
Realization Quotes

There are 27132 quotes

"You'll get to where you want in life, just not in the way you imagined."
"The worst thing you could possibly do in life is strive to achieve someone else's definition of success and only to arrive there and realize that it's not yours."
"Every single time I do this, I can't help but realize the importance of fatherhood. That that's the only thing that really actually matters."
"And I wanna know that when things click, massive rapid transformation happens."
"It's the first time I really understood love because I didn't have anything to give."
"I heard God's voice say, 'I'm everywhere. You can't run no more.'"
"Nothing can stop me cause I'm addicted to what you and I realized."
"The nature of realization in Kashmir Shaivism is recognition. Enlightenment is like recognition."
"If you can visualize it, you can actualize it."
"We had never discussed me quitting or nothing... it's just a light bulb went off and I go, 'I'm putting in my two weeks.'"
"Have you ever had that moment when you recognize that your passion could also be a source of income?"
"The aha moment is the door that opens, but your new life does not begin unless you step through the door."
"The future is what you make out of it. You can make it real."
"You're going to feel all of a sudden like wow this is what freedom feels like, this is what it feels like to be alive."
"Maybe the real treasure was the friends we made along the way."
"Art, science, and religion are but three ways to the same realization."
"Reality is love. That's the highest thing I've realized. I think that's the highest thing you can realize."
"If you think about it long enough a light will go off in your head and it will become simple."
"What the heck, I didn't even realize he was hitting me."
"I first read The Four-Hour Workweek and came across the idea of passive income, and immediately my mind was blown."
"You yourself are your own source of maximum happiness, you just don't see it."
"Don't quit. This whatever this is, is gonna bring wisdom, its realization, its awakening."
"Truth is truth, and should be learned and accepted and realized for its own sake."
"If even a small portion of the world's humanity... really realize this truth and manifest it in life, this world would be turned into a heaven on earth."
"You are realizing deeper about what your purpose is and who you are."
"Even just a couple of years from now, you're going to be in such a different place in your life... you're going to be looking back and being like, 'Oh my goodness, if I ever even knew where I was going and what was happening beneath the surface, like wow.'"
"Dynasties are something you look back on, not declare you're creating in the moment."
"For so long, I've always wanted to be different, and now I realize I just need to be myself."
"That day, like it went perfect. I realized that day, I was like, 'Oh my God, I really, really, really like him.'"
"Everybody crashes, and then you're faced with that crash and you either have an epiphany or you don't."
"You can't win this game. You have to walk away from this table. The game is rigged."
"Once you recognize it, it's done. The only thing is, you might need to dwell on it intensively for some period of time."
"The boundaries that were imposed upon us were self-imposed."
"Over the next year, you are going to be making these huge realizations and massive changes, massive shifts that are going to bring you to your fulfillment."
"Cleves had begun to understand some humans were just trash."
"That's when I thought about what I thought about when I got the email: 90 days and the end of a marriage."
"No, baby Nugy, I'm not sad because I'm hungry. Actually, in matter of fact, my stomach just growled. I am hungry. But anyways, now, baby nugget, I'm sad because you're not real. You're just an animated chicken nugget popped on my screen, and you are never real and never will be."
"I forgot about the money thing. I really got to get on making money."
"I guess it's just one of those things that you don't realize till it's gone."
"Get real moment for you: sometimes we discount our own intuition, don't; it's solid."
"It took me a while to realize this, but once I've done it, life has been very peaceful."
"Starting to gather your bearings and slow down, realizing you've been rushing around for nothing."
"Sometimes, the more you learn, the more you realize what you don't know."
"Love is so much better than I ever could have imagined."
"I didn't realize what I had until it was too late."
"You will achieve your desirable success, what you've been waiting for."
"Unfortunately, people only open their eyes once it's reached an insane point."
"Maybe we were wrong about this... Let's correct ourselves."
"It was a moment that I realized that I needed to stop listening to everybody else... and truly believed in what I could do."
"I realized for the first time that I was in this amazingly fascinating space."
"Realizing that you have choices is incredibly powerful."
"I think you're going to have some flashes of little realizations soon about what your goals are."
