
Dharma Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"You don't find your dharma; your dharma finds you."
"You don't find dharma; it just dumps itself in your lap when you are ready."
"One of my favorite definitions of Dharma is eternal purpose or Eternal Duty. It means something that you're naturally inclined to do, something you have proclivities and propensities for."
"For a long-term relationship that is as good as marriage in the eyes of Lord Shiva, convert that into a Dharma."
"I think that when we know ourselves, we're less easily controlled by outside influences. When we know ourselves, we're tapped into a power within that allows us to navigate our Dharma, our true calling."
"I really love, like, I think about my Dharma and why I'm here, and to me, it's to be a healer."
"Dharma thrives in grey. Dharma has no issues with grey. Dharma welcomes grey."
"Dharma is about duty or responsibility it's sort of like a concept flow say to some that happens in your brain and karma is not something that happens in your brain."
"Dharma is not a set of religious rituals; it's about personal transformation."
"Dharma rises, protects the land, people, and helps the nation grow spiritually, culturally, and materially."
"It's a teaching about Dharma, basically, about the way of things."
"What I have to share is Dharma, what I've learned, what I've been doing for the past 25, 30 years, since business is the major social institution in the world at the moment, it's more powerful."
"The whole of the Dharma is contained in the flower, is contained in a moment."
"Live, making yourselves your own island, your own refuge. Do not take any other refuge. Take the Dharma as your island, take the Dharma as your refuge, and no other."
"This is the Dharma that is good in the beginning, good in the middle, and good in the end."
"...once we're in the state of unity Consciousness and we're operating from that level of reality what happens is karma now becomes the oppositional Catalyst it becomes the springboard that pushes us more and more into our Dharma..."
"...the path of the Dharma is to be simple, not a simpleton."
"Following a path of dharma is a crucial way to deal with our karma."
"Your Dharma, the love that you really crave, really is on the other side of you becoming a clear communicator."
"The Dharma is the heart. If you want to practice the Dharma or learn the Dharma, learn the truth, learn the way, just look into the heart."
"Karma is our ability to take action and Dharma is our conscience... when you can take actions according to your conscience, do the right thing, that's when you reap the rewards of being you."
"The real teaching of Dharma is how you live."
"Our obstacles are really our soul's unique curriculum to help us embody our dharma."
"The path of correct dharma practice transcends existence and rebirth."
"Dharma practice really opens us to the possibility of a much greater happiness, a happiness that's not dependent on this flow of changing phenomena, not dependent on gratification in the moment."
"The Dharma of the Buddha is not dead, it's out there on the internet."
"Whoever pursues the Dharma and discipline to the end of the path will transcend the cycle of birth and death and make an end to suffering."
"Dharma is not just one thing, it's a multi-layered facet of existence, but when you align with it, you know it, you know you're doing it."
"Even a little of this dharma removes great fear."
"The king is to follow dharma and that making happy people will in turn make a happy king."
"If you're really in your Dharma, you love it. You don't feel like what you're doing is work."
"These teachings, this sacred dharma, is built upon love."
"The unsurpassed profound and wonderful Dharma is difficult to encounter."
"The Dharma of emptiness is the true Dharma."
"Throughout the Dharma worlds in 10 directions, ordinary beings of the three states and the Six States will become clear and pure in body and mind."
"This path of Dharma practice is a path of opening to what is true."
"So Dharma is noted invention, it's a discovery of the laws that underpin reality."
"Dharma is not restricted to the Indian subcontinent, they have to be universal and eternal."
"Following one's Dharma means living a life with purpose and ethical standards, which can be compared to the minimalist focus on intentionality."
"May their hope and pursuit be fulfilled according to the Dharma."
"The whole point of so-called Dharma practice like a vipasana is to disrupt the order of cause, condition, and effect."
"Your mind will be in harmony with the Dharma."
"Following one's own Dharma is more important than doing another person's Dharma perfectly."
"Learning, growing, healing, and transformation lives right inside the heart of Dharma."
"After all, we learn the Dharma not in order to pass examinations to get certificates, but in order to find out various means of practicing that is suitable for us."
"That joy I discovered came from the Dharma and their practice and their devotion to the Dalai Lama."
"The highest Dharma is the growing and giving of good food."
"For most people, figuring out what your Dharma is and doing your Dharma is far more important."
"You can be small in the right way with the right action; that's what Dharma is, the right action, the right livelihood."
"For the pleasure of so-and-so devata and for the increase of dharma in the world, I am doing this ritual."
"Their energy is very progressive in the Dharma which is to keep on moving, which is to keep on advancing."
