
Life's Purpose Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Everyone in the world should achieve everything they've ever wanted... just to realize that it's not the point."
"You may not always understand why certain things happen, however, there's always a higher purpose to the events in your life."
"If we're here for anything, it's to experience beauty, to recognize it, and shout it from the rooftops when we see it."
"The name of the game is self-mastery if you want to know what is the meaning of life."
"What if playing with your friends is the point?"
"All this entire life that we have left, these few breaths that we have left until we go and meet with Allah, all of it will boil down to one thing: what did you make priority and what did you make secondary."
"What a joyous burden it is... to figure that out, 'cause imagine if you were just born into a place that worked. What would you be doing with yourself?"
"I'm choosing to see it as a way for God to move in my life to bring something greater."
"Your dreams are the keys, the revelation to unlock the mystery of your life."
"We all have a reason for being here, we all planned out our life."
"It is only through self-examination that we understand our place in the cosmos and on the Great Wheel."
"Understanding that God has a reason... is more important than you can imagine."
"The meaning of life is to discover your gift and the purpose of life is to serve it to others."
"Life happening all around us is happening for a reason. It's a process by which we create and define divinity."
"If you blessed enough to wake up, understand that god got a plan."
"Some of us come into the world to teach. We cannot evade our destiny whether we teach from our own selves or from others is of no moment."
"The Devil comes to steal, to kill, to destroy, but Jesus came to give us an Abundant Life."
"Every single one of you has been assigned an assignment in life by God before you even got on this planet."
"There's a spirituality to it, an overriding sense that everyone has a destiny."
"A destiny that is unfulfilled becomes your greatest argument with premature death."
"You don't have to understand the plan to trust that God has a purpose."
"Our times are in his hands so we know God allows all things to happen so that everything can fall into place."
"He is thy life and the length of thy days, no, He's your security."
"It was perhaps the only thing worth knowing."
"If Allah helps one person through you, well, like this is better than the dunya."
"In the light of shortness of this life, there is nothing more important than to find out what is true."
"Life has but one aim: to return to the source."
"You cannot live as though your life were purposeless and meaningless."
"With each passing second, each minute, every hour, we are edging closer to an appointed time when we will stand before God and give an account for what we've done with our lives."
"Life is but synchronicity... everything happens for a reason."
"The purpose of life is to ask the question, what is the purpose of life?"
"There's such a thing as the meaning of life."
"All of these questions and more, the purpose of life, why are we here, what is it all for, what is the reason for our existence, these are, of course, all the questions that religions in various different ways try to answer."
"It wasn't meant to go that way. This all happened for a reason."
"Everybody in this very moment or wherever you're at is supposed to be in your life right now."
"Life's meaning is comprised of the mountains climbed and dragons slayed."
"If you could break away from that, you can actually see the reality of life, what the existence and what the purpose of this whole thing really, really means."
"There's a reason you are where you're at." - Glenn
"Everything happens for a reason, and I'm such a strong believer of that. Like, you would not be sitting here right now if it wasn't for that, 100 percent."
"It was something I think that everything happens for a reason."
"Our job in this life is not to shape ourselves into some kind of ideal but to find out who we already are and become it."
"She's hobbit-like, all this [ __ ] was for a reason."
"Love is the meaning of life, we have to, it's the meaning."
"What if happiness isn't about what we chase or buy? What if it's about how we see the world and deal with what life throws at us?"
"It's easy to get swept away by the hustle, often forgetting to pause and ponder on what truly brings us joy and fulfillment."
"It's so common now, 'Hey, what do you want to do in life? What's life about?' I don't know."
"The whole idea of life on Earth is a test so Destiny is not supposed to affect human will otherwise it would be an unfair world."
"I thought what I was doing was the biggest thing in my life, little do I know that God was taking me away from that so we could create the greatest thing in our life."
"The question of how to find happiness, or how to find relief from struggle, or to understand freedom or love or what it means to live in a wise way."
"My greatest accomplishment are my children. Besides that, everything else has just been a roller coaster ride with the blindfolds on and both feet on the gas pedal."
"Life was meant to be shared with someone, life was meant to teach us how to give ourselves to someone else and to allow them into our hearts."
