
Serendipity Quotes

There are 3771 quotes

"You don't find dharma; it just dumps itself in your lap when you are ready."
"Suzan points out that it must be fate that they met."
"Pursue excellence, ignore success, and then everything happens: synchronicity, meaningful coincidences, the state of grace, effortless being, spontaneous fulfillment of desire."
"Every important thing that's happened to me has been done by accident and often by miscalculation."
"I'm always at the right place at the right time."
"Kingdom Hearts owes its existence to a string of chance events."
"This is about accidentally running into women who are healers to you."
"Out of all these people, we found each other."
"Serendipitous... moments that will never happen again, it's the once-in-a-lifetime street photo."
"The only way to capture a serendipitous image is really to be well practiced out all the time."
"This appears to be a house that just randomly generates coins, and I'm not going to ask any questions or complain one little bit."
"Serendipitously, I fell into this spot. And every single day, I'm grateful."
"Sometimes the best things in life happen by accident."
"Good things take time; great things happen all at once."
"Have you ever had something random happen in your life that is so incredible it gives you goosebumps? You cannot explain it, but you know this is not just a coincidence. This was meant to happen."
"You might not be able to explain them, but you just know it was meant to be. It gives you goosebumps. It's like a little wink from the universe or God or whatever you believe in."
"I take this opportunity seriously. I recognize it exactly for what it is: total serendipity, and I am beyond grateful."
"The best things in life come when you least expect them."
"We meet in the year 1999 in Ohio, and 150 years ago, our ancestors came from two towns separated by a hill less than a mile away from each other."
"Just as those people whom you met by chance became effective agents in the structuring of your life, so you have been an agent in the structuring of other lives."
"Luck is on your side, so this indicates serendipity as well, just being in the right place at the right time."
"Find love unexpectedly, like fairy-tale love you didn't even think was possible."
"It was like magical, it was just meant to be."
"It's going to happen when you least expect it in the most unlikely of circumstances."
"The odds of similarly being able to do that in one place is astronomical... it becomes more than a coincidence, it starts to become this serendipity."
"I love when things come together perfectly, even if it's just for our enjoyment."
"Take a chance, let Serendipity be your guide, look at the big picture, chase the lifestyle, and don't be scared to work hard to make something out of what you've got and to create your perfect life and your perfect dream, whether that be in Portugal or elsewhere."
"It's difficult for a serendipitous event to really change the course of your life...unless you expose yourself to situations that you're unfamiliar with."
"The idea of a Serendipity Vehicle...opening yourself up to connections and opportunities from all around the world."
"I never pictured it to happen this way, just kind of a blessing. I fell into the right lane, met the right people, be genuine with genuine people, and they'll open up doors for you that you'll never have imagined."
"The story of Bliss is a story filled with serendipity."
"Innovation is sometimes serendipitous where things you're trying to innovate one thing but you learn something or there's some sort of interaction that leads you in a completely different direction."
"It was an accident. It was because of music."
"Years later, they found a dollar bill with her name on it. The universe literally gave her what she had manifested."
"Anne Parish found her favorite childhood book with her name and address in it. Meant to be, right?"
"Not only did they go to Disney at the same time, but they ended up in the same childhood picture together. Meant to be, indeed."
"Fred and Lynette found marriage vows in a message in a bottle that matched their own marriage dates. A sign of destiny."
"The universe is plotting in your favor... making serendipitous things happen."
"This happened by accident... but there's something beyond us working in this moment."
"These serendipitous moments, these things that you're almost in disbelief at how well they're linking up because it just feels truly like magic."
"It was just this collision of right time, right place, right people, right idea."
"Every lucky accident is a big part of game design."
"Their connection was instant, and for Tatyana, it felt like striking gold."
"We were there for Jesus King, we were there, oh my God, we're imagine by accident by accident because our energies are aligned by on purpose by God's purpose."
"There have been a lot of discoveries and many inventions that have become a thing purely due to a serendipitous moment when luck timing and fate come together."
"Some pretty amazing things can happen in this video we'll take a look at some of the most astonishing things that were discovered by pure chance."
"There is a wonderful opportunity headed your way that's just out of the blue this month for you."
"You just feel blessed that I was in the right place at the right time under the right circumstances to be able to accomplish what we did."
"As you continue to move towards your vision, you will start to notice that people, circumstance, information will show up in the most unexpected ways to guide you."
"It's almost like you'll find this person when you're staying home a lot, and then you find a sudden date you click with..."
"Some of y'all may just got out of something and not looking for something. It's like when you're not looking for it, that's when you get it."
"Someone is going to pretty much glide into your world."
"It all just kind of fell together, so it seems like all these coincidences started happening."
"If you look for things, you find them... good things will show up when you need them."
"Unexpected friendships could come into your life."
"Some of my best discoveries, my wife will say I'm still an idiot most of the time, but I find most of my best things when I, you know, completely by accident."
"Sometimes insane people stumble across something."
"The universe perfectly aligns people into your life when they're supposed to be there."