"The true Dharma that is the essence of all good has no way to decline or deteriorate because it is immutable; it is the source."
"The Dharma is that which is beyond the world; it is that which each person should see for himself."
"The highest Dharma is to develop love at His Lotus feet. There is no higher Dharma than this."
"By following their Dharma and avoiding six temptations, a Hindu can break the cycle of rebirth."
"Avatars are gods that descend to Earth to intervene whenever help is needed to restore Dharma."
"The god has given a free nature, but the dharma is in the middle, that's called balance."
"The lesson of the Gita is that everyone faces difficult choices, but they must act on them according to their Dharma, no matter how unpleasant."
"Hindus believe that Dharma maintains balance in the universe."
"The duty, the responsibility we have to the Dharma, is to bring the truth of non-duality into this chaotic multiplicity."
"The Blessed One has set in motion the unexcelled wheel of Dharma that cannot be stopped by any contemplative or deva or Mara or god or by anyone in the cosmos."
"To have faith and to be glad while studying the Dharma, this is the greatest auspicious sign."
"It's that which sustains, the purpose or sense of ... dharma is that which keeps things going so that it can unfold."
"Always they followed dharma, the right choice."
"When a dharma flourishes and dharma is in decay, I take birth from age to age."
"Dharma is mental awakening and physical absolvence."
"The Dharma that the Buddha taught is something to be applied while we are here, for making actions, words, and thoughts correct and proper."
"The authentic Dhamma of the Buddha is not something pointing far away; it teaches about at our self and that things are not really self."
"Living with Dharma is like walking a path that's just right for you, one that matches your deepest values."
"By choosing to live with Dharma, we open ourselves to a life that's not just about getting by, but about being deeply connected to what's true and good."
"Ananda was actually very knowledgeable about the Dharma itself."
"Please turn the wheel of the Dharma, grant the teachings of the Hinayana and Mahayana to all sentient beings according to their intelligence and receptivity."
"Whenever Dharma declines and Adharma is on the rise, age after age, I come into being to protect the virtuous, destroy the wicked, and reestablish Dharma."
"God descends to uphold and reinvigorate the dharma and the teachings and the truth."
"We must accept our Dharma joyfully."
"Dharma means truth, the natural truth."
"All Dharma's arise from conditions and all Dharma ceases to conditions."
"You don't need to meet the Buddha; you need to meet the Dharma."
"One who is honest, sincere, straightforward, I will teach him the Dharma; he can understand."
"Dharma has many meanings; it can mean law, it can mean duty, it can mean virtue, but the bottom line in most cases is doing the right thing."
"Dharma is very easy to know; if an action helps the people, if it benefits everybody, then it's Dharma, and if it harms people, then it's Adharma."
"Dharma means everyone is doing the thing that they're inclined to do and supposed to do, but they're doing it with some measure of free will."
"The secret of the Vedic civilization is called dharma."
"Dharma keeps us on the path of appropriate cultivation of sexual energy, virtue and wisdom."
"Better is death in one's own dharma."
"To follow correctly the Dhamma, there are two things which have to go together hand in hand: one of these is understanding, the other is practice."
"It's extremely difficult for three conditions to come together... to be born as a human being, the true Dharma is still in the world, and you're able to meet the true Dharma."
"The Dharma is the fundamental element of lawfulness operating in the universe."
"The Dharma focuses upon the lived immediacy of human life, upon our own life."
"The Dharma is the true nature of things, the truth that's written into our own experience."
"The person who sees the Buddha also sees the Dharma."
"The Buddha is essentially the embodiment of the Dharma."
"May we use our body of leisure and opportunity hard to find as a wish-fulfilling gem for meaningful practice of the dharma."
"The Dharma is the path and the truth, and the Sangha is the community of those on the path."
"Dharma could be defined as that which supports."
"Swami's love and God's love is the only way to practice Dharma in daily life."
"The only way to practice Dharma in daily life is to have love for God."
"You guys are going to do wonderful Dharma work, you guys are going to write in such a way that with your skill of composition you'll benefit so many people."
"We're all very fortunate to be able to do retreat on this day and learn and devote our lives to the Dharma."
"Duty for the sake of duty, right Dharma, it's a big teaching of the Gita."
"Lead a Dharmic life, a Satwik life, control our desires."
"If we have power and wealth, let us use that dharmically."
"We have a dharma to act on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves."
"The principles of Dharma that keeps families together, the principles of Dharma where we do our work with integrity, we earn with integrity, we spend with compassion."
"Living a dharmic life, cultivating this inner count foundation through satsang, sadhana, and sadachar, is the foremost responsibility."