"It's like designed to be cruel...you realize how special it is to have these children."
"Before I was shot, I always thought that I was more half-there than all-there – I always suspected that I was watching TV instead of living life."
"I refused to believe that I was misunderstanding the situation; this new reflection was able to match me perfectly."
"You're gonna have this moment where you realize, 'Oh my God, I'm good enough.'"
"To be able to really have that realization and to feel that in all those aspects, you have to be doing work on your ability to love yourself independently of all those things."
"Words are vibrations; you have to realize that today."
"It's the realization... that everything is just completely absolutely relative."
"You're finally starting to realize just how beautiful and worthy you are."
"It is for not for repetition, it is for realization."
"This eclipse is very spiritual, brings deep realizations, brings deep deprogramming from the past, and opens the path for new beginnings."
"Imagine having that moment and realizing it's not coming from any person, any object, anything... it's not coming from anything outside of you."
"Love is something that you can only realize and experience... love being like a breeze and the work isn't to find the breeze, the work is to open your sail."
"Jim Carrey said that he hopes everyone becomes rich and famous so that they could realize that it's not the answer."
"Power to me is the ability to close your eyes and imagine a world the way you wish it was, and then open your eyes and make that world come true."
"It's discomforting to see things that you've anticipated happen, especially when they turn out to be the very things that you've dreaded most."
"Wow, well done. Holy, that you know what, it makes perfect sense."
"If you wait too long to decide what you're gonna do with your life, you'll find out that you've already done it."
"We are just beginning to find that we get out of this world what we think into it and work out of it."
"The spiritual dimension... there is no deep human realization for any individual outside of understanding her or himself in relation to higher order principles, truths, realities."
"There is a moment when everyone knows that we cannot free ourselves."
"It was the first time that, at a certain point, we realized we're not gonna be able to work, and that's okay."
"It was absolutely gargantuan. I haven't really let this sink in, but you realize this is the exact same spot that I saw, like, three blue whales last time in my only ever whale watching."
"You can spend your life climbing a ladder and then realize you had the ladder against the wrong wall."
"You don't know what you got until it's gone."
"There's a cost of greatness... I recognize real-time the things that I have to sacrifice to get what I want."
"You're getting paid to do a job. My dumb Huckleberry ass could figure out that no, you don't do that."
"It was an amazing dream come true moment for me."
"Consciousness is already that way, and yet we're spending all our time seeking to have a good enough reason to realize that."
"What I didn't realize before I was imprisoned, was that I was already living in a prison of my own making. The prison in my mind."
"It's safe to say that we were absolutely mind-blown."
"One day I realized I had the funds, and I just got up and took a flight to Africa."
"You don't really realize how often you use that compass until it's not there anymore."
"The most important thing I learned is you realize the things you lose after you've already lost them."
"It's really one of my favorites, Ace of Wands, because it's really you sort of realizing what you're passionate about. It's like a realization, almost an epiphany."
"I think for me, 'Broke Bitch' was the moment where I was like, this is a little too good."
"It's a really good feeling when I finally hear something I've written materialize."
"If I could never bring you peace, like, oh, so true, Taylor."
"The day you were chosen as Dragon Warrior was the worst, most painful, mind-destroying, horrible moment... But once I realized the problem was not you, but within me, I found inner peace and was able to harness the flow of the universe."
"The more real you get, the more fake the world becomes."
"In order to reach the rose, in order to reach the awakening... you have to go through the thorns."
"This realization happens at different stages of everyone's career, sometimes at the end, sometimes earlier if you're lucky, where you flip a switch and you go, 'I've scored the goals, made the money, the fame, whatever, I just want to win.'"
"It's not like one day you're going to walk out the door, and the piano of purpose is going to fall on your face, and you're going to understand exactly what you're supposed to do with every single part of your life until you're dead."
"From the first verse, I knew... this different."
"You're going to have a moment of 'Holy boy, you're going to panic a little.'"
"If this isn't a wake-up call, then nothing basically is."
"When we wake up to realizing that we have been relying on our internalized idea... it can trigger a profound grief."