"Nothing is by mistake, is it? It's just wonderful."
"That legit happened. That was the dopest coincidence ever."
"There's something magical about what we ended up with."
"I guarantee you'll find love when you're not looking."
"It'll be meant to be, it's a great thing about life, sometimes you gotta let it happen."
"Meeting these people does not happen by accident."
"If we just relax and allow life to happen to us, magic happens."
"It's pretty cool how they just randomly bumped into each other."
"My goal was not this, but I ended up exactly where I needed to be."
"Good morning, I'm so glad that I woke up in the middle of the night and found you. This must be fate, feels like fate to me."
"Full disclosure is coming; in the age of Aquarius, there will be no more secrets."
"Coins - when you're finding loose change on the ground, they're pulling your energy towards it."
"Everything was just perfect, this beautiful woman just sort of literally tripped and fell into my life."
"Love comes when you're not looking, point-blank period."
"Eventually you meet the right one, and I knew the universe would do the work to match me up with the right one."
"Magic happens when you just walk around and bump into people and talk to them. Magic."
"Luck is on your side, happy coincidence is happening."
"Some of our greatest achievements might've been total accidents."
"I just sort of fell into it because it just brought me joy."
"Funny you showing up on this day in particular."
"It's like the fate is bringing someone into your life, it's like the dice have been rolled and it's bringing someone really amazing into your life."
"Sometimes what you're looking for bends right."
"Be open. Serendipity plays such a greater role in our lives than we would ever figure."
"If you're meant to meet the person, you will cross that person's path no matter where it is."
"The universe knew that your one-year anniversary is coming up and so produced this news as a personal present to you, Rashad."
"This is like a gift from the universe for you."
"I've actually never believed in the gods but I've always believed in serendipity."
"Serendipitous events await—no coincidences here."
"Things come to you when you least expect it."
"You guys are ready to experience life and really step into this new sort of happiness."
"Serendipity: right time, right place, right person."
"Destiny meeting destiny has brought you together."
"Extract wisdom from the past and apply it to your future."
"You meet your actual person when you're least expecting it."
"The most important things that ever happened to you will come from unexpected places when and where you least expect it."
"Every encounter that seems like a coincidence is actually a moment for personal growth and momentum."
"One of the greatest things we can add to our strategy plan is to pursue greatness not just success."
"A chance meeting is no mistake. It is divinely orchestrated as a catalyst to set the wheels in motion for the fruition of your prayers."
"It was really special that our paths could cross in that exact location and time for us to meet in person."
"Life is crazy man. It's crazy to think of everything that came together over such a long period of time for this moment."
"Something good is happening right on the nick of time. Perfect timing, ascension, serendipity."
"The Stars aligned... everything just perfectly aligned to do this Cruise..."
"You know when you just find something or something amazing happens to you and everything just kind of falls in together into place?"
"Life will find you and bring you everything you require without you having to search for it."
"I got butterflies in my stomach as I realized what a coincidence this was."
"Fisherman discovers Message in a Bottle. Imagine fishing in the Tranquil Waters of Maryland Solomon's islands and stumbling upon a piece of History floating in the water."
"Sometimes when things go totally wrong, amazing discoveries are made."
"There are no coincidences. Meaningful coincidences have intention behind them."
"Sometimes this person will text you at the most uncanny moments."
"I can't help but think that it must be fate that I met you today."
"There's probably a lot of lazy Indie developers who accidentally made masterpieces and I love that for them."
"I was meant to find this exact quilt at this exact time."
"Just to look at how many people have discovered incredible finds purely by accident actually that sounds like fun let's do."
"Chance meeting it's a special it's it's not just an adjective chance applied to meeting it's a special kind of meeting a chance meeting the apparently accidental encounter of two people which turns out to be deeply influential to the fate of many."
"Timing will be perfect, entering your life when you need them most, not just when you want them."
"The stars couldn't have aligned better for you."
"It was kind of a Christmas miracle that I've been there that night."
"The story of Korg is one of happenstance, Serendipity."
"Serendipity, happenstance, destiny... just three ways of saying the same thing. If something is supposed to happen, the universe will make it happen."
"There's a blessing coming here out of the blue, so God is either bringing a blessing or some opportunity of some sort is going to appear."
"Honestly, I ask myself the same thing every day... right place at the right time."
"You don't always have to take every karmic lesson; this situation is faded, you guys are meant to meet."
"It's almost as if Fate has brought you to me for these phones."
"And if no polluted water ever makes it through the system, there's really no reason to leave it on in consuming power."
"Let's cherish the coincidence that brought us together."
"The fact that there was contamination could have resulted in Fleming tossing the plate out and not thinking twice about it; however, he noticed that something peculiar had happened."
"A chance introduction would lead me into the most amazing adventure of my entire life."
"I am a witness to this... the right people will come into your life at the right time. Doors will open without you having to try and force them open."
"It's astonishing how the universe will start presenting you with material."
"One of my favorite moments of accidental casting."
"Did some trickster god place that stone there to have the trip, avoiding an untimely doom? The incident sure seems like something to come from a mythological tale."
