
Immortality Quotes

There are 2357 quotes

"Sleep, I would argue, is Mother Nature's best effort yet at immortality."
"The secret of immortality is infinite flexibility and creativity."
"Consciousness, unchanging, is immortal and undying. Minds are subject to ups and downs, but at the level of consciousness, that misery does not exist."
"We are existence, consciousness, bliss in our real nature. We are immortal, beyond suffering, if only we would realize that."
"You are immortal, you are the one reality of this universe, you are perfectly at peace."
"I am existence absolute, knowledge absolute, bliss absolute, and avyaya (without decay). I am immortal, without change, without death."
"Advaita Vedanta teaches that you are the unlimited awareness, immortal awareness right now."
"So close he had, so far away of immortality."
"Realizes that only through difficult experiences will he become an immortal."
"In order to achieve immortality, I can't die."
"The Atman is beyond death, a simple statement but a very powerful one."
"The immortality of the Atman is the essential teaching of any kind of spirituality in any religion."
"Children of immortal bliss, you are immortal, you are not mortal."
"The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering."
"Living your life day to day based on a core sentimentality that never changes, that's true to who you are as a person, you're immortal."
"Maybe I'll have achieved immortality. It's like, no, it's guaranteed that you're going to die."
"If the series is really popular, that lends more immortality to the books."
"Earnestness is the path of immortality (Nirvana), thoughtlessness is the path of death."
"Our true nature is immortal; what are we worried about?"
"He can't be killed and he can't kill himself even though he tries."
"A mortal human being can become immortal; a finite creature can become infinite because we're touching it, and we channel it through our lives."
"Don't let your dreams die with you. Gift them to the world, and you will live forever."
"Everything formed is mortal by definition... but consciousness itself, truth itself, love itself, these are immortal."
"The Holy Grail, a legendary chalice, has captivated the imaginations of people for centuries with its promise of eternal life."
"Our bodies will be transformed into immortal bodies in an instant."
"An immortal body is a curse, not some special gift."
"I believe that the human life has a soul and an immortality."
"Liches are people who feel like the whole dying thing was not for them, so they've decided to put their soul in some kind of spooky Tupperware of Doom to avoid that whole mess."
"We are immortal spiritual beings living temporary human experiences."
"The last person surviving out of you guys will get a chance at immortality. All you guys have to do is kill each other."
"Welcome to immortality, ladies and gentlemen, the world where we can no longer take damage."
"As a result, humans throughout history have toyed with the idea of immortality and defeating death."
"But actual physical immortality within the universe may be possible, at least in a practical way."
"Do you want to live forever? Do I want to? Probably not... Living forever sounds kind of cool until you realize that life can get pretty [ __ ] boring."
"Now that you have the gracious gift of Tears, we can actually acquire the Dragon's tears and sever immortality."
"And, by making the dragon cry, we reject its gift of everlasting life."
"The heat death of the universe would be but a scratch to this character."
"The reality seems to be that in the world of One Piece, immortality has already been achieved."
"Gilgamesh...seeks out Utnapishtim...to seek the answers to immortality."
"Gilgamesh Tried To Become Immortal And Learned A Great Lesson."
"The Monks Who Mummify Themselves To Death In The Hopes Of Achieving Immortality."
"Immortality has destroyed humanity. Mindless zombies infected with immortality have hunted down and consumed the last human survivors."
"Promising people immortality, but my goodness, do they not know what they're getting into."
"Imagine that death may be an option. Imagine that aging could be reversed."
"Most of us now living have a chance for personal, physical immortality."
"The point is, what if you were immortal? You wouldn't need to worry about not having enough time, but if you knew your life would go on forever, would those high points still feel as meaningful or unique?"
"What do you do if you'll outlast both your art and your audience?"
"Immortality is kind of hard for writers for several reasons."
"Immortality-centric plots...usually they don't succeed and if they do, they usually wish they hadn't."
"Immortality is a very popular, very old trope. How old is it? Well, appropriately, it's a major part of the oldest surviving work of literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh, dated to about 1800 BCE."