"I realized while you're planning your life and you think you're going somewhere, your life's actually happening now."
"You never realize you're in the good days until they're gone."
"Versions of love that, once you see them, you can't help but see what they truly are over and over and over again."
"I don't get the same level of stress that I used to from work, and I think a big part of that was realizing that I don't have to work at all."
"I felt like I was dangling over a pit that I couldn't see the bottom of, but once I decided to let go of the branch and drop into it, I realized my feet were kind of on the ground already."
"I stopped touring after I released my last special... I realize exactly how much touring was keeping me afloat."
"I understand now why nobody else was right for me...why other people made me feel left out in the cold."
"What's the most valuable things in life? Then you discover what true wealth is."
"Many of his victims woke up; they realized the danger to themselves and their families."
"I've never understood the expression 'lost in the sauce' until now."
"Jim Carrey has that commencement speech where he says, 'I hope you get everything that you dream of, so that you can realize that that's not the answer.'"
"So this is what it's like to have its potential unlocked. This is Ultimate Bardock."
"Sometimes the truth will upset you before it sets you free."
"When you have a kid, you realize family values are everything."
"It all boiled down to one inevitable conclusion. I was just totally clueless."
"The Truman Show is kind of an interesting one... It's like he is trapped with strangers, he just doesn't realize it."
"There's a realization within this person that what they're feeling is real."
"I'm sorry I took you for granted. I didn't understand my feelings in the past."
"I think that you're also realizing your value... you're realizing that it's a lot higher than you used to think."
"Motherhood is not until you start getting older, and then when you become a mother, you realize."
"I've realized just in the last few years really that mood follows action."
"Don't waste this life because heaven on Earth is a reality. This is and I didn't know it for 40 years, but I live this every minute now."
"We just didn't realize it was going to be the last time."
"I got smarter... My whole life flashed before my eyes. I had to smarten up and get it right."
"It's a waste of time. I think we all know this, and we've learned it. That's why you guys are here; you stopped chasing. The energy is coming to you, and you know how to just reciprocate."
"It was an excruciatingly painful experience, but eventually, I got to the point where I said, 'Okay, I can recognize that this is a cult.'"
"I've always put my parents on such a pedestal, and then you get to that age where you realize your parents are just people, and they don't know everything, and that's such a scary realization."
"It's like, when you realize your parents are just people, and then you realize teachers are just people too."
"Every man, elf, and beast reaches that pivotal moment where we realize our parents aren't all-knowing, all-powerful beings; in truth, they're just as clueless as us."
"It's so simple, and you go, 'Oh god, why didn't I think of that?'"
"At the moment where you figure out where you're actually standing is the moment you realize what you can and can't do."
"This world is gorgeous. It is one of the most gorgeous, most well realized worlds I have seen in video games."
"There are times in life when you realize, for better or worse, you only get one shot at something."
"The Buddha Dharma doesn't ask us to give up control; instead, it acknowledges that we never had it in the first place."
"If everything is wet around you and you have some dry socks... not using that, my mind is being blown."
"The whole positive that I have taken from the entire situation is that the cocaine lifestyle I was living...that bubble was burst."
"The treasure was right in front of you the whole time. Maybe that's a metaphor for life."
"She almost had me in tears because she made me realize my worthiness."
"You're kind of like a person who stumbles upon a golden nugget, never realizing it was actually a gold mine."
"You start to have this realization... the golden moments of friendship... and then it's all over."
"You're gonna realize that you were kind of wrong in perception about certain things; you're gonna get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
"Hopefully one day we can all wake up as people on this planet and realize that the only thing that we have is consciousness and that has no race, it has no color."
"You think okay, I got so caught up in being popular that I forgot about the one person who's always had my back."
"The real issue is that everybody in your life values you except you."
"I went back inside my house after... and I was like, 'I'm wrong about everything. This is so simple. Jesus is Lord; he's the son of God.'"
"When a relationship becomes draining more than it's benefiting you, that's when you realize it's not worth the sacrifice."
"Sometimes we don't realize what the [ __ ] we had until it's not there."
"Maestro wasn't lying. They really did it. They blew themselves to hell."