"Your life's work, your dreams, your hopes, your determinations, it was all there."
"Trust that all the pieces of your life fit together, even if you can't see the whole picture."
"Why are we here? That's a question a lot of people tend to ask."
"The guy loves wrestling, it's all he has."
"When this life is over, God doesn't reward you for how many cars you drive or how many houses you live in."
"She was always filled with a tremendous sense of achievement as though she'd taken part in something far greater and more important than her mere life."
"You are living on the edge of eternity right now."
"If I can help somebody as I pass along, then my living is not in vain."
"There must be more to life than this, and then the mystery of the soul begins."
"When there is no meaning to life, life has every meaning."
"It really is one of the most essential of spiritual exercises to anybody who really wants to attain a deeper understanding of what life's all about."
"This life is a test; if you follow God's teaching, the outcome of that is Paradise."
"They don't define you. There's still that intelligence and that yearning for life that you are, but have survived all that, that's where the answer is."
"Our earthly journey is imbued with an eternal significance; we are not mere spectators but active participants in a grand cosmic drama."
"The purpose of life is not the purpose but the fuel of life is purpose."
"The craving that always drives you on, always searching... when craving disappears and you feel 100% satisfied, 100% content, 100% happy, there is no more search needed; it means you have found the answer to the meaning of life."
"Oshun represents that which is worth living for, whatever that is for you."
"If there's no one in this world who you're willing to die for, how boring would life be?"
"What's the meaning of life? There we go."
"Only one life, so soon it will pass, only what's done for Christ will last."
"You are on a straight path that goes straight to its destination."
"In the latter half of life, the purpose should be to bring wisdom and create culture."
"Whatever we're after, ultimately in the end, if you keep asking the question, the ultimate goal is always some form of happiness and well-being."
"If you get everything you want the minute you want it, what's the point of living?"
"To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life."
"The whole game is for enlightenment."
"What does life asking of you? What is life offering you?"
"Life's goal is to survive no matter what, and survive it did."
"Deep down, I know this is how life is actually supposed to be."
"Responsibility really is life's great meaning."
"Trust what's going on for you; there's always a higher reason for the things that we go through in life."
"...except to listen to themselves and to seek inwardly for answers to life's questions and the meaning of life and why we're here and what we're supposed to do."
"There's more to life than just what I had thought there was."
"You want to come to the end of life and say, 'God, as best I know my heart, I did what you said.'"
"I'm not gonna be arrogant as if I know the meaning of life."
"The meaning of life is in the unknown."
"And I applied my heart to know wisdom and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also is but a striving after wind."
"You never know what God got planned for you before you leave here."
"Isn't that what it's all about? Well, sometimes."
"Only one life, it will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last."
"So many things in this world feel so purposeful and at the same time so random."
"There's something else that life has for you, and that's why you're here."
"When it's all said and done, I want God the Father to say, 'I'm pleased'."
"Is not life given us to become richer in spirit?"
"It can all change in a heartbeat, man. This is what we all live for."
"Whatever happens in life, you give meaning to whatever you have to do in life."
"For who knows what is good for a man during his lifetime, during the few years of his futile life?"
"I am now devoting my entire life to the struggle against the vile Nazi creatures."
"The real opportunity of life as we know it is to transcend, to experience transcendental knowledge."
"As confusing as life is, there's a higher purpose and meaning to it."
"The only purpose that this world holds is just as a backdrop for you to follow your guidance, there is no other purpose for this world."
"Happiness comes in this form, that form, this form, that form, whereas the journey is perhaps the point."
"Life is the question we live our life."
"Looking directly at the sun, at the light of the world, and seeing what we see, that's the game, that's the game of life, the game of awakening, the game of goding, the spiritual game, the master game as it's been called."
"The ultimate purpose of human life is really to recognize what life is and what you are."
"Everything in your life that happens literally happens for a reason and maybe it doesn't make sense right now but it will make sense one day."
"Sometimes God can take the righteous home because this is no place for them."
"Trust that everything is happening for a reason."
"Everything happens for a reason; it wouldn't happen unless we needed it."
"We all die one day, and there is a meaning to life."