"Flamel was the only known maker of the stone that gave him immortality, a feat that takes every trait Ravenclaw has."
"Moltres: The phoenix, the famous legend of a bird whose fresh blood confers immortality when drunk, is said to be modeled after Moltres."
"Thoth was an immortal in that he had conquered death, passing only when he willed."
"In the end, she has promised basically immortality via way of Luke's Resurrection in exchange for her undoubted loyalty."
"The chance to come back and live for who knows how long, hundreds, thousands of years... you could always check out, so it's an option."
"The universe is immortal because it's limitless and infinite."
"Perhaps inadvertently, he granted himself and his Floette immortality. Otherwise, how would they still be here 3,000 years later?"
"The dragons, as perfect vessels for its vision, are immortal, wield gold, and are immensely powerful and intelligent beings."
"Ancient Egyptians linked the bird, which they called Bennu, to immortality."
"Immortal beings of tremendous power who have carved out an indelible legacy on the lands between."
"The Count of Saint Germain is still alive today."
"Immortality through our discipline, we can experience true immortality."
"Dante transfers her soul from person to person using a Philosopher's Stone to prolong her life for centuries."
"Those that accept this offer have their lifespans extended indefinitely. Their bodies still rot, and their sickness gets worse and worse, but they don't feel pain anymore."
"He can make castles shrink and grow, he can't age, and if he dies, he goes to paradise with a get-out-of-hell-free card."
"And it's the things that made the Egyptians so very special, have ensured that they're now known right across the world and they've achieved their ultimate goal, to live forever."
"Wouldn't it be terrible if the people working on artificial immortality by genetic engineering succeeded? That would be hell on earth."
"Immortality opens a rich vein of questions that span ethical, metaphysical, and existential dimensions."
"The technology is here, immortality is technology. I'm not joking."
"Clearly the religion of Islam is not going to be spread without loss, without sacrifice."
"With some research, they've come to the conclusion that this virus can be used to further their immortality project."
"The last sentence speaks of the operation of the sun and is the true mystery behind why the pharaohs were considered sun gods and why they expected to live on in a god-like immortal state in the astral realm after the bodies expired."
"The theme of loss at the chance of immortality is clear in each of these stories."
"Death cannot conquer the hero. That's because the hero conquered death."
"My philosophy is always to live forever or die trying."
"Most people have at least a passing familiarity with the notion that you might be able to backup or upload your mind to a computer and in that way live forever, or pretty close to it."
"The Joker can never die because whoever kills the Joker within replaces him."
"A legion of immortal nearly indestructible warriors."
"We become immortal? What do you mean, become immortal? If we die, we die for good here, we cannot get eliminated brother."
"I think we're close to a future where parents are going to have to fight with their kids about becoming Immortal."
"Trans Transformations are also on The Cutting Edge of transhumanism... aimed at the eradication of death itself."
"The soul is immortal, remember that. The body is just an avatar."
"When you realize you are beyond fear, you are immortal, you are this consciousness."
"Everybody dies," he says, "but not me, because I'm gonna put my brain into a computer." - Elon Musk
"Immortal jellyfish: the only known creature that can technically live forever."
"What attracts us to Merlin is the fact that he is undying."
"Achieving immortality may sound like the stuff of fiction, but this is the startling claim of a mysterious, real-life historical figure called the Count of Saint-Germain."
"I know you're going to live forever. That's a given in my mind. I already know that's going to happen. You're secured in immortality."
"It's just like unplugging a computer from the wall, basically. The system shuts off and in principle, we could live forever if you just figure out how to repair this body."
"Now the name of this stuff is actually a Sanskrit word that means immortality, which is about as on the nose as you would expect from the people who named an unobtainable rare mineral 'unobtainium.'"
"Arwen lives as an immortal elf until she gives up her immortality to marry Aragorn. 'I choose a mortal life,' she says."
"Because I could not stop for death, he kindly stopped for me. The carriage held but just ourselves and immortality."
"Get right with God cuz that gives you immortality."