"In my head, it was like a whole mountain I had to climb, and then when I got to the mountain, I was like, 'Wait, it's just a pile of rocks.'"
"If you have any sense at all, that wakes you up as much as anything will."
"You don't realize what you had until it's gone."
"It's my fault for listening to my friend. Friendship is found."
"Kids, sometimes the answer you’re looking for is right in front of you."
"There's a saying in English that your chickens come home to roost."
"Oh my god, I've made something really amazing there, and it didn't exist five seconds before."
"When you see a baby, you kind of realize that all human beings were that thing once."
"Computer science is about taking ideas and making them realities."
"It took me 25 years to learn that my parents' love wasn't all that I needed to exist."
"It's coming together; the pieces are starting to fit and you're starting to see how they connect."
"You just know it when you feel it, or you know it when you see it."
"Sometimes you don't know what you got until it's gone."
"Well, this is it. It's happening pretty much the way I said it would."
"The more I talk about this project, the more insane I realize it is."
"The first step out of the pit is realizing you're in one."
"They are they're having a heart awakening here."
"I watched them, and we just sat there and cried. I realized that I was paying people to do that."
"Once we learned that we could earn compound interest just like the banks and stack our own interest rates, we were like mind blown."
"Your ideas are materializing, and you're finally figuring out a way to make all of our inspired actions into material manifestations."
"When you learn what manifestation is, you realize you had it all the time; you just weren't looking in the right place."
"Whether you like it or not, we've always needed 4chan; we just didn't realize it."
"Map of the world by natural skin color: I'm really dumbfounded that I never realized skin color is literally just caused by being closer to or farther from the equator."
"It's only when our own survival is at stake that we finally realize, 'Hey, maybe we should change our behavior.'"
"Humans love other humans more than they realize."
"I realized I was like, Jesus Christ, dude, I can't be doing this. I've got to [__] make a change right now."
"They had to kind of lose you to realize how much they actually loved you."
"I realized everything that I was worried about, everything at all, what a crock... My problems aren't big at all. And my God, I'm alive and I'm healthy and I'm here right now."
"The moment they realize that their people have done something is the moment they realize that they can do something."
"The world is on fire, a realization of an apocalyptic nightmare we all share."
"There is no one so difficult to wake up as someone who is pretending to be asleep."
"In the past 40 years, America had a long dream about this faraway land... now we are waking up from that dream."
"It's unbelievable how fast equity and that net worth builds. It's like, wow."
"It's the perceived separation that we all have for each other. One day, if everybody were to wake up and realize that we are all one, it wouldn't exist anymore."
"You are all amazing, magnificent, perfect beings, but we don't realize it."
"One of the toughest things is to find out that a dear friend wasn't ready for the climb."
"Sometimes when you're living in the moment, you don't realize what you have until it's gone."
"This dream of mine is getting more and more real as the days go by."
"A lot of times, what you need is right in front of you."
"We have to wake up and realize that there's spiritual things going on."
"Gawain kind of forgets about the whole thing until the following Michaelmas when he remembers, 'Oh crap, I'm going to get my head eminently chopped off.'"
"Don't be afraid to take your ideas and make them come true."
"And I realized how amazing this thing really is. I realized there is so much more to explore in this world in my own head."
"It wasn't until someone said to me, 'Hey, your life is like the minute grains of sand in an hourglass, and when they run through, they're gone forever.' It gave me chills."
"When your dreams do come to fruition, it's like when you least expect it."
"There is a saying, 'You cannot wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.'"
"You literally have to hit rock bottom to acknowledge it, because people... are so comfortable."
"Do not underestimate how huge and massive what we've just witnessed today is."
"The narcissist is faced with the losses when he finally sees himself in the mirror, unfiltered, unembellished."
"At the end of the day, I think there's going to be some sort of come to Jesus moment."
"Oh wait, is that everybody in the world? Oh, there's a lot."
"People just know they deserve it. And that is the thing that people don't realize."
"People don't realize what they have until they lose it."
"In 2023, we once again find our country at a crossroads, a tipping point, a realization that something has to change in our nation."