"A missed train that sees you meet your future wife or a drunk conversation at a party that sparks the idea for the next billion dollar startup."
"Every once in a while the stars align and the true treasures are uncovered."
"Imagine being a person who finds a painting by one of the greatest 20th century painters of all time just hidden behind a wall in your home."
"Alfred Yankovic came face to face with destiny when his mother purchased an accordion from a door-to-door accordion salesman."
"Tristan found it very lucky for the woman that an EMT, a doctor, and a sheriff's officer all happened to stop within one minute of the accident."
"Sometimes an unexpected development hiccup can work out in the end."
"The success of Bendy was actually a complete accident and entirely unintentional."
"You are each other's wish that you never expected."
"I can't believe I only played this on a whim for a totally unrelated video. I hope you can take away from this video how much groundbreaking art exists at the fringes of public awareness..."
"If someone is meant to be in my life, they'll find their way."
"It feels like it is a lucky break being in the right place at the right time."
"It was all a Happy accident that luckily I had the courage to allow myself to keep walking."
"We just happen to look into exactly the right time to be here."
"Trust that you are at the right place at the right time with the right people."
"If something is meant for you, it's gonna work."
"Serendipity: the good things that almost always happen to a person following a bold course of action."
"This is power. You ask for it, it is being delivered."
"Some of the most rewarding experiences we have come about through random circumstances of which we have no real understanding." - Bridgette Fisher, CEO of NeuroCam International
"I think we lucked out by getting this cookie."
"That was one hell of a coincidence, as Bob Ross would say, a happy accident."
"It's not about waiting for the stars to align but about aligning ourselves in a way that makes us magnets for Prosperity happiness and Serendipity."
"We found each other and I think it was meant to happen."
"Set yourself up in a position to embrace Serendipity."
"Anytime that I've met someone worthy of discussing in a video... I genuinely was surprised by their appearance into my life."
"Sometimes things just come together. I was in a very special place."
"Switched my year abroad around, dodged a bullet there."
"Take a little break from love, and true love might just fall into your lap."
"Sometimes happy accidents do the best of all."
"T-Pain's family was heavily into music, one day his father was walking by a street and found a keyboard on the ground."
"It's like the stars aligned on a lot of things for the show."
"You will find friendship in unexpected places."
"Life is short and it's pretty incredible what happens when things work out."
"It's cool that those sorts of things kind of have come together in a way."
"I feel like everything is meant to be, even just people walking in."
"Serendipity is the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way."
"This is a gift from the universe, something that is straight down the middle."
"I think it was pure chance and alignment of different events that led me to take a break from my primary profession architecture and work on game development instead."
"There's something that feels serendipitous here, like fate."
"You don't have to be looking for a job for something to fall in your lap."
"Everything just came together like it was meant to."
"The universe is stepping in to gift you a situation."
"If I had not queued up at the right time or made that joke I wouldn't have met the absolute love of my life."
"Something just always comes through for you when you need it the most."
"Surprise and delight, serendipity, such an exciting part of life."
"Many people had great breakthroughs by accidentally bumping into a stranger."
"Sometimes the right things come into our lives when we least expect them."
"I put in basically no practice and then I won my first game on a fluke... I should hire kren door to just tutor me."
"It's like finding a five dollar bill in the middle of an abandoned street."
"You actually think that I was just the right guy at the right place at the wrong time."
"It was a miracle - so very different people found each other."
"It's going to feel like fate, it's gonna feel like totally meant to be."
"A pair that said please take me with you, it seemed like the universe had during the two of us together."
"There's something to do with Destiny, chance, meant to be, some kind of fun times and communication."
"This is gonna happen in such a magical way for you that it's going to feel serendipitous."
"Love tends to find us when we're not looking for it."
"Enjoy the journey and you will always find yourself in the right place at the right time."
"It's not a coincidence that you're here. This is going to be the exact message you need to hear."
"Go to the bakery, get a scone, sit on the park bench, eat the scone, your soul mate will sit down next to you."
"This is a destined relationship, meant to be together at the right time. Fated, meaningful, and filled with coincidences."
"It just so happened that it fit perfectly into the box which it's always a good feeling if something like that happens almost like it's meant to be."
"Luck is on your side, serendipity being in the right place at the right time."
"You can't deny when you ask for something, sometimes it just pops up right in front of you. Is it coincidental? Is it the universe? Is it God? Is it Buddha?"
"If the divine, cockeyed genius assigned to your case decides to let some sort of wonderment be glimpsed, for just one moment through your efforts, then 'Olé!'"
"Everything just kind of works out when the stars align."
"There is a fortuitous event where you actually meet someone."
"You never know when you're gonna meet the right person."
"It's beyond coincidence... you can't make this stuff up."
"Just happened to be perfect like the perfect time the perfect place with everything kind of aligning."
"As soon as you stop looking for something, along it comes."
"Stay open to new love, watch for unexpected connections."
"Huge surprises, it's like being at the right place at the right time."