"We transition, right? We live forever, I like that Nanette, yeah."
"When you're infinitely conscious, you're literally untouchable. You're immortal."
"Every soul is immortal and upon death enters into a new body, which is reincarnation."
"I think he's figured out how to live forever."
"Kratos possesses the power of a god, which makes him immortal and nearly invincible."
"It's not just about living forever, the trick is living with yourself forever."
"As we see their bodies don't physically age from the day they're turned... sort of like a snapshot of their DNA permanently from that point on."
"He decides that he will take immortality through Conquest."
"Can I die? God's answer to me was that I am not a body, I cannot die."
"The topic of immortality is hotter now than it's ever been before."
"Some of my most memorable characters are the Immortals that I've abdicated."
"Eventually his search came to an end, and he discovered a ritual which would finally make him immortal… Unfortunately though, once completed, he was made immortal, but was also turned into a disfigured and wretched crawling creature…"
"It's a story about preservation and immortality, it's a story about the costs you pay in its pursuit."
"This offer basically guarantees you immortality."
"I am immortal... Somebody out there needs to hear us right now."
"But consider: Rome cannot die. It is too important and too stubborn for something so trivial as death to claim it for long."
"Knowing the benefits of this that I cannot die makes me Fearless."
"Go on, brother. God bless you. You shall live forever."
"You will live forever, no matter what. Who you are or your circumstances. Even living past the age of 100 years old, crippled, in a wheelchair, stuck on a ventilator, you will keep on living forever."
"Would you rather have unlimited money or live forever?"
"Palpatine's true power lies in his ability to cheat death and return, proving his mastery of the long game through the contingency."
"Children give us immortality, and immortality is a good thing after all."
"You can't kill a cornflake, it's part of a balanced breakfast."
"Nipsey Hussle may be gone, but the lessons he imparted and the impact he made are immortal."
"What would you be willing to sacrifice if it meant you could live forever?"
"17776 is a narrative story set in the future about football and immortal humans."
"I am a sucker for the idea of an immortal being curled up on the floor of a church, praying to a god he doesn't believe in, for the strength to leave her."
"Does it piss you guys off as much as me when they call vampires immortal and then in the next sentence, 'And here's the three ways to kill them'?"
"If people live forever, they might not have been able to progress."
"We do not die; these bodies just no longer become powerful enough to store our light energies."
"Your true self is immortal which is a light entity."
"Life is precious...that’s what you learn when you live forever."
"Art is almost immortal because you can choose to experience it again and again."
"Love brings us to unite with god and become immortal."
"Moving to just about a thousand years before the present day, the warlord Xu Wenwu makes a fantastic discovery of his own when he comes across ten otherworldly rings that grant him immortality and the strength of a god."
"We are immortal spiritual beings. You will not die when your body dies. A part of you goes on."
"Ford finally reveals the true purpose of the Delos secret project which is to make human beings immortal by like decoding their mind and understanding it."
"We will be the mega pirate with an infinite army of effectively self-duplicating wave attacking crewmates who will never ever die."
"That immortality is a reward for faithfulness, we're not born with it."
"Supposedly being dangerous to your health... we may all be immortal."
"Quantum immortality... reassuring that you are indeed immortal."
"For to know thee is perfect righteousness: yea, to know thy power is the root of immortality."
"The overflowing strength Leo harbors practically gives him immortality."
"You are an immortal spirit living a temporary human experience."
"The true church, the supernatural invention endowed with immortality."
"If one believes in immortality and divine reward and punishment, how can that make any sense?"
"Giving people the choice to decide what sort of employment they want is a more important freedom."
"He actually showed 300 individuals the path to immortality."
"Gift of immortality seems amazing because you just sack it every turn now it keeps coming back over and over again."
"Stand up, know who you are, and live forever immortally as a god."
"He is the closest thing to a son I will ever have. Unfortunately, he is, he is not human. He will never grow old, and he will never die."
"Being in the Matrix means immortality in a way."
"Adam warlock can never die... no matter what means it is that his physical body is destroyed."
