is useful when you've lost your arm and need to give your enemy a kaiju-sized Falcon Punch."
"If we're talking about fused Momoshiki, obviously, he outclasses Naruto. The taijutsu, the fact that he required an adult Sasuke and an adult Naruto to duo and team up in order to keep up with him on an even playing field, yes, Momoshiki got it over Naruto for sure."
"I think that I'm superior in all the different ranges of combat."
"Luck scales above Noelle. I believe it'd be a close fight but he is superior in speed and power and is a much better fighter than Noelle."
"All rangers are trained in hand-to-hand combat."
"Greninja moves with the speed and grace of a ninja through the battlefield as he slices and cuts his enemies with sharp shurikens and blades of compressed water."
"The grades weren't bad: in the perception stage, the young man scored 99 points; in combat abilities, he had 98 points."
"What we have here is a six-month campaign of attrition, a series of battles in which the U.S. is basically honing its fighting spirit, honing its fighting proficiency against a very formidable foe."
"The Navy is actually a fighting force with some considerable esprit and talent in the craft of breaking things and killing people."
"He's pretty solid, dangerous on the feet, durable, has a submission game as well."
"Goku's martial arts skills give him an edge in battle."
"Darth Maul's array of skills and powerful offensive allowed him to pose credible threats to Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Grievous, and even motivate Sidious to confront him directly."
"He's a lethal weapon, his hands are lethal weapons."
"The standout performance in this is truly Betty Gilpin."
"She's got this real quirky nerdy behavior but it's all wrapped up in these badass combat skills."
"The Wolverine is a skilled fighter with razor-sharp claws and a fierce temper."
"Superman is physically superior almost in every area, is perfectly skilled at using his powers in combat, and is actually an intelligent, strategic fighter."
"She's smart, resourceful, more than capable in a fight, and quick on the draw."
"It's mandatory that you be an expert master hand fighter before anything else because if you can do that, then you can prevent someone else from doing anything else."
"Her equal proficiencies with both the force and her combat training led her to eventually take up the mantle of a Jedi Sentinel."
"He's got brilliant elbows and good knees on the inside in the clinch."
"The gurkhas proved themselves to be fierce adversaries."
"The dexterity-based attack flurries and ricotta counters that could utilized with his dual phase Sabre staff allowed him to beat."
"Lu Bu was a master Archer, a master Horseman, and a master fighter in hand-to-hand combat."
"Luffy has some actually badass attacks."
"In a fight against the Custodes, it would be Sigismund's skill not strength or speed that would win it for him."
"Nami officially joining the crew, she's funny, she's useful in combat situations."
"Every day they practice different forms of fighting skills so when they turn into teenagers they can be used for several dangerous missions without being suspected."
"Alice fought in one of the great wars, so not only is Alice a fighter - but she’s a military-level trained fighter."
"Thor is clearly the best fighter on the team here."
"Leonardo being the most skilled when it comes to just raw fighting skills in general."
"The Mongols are incredible at open and field combat."
"It was so freaking badass, just the fact that they're both realizing that they're skilled fighters."
"Like Diana, she is also a skilled combatant and has enhanced strength and speed due to her heritage."
"Batman fights and tags enemies stronger and faster than Iron Man faces, has better preparation, is smarter, more resilient."
"You can be a great warrior, a great swordsman deadly across the land, but if you have no idea how to fight hand-to-hand combat and you don't have a sword, you're now useless."
"She's a killing machine, she has razor-sharp teeth, sais, magic, teleportation, invisibility, superhuman strength, and more."
"Good luck, kiddo. Until now, there have been only three people who could block my axe."
"He is a master marksman, weapons expert, master martial artist, including former boxing champion, and much more."
"Lynn's anger meter charged quickly and he employed a Charged strike."
"Her strength comes from her fighting skills and her trichokinesis powers which allow her to control her hair."