"The greatest opportunity... to actually exemplify, teach by example, the sacred principles of Dharma, the true character."
"The roots of Indian married life are deep in dharma and truth, and the reason for this is yoga."
"What you need to learn is the Dharma teaching itself, not my personality."
"My philosophy, my Dharma teaches me to be kind, period."
"You cannot practice dharma if you're born in any other realm, so you need to be a human."
"The goal of the study and the practice of the Dharma is to see the truth."
"What is ultimately real is Dharma, here and now, and timeless."
"The Buddha does not create the Dharma; the Buddha discovers the Dharma through his enlightenment and he makes it known to the world."
"The nature of Dharma is inconceivable."
"What is Dharma is not at all clear; often in life, we find ourselves in a place where doing one course of action causes one sort of harm and the alternative causes another."
"Dharma means the way things are, the truth of the way things are, the way it is."
"You don't need to protect Dharma; Dharma will protect itself."
"Teach your children to become sufficiently robust and established in Dharma that they can face any challenge wherever it rises."
"Because dharma is meant to lead to bhakti. But if Dharma doesn't lead to bhakti love, then it didn't fulfill its purpose."
"True yoga, real dharma, in its highest form, is that which awakens the natural qualities of love that is within our hearts."
"Loving service to the root and to all parts of the tree of life is the actual original translation of the meaning of dharma in the Sanskrit language."
"The supreme dharma is that which awakens our inherent love, a love that is not motivated by selfishness or egoism and can never be interrupted by circumstances because it's who we are."
"One can perform one's own dharma, though lesser in merit, is better than the dharma of another."
"If one is continually aware of impermanence... one can begin to incorporate the practice of Dharma into one's life."
"To save the holy, the good people, to destroy the wicked, and to re-establish or to validate dharma."
"They look at the path with you and associate it with Dharma, a higher vibrational path, a new path."
"The conquest by Dharma has been won repeatedly by Ashoka."
"Likewise here in the king's territory among the Greeks, everywhere people are conforming to Ashoka's instruction in Dharma."
"Dharma unfolding; remember that you are on a path. Take one step at a time to happiness."
"The best way to learn Dharma is to apply Dharma to this moment."
"Krishna says you have to fight your Dharma."
"Be like Hanumanji: worship, service, surrender, kindness, love, duty, dharma."
"Large parts of the Ramayana and large parts of the Mahabharata are about the nature of Dharma."
"Dharma means the way things are, the nature of things, nature reality."
"Do our Dharma, meaning to our obligatory duties, righteousness."
"The love should be under the control of Dharma."
"Imagine yourself as being able to live and work and do everything that you do from this place that's called Dharma."
"Ultimately, one has to say that the Mahabharat, more than anything else, is about the nature of Dharma."
"Dharma is about harmony, to live in a way that is harmonious."
"Great introspection, spend time with yourself, go for a walk, take care of your body; these are the first Dharmas, these are your starting Dharmas."
"Where there is no crime, the people will be happy, and in that way, Dharma will be established."
"Dharma means reality holds you in freedom."
"Live in this world happily, enjoy the goods of the world, but within the framework of Dharma."
"Dharma is something that is sought, so now you should start looking for it."
"True sacrifice, which is what Sanatan Dharma is all about, showing how we can sacrifice here."
"One of the best ways to move forward in life is to live your Dharma."
"Choose your Swadharma; your own nature, then you are going according to your basic constitution."
"Doing your Dharma is not about a particular outcome, it's about your actions."
"I'm an infinite source of energy that is trying to manifest in the world according to my Dharma."
"You will be here in search of spirituality and will also understand what Dharma actually means."
"You will be a Seeker during this time, you will hear a lot of seeking into the realm of Dharma, into the realm of righteousness."
"Dharma is like a mirror that is able to reflect the deepest truth within us."
"Taking refuge in the Dharma is like building a waterworks in our heart or in our mind."
"My dharma is not to judge others but to do what I can to make the world a better place and to alleviate suffering wherever I find it."
"Non-violence is the highest form of dharma."
"You are on a path to the unfoldment of your Dharma."
"You're stepping into your Dharma, your highest calling."
"The concept of Dharma is really more intimately related to the sense of acting in accord with cosmic order."
"...the act of interpretation is ongoing, just as the act of living is ongoing, and to live a Dharma is a communion."
"...the idea of Dharma of having a sense of who you are is sometimes at odds with this idea in the modern world, a sort of modern humanistic idea that I create my own reality, I can be whoever I want to be, I'm a blank slate and I'm just waiting to write my own story here."