"The human soul is immortal; for it, there can be no death."
"This ending also serves as an argument against the selfish pursuit of immortality."
"The immortal jellyfish: Biologically immortal, it can revert back to its juvenile form after reaching sexual maturity."
"Hold my Elixir, because not only did falconelli appear to have achieved immortality but he changed physically through careful study experimentation and committed esoteric ritual."
"Living forever... would change your perspective and how you act."
"I can give you a title bigger than that and a name: immortality."
"In the end, King Thanos could not die," the captions end.
"What happens when resurrected saints and saints who are changed from mortal to immortality suddenly at the same time are moving from earth?"
"She requested that Jones pursue the creature along with his crew for as long as needed, and in return they would be granted immortality."
"Living forever. -Would you like to live forever, Megan? -Would you, Craig?"
"Our task is to harvest from the mortal world fruits for the immortal."
"These adversaries live on, held in stasis, immortal and unchanging. They have inspired generations."
"Your consciousness being immortal certainly has its perks."
"You can't silence blood because you can kill the body, but the life and in the body it's in the blood."
"Your astral body is immortal; its energy can go through things, composed and comprised of consciousness."
"You've been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable."
"We are the secret servant because we know the secret of eternal life."
"He leads an army of coyotes... but most importantly he is absolutely immortal with 8615 health."
"You are immortal and know the meaning of our existence."
"Better it is to have no children and to have virtue, for the memorial thereof is immortal." - Amen.
"Your Consciousness shall as always has continue that deep down within the self was never born nor will the self ever die."
"Immortality is now on the menu, ladies and gentlemen."
"As long as there are writers and artists with stories to tell, publishers willing to print them, and readers willing to read them, the adventure never has to end, and our heroes can live forever."
"Marvel's Eternals: set around an immortal alien race created by the Celestials."
"Also known as strange ghosts or strange devils, the Yaogwai were mythical demons who wanted nothing more than to be immortal and godlike."
"Even after obtaining a strong immortal body, Muzan resented the curse of not being able to go out under the sun."
"What's it like to be a consciousness trillions of years old? I'll probably never know."
"What if we could upload our brain? Maybe that's a path to immortality."
"There are people that don't die because they have the immortal child being the book that they wrote."
"I wish I could live forever. Then other times I'm like, do I wish that?"
"I shall give you a gift: eternal life as part of La Voz."
"Well, not really 'cause we don't need to eat, drink, or sleep, and oh, that food do look good though."
"There was a lot of writing, I wrote about the secrets of immortality."
"Transferring consciousness – imagine if no one would ever die, right?"
"We humans of the earth are giving an opportunity to literally become physical immortals."
"Man perfected becomes a god only the gods are immortal."
"They want to gobble up more and more and more until the last minute, and believe it or not, some of them actually believe that they're going to live forever."
"You know you've really fucked up when even the immortals start losing their patience with you."
"Nobody should die ever again. There is no need."
"Thought is something that can't be destroyed and we are thought, therefore we can never be destroyed."
"Jin can never die fighting against losers like you." - Mira
"Humans are on track to achieve immortality in seven years."
"I would because if I ever got bored of immortality I'd just go kidnap a blacksmith and reverse the offer with his blood."
"We just unlocked the Regeneration Flames, now I'm never gonna die."
"Because a legend is an energy that never dies."
"My body is Immortal even if you only leave a speck of it I'll still recover."
"You cannot die, I am telling you from my own personal experience."
"You are the true you, the being that has no beginning and will have no end."
"It's all about you, your immortal self, your true identity."
"Guys, I told you I'm immortal. Like, I can't die. I swear I have cheese." - Confidence in one's abilities can be both amusing and inspiring.
"He got a new superpower after being near to death and he became Immortal."
"I shall not die, these seeds I've sown will save my name and reputation from the grave."
"Death is part of Life coming in many forms and leaving tragedy in its wake but it is not an end though The Departed may be gone their memory still lives on making them Immortal beyond measure."
"Music can never die, music